
Faerzen & Byron talk creepy books

May 20th, 2015
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  1. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> -- visceralVanguard [VV] began conversing with masterfulShooter [MS] --
  2. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> Greetings, Byron.
  3. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> I wanted to apologize for earlier when we were talking with Nick.
  4. [23:37] <visceralVanguard> Nick is in a very fragile state at the moment, and I overreacted. Again.
  5. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> Huh
  6. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> well okay
  7. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> i dont really care though
  8. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> What?
  9. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  10. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> like
  11. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> why would i care
  12. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> you banned me
  13. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> dude it happens
  14. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> shit man
  15. [23:38] <visceralVanguard> Ummmm.... okay? Thanks?
  16. [23:38] <masterfulShooter> some fucking shits going down
  17. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> What is the matter?
  18. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> i got this fucking earthquake gun
  19. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> AND ITS FUCKING LEGIT
  20. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> but it also fucking SUCKS
  21. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> BECAUSE IT CANT KILL ANYTHING
  22. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> OR BREAK ANYTHING
  23. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> JUST FUCKING SHAKE IT
  24. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> But i shot it at a volcano
  25. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> of cheese
  26. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> so
  27. [23:39] <masterfulShooter> hype?
  28. [23:39] <visceralVanguard> Hahaha, that's actually quite entertaining!
  29. [23:40] <visceralVanguard> It sounds like it could be very useful though!
  30. [23:40] <visceralVanguard> What happened when you put the volcano in your sights?
  31. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> Yeah, the whole "revolutions" thing about my planet thingy is really coming in to play
  32. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> oh nothing yet
  33. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> just a lot of rumbling so far
  34. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> im hype though
  35. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> i did shoot the planet
  36. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> so i think i might have set off the revolutions or something
  37. [23:40] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  38. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> like
  39. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> the food here
  40. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> keeps
  41. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> changing
  42. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> its fuckin weird
  43. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> one second
  44. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> its
  45. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> candy
  46. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> wait no fuck im not a casual
  47. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> shit
  48. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> fuck fuck fuck
  49. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> oh shit
  50. [23:41] <masterfulShooter> i never even told you about the storm or whatever
  51. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> there was a giant storm
  52. [23:42] <visceralVanguard> No, you didn't!
  53. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> oh and shit i never fucking told you about the old keyboard i found
  54. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> or did i
  55. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> huh i forgot
  56. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> shit
  57. [23:42] <visceralVanguard> No, I'm afraid Nick and I were talking for quite some time. It sounds like you were busy!
  58. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> well the point of the matter is it got all painted by the storm or some shit
  59. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> and now it has like a unique tag
  60. [23:42] <masterfulShooter> fucking "stormtouched"
  61. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> not any stat boosts though
  62. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> which is some shit
  63. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> but still it looks cool
  64. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> skins are legit
  65. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> but yeah
  66. [23:43] <visceralVanguard> They certainly do spice things up!
  67. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> my planet is fucking flipping the food
  68. [23:43] <visceralVanguard> How so?
  69. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> first
  70. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> casual shit
  71. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> candy and sweets
  72. [23:43] <masterfulShooter> then a chocolate desert
  73. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> and now a volcanic area with nacho cheese and tortillas and stuff
  74. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> MLG my ass
  75. [23:44] <visceralVanguard> That doesn't sound very MLG at all!
  76. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> exactly
  77. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> fucking exactly
  78. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> all of this happened
  79. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> because i flew away
  80. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> on a fucking chip
  81. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> which is
  82. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> bull
  83. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> shit
  84. [23:44] <masterfulShooter> wow that came out in two words
  85. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> fuck you voicetext
  86. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> oh of course that was one word
  87. [23:45] <visceralVanguard> I'm sorry, but I'm having a hard time not laughing at the sound of that! You flew on a chip???
  88. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> god damn it
  89. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> yes
  90. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> yes i did
  91. [23:45] <visceralVanguard> This game really is unexpected, isn't it
  92. [23:45] <visceralVanguard> That sounds really scary, to be completely honest. :/
  93. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> gaben
  94. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> faerzen
  95. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> when im fucking talking for years
  96. [23:45] <masterfulShooter> you gotta tell me
  97. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> fucks
  98. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> happening with you
  99. [23:46] <visceralVanguard> But what if I want to hear you talk?
  100. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> whew
  101. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> im fucking winded
  102. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> aw
  103. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> thats nice of you
  104. [23:46] <visceralVanguard> I can say I certainly do my fair share of talking. :)
  105. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> eh
  106. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> your turn
  107. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> share
  108. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> the fuck planet did you have again
  109. [23:46] <masterfulShooter> i forgot
  110. [23:46] <visceralVanguard> Well, I guess I have some things to ask of you.
  111. [23:47] <visceralVanguard> Partially relating to that, actually.
  112. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> i am forgetting a lot more now
  113. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> its freaking me out
  114. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> i think its the weed in the atmosphere
  115. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> and im eating alot more
  116. [23:47] <visceralVanguard> Don't worry about it! My land name is a pretty menial detail. But you say it is happening more frequently now?
  117. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> fucking hell this planet is fucking killing me dude
  118. [23:47] <visceralVanguard> Why are you eating a lot more?
  119. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> dont like
  120. [23:47] <masterfulShooter> dankers
  121. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> get the munchies
  122. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> i knew Dad did
  123. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> god he used that stuff every day
  124. [23:48] <visceralVanguard> I'm not sure I understand what you just said.
  125. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> no wonder mom had a different room
  126. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> dont people
  127. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> who partake in
  128. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> dank weed
  129. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> get hungry
  130. [23:48] <masterfulShooter> more often
  131. [23:49] <masterfulShooter> shit i need to speak in full sentences
  132. [23:49] <visceralVanguard> I could definitely see that being reasonable.
  133. [23:49] <visceralVanguard> You say there's something in the atmosphere?
  134. [23:49] <masterfulShooter> ITS FUCKING DANK GOD DAMN WEED DUDE
  135. [23:49] <masterfulShooter> FUCK
  136. [23:50] <masterfulShooter> im just realizing it now
  137. [23:50] <masterfulShooter> BUT THIS PLANET FUCKING STINKS
  138. [23:50] <masterfulShooter> LITERALLY AND METAPHORICALLY
  139. [23:50] <visceralVanguard> Here, I think I may have something that can help!
  140. [23:50] <masterfulShooter> and fuckall if ive seen ABS in fucking forever
  141. [23:50] <masterfulShooter> where the fuck
  142. [23:50] <visceralVanguard> I'm in my workshop right now, and I have a gask mask on the wall.
  143. [23:51] <masterfulShooter> OH FUCK THAT WOULD BE FUCKING MAGICAL
  144. [23:51] <visceralVanguard> I use it to filter out volatile organic compounds when I happen to be working with them, so it should work on those fumes you're finding too!
  145. [23:51] <masterfulShooter> wait
  146. [23:51] <masterfulShooter> fuck how am i even going TO FUCKING MAKE IT
  147. [23:51] <visceralVanguard> Are you not home at the moment?
  148. [23:51] <visceralVanguard> Oh, that's right the chip.
  149. [23:51] <masterfulShooter> faerzen
  150. [23:51] <visceralVanguard> Hmmmm
  151. [23:52] <masterfulShooter> wait
  152. [23:52] <masterfulShooter> didnt you have something to ask me?
  153. [23:52] <visceralVanguard> Well you will need to make it as soon as you get back home!
  154. [23:52] <visceralVanguard> Let me get the code
  155. [23:52] <visceralVanguard> <I get the code>
  156. [23:52] <visceralVanguard> <I also give you the code for an individual filter cartridge>
  157. [23:53] <visceralVanguard> Given all of the cheese dust around, I wouldn't expect one of these cartridges to last more than a couple days
  158. [23:53] <visceralVanguard> It would probably be helpful to carry around a couple spares just in case.
  159. [23:53] <visceralVanguard> Ah, yes.
  160. [23:53] <masterfulShooter> oh thank fuck
  161. [23:54] <visceralVanguard> Well, first of all, I guess I would say I know you're lost at the present, but I know you will be able to find a way back eventually
  162. [23:54] <visceralVanguard> There are apparently gates hidden around the world that take you back to your house.
  163. [23:54] <visceralVanguard> So if you can find one of those near an important location, you might be just fine!
  164. [23:55] <masterfulShooter> the fuck
  165. [23:55] <masterfulShooter> this game is god damn bullshit
  166. [23:55] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  167. [23:55] <masterfulShooter> the question
  168. [23:55] <visceralVanguard> Yes.
  169. [23:55] <visceralVanguard> Well, my land is called the Land of Wicks and Bulbs
  170. [23:55] <masterfulShooter> oh yeah
  171. [23:56] <masterfulShooter> now i remember why i forgot
  172. [23:56] <visceralVanguard> It is a collection of precarious rocky spires jutting out of blackness with nothing particularly interesting anywhere.
  173. [23:56] <visceralVanguard> It's actually quite boring
  174. [23:56] <visceralVanguard> But anyways, I accidentally fell out of a window and into the darkness below
  175. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> OH FUCK
  176. [23:57] <visceralVanguard> Needless to say, it is not a terribly nice place down there.
  177. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> HRRRRNGH
  178. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> DIDNT WE GO OVER THIS
  179. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> YOU LIVE
  180. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> SAFE
  181. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> I DO THE STUPID DANGER STUFF
  182. [23:57] <masterfulShooter> GABEN
  183. [23:58] <visceralVanguard> It was an accident! The floor I was in just randomly exploded!
  184. [23:58] <masterfulShooter> wat
  185. [23:58] <visceralVanguard> There were some traps in the room, and I was.... mislead as to exactly what the traps were.
  186. [23:58] <visceralVanguard> Anyways, that isn't particularly important.
  187. [23:59] <visceralVanguard> Thankfully I constructed a very makeshift parachute yesterday, so I was able to land safely.
  188. [23:59] <visceralVanguard> I honestly don't know how the stupid thing held together. It was literally rope and a tarp.
  189. [00:00] <visceralVanguard> At the bottom, there was a great deal of uncomfortable things
  190. [00:00] <visceralVanguard> Confusing mazes and blood included.
  191. [00:00] <masterfulShooter> i just fought a licorice bigyclops
  192. [00:00] <visceralVanguard> What is a "bigyclops"?
  193. [00:00] <masterfulShooter> wait what fuck is it like nicks little fucking excursion
  194. [00:00] <masterfulShooter> i
  195. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> i dont fucking know
  196. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> i shot it
  197. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> and thats what the tooltip read
  198. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> so
  199. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> fuck i dunno
  200. [00:01] <masterfulShooter> continue the story
  201. [00:01] <visceralVanguard> Hmm. I suppose we'll find out eventually!
  202. [00:01] <visceralVanguard> Unfortunately, it was far closer to Nick's "excursion" than I would have liked.
  203. [00:01] <visceralVanguard> Fortunately, it wasn't anywhere near as awful.
  204. [00:02] <masterfulShooter> faerzen those things are like
  205. [00:02] <masterfulShooter> mutally exclusive
  206. [00:02] <masterfulShooter> so
  207. [00:02] <masterfulShooter> bascially
  208. [00:02] <masterfulShooter> the fuck do you mean
  209. [00:02] <visceralVanguard> I found an alternate version of myself.
  210. [00:02] <visceralVanguard> Older, and dying on the ground.
  211. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> well
  212. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> shit
  213. [00:03] <visceralVanguard> It was.....sad.
  214. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> did he say anything
  215. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> or like
  216. [00:03] <visceralVanguard> And somehow I was a girl? I've just resigned myself to stop questioning these things anymore.
  217. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> was it a dude?
  218. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> oh god damnit
  219. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> every fucking time
  220. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> okay
  221. [00:03] <visceralVanguard> Anyways, that is a trivial details.
  222. [00:03] <masterfulShooter> faerzen
  223. [00:04] <visceralVanguard> Yes?
  224. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> do you know everyone in our group yet?
  225. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> because i swear
  226. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> if this is a giant sausage party
  227. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> and you are the only pseudo girl
  228. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> its going to get awkward
  229. [00:04] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck now im thinking about the future
  230. [00:05] <visceralVanguard> Unfortunately, I have yet to contact any of the rest of them.
  231. [00:05] <masterfulShooter> oh fuck dude if you live long enough to get old
  232. [00:05] <masterfulShooter> does this mean that we do
  233. [00:05] <masterfulShooter> like
  234. [00:05] <visceralVanguard> Yes, let's not go down that road.
  235. [00:05] <masterfulShooter> in the game!?
  236. [00:05] <visceralVanguard> No, it's okay. I know some more things on that front!
  237. [00:05] <masterfulShooter> fuck do you even have enough gas mask cartriges for that
  238. [00:05] <visceralVanguard> It will be okay.
  239. [00:05] <visceralVanguard> I'll get there. ;)
  240. [00:06] <visceralVanguard> She narrowly escaped from her future, and traveled back to see me in order to give me something.
  241. [00:06] <visceralVanguard> It is a book.
  242. [00:06] <masterfulShooter> i dont really know if i should call you a lucky bastard
  243. [00:06] <masterfulShooter> because
  244. [00:06] <masterfulShooter> you saw yourself die
  245. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> but
  246. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> shit
  247. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> thas pretty cool
  248. [00:07] <visceralVanguard> A very interesting book indeed, that seems to have a great deal of information in it! But also very dangerous.
  249. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> this volcano sure is being a bitch
  250. [00:07] <visceralVanguard> I'm very intrigued by it, but that's one of the areas I need your help in.
  251. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> ?
  252. [00:07] <masterfulShooter> me
  253. [00:08] <visceralVanguard> I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I feel it's very important and you're the only person I can reliably ask about it.
  254. [00:08] <visceralVanguard> This book has a warning in it.
  255. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> so the fuck
  256. [00:08] <visceralVanguard> There is a section in the book about this game, and advice on how to succeed.
  257. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> oh
  258. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> oooooh
  259. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> OHO
  260. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> you want me to be a guinea pig
  261. [00:08] <visceralVanguard> NO
  262. [00:08] <masterfulShooter> well i have one thing to say to that
  263. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YEAH
  264. [00:09] <visceralVanguard> I need to you to help me
  265. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> I DONT WANT TO DIE BY NICK
  266. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> oh
  267. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> oh you dont
  268. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> aww
  269. [00:09] <visceralVanguard> I'm..... honestly afraid.
  270. [00:09] <masterfulShooter> i was bored
  271. [00:09] <visceralVanguard> I'm quite convinced we need to know what is on the next page, but that knowledge could also very dangerous
  272. [00:10] <visceralVanguard> I need to read it, but I also need to not act on it yet.
  273. [00:10] <visceralVanguard> The information on the next page is something that I need to not act on yet, no matter what.
  274. [00:10] <masterfulShooter> okay
  275. [00:10] <masterfulShooter> so do it then
  276. [00:10] <visceralVanguard> If I get too eager, too hopeful, or too greedy, gaining that information will only backfire.
  277. [00:10] <masterfulShooter> uh
  278. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> then just do it
  279. [00:11] <visceralVanguard> And it could easily spell disaster.
  280. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> duh
  281. [00:11] <visceralVanguard> I need you to help me.
  282. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> dude fucking do it
  283. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> with what
  284. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> a pep talk
  285. [00:11] <visceralVanguard> I'm telling you this because I want you to do something for me.
  286. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> you said that already
  287. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> what
  288. [00:11] <visceralVanguard> I don't know what will be on the next page, but I'm going to read it here soon.
  289. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> you know ill do it
  290. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> okay
  291. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> well fuck
  292. [00:11] <visceralVanguard> I need you to know this ahead of time
  293. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> no not okay
  294. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> shit no
  295. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> NO
  296. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> NO NO NO
  297. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> FUCK NO
  298. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> NOPE
  299. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> NO
  300. [00:11] <masterfulShooter> DONT DO IT
  301. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> I WAS SKIMMING
  302. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> NO FUCK
  303. [00:12] <visceralVanguard> ?
  304. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> DANGER
  305. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> DISASTER
  306. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> YOU
  307. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> NO
  308. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> SEND IT TO ME
  309. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YOU YOURE NOT DYING
  310. [00:12] <visceralVanguard> I'm not going to die!
  311. [00:12] <visceralVanguard> That's what I need your help with!
  312. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> I THINK DISASTER
  313. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> oh
  314. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> what
  315. [00:12] <masterfulShooter> JUST TELL ME GABEN
  316. [00:13] <visceralVanguard> I'm trying! ..... Sorry..... it's really hard for me to figure out how to say this
  317. [00:13] <visceralVanguard> I don't know what lies on the next page, but I want you to know that whatever it is, I need to not act on it or do anything rash.
  318. [00:13] <visceralVanguard> Whatever it is will likely help us a great deal.
  319. [00:14] <visceralVanguard> But we aren't ready for it yet, and if we do anything rash too early out of greed or ambition, it will fail.
  320. [00:14] <visceralVanguard> I want you to help me make sure I don't do that.
  321. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> then why did you even
  322. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> oh
  323. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> ooooh
  324. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> thats why
  325. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> wait so why dont i do it
  326. [00:14] <visceralVanguard> I don't know what lies on the next page or what I will think after I read it, but I want you to know before I read it that this is importnat.
  327. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> did future you say anything about taht
  328. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> hahahah you typoed
  329. [00:14] <masterfulShooter> ive never seen you do that
  330. [00:15] <visceralVanguard> :)
  331. [00:15] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  332. [00:15] <visceralVanguard> She sort of addressed that.
  333. [00:15] <masterfulShooter> again
  334. [00:15] <masterfulShooter> oh
  335. [00:15] <masterfulShooter> really?
  336. [00:15] <visceralVanguard> I am reasonably strongly convinced that I should be the only person to read this book for the time being.
  337. [00:16] <visceralVanguard> It contains too much information that could be disastrous should it be taken out of context
  338. [00:16] <visceralVanguard> Just like this next page.
  339. [00:16] <visceralVanguard> So it's important for me to dig into this and validate things with my sprite.
  340. [00:17] <visceralVanguard> Maybe later, you can read it, but for now we need to make sure we don't learn things we shouldn't
  341. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> sigh
  342. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> why did you even tell me anything dude
  343. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> fuck now im just
  344. [00:17] <visceralVanguard> I need you to know how important this is!
  345. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> adventure blocked
  346. [00:17] <visceralVanguard> I could screw everything up with this!
  347. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> I NEED STIMULATION
  348. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> shit that came out wrong
  349. [00:17] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  350. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> YOU KNOW WHAT I MEANT
  351. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> look
  352. [00:18] <visceralVanguard> Who knows what I'll read! I could suddenly be convinced that all of us committing suicide right now is the best way to win the game!
  353. [00:18] <visceralVanguard> I need you to know that what I learn very well may be true, but I CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT
  354. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  355. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> agin
  356. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> again
  357. [00:18] <visceralVanguard> You've helped me out of so many holes I've dug myself into
  358. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> i couldnt
  359. [00:18] <masterfulShooter> give a fuck dude
  360. [00:19] <visceralVanguard> This is another one that I am preemptively hoping you can dig me out o
  361. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> shit if it said that killing ourselves won the game
  362. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> shit id do it
  363. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> there is one thing
  364. [00:19] <visceralVanguard> Yes, but there's a condition!
  365. [00:19] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <I want to just have the book chime in: "Funny thing about that..." But that'd be too cruel>
  366. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> im working towards in this whole bullshit game
  367. [00:19] <visceralVanguard> Whatever is on this next page will NOT win us the game now!
  368. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> okay
  369. [00:19] <masterfulShooter> fucking one thing
  370. [00:19] <visceralVanguard> If we do it now, it will only doom everything!
  371. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> after i do that
  372. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> i couldnt give a shit
  373. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> about what happens to me
  374. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> and you want to know what that one thing is
  375. [00:20] <visceralVanguard> Yes?
  376. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> fucking meeting you
  377. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> and hugging you
  378. [00:20] <visceralVanguard> <dawwwwwww>
  379. [00:20] <masterfulShooter> you know what the fucking ironic thing is
  380. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> your land
  381. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> is the lighty place
  382. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> and you are like
  383. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> the light at the end of the tunnel
  384. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> so
  385. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> shit
  386. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> i guess this game is poetic
  387. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> so honestly
  388. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> fucking
  389. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> read
  390. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> the
  391. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> page
  392. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> and i swear
  393. [00:21] <visceralVanguard> Despite how absolutely twisted it often is, I think you're right. It does have a poetic feel to it at times.
  394. [00:21] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <Love Triangle engaged. Updating shopping wall>
  395. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> no matter the fucking thing it says dude
  396. [00:21] <visceralVanguard> I will then extend your analogy.
  397. [00:21] <masterfulShooter> it cant fucking stop me
  398. [00:22] <visceralVanguard> I'm glad to hear that I have been able to be a light in the midst of this dark game.
  399. [00:22] <visceralVanguard> As cliche as it may sound, I very well may be plunging myself into darkness here, and I need you to return the favor and be the light to guide me out of it.
  400. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> ((grimdark confurmid))
  401. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> shit dude
  402. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> okay
  403. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> gaben fuck this is
  404. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> god damn
  405. [00:23] <masterfulShooter> fucking some real game shit
  406. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> like
  407. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> but
  408. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> still
  409. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> you have to read it
  410. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> at some point
  411. [00:24] <visceralVanguard> I hope to god it isn't necessary, but I don't know what lies beyond that next page and I need to know I'm not in this alone. For if all I have is my own self in the midst of darkness and lies, I fear what I will to do myself and those around me.
  412. [00:24] <masterfulShooter> why not get it over with
  413. [00:25] <visceralVanguard> I am going to do it now
  414. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> gaben fuck i want to hug you dude your really freaking me out now
  415. [00:25] <visceralVanguard> Actually.... how about I just turn the page now?
  416. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> i feel like you need a hug
  417. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> shit okay
  418. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  419. [00:25] <visceralVanguard> That would be marvelous
  420. [00:25] <visceralVanguard> We should make this occur at the present.
  421. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> id rather wish i could like
  422. [00:25] <masterfulShooter> see it
  423. [00:25] <visceralVanguard> <where making this hapen>
  424. [00:26] * visceralVanguard hugs Byron
  425. [00:26] <masterfulShooter> <it hapenin bro>
  426. [00:32] <visceralVanguard> Wait a moment, Byron.
  427. [00:32] <visceralVanguard> Before I read this I have one quick thing
  428. [00:32] <visceralVanguard> It is the other of the two requests I mentioned earlier
  429. [00:32] <masterfulShooter> Hm?
  430. [00:32] <masterfulShooter> Sorry i was distracted
  431. [00:32] <visceralVanguard> It has to do with Nick.
  432. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> BY HOW MUCH THIS VOLCANO
  433. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> IS A BITTTTTTCHHHH
  434. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> PUUUUSYYYYY
  435. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> ERUPT ALREADY I KNOW YOU WANT TO
  436. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> Shit sorry
  437. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> did that get caught
  438. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  439. [00:33] <visceralVanguard> It sounds like that volcano is being a right disappointment!
  440. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  441. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> fucking hell youd think an earthquake gun
  442. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> would fuck it u
  443. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> up
  444. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> but jeez
  445. [00:33] <masterfulShooter> anyway
  446. [00:34] <masterfulShooter> what about nick
  447. [00:34] <masterfulShooter> hes a homicidal maniac
  448. [00:34] <masterfulShooter> what about it
  449. [00:34] <visceralVanguard> Maybe it's just not ready yet? I'm sure the explosion will be a spectacle of nacho-y goodness when it finally arrives.
  450. [00:34] <visceralVanguard> It is about that.
  451. [00:34] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <He is just like old Nick, except he says Caw sometimes>
  452. [00:34] <visceralVanguard> We compared experiences and thoughts on the alternate people we've met.
  453. [00:35] <visceralVanguard> And I wanted to share what we decided on.
  454. [00:35] <visceralVanguard> If these actually are alternate versions of us and not just more twisted copies of people that this game is churning out
  455. [00:35] <masterfulShooter> ((caw the fuck did he fuse with a bird or something the fuck AT))
  456. [00:36] <visceralVanguard> These people are us, but they also have had a whole slew of different experiences and memories.
  457. [00:36] <visceralVanguard> ((oh did he ever, byron))
  458. [00:36] <visceralVanguard> ((fuse with a bird might be an understatement))
  459. [00:36] <visceralVanguard> There is a part of us that could give rise to these alternate outcomes, these alternate people
  460. [00:37] <visceralVanguard> If pushed in the right directions, if warped enough by our experiences, if enough poor decisions made, we very well could become them.
  461. [00:37] <visceralVanguard> But that does not have to happen.
  462. [00:37] <masterfulShooter> ((what))
  463. [00:37] <masterfulShooter> ((the fuck is this heinoustuck))
  464. [00:37] <visceralVanguard> ((yes))
  465. [00:38] <visceralVanguard> I would venture to say that every single one of us has, somewhere deep inside, the capability of being a monster.
  466. [00:38] <masterfulShooter> ((GOD DAMNIT))
  467. [00:38] <visceralVanguard> I have no doubt I could turn into something just as terrible, if not worse, given the right circumstances and poor decisions
  468. [00:39] <visceralVanguard> Nick isn't inherently a murdering monster, but there is a part of him deep inside that could be
  469. [00:39] <visceralVanguard> Just like how you've seen glints of the terrifying part of myself that wishes I were in control of the world.
  470. [00:39] <masterfulShooter> huh
  471. [00:39] <masterfulShooter> GLAD NONE OF YOU EVER SAW ME
  472. [00:39] <masterfulShooter> AHAHAAH
  473. [00:39] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  474. [00:39] <visceralVanguard> Nick is working to figure out what part of himself that is, but we've both made it really hard for that to happen.
  475. [00:40] <visceralVanguard> I'm sure we can both agree we've fucked with Nick quite a lot, and it hasn't usually ended well.
  476. [00:40] <masterfulShooter> eh
  477. [00:40] <visceralVanguard> So yes, we need to be careful with Nick, but we both need to be careful with ourselves as well.
  478. [00:40] <masterfulShooter> ended well for me
  479. [00:40] <masterfulShooter> except
  480. [00:40] <visceralVanguard> Okay, that's probably true
  481. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> for the whole
  482. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> you know
  483. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> if he goes for someone first
  484. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> itll be me
  485. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> AND SHIT
  486. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> DOES HE STILL HAVE THE BABY
  487. [00:41] <visceralVanguard> That's what we need to be careful about.
  488. [00:41] <masterfulShooter> FUCK YOUR GOING TO LET THAT DUDE SHAPE A CHILD
  490. [00:41] <visceralVanguard> He's trying to work through it, but constantly reminding him of how a different him in a different reality was a monster isn't going to help him one bit.
  491. [00:42] <visceralVanguard> He has literally lived through experiencing himself being a monster.
  492. [00:42] <ATtheorytime[Huelicopter]> <RETXED>
  493. [00:42] <visceralVanguard> He doesn't need us constantly reminding him and guilting him about it!
  494. [00:42] <visceralVanguard> So I'm going to ask that if either of us have concerns about Nick, that we talk to the other person about it first rather than harassing Nick with it.
  495. [00:42] <masterfulShooter> hm
  496. [00:42] <masterfulShooter> well fuck
  497. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> im just going to
  498. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> avoid him
  499. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> in general
  500. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> forever
  501. [00:43] <visceralVanguard> That works too
  502. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> and ever
  503. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> and i swear if this gate thing
  504. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> leads into his world
  505. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> you better belive someones ending up dead
  506. [00:43] <masterfulShooter> and its going to be some fucking crow
  507. [00:43] <visceralVanguard> We will have to see. I can assure you that if that is the case, I can construct his house such that you are isolated from him.
  508. [00:44] <visceralVanguard> Anyways, that is quite a ways down the road.
  509. [00:44] <visceralVanguard> We don't need to speculate about things we don't even know will be an issue.
  510. [00:44] <visceralVanguard> What is more pressing is this page.
  511. [01:02] <visceralVanguard> Okay, Byron, I read it.
  512. [01:02] <visceralVanguard> I haven't read all of it yet.
  513. [01:02] <masterfulShooter> uh okay
  514. [01:02] <masterfulShooter> and
  515. [01:02] <visceralVanguard> It is very weird.
  516. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> well
  517. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> it is a future book
  518. [01:03] <visceralVanguard> I will need a bit of time to try and make sense of it, to try and figure out the rest of the information here.
  519. [01:03] <visceralVanguard> But it is concerning.
  520. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> well i got all the time in the world
  521. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> until
  522. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> you know
  523. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> the volcano erupts
  524. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> but i'm under a rock
  525. [01:03] <visceralVanguard> I do not want to jump to conclusions yet, but I do feel like I need to tell you this.
  526. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> so i'll probably be fine
  527. [01:03] <masterfulShooter> huh what?
  528. [01:04] <visceralVanguard> Should I consider significant self-harm int he near future, I need to not follow through.
  529. [01:04] <visceralVanguard> I don't see why it would be desirable at all.
  530. [01:04] <visceralVanguard> But that might be clarified later.
  531. [01:05] <visceralVanguard> So just in case, please keep in mind that now is not the time for whatever hairbrained schemes I may come up with.
  532. [01:05] <visceralVanguard> Especially if they involve hurting myself. At this point, that would not be good at all.
  533. [01:05] <masterfulShooter> ooookay
  534. [01:05] <masterfulShooter> you being hurt
  535. [01:05] <masterfulShooter> in any form
  536. [01:05] <masterfulShooter> is bad
  537. [01:05] <masterfulShooter> but
  538. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  539. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> you should probably finish
  540. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> considering
  541. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> it does mean beating the game
  542. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> and that has to mean something right?
  543. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> unless it just resets
  544. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> fuck
  545. [01:06] <visceralVanguard> That is what I want to find out. But for now, we can't afford to make rash decisions before actually understanding what is going on.
  546. [01:06] <masterfulShooter> eh
  547. [01:06] <visceralVanguard> Which is why I need your help to make sure I don't do anything yet.
  548. [01:07] <masterfulShooter> and see where i am
  549. [01:07] <masterfulShooter> thats how i live my life
  550. [01:07] <visceralVanguard> I know it might seem really trivial, but it makes all the difference in the world to know that someone else at least knows about what I'm reading.
  551. [01:08] <visceralVanguard> I hope it doesn't come to it, but thank you for being there to help keep me in line ;)
  552. [01:08] <masterfulShooter> yes
  553. [01:09] <visceralVanguard> I have a great deal more I am in the process of learning about this game, but now is not the time to go into that since I don't really understand it yet myself.
  554. [01:09] <visceralVanguard> But I will be sure to let you know what I learn!
  555. [01:09] <visceralVanguard> Let me know if you need any other supplies, I don't foresee leaving my house anytime soon so I may be able to send you a code.
  556. [01:10] <visceralVanguard> Thank you for listening while I talk your ear off about my trivial problems. :)
  557. [01:11] <visceralVanguard> We'll figure out how we can meet in person soon!
  558. [01:11] <masterfulShooter> hm
  559. [01:14] <visceralVanguard> Is there anything else you wanted to talk about before I get back to reading?
  560. [01:14] <visceralVanguard> I unfortunately haven't the foggiest how long working through this will take!
  561. [01:14] <masterfulShooter> i mean
  562. [01:14] <masterfulShooter> fuck i dunno
  563. [01:15] <masterfulShooter> not really honestly
  564. [01:15] <visceralVanguard> Okay, then!
  565. [01:16] <visceralVanguard> Keep me in line, don't bother Nick, and figure out a way for you to get home!
  566. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> yeah
  567. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> ill see you some other time i guess
  568. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> tell me if theres
  569. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> anything
  570. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> nick-ish in there
  571. [01:16] <masterfulShooter> you know what i mean
  572. [01:16] <visceralVanguard> Yes, unfortunately, I do.
  573. [01:17] <visceralVanguard> I will be on the lookout for any information regarding him.
  574. [01:17] <masterfulShooter> welp
  575. [01:17] <masterfulShooter> see you
  576. -- masterfulShooter [MS] is chillin' the fuck out --
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