
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 23

Mar 4th, 2015
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Chapter: After the argument with her once idol and mentor, Twilight runs out of Town Hall and into the street. Deciding that the only safe place left to her is her home, she rushes to Golden Oaks Library while her mind replays the argument and slides in pieces of her past to match what Celestia was saying. Finding an unexpected parallel between Spike and Anonymous, she goes on to question how much Spike really means to her along with recognizing him as her #1 assistant. Once she reaches home she seeks to make things up to Spike.
  6. Posted in Thread 1039
  7. ===================================================================================================================
  9. >High in the sky you and Rainbow Dash race towards Unicorn Ridge with Spike clinging on to your neck tight. You press your body to match Rainbow’s speed which at least keeps her in sight.
  10. >Pinkie shouts and waves from below as you pass the farm and zip off into the distance.
  11. >From your eagle-eyed view you soon spot two specks wandering the grassy hills. Rainbow leans a hard right into a dive.
  12. >Spike clenches even tighter when your wings hint at the same.
  14. >As you get closer a gap grows between the distinctive shapes. Shortly thereafter you are able to confirm that it is Anonymous and Fluttershy following the tree line with Anonymous leading by several lengths.
  15. >A set of front facing eyes notice your approach then turn away and continue walking. The other set looks to you in relief.
  16. >”Oh, thank goodness you found her.”
  17. >With a hefty flap of her wings, Rainbow slows down and lands right besides Fluttershy.
  18. >Realizing the change in targets you try to mimic the maneuver, but your landing requires a brief trot into a stop.
  19. >Spike eagerly jumps off of your back and kisses the ground muttering something about never again.
  20. >You move to catch up with Anonymous, but you stutter and hold yourself back.
  21. >”Sorry that took so long, Fluttershy. She wasn’t with Princess Celestia, Luna, or Cadence. I had to dig her out of the library.”
  22. >Hearing that name adds weight to the anchor in your mind. Instead, you fall in line with Fluttershy and Rainbow.
  23. >”That’s okay, you’re both here now.”
  24. >Spike rushes from his spot on the ground to join the three of you.
  25. >”And I’m here too.”
  26. >Fluttershy gasps with a hoof to her mouth.
  27. >”Oh, of course. I-I wasn’t expecting you, but now we can surely figure out how to get Anonymous back to the farm with you helping as well.”
  30. “So what’s the situation?”
  31. >Her mane swings frantically as her worried face sets on you.
  32. >”I can’t get Anonymous to stop or turn around. I mean, I’ve tried everything; asking, asking nicely, pleading, even politely suggesting but with no luck. They were not even interested in a hoof-full of butterscotches.”
  33. >She holds out the candies for emphasis and you narrow your gaze.
  34. >”I only took a couple. Just in case.”
  35. >Her guilty yet apologetic smile works on your immediate disapproval, but if bribery didn’t work this makes the problem tougher.
  36. >Spike cuts in while reaching for one.
  37. >”Aww, it can’t be that bad. They’ll get tired eventually.”
  38. >Noticing the coming claw, Fluttershy hides them away much to Spike’s visible disappointment.
  39. >Strange enough, it is Rainbow who stays focused on the immediate task rather than food.
  40. >”But why’d they leave in the first place? Once we figure that out then we can just get whatever it is they want and convince them to go back.”
  41. >”It’s obvious what Anonymous is looking for, Rainbow Dash, and I don’t think we will have any more luck than the guard.”
  43. >Rainbow tilts her head at Fluttershy.
  44. >”Oh yeah? Well what is it? I’ll go find it lickety split.”
  45. “Anonymous wants their parents.”
  46. >The blue coated aspect of pride wavers with her head reeling back while wearing genuine surprise. A flash of self annoyance floats into her expression which she quickly snuffs with her usual confidence.
  47. >She hunkers her body low while spreading her wings.
  48. >”Guard schmard. I’ll cover this whole forest, you just watch.”
  49. >Not bothering to wait for a response she shoots up into the canopy creating a zigzagging trail of color as she weaves through the branches.
  50. >You do not doubt her word, and pray for her success. Another whisper joins your silent prayer.
  51. >”Good luck.”
  54. >Anonymous stops dead in its tracks at the sound of rustling leaves. Slowly turning towards the source, they look into the forest for a moment and then sidestep farther from the border before moving onward.
  55. >You keep your respectful distance waiting for them to go first. Spike sticks with you; however Fluttershy is a different story.
  56. >She passes at a steady pace, shortening the gap, yet once Anonymous continues the gap finds equilibrium. You easily catch up with her and carefully watch her legs.
  57. >Each of her hooves plop with faint relief while the next takes its shift; an offbeat canter the result of her short lulls in each step.
  58. >She spots you observing her and gently smiles.
  59. >”Anonymous ran off in such a hurry I didn’t get the chance to tell anyone we were leaving. By the time Rainbow Dash found us it must have been hours. Anonymous did slow down after a while, though if I stop I don’t think I could get up again.”
  61. >She states the fact so casually as if you were discussing an old adventure that it takes a second to register.
  62. >Her blatant disregard over her own health sets off an internal tick that you rein in from practice. Meanwhile, your brain recovers from the hiccup and juggles your two personas.
  63. “Why don’t you use your wings?”
  64. >”Nmmm mmm. I’d be too slow.”
  65. “You should head back to the house and get some rest. Spike and I can take over from here.”
  66. >”No, I can’t leave with Anonymous worried like this. I already did that once.”
  67. >You huff and shake your head. Your friends always were stubborn.
  68. >Probably why they made such great friends.
  70. >You slide close to Fluttershy and stiffen your posture. She accepts the wordless offer and leans into you.
  71. >”Thanks.”
  72. >Travelling as a set of conjoined twins, you follow behind the unstopping Anonymous.
  73. >Still unwilling to confront them, you take the time to make note of the behavior while Spike and Fluttershy simply keep walking. Of course, Spike is an impatient dragon.
  76. >”What’s the plan, Twilight?”
  77. “There’s definitely something odd here. Fluttershy, has Anonymous made any calls since this morning?”
  78. >”Why yes. They were shouting the whole time after we left the farm.”
  79. “When did they stop?”
  80. >”Um, around the time you three showed up.”
  81. “So it waited until it was far enough away from everybody, and then stopped when we were around.”
  82. >Spike scratches his cheek.
  83. >”So they’re shy?”
  84. “Not exactly, but close to the right track. I think the problem is us.”
  86. >Fluttershy nearly springs off of you.
  87. >”But Anonymous made the calls when I was here. And they seemed happy around everyone at breakfast. You called it ‘Active Stage A’, right?”
  88. “My thoughts exactly. What happened after I left?”
  89. >”Oh, everything started out fine. Anonymous and I sat in the living room after breakfast, and they showed me some of their pictures. After that they drew a few more and we talked for a bit. Then Anonymous left through the front door. I thought they might have wanted to go see the others or the farm, but they kept running.”
  90. “You two talked? What about?”
  91. >”Umm…I’m not sure if I should say.”
  92. “Why not?”
  93. >”Well, it’s just that it was kind of private.”
  94. “Please? It could be important.”
  95. >She looks to Anonymous for a moment and then back to you. Letting out a heavy breath she looks to the ground.
  96. >”…okay. Anonymous used the drawings to ask me where there were forests and about the animals living nearby. They used the picture of you and the bandersnatch in the questions a lot, and…well…they went out of their way to avoid the apple orchard.”
  97. >”So, Anonymous doesn’t like trees?”
  98. “More than that, Spike. Anonymous is scared. They have gone into ‘Active Stage B.’”
  99. >”Meaning?”
  100. “Meaning I don’t think they are going to stop until they can literally go no farther. I also don’t think they want our help; or more precisely, are afraid of it.”
  103. >Fluttershy fully stands alert on her own legs.
  104. >”They’re afraid of our help? That’s awful. How can we fix that?”
  105. >Steeling yourself, you leave the two behind and trot besides Anonymous. Stretching your wing you aim to wrap it around them.
  106. “Hey—“
  107. >A sudden force shoves you off of them, and Anonymous speeds up.
  108. >Freezing on the spot, you practically go into shock from the act.
  110. >Anonymous pushed you away. They really are scared of your help.
  111. >Remember, Twilight, you are not guardian material. They are right to do that.
  112. >Anonymous has relied on you too much already, and it nearly cost them. Instead they want to rely on their own kind. They need to.
  113. >Everything would be better if their actual guardians were here.
  114. >But they’re not here!
  115. >Anonymous has had to rely on ponies for several days: for food; shelter; comfort. Even their own safety was something Anonymous had to rely on you for.
  116. >And although the potential that said reliance may become semi-permanent must be a scary thing to comprehend, Anonymous is willingly risking everything over admitting it.
  118. >Any lingering sense of self doubt and pity evaporates as you watch Anonymous endlessly march out of fear. Fear of what truth more of your help would bring.
  119. >Spike had a similar episode.
  120. >And just like with Spike, you cannot afford to grant Anonymous its wish.
  121. “Anonymous.”
  122. >Anonymous slightly turns an ear but then goes back to ignoring you.
  123. “Anonymous!”
  124. >Not even a pause.
  125. “@*#*$$%-!”
  126. >The foreign shout stops them in their tracks.
  127. >Finally allowed to close the distance, the three of you reach Anonymous, although they do not bother to turn around.
  128. >True to her prediction, Fluttershy’s legs give in once coming to a stop and she eases herself to the ground. Spike stays by your side.
  131. “@*#*$$%.”
  132. >Your second call is more warm and compassionate, and this time they do face you.
  133. >Their eyes open wide when spotting Spike though they do not linger on him. Shifting their attention to you the lids narrow again.
  134. >Being on the receiving end of that look nicks at your very core, but you have to stay strong.
  135. [Time]; [Lunch]. [Us]; [Go] [Inside].
  136. >[No].
  137. [Food]; [Soon]. [Me] [You]; [Look]; [Later]. [Promise].
  138. >[No]. [Me]; [No] [Go] [Inside].
  139. [Anonymous]; [Please].
  140. >Anonymous fiercely bangs its arms while red cheeks accompany desperate huffs.
  141. Shhhh. [You]; [Okay]. [You]; [Safe]. [We]; [Find]; [Guardians]; [Later].
  143. >A grinding yell louder than any you heard before echoes across the hills.
  144. >Fluttershy’s head plummets to the ground and she covers her ears while you are left stunned from both attacks.
  145. >Anonymous takes off, and a small claw grabs them at the wrist.
  146. >”Wait up.”
  147. >Struggling to hold on, Spike digs his heels into the ground creating streaks of dirt as Anonymous drags him for a short distance.
  148. >With a yank of their arm Anonymous attempts to break free, but upon examining the hand shaped grip on their wrist all fight leaves their body. Instead, watery eyes beg for something else.
  149. >”Easy there, you gotta be careful. Running off by yourself out here is never a good idea. Trust me.”
  150. >Spike lets go of Anonymous and the two stand facing each other making the vast height difference apparent.
  153. >”Actually, I’m not sure if you can understand me, but I suppose it’s worth a shot, right? We don’t want you to get lost or hurt, and there are a lot of nasties around. I should know, what with dragons being one of them.
  154. >Now, I heard there have been a few issues between you and Twilight over there, and I can’t blame you for it. Frankly I think most of it is in her own head, but I also understand that you don’t want to be here. It’s not where you belong.
  155. >But she’s trying: and Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, the Apples, the Princesses, the guards; they’re all trying really hard to help. We’ll find your folks as fast as we can, you just have to believe. No matter what never lose hope.”
  157. >Pain taps at your heart while your body hangs in place lest a false move interrupt Spike.
  158. >Although he may not feel that way anymore hearing him talk about not belonging still hurts.
  159. >Hearing it for Anonymous is no better, though you must admit they had a whole different life before several days ago.
  160. >Given the sad scrunch Fluttershy is having trouble keeping herself quiet as well. Still, she manages.
  161. >”So what do you say? Can you keep strong for a while longer and come back to the farm?”
  162. >Anonymous’ tear stained eyes stare at him with vague pools threatening to burst.
  163. >”Tell you what; if it ever starts to get to you just call on your newest dragon friend. Deal?”
  164. >Flush cheeks burn hotter, but give no signal one way or the other.
  165. >”Uh, let’s just shake on it.”
  167. >Spike holds out his claw in a manner you have rarely seen him do. Surprisingly, Anonymous does not hesitate to clasp Spike’s claw with their hand.
  170. >The irregular small convulsions of Anonymous’ chest start to settle and wane.
  171. >”See, that wasn’t so—“
  172. >Slumping to the ground, Anonymous wraps their free arm around Spike’s shoulder and pushes their head over the other.
  173. >Once in the embrace, the dam breaks. Loud wails of the two calls for their guardians follow suit.
  174. >Spike does the only thing he can do, and pats Anonymous on the back.
  175. >”I know, buddy, I know.”
  177. >You smile with pride at what your little dragon has accomplished. Saying that kind of stuff could not have been easy.
  178. >However, he did what must have felt right and the results speak for themselves.
  179. >Free to move again, you leave Anonymous to Spike while making sure Fluttershy is okay.
  180. >You’ll give Anonymous some time to get it out of their system before heading back, which will also give Fluttershy some time to rest.
  181. >That does kind of leave Spike there, but he has shown to be capable of handling himself.
  182. >”Hey, Twilight? You did say Anonymous was safe, right? Grip and all?”
  183. >On second thought…
  184. “Yeah.”
  185. >”Oh, good.”
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