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a guest
Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. case 4173:// Venenatis
  2. int prayHit = Misc.random(2);
  3. int styles = Misc.random(2);
  4. if (styles == 0) {
  5. npcs[i].attackType = 2;
  6. npcs[i].projectileId = 165;
  7. // System.out.println("using magic no effect");
  8. } else if (styles == 1) {
  9. if (prayHit == 1)
  10. c.getPA().drainPray(i);
  11. npcs[i].attackType = 2;
  12. npcs[i].projectileId = 165;
  13. // System.out.println("using magic pray effect");
  14. } else {
  15. npcs[i].attackType = 0;
  16. npcs[i].projectileId = -1;
  17. c.getPA().appendPoison(24);
  18. c.getPA().stunEnemy(i);
  19. // System.out.println("using melee much effect");
  20. }
  21. break;
  23. case 4172:// scorpia
  24. int prayHit2 = Misc.random(2);
  25. npcs[i].attackType = 0;
  26. if (prayHit2 == 0) {
  27. hitThrough = true;
  28. c.getPA().appendPoison(40);
  29. } else if (prayHit2 == 1) {
  30. hitThrough = false;
  31. } else {
  32. hitThrough = false;
  33. }
  34. break;
  35. case 4174:// Callisto
  36. int meleehit = Misc.random(2);
  37. if (meleehit == 0) {
  38. npcs[i].attackType = 0;
  39. } else if (meleehit == 1) {
  40. npcs[i].attackType = 0;
  41. c.getPA().stunEnemy(i);
  42. } else {
  43. npcs[i].attackType = 2;
  44. }
  45. break;
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