
Music code

Oct 10th, 2017
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  1. <div id="player">
  2. <audio controls>
  3. <source src="Music link here (link must end in .mp3)" type="audio/mpeg">
  4. </audio>
  5. </div>
  7. if the player to end up looking like a circle with a play button, add this after your style code at the top [with the position it's in, it will appear at the top middle portion of your profile]:
  9. #player{
  10. position: absolute;
  11. top: 4px;
  12. left: 48%;
  13. border-radius: 20px;
  14. width: 34px;
  15. border: 4px solid #[HEX code for color here];
  16. box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px #[HEX code for color here], inset 0px 0px 16px #[HEX code for color here];
  17. overflow:hidden;}
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