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FAQ for /cpg/ 1.1

a guest
Oct 26th, 2013
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  1. /cpg/ or competitive pokemon general, is exactly what it says. Competitive pokemon. This means that the pokemon you use are for competitive purposes, not the pokemon that look the coolest or the ones that were your bros in game. These are pokemon you use to win, not to have friendly battles with your friends with. Competitive battles are usually done on simulators where all the pain and hassle of breeding and training pokemon are eliminated. The most popular pokemon sim (with some gen 6 support) is
  3. What are IVs?
  4. IVs can be thought of as a pokemon's genes. They decide the type of your hidden power, as well as your stats. For each extra IV point you have at level 100, your stat will be one value higher.
  6. What are EVs?
  7. EVs are like stat exp. For each 4 EVs at level 100, a stat will have 1 point higher than one without. A stat can have a maximum of 252 EVs (meaning a +63 boost to a stat), and a pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EVs (Meaning 2 maxed out stats, and an extra point in another stat)
  9. What are natures?
  10. Natures increase one of a pokemon's stats by 10% and decrease another stat by 10%. These are very useful for pokemon because it is a 10% increase, and some pokemon (like Machamp) don't need special attack. Here are some handy natures you should remember: Adamant (+atk, -spA), Modest (+spA, -atk), Jolly (+spe, -spA), Timid (+spe, -atk). Adamant and Jolly should be run on physical attackers, and Modest and Timid should be run on special attackers.
  12. What does [term] mean?
  13. Look here:
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