
Only Human

Aug 7th, 2012
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  1. >You are sitting back looking at a door.
  2. >You are huddled and scared.
  3. >Tom is laying against a wall.
  4. >He is holding the nub off his shoulder where his arm used to be.
  5. >”I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die…” He repeats it over and over.
  6. >Ruth, his girlfriend, is huddled next to him crying.
  7. >You hollowed out this house to hide the dozens of people that are with you.
  8. >They are all huddled, filthy and scared.
  9. >You are the last of humanity.
  10. >Humanity, what a fucking joke!
  11. >Human’s thought they could control nature, thought they were invincible and controllers of their planet.
  12. >That went out the fucking window.
  13. >There is an explosion, Ruth sobs louder.
  14. >It irritates you, “Shut up cunt! You should have left him to die!”
  15. >”I can’t live without him!” She says through tear soaked eyes.
  16. >”Well then you should have died with him bitch!”
  17. >You look back at the door, “They probably know where we are now.”
  18. >You hear movement outside.
  19. >You pray to God for them to pass you by, to live another day.
  20. >Your prayers are answered.
  21. >The door blows off the wall shattering to bits.
  22. >The answer was “Fuck you!”
  23. >Ruth holds Tom close, “Nooooooo… NOOOOOOOO!!!”
  24. >She lets lose a continuous shriek.
  25. >You are shaking almost pissing yourself in fear.
  26. >It’s the demon, evil incarnate.
  27. >As if sent straight from Hell to punish humanity.
  28. >She steps through the door, she is roughly six feet tall, maybe a bit more.
  29. >She wears a crown mocking humanities rulers.
  30. >Her hair… something out of science fiction, it really isn’t hair at all but it floats around her.
  31. >You see her guards behind her wearing armor staring past her at you.
  32. >You swear their eyes are glowing.
  33. >She sneers at you, “Well what have we here? Worms hiding in the dirt it seems.”
  34. >You get on your knees in front of this hell spawn and beg.
  35. >”Leave us alone! We give up! You have won! We are all that’s left… Please have mercy on us!”
  36. >She just laughs at you.
  37. >She magically sends a beam of light straight up blowing a hole above you.
  38. >You see the things flying in the sky, their bat wings and glowing eyes.
  39. >Quiet sobs start to leave you.
  40. >You never had a chance.
  41. >Another one flies in, she is much darker but somehow the same.
  42. >The same mocking crown, the same fucked up hair.
  43. >”So this is where the cretins were hiding.” They both stare down at you.
  44. >”I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die… I don’t wanna die…” Tom has never quit repeating.
  45. >The huddled masses are all sobbing knowing that fate has just closed in.
  46. >You can’t stop crying, “Please… have mecry…”
  47. >A guard speaks up, “Mercy! My mother was begging for her life when your kind killed her! NO MERCY!”
  48. >The guards would have charged had not the demon stopped them.
  49. >Her soulless eyes gaze on you like making you feel insignificant.
  50. >”Mercy? You’ll have none!” She says laughing at your pleas.
  51. > She steps forward, “You will live your days afraid and with everything hating you!”
  52. >”You will never know peace and I will make sure you will never be a threat ever again.”
  53. >Her eyes start to glow.
  54. >A beam shoots from her head engulfing the room and all humanity.
  55. >You twist and change, your arms and legs get shorter, you start to shrink.
  56. >Your ragged clothes fall off and fur starts to form all over your body.
  57. >When you are done you look at yourself.
  58. >You have bright colors and stubby little hooves.
  59. >You find you do not know what’s going on.
  60. >You see a nice lady in front of you.
  61. >You walk up to her, “Whewe fwuffy?”
  62. >”Why dawk?” “Nuu smeww pwetty…” “New fwen?”
  63. >You look around, you are surrounded by your kind.
  64. >You feel the urge to start hugging everything.
  65. >But the nice lady stomps scaring you.
  66. >”Ahhhh! Scawe fwuffy!”
  67. >”All of you are not welcome here! Get out and go away!”
  68. >You shit yourself and start to truddle out, “Nuu hewt fwuffy! Meanie munsta! Ahhh!”
  69. >The other fluffies start to run out after you.
  70. >One fluffy has only three legs, it stumbles in front fo a guard who stomps it.
  71. >The female fluffy next to him shits in terror, “Ahhh! munsta hewt spechul fwen!”
  72. >She truddles off faster, soon you and you friends are away from the monsters.
  73. >As soon as you are out of site of the meanie monsters you start hugging and crying, scared for no particular reason.
  76. >”Sister, did we do right? I am not sure we should have let them live.” The dark blue alicorn says.
  77. >”I am not sure Luna. But they will now live in the Ever Free forest and they will be hated by pony kind forever.” Her sister says.
  78. >Luna spits on the ground, “They deserve much much worse. No other creature kills so callously as that lot.”
  79. >”I know sister, I know… I miss mom and dad too. Maybe they will rest in piece now.” The solar princess says.
  80. >”Maybe Celestia, Maybe.” She says staring at where the newly form fluffy ponies ran off.
  81. >”You do realize sister that because of this it will be hard to hold the elements again.”
  82. >”I know Luna…"
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