
let me give you some advice about women

Aug 22nd, 2018
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  1. Let me give you advice about women, son. Women LOVE a man who dominates, not some some leftist soyboy cuck. So just be a man.
  2. Dont do cuck shit like ask a woman how her day way. That's not masculine.
  3. What's masculine and what women really want is for you to wear a t-shirt that says "I like titties" and cracking a fucking miller lite off your head before you chug that shit.
  4. Women like a man that make them feel unsafe when their man is angry because that means they respect you. Women like men who put their fucking heads through walls when they are angry. Doing anything less is pure soy.
  6. Dates are for losers and beta males, Female friends are also for beta males and sissys. Trust me on this. Women love it when you play hard to get even after they showed affection towards you. Women love it when you make plans with them and you cancel at the last second because it shows you have better things to do. And the only reason why that stuff isnt working now is because of the feminization of men in the west and the rise of feminism.
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