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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import dpkt, sys, time, getopt
- from socket import inet_ntoa
- messages = []
- msg_filter = None
- sleep_time = 0
- loop = False
- output_file = None
- capture_file = None
- def parse_response(json):
- global messages
- global msg_filter
- global output_file
- # convert to object
- parsed_json = None
- try: parsed_json = eval(json)
- except: return
- # make sure it's a msg type response
- if parsed_json['t'] != 'msg': return
- # find the actual msg object
- for msg in parsed_json['ms']:
- try:
- if 'type' in msg and msg['type'] == 'msg':
- #make sure this isn't a duplicate message
- if msg['msg']['msgID'] in messages: continue
- f_message = "%s > %s : %s" % (msg['from_name'],msg['to_name'],msg['msg']['text'])
- # if there is a filter only find if it matches
- if msg_filter != None:
- for filt in msg_filter:
- filt = filt.strip()
- if len(filt) == 0: continue
- if filt in f_message:
- print f_message
- if output_file: output_file.write(f_message + "\n")
- break
- else:
- print f_message
- if output_file: output_file.write(f_message + "\n")
- messages.append(msg['msg']['msgID'])
- except: pass # parsing exception
- def start_sniffer(capture_file):
- # patterns used for parsing out json
- start_pattern = 'for (;;);'
- end_pattern = '}]}'
- start_pattern_l = len(start_pattern)
- end_pattern_l = len(end_pattern)
- f = None
- pc = None
- # read the capture file
- try:
- f = open(capture_file, 'rb')
- pc = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
- except:
- print "unable to open: %s" % (capture_file)
- sys.exit()
- try:
- for ts, buf in pc:
- data = None
- try:
- # make sure it's the right type
- eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(buf)
- if eth.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP: continue
- ip =
- if ip.p != dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP: continue
- data =
- except: continue
- try:
- # find the start of the json
- start_pos = data.find(start_pattern)
- if start_pos != -1: data = data[start_pos+start_pattern_l:]
- else: continue
- # find the end of the json
- end_pos = data.find(end_pattern)
- if end_pos != -1: data = data[:end_pos+end_pattern_l]
- else: continue
- parse_response(data)
- except: pass
- f.close()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print "CTRL-C closing..."
- if output_file: output_file.close()
- f.close()
- sys.exit()
- except: pass
- f.close()
- def usage():
- print "usage: [OPTIONS] -c <pcap file>"
- print
- print "-c <pcap file>"
- print "-f <msg filter> (comma separated)"
- print "-s <sleep time> (use with -l)"
- print "-o <output file>"
- print "-l (keep looking for new messages)"
- print "-h (show this message)"
- print
- def parse_argv():
- global msg_filter
- global sleep_time
- global output_file
- global capture_file
- global loop
- opts = None
- args = None
- try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hlc:f:o:s:")
- except:
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- if len(args) != 0:
- print "Unknown argument(s):",
- for arg in args: print arg,
- print
- print
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- for opt in opts:
- if opt[0] == '-c': capture_file = opt[1]
- elif opt[0] == '-f': msg_filter = opt[1].split(",")
- elif opt[0] == '-o':
- try: output_file = open(opt[1], 'w')
- except:
- print "could not open output file"
- sys.exit()
- elif opt[0] == '-s':
- try:
- sleep_time = int(opt[1])
- except:
- print "invalid sleep time"
- sys.exit()
- elif opt[0] == '-h':
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- elif opt[0] == '-l': loop = True
- if capture_file == None:
- usage()
- sys.exit()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- print
- print "Facebook Chat Sniffer v0.3 by SB91"
- print
- parse_argv()
- start_sniffer(capture_file)
- # loop if the flag is up
- while loop:
- time.sleep(sleep_time)
- start_sniffer(capture_file)
- print
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