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CoolCat Casino (Setup.exe) Strings

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May 10th, 2015
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text 23.71 KB | None | 0 0
  1. CoolCat Casino Strings ;)
  3. File: setup.exe
  4. MD5: ed1f09c4882aa2b5eb07000ea5fe6dc3
  5. Size: 1597080
  7. Ascii Strings:
  8. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
  10. .text
  11. `.data
  12. .idata
  13. @.rsrc
  14. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\onexit.c
  15. bad allocation
  16. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\input.c
  17. Free
  18. Normal
  19. Ignore
  20. Client
  21. Client hook allocation failure at file %hs line %d.
  22. Client hook allocation failure.
  23. Invalid allocation size: %Iu bytes.
  24. Error: memory allocation: bad memory block type.
  25. Client hook re-allocation failure at file %hs line %d.
  26. Client hook re-allocation failure.
  27. Invalid allocation size: %Iu bytes.
  28. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  29. Error: memory allocation: bad memory block type.
  30. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  31. The Block at 0x%p was allocated by aligned routines, use _aligned_realloc()
  32. Error: possible heap corruption at or near 0x%p
  33. The Block at 0x%p was allocated by aligned routines, use _aligned_free()
  34. Client hook free failure.
  35. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
  36. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer.
  37. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  38. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: before %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
  39. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory before start of heap buffer.
  40. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
  41. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.
  42. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  43. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after %hs block (#%d) at 0x%p.
  44. CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.
  45. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADBEGIN.
  46. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADNODE.
  47. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADEND.
  48. _heapchk fails with _HEAPBADPTR.
  49. _heapchk fails with unknown return value!
  51. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: on top of Free block at 0x%p.
  52. CRT detected that the application wrote to a heap buffer that was freed.
  53. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  54. HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: on top of Free block at 0x%p.
  55. CRT detected that the application wrote to a heap buffer that was freed.
  56. %hs located at 0x%p is %Iu bytes long.
  57. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  58. %hs located at 0x%p is %Iu bytes long.
  59. Bad memory block found at 0x%p.
  60. Memory allocated at %hs(%d).
  61. Bad memory block found at 0x%p.
  62. %.2X
  63. Data: <%s> %s
  64. Dumping objects ->
  65. #File Error#(%d) :
  66. %hs(%d) :
  67. {%ld}
  68. client block at 0x%p, subtype %x, %Iu bytes long.
  69. normal block at 0x%p, %Iu bytes long.
  70. crt block at 0x%p, subtype %x, %Iu bytes long.
  71. Object dump complete.
  72. Detected memory leaks!
  73. CorExitProcess
  74. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\crt0dat.c
  75. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_file.c
  76. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\stream.c
  77. UTF-8
  78. UTF-16LE
  80. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\mlock.c
  81. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\mbstring\mbctype.c
  82. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\tidtable.c
  83. log10
  84. sinh
  85. cosh
  86. tanh
  87. asin
  88. acos
  89. atan
  90. atan2
  91. sqrt
  92. ceil
  93. floor
  94. fabs
  95. modf
  96. ldexp
  97. _cabs
  98. _hypot
  99. fmod
  100. frexp
  101. _logb
  102. _nextafter
  103. Unknown exception
  104. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\ioinit.c
  105. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\stdargv.c
  106. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\stdenvp.c
  107. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\a_env.c
  108. FlsAlloc
  109. FlsFree
  110. FlsGetValue
  111. FlsSetValue
  112. InitializeCriticalSectionEx
  113. CreateEventExW
  114. CreateSemaphoreExW
  115. SetThreadStackGuarantee
  116. CreateThreadpoolTimer
  117. SetThreadpoolTimer
  118. WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks
  119. CloseThreadpoolTimer
  120. CreateThreadpoolWait
  121. SetThreadpoolWait
  122. CloseThreadpoolWait
  123. FlushProcessWriteBuffers
  124. FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns
  125. GetCurrentProcessorNumber
  126. GetLogicalProcessorInformation
  127. CreateSymbolicLinkW
  128. SetDefaultDllDirectories
  129. EnumSystemLocalesEx
  130. CompareStringEx
  131. GetDateFormatEx
  132. GetLocaleInfoEx
  133. GetTimeFormatEx
  134. GetUserDefaultLocaleName
  135. IsValidLocaleName
  136. LCMapStringEx
  137. GetCurrentPackageId
  138. GetTickCount64
  139. GetFileInformationByHandleExW
  140. SetFileInformationByHandleW
  141. MessageBoxW
  142. GetActiveWindow
  143. GetLastActivePopup
  144. GetUserObjectInformationW
  145. GetProcessWindowStation
  146. Second Chance Assertion Failed: File
  147. <file unknown>
  148. , Line
  149. _CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error
  150. Assertion failed:
  151. Assertion failed!
  152. %s(%d) : %s
  153. _CrtDbgReport: String too long or Invalid characters in String
  154. <program name unknown>
  155. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  157. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_getbuf.c
  158. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\osfinfo.c
  159. e+000
  160. __based(
  161. __cdecl
  162. __pascal
  163. __stdcall
  164. __thiscall
  165. __fastcall
  166. __vectorcall
  167. __clrcall
  168. __eabi
  169. __ptr64
  170. __restrict
  171. __unaligned
  172. restrict(
  173. new
  174. delete
  175. operator
  176. `vftable'
  177. `vbtable'
  178. `vcall'
  179. `typeof'
  180. `local static guard'
  181. `string'
  182. `vbase destructor'
  183. `vector deleting destructor'
  184. `default constructor closure'
  185. `scalar deleting destructor'
  186. `vector constructor iterator'
  187. `vector destructor iterator'
  188. `vector vbase constructor it
  189. erator'
  190. `virtual displacement map'
  191. `eh vector constructor iterator'
  192. `eh vector destructor iterator'
  193. `eh vector vbase constructor iterator'
  194. `copy constructor closure'
  195. `udt returning'
  196. `RTTI
  197. `local vftable'
  198. `local vftable constructor closure'
  199. new[]
  200. delete[]
  201. `omni callsig'
  202. `placement delete closure'
  203. `placement delete[] closure'
  204. `managed vector constructor iterator'
  205. `managed vector destructor iterator'
  206. `eh vector copy constructor iterator'
  207. `eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  208. `dynamic initializer for '
  209. `dynamic atexit destructor for '
  210. `vector copy constructor iterator'
  211. `vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  212. `managed vector copy constructor iterator'
  213. `local static thread guard'
  214. Type Descriptor'
  215. Base Class Descriptor at (
  216. Base Class Array'
  217. Class Hierarchy Descriptor'
  218. Complete Object Locator'
  219. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\output.c
  220. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\read.c
  221. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  222. (null)
  223. ( 8PX
  224. 700WP
  225. `h````
  226. xpxxxx
  227. CreateFile2
  228. bad exception
  229. ('8PW
  230. 700PP
  231. `h`hhh
  232. xppwpp
  233. 1#SNAN
  234. 1#IND
  235. 1#INF
  236. 1#QNAN
  237. permission denied
  238. file exists
  239. no such device
  240. filename too long
  241. device or resource busy
  242. io error
  243. directory not empty
  244. invalid argument
  245. no space on device
  246. no such file or directory
  247. function not supported
  248. no lock available
  249. not enough memory
  250. resource unavailable try again
  251. cross device link
  252. operation canceled
  253. too many files open
  254. permission_denied
  255. address_in_use
  256. address_not_available
  257. address_family_not_supported
  258. connection_already_in_progress
  259. bad_file_descriptor
  260. connection_aborted
  261. connection_refused
  262. connection_reset
  263. destination_address_required
  264. bad_address
  265. host_unreachable
  266. operation_in_progress
  267. interrupted
  268. invalid_argument
  269. already_connected
  270. too_many_files_open
  271. message_size
  272. filename_too_long
  273. network_down
  274. network_reset
  275. network_unreachable
  276. no_buffer_space
  277. no_protocol_option
  278. not_connected
  279. not_a_socket
  280. operation_not_supported
  281. protocol_not_supported
  282. wrong_protocol_type
  283. timed_out
  284. operation_would_block
  285. address family not supported
  286. address in use
  287. address not available
  288. already connected
  289. argument list too long
  290. argument out of domain
  291. bad address
  292. bad file descriptor
  293. bad message
  294. broken pipe
  295. connection aborted
  296. connection already in progress
  297. connection refused
  298. connection reset
  299. destination address required
  300. executable format error
  301. file too large
  302. host unreachable
  303. identifier removed
  304. illegal byte sequence
  305. inappropriate io control operation
  306. invalid seek
  307. is a directory
  308. message size
  309. network down
  310. network reset
  311. network unreachable
  312. no buffer space
  313. no child process
  314. no link
  315. no message available
  316. no message
  317. no protocol option
  318. no stream resources
  319. no such device or address
  320. no such process
  321. not a directory
  322. not a socket
  323. not a stream
  324. not connected
  325. not supported
  326. operation in progress
  327. operation not permitted
  328. operation not supported
  329. operation would block
  330. owner dead
  331. rotocol error
  332. protocol not supported
  333. read only file system
  334. resource deadlock would occur
  335. result out of range
  336. state not recoverable
  337. stream timeout
  338. text file busy
  339. timed out
  340. too many files open in system
  341. too many links
  342. too many symbolic link levels
  343. value too large
  344. wrong protocol type
  345. CreateProcessA
  346. KERNEL32.dll
  347. GetThreadContext
  348. KERNEL32.dll
  349. ReadProcessMemory
  350. KERNEL32.dll
  351. VirtualQueryEx
  352. KERNEL32.dll
  353. GetProcAddress
  354. KERNEL32.dll
  355. WriteProcessMemory
  356. KERNEL32.dll
  357. VirtualAllocEx
  358. KERNEL32.dll
  359. VirtualProtectEx
  360. KERNEL32.dll
  361. TerminateProcess
  362. KERNEL32.dll
  363. SetThreadContext
  364. KERNEL32.dll
  365. ResumeThread
  366. KERNEL32.dll
  367. ZwUnmapViewOfSection
  368. ntdll.dll
  369. LoadResource
  370. KERNEL32.dll
  371. FindResourceW
  372. KERNEL32.dll
  373. SizeofResource
  374. KERNEL32.dll
  375. .exe
  376. CreateProcessA
  377. KERNEL32.dll
  378. generic
  379. unknown error
  380. iostream
  381. iostream stream error
  382. system
  383. string too long
  384. invalid string position
  385. RSDS
  386. C:\Users\EG-PC\Downloads\2013-10-27\2013-10-27\Obfs\Obfs\Template_LoadEXE_msi\Release\Setup.pdb
  388. NKeb
  389. .?AVtype_info@@
  390. .?AVbad_alloc@std@@
  391. .?AVexception@std@@
  392. .?AVbad_exception@std@@
  393. .?AVlogic_error@std@@
  394. .?AVlength_error@std@@
  395. .?AVout_of_range@std@@
  396. .?AV_Iostream_error_category@std@@
  397. .?AV_System_error_category@std@@
  398. .?AVerror_category@std@@
  399. .?AV_Generic_error_category@std@@
  400. GetProcAddress
  401. GetModuleHandleA
  402. GetTempPathA
  403. KERNEL32.dll
  404. EncodePointer
  405. DecodePointer
  406. GetCommandLineA
  407. IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  408. IsDebuggerPresent
  409. GetModuleFileNameW
  410. GetModuleHandleExW
  411. HeapValidate
  412. GetSystemInfo
  413. GetLastError
  414. ExitProcess
  415. AreFileApisANSI
  416. MultiByteToWideChar
  417. WideCharToMultiByte
  418. EnterCriticalSection
  419. LeaveCriticalSection
  420. RtlUnwind
  421. GetStdHandle
  422. WriteFile
  423. DeleteCriticalSection
  424. IsValidCodePage
  425. GetACP
  426. GetOEMCP
  427. GetCPInfo
  428. SetLastError
  429. GetCurrentThreadId
  430. GetConsoleCP
  431. GetConsoleMode
  432. RaiseException
  433. CloseHandle
  434. GetProcessHeap
  435. GetFileType
  436. GetStartupInfoW
  437. GetModuleFileNameA
  438. QueryPerformanceCounter
  439. GetCurrentProcessId
  440. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  441. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  442. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  443. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  444. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  445. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  446. GetCurrentProcess
  447. TerminateProcess
  448. TlsAlloc
  449. TlsGetValue
  450. TlsSetValue
  451. TlsFree
  452. GetModuleHandleW
  453. OutputDebugStringW
  454. WaitForSingleObjectEx
  455. CreateThread
  456. LoadLibraryExW
  457. OutputDebugStringA
  458. WriteConsoleW
  459. HeapFree
  460. HeapReAlloc
  461. HeapSize
  462. HeapQueryInformation
  463. HeapAlloc
  464. LCMapStringW
  465. GetStringTypeW
  466. SetFilePointerEx
  467. SetStdHandle
  468. FlushFileBuffers
  469. ReadFile
  470. ReadConsoleW
  471. CreateFileW
  472. SetEndOfFile
  474. <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
  475. <assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>
  476. <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  477. <security>
  478. <requestedPrivileges>
  479. <requestedExecutionLevel level='requireAdministrator' uiAccess='false' />
  480. </requestedPrivileges>
  481. </security>
  482. </trustInfo>
  483. </assembly>
  486. Z0X03
  487. >0!0
  488. m%^?
  489. VeriSign, Inc.1
  490. VeriSign Trust Network1;09
  491. 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,
  492. %VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
  493. 120116000000Z
  494. 150211235959Z0
  495. Curacao1
  496. Willemstad1$0"
  497. Hastings International B.V.1>0<
  498. 5Digital ID Class 3 - Microsoft Software Validation v21$0"
  499. Hastings International B.V.0
  500. 5Xn1[
  501. Pcl.)/ES
  502. 90705
  503. /
  504. =0;09
  505. 0*0(
  507. e0c0$
  509. /
  510. /(0>
  511. VHkf
  512. yt__
  513. VeriSign, Inc.1
  514. VeriSign Trust Network1:08
  515. 1(c) 2006 VeriSign, Inc. - For authorized use only1E0C
  516. <VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G50
  517. 100208000000Z
  518. 200207235959Z0
  519. VeriSign, Inc.1
  520. VeriSign Trust Network1;09
  521. 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,
  522. %VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA0
  523. &J@<
  524. z;T0S
  525. i0g0e
  526. 0V0(
  529. [0Y0W0U
  530. image/gif0!0
  531. #
  532. -0+0)
  533. #
  534. (0&0$
  536. VeriSignMPKI-2-80
  537. 3130
  538. G8J-l
  539. B=e6
  540. VeriSign, Inc.1
  541. VeriSign Trust Network1;09
  542. 2Terms of use at (c)101.0,
  543. %VeriSign Class 3 Code Signing 2010 CA
  544. m%^?
  545. MJgf
  549. Unicode Strings:
  550. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  551. (string != NULL)
  552. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\sscanf.c
  553. vscan_fn
  554. (format != NULL)
  555. (file != NULL)
  556. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\fopen.c
  557. _fsopen
  558. (mode != NULL)
  559. (*mode != _T('\0'))
  560. _BLOCK_TYPE_IS_VALID(pHead->nBlockUse)
  561. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgdel.cpp
  562. String is not null terminated
  563. (L"String is not null terminated" && 0)
  564. (stream != NULL)
  565. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\fwrite.c
  566. fwrite
  567. _fwrite_nolock
  568. (buffer != NULL)
  569. num <= (SIZE_MAX / size)
  570. ("Inconsistent Stream Count. Flush between consecutive read and write", stream->_cnt >= 0)
  571. @f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\fclose.c
  572. fclose
  573. (str != NULL)
  574. _fclose_nolock
  575. @Warning
  576. Error
  577. Assertion Failed
  578. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgrpt.c
  579. __crtMessageWindowW
  580. wcscpy_s(szExeName, 260, L"<program name unknown>")
  581. <program name unknown>
  582. memcpy_s(szShortProgName, sizeof(TCHAR) * (260 - (szShortProgName - szExeName)), dotdotdot, sizeof(TCHAR) * 3)
  583. For information on how your program can cause an assertion
  584. failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
  585. Expression:
  586. Line:
  587. File:
  588. Module:
  589. Debug %s!
  590. Program: %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s
  591. (Press Retry to debug the application)
  592. (*_errno())
  593. wcscpy_s(szOutMessage, 4096, L"_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error")
  594. _CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error
  595. Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
  596. nFloatStrUsed<=(*pnFloatStrSz)
  597. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\input.c
  598. _input_l
  599. ( (_Stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) || ( fn = _fileno(_Stream), ( (_textmode_safe(fn) == __IOINFO_TM_ANSI) && !_tm_unicode_safe(fn))))
  600. _CrtCheckMemory()
  601. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgheap.c
  602. _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
  603. pOldBlock->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pOldBlock->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ
  604. fRealloc || (!fRealloc && pNewBlock == pOldBlock)
  605. _pLastBlock == pOldBlock
  606. _pFirstBlock == pOldBlock
  607. pUserData != NULL
  608. pHead->nLine == IGNORE_LINE && pHead->lRequest == IGNORE_REQ
  609. pHead->nBlockUse == nBlockUse
  610. _pLastBlock == pHead
  611. _pFirstBlock == pHead
  612. _msize_dbg
  614. _CrtSetDbgFlag
  615. state != NULL
  616. _CrtMemCheckpoint
  617. _printMemBlockData
  618. mscoree.dll
  619. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\crt0dat.c
  620. path != NULL
  621. __copy_path_to_wide_string
  622. outPath != NULL
  623. Efilename != NULL
  624. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_open.c
  625. mode != NULL
  626. str != NULL
  627. ("Invalid file open mode",0)
  628. _openfile
  629. (*mode == _T('\0'))
  630. @R6002
  631. - floating point support not loaded
  632. R6008
  633. - not enough space for arguments
  634. R6009
  635. - not enough space for environment
  636. R6010
  637. - abort() has been called
  638. R6016
  639. - not enough space for thread data
  640. R6017
  641. - unexpected multithread lock error
  642. R6018
  643. - unexpected heap error
  644. R6019
  645. - unable to open console device
  646. R6024
  647. - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table
  648. R6025
  649. - pure virtual function call
  650. R6026
  651. - not enough space for stdio initialization
  652. R6027
  653. - not enough space for lowio initialization
  654. R6028
  655. - unable to initialize heap
  656. R6030
  657. - CRT not initialized
  658. R6031
  659. - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once.
  660. This indicates a bug in your application.
  661. R6032
  662. - not enough space for locale information
  663. R6033
  664. - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization
  665. This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain.
  666. R6034
  667. - inconsistent onexit begin-end variables
  668. DOMAIN error
  669. SING error
  670. TLOSS error
  671. runtime error
  672. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\crt0msg.c
  673. _NMSG_WRITE
  674. wcscpy_s(outmsg, (sizeof(outmsg) / sizeof(outmsg[0])), L"Runtime Error!\n\nProgram: ")
  675. Runtime Error!
  676. Program:
  677. wcscpy_s(progname, progname_size, L"<program name unknown>")
  678. wcsncpy_s(pch, progname_size - (pch - progname), L"...", 3)
  679. wcscat_s(outmsg, (sizeof(outmsg) / sizeof(outmsg[0])), L"\n\n")
  680. wcscat_s(outmsg, (sizeof(outmsg) / sizeof(outmsg[0])), error_text)
  681. ((_Dst)) != NULL && ((_SizeInBytes)) > 0
  682. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\h\tcscpy_s.inl
  683. strcpy_s
  684. (((_Src))) != NULL
  685. Buffer is too small
  686. (L"Buffer is too small" && 0)
  687. ((ptloci->lc_category[category].locale != NULL) && (ptloci->lc_category[category].refcount != NULL)) || ((ptloci->lc_category[category].locale == NULL) && (ptloci->lc_category[category].refcount == NULL))
  688. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\localref.c
  689. @ja-JP
  690. zh-CN
  691. ko-KR
  692. zh-TW
  693. c("Corrupted pointer passed to _freea", 0)
  694. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\h\malloc.h
  696. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_flsbuf.c
  697. ("inconsistent IOB fields", stream->_ptr - stream->_base >= 0)
  698. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\fileno.c
  699. _fileno
  700. (fh >= 0 && (unsigned)fh < (unsigned)_nhandle)
  701. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\write.c
  702. _write
  703. (_osfile(fh) & FOPEN)
  704. ("Invalid file descriptor. File possibly closed by a different thread",0)
  705. (buf != NULL)
  706. _write_nolock
  707. ((cnt & 1) == 0)
  708. isleadbyte(_dbcsBuffer(fh))
  709. ApNode->_Next != NULL
  710. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\eh\typname.cpp
  711. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\close.c
  712. _close
  713. stream != NULL
  714. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_freebuf.c
  715. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\stdenvp.c
  716. _setenvp
  717. strcpy_s(*env, cchars, p)
  718. ("Invalid error_mode", 0)
  719. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\errmode.c
  720. _set_error_mode
  721. kernel32.dll
  722. Cdst != NULL
  723. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\string\memcpy_s.c
  724. memcpy_s
  725. src != NULL
  726. sizeInBytes >= count
  727. ((_Dst)) != NULL && ((_SizeInWords)) > 0
  728. wcscpy_s
  729. ("Invalid signal or error", 0)
  730. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\winsig.c
  731. raise
  732. USER32.DLL
  733. nf:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\misc\dbgrptt.c
  734. _VCrtDbgReportA
  735. _itoa_s(nLine, szLineMessage, 4096, 10)
  736. strcpy_s(szUserMessag
  737. e, 4096, "_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error")
  738. strcpy_s(szLineMessage, 4096, szFormat ? "Assertion failed: " : "Assertion failed!")
  739. strcat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, szUserMessage)
  740. strcat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, "\r")
  741. strcat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, "\n")
  742. strcpy_s(szOutMessage, 4096, "_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error")
  743. strcpy_s(szOutMessage, 4096, szLineMessage)
  744. e = mbstowcs_s(&ret, szOutMessage2, 4096, szOutMessage, ((size_t)-1))
  745. wcscpy_s(szOutMessage2, 4096, L"_CrtDbgReport: String too long or Invalid characters in String")
  746. _CrtDbgReport: String too long or Invalid characters in String
  747. _VCrtDbgReportW
  748. _itow_s(nLine, szLineMessage, 4096, 10)
  749. Second Chance Assertion Failed: File
  750. <file unknown>
  751. , Line
  752. wcscpy_s(szUserMessage, 4096, L"_CrtDbgReport: String too long or IO Error")
  753. wcscpy_s(szLineMessage, 4096, szFormat ? L"Assertion failed: " : L"Assertion failed!")
  754. Assertion failed:
  755. Assertion failed!
  756. wcscat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, szUserMessage)
  757. wcscat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, L"\r")
  758. wcscat_s(szLineMessage, 4096, L"\n")
  759. %s(%d) : %s
  760. wcscpy_s(szOutMessage, 4096, szLineMessage)
  761. wcstombs_s(((void *)0), szOutMessage2, 4096, szOutMessage, ((size_t)-1))
  762. strcpy_s(szOutMessage2, 4096, "_CrtDbgReport: String too long or Invalid characters in String")
  763. wcstombs_s(&ret, szaOutMessage, 4096, szOutMessage, ((size_t)-1))
  764. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_filbuf.c
  765. _filbuf
  766. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\h\ungetc_nolock.inl
  767. _ungetc_nolock
  768. _loc_update.GetLocaleT()->locinfo->mb_cur_max == 1 || _loc_update.GetLocaleT()->locinfo->mb_cur_max == 2
  769. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\mbtowc.c
  770. c >= -1 && c <= 255
  771. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\isctype.c
  772. pBlock != NULL
  773. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\heap\expand.c
  774. _expand_base
  775. @__crtMessageWindowA
  776. strcpy_s(szExeName, 260, "<program name unknown>")
  777. Debug %s!
  778. Program: %hs%s%s%hs%s%hs%s%hs%s%s%hs%s
  779. (Press Retry to debug the application)
  780. (path != NULL)
  781. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\open.c
  782. (pfh != NULL)
  783. _sopen_helper
  784. ((pmode & (~(_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE))) == 0)
  785. s1 != NULL
  786. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\mbstring\mbsnbcmp.c
  787. _mbsnbcmp_l
  788. s2 != NULL
  789. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\mbstring\mbsnbicm.c
  790. _mbsnbicmp_l
  791. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\h\tcscat_s.inl
  792. wcscat_s
  793. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\h\tcsncpy_s.inl
  794. wcsncpy_s
  796. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\isatty.c
  797. _isatty
  798. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\lseeki64.c
  799. _lseeki64
  800. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\_getbuf.c
  801. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\osfinfo.c
  802. _get_osfhandle
  803. (filedes >= 0 && (unsigned)filedes < (unsigned)_nhandle)
  804. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\commit.c
  805. _commit
  806. (_osfile(filedes) & FOPEN)
  807. buf != NULL
  808. f:\dd\vctools\crt\fpw32\conv\cvt.c
  809. _cftoe2_l
  810. sizeInBytes > 0
  811. sizeInBytes > (size_t)(3 + (ndec > 0 ? ndec : 0) + 5 + 1)
  812. strcpy_s(p, (sizeInBytes == (size_t)-1 ? sizeInBytes : sizeInBytes - (p - buf)), "e+000")
  813. _cftoe_l
  814. _cftoa_l
  815. sizeInBytes > (size_t)(1 + 4 + ndec + 6)
  816. _cftof2_l
  817. _cftof_l
  818. _cftog_l
  819. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\startup\i386\fp8.c
  820. _setdefaultprecision
  821. _controlfp_s(((void *)0), 0x00010000, 0x00030000)
  822. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\vswprint.c
  823. _vswprintf_helper
  824. (count == 0) || (string != NULL)
  825. format != NULL
  826. string != NULL && sizeInWords > 0
  827. ("Buffer too small", 0)
  828. _vsnwprintf_s_l
  829. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\output.c
  830. ("'n' format specifier disabled", 0)
  831. cstrcat_s
  832. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\xtoa.c
  833. xtoa_s
  834. sizeInTChars > 0
  835. sizeInTChars > (size_t)(is_neg ? 2 : 1)
  836. 2 <= radix && radix <= 36
  837. length < sizeInTChars
  838. s != NULL
  839. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\mbstowcs.c
  840. _mbstowcs_l_helper
  841. (pwcs == NULL && sizeInWords == 0) || (pwcs != NULL && sizeInWords > 0)
  842. _mbstowcs_s_l
  843. bufferSize <= INT_MAX
  844. retsize <= sizeInWords
  845. pwcs != NULL
  846. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\wcstombs.c
  847. _wcstombs_l_helper
  848. (dst != NULL && sizeInBytes > 0) || (dst == NULL && sizeInBytes == 0)
  849. _wcstombs_s_l
  850. sizeInBytes > retsize
  851. xtow_s
  852. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\stdio\vsprintf.c
  853. _vsnprintf_helper
  854. _vsprintf_s_l
  855. string != NULL && sizeInBytes > 0
  856. _vsnprintf_s_l
  857. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\read.c
  858. _read
  859. (cnt <= INT_MAX)
  860. _read_nolock
  861. (inputbuf != NULL)
  862. (null)
  863. (ch != _T('\0'))
  864. 2_wsopen_nolock
  865. _get_fmode(&fmode)
  866. ( "Invalid open flag" , 0 )
  867. ( "Invalid sharing flag" , 0 )
  868. (oflag & (_O_TEXT | _O_WTEXT | _O_U16TEXT | _O_U8TEXT) ) != 0
  869. 0 && "Internal Error"
  870. 0 && "Only UTF-16 little endian & UTF-8 is supported for reads"
  871. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\string\strnicmp.c
  872. _strnicmp_l
  873. count <= INT_MAX
  874. _strnicmp
  875. CONOUT$
  876. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\_fptostr.c
  877. _fptostr
  878. sizeInBytes > (size_t)((digits > 0 ? digits : 0) + 1)
  879. pflt != NULL
  880. f:\dd\vctools\crt\fpw32\conv\cfout.c
  881. _fltout2
  882. strcpy_s(resultstr, resultsize,
  883. ("Invalid input value", 0)
  884. f:\dd\vctools\crt\fpw32\tran\contrlfp.c
  885. _controlfp_s
  886. ("Incorrect format specifier", 0)
  887. ((state == ST_NORMAL) || (state == ST_TYPE))
  888. _woutput_s_l
  889. _output_s_l
  890. sizeInBytes <= INT_MAX
  891. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\convert\wctomb.c
  892. _wctomb_s_l
  893. f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\lowio\setmode.c
  894. (pMode != NULL)
  895. _get_fmode
  896. _Locale != NULL
  897. f:\dd\vctools\crt\fpw32\include\strgtold12.inl
  898. __strgtold12_l
  899. f:\dd\vctools\crt\fpw32\conv\x10fout.c
  900. $I10_OUTPUT
  901. strcpy_s(fos->man, 21+1, "1#SNAN")
  902. strcpy_s(fos->man, 21+1, "1#IND")
  903. strcpy_s(fos->man, 21+1, "1#INF")
  904. strcpy_s(fos->man, 21+1, "1#QNAN")
  905. C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\xstring
  906. ninvalid null pointer
  909. StringFileInfo
  910. 040904B0
  911. CompanyName
  912. RealTimeGaming Software
  913. FileDescription
  914. Installer
  915. FileVersion
  916. 13.1.0-RTG
  917. InternalName
  918. Setup
  919. LegalCopyright
  920. Copyright (c) 2012 Real-Time Gaming
  921. OriginalFilename
  922. InstallShield Setup.exe
  923. ProductName
  924. Cool Cat Casino
  925. ProductVersion
  926. 13.1.0-RTG
  927. Internal Build Number
  928. 99584
  929. ISInternalVersion
  930. 17.0.717
  931. ISInternalDescription
  932. Setup Launcher Unicode
  933. VarFileInfo
  934. Translation
  935. <<<Obsolete>>
  937. @ehn_labs ;)
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