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Jul 7th, 2012
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  1. [quote]
  2. But that only work with Metro apps. For desktop apps you still need to use the old method.
  3. [/quote]
  4. But at least Microsoft _realized_ that there was something wrong with the old system, and has gone to fixing it. You're basically telling me that the old Windows apps are horrible, but the new ones are amazing.
  5. [quote]
  6. In Linux any type of application (cli, GUI, web-app, widget) built on any libary (gtk, qt, xlibs, newt, ncurses, java) can be found in the app store. The Linux distribution packagers doesn't exclude apps for any reason at all (heck, even restricted codecs and drivers end up in the package manager).
  7. [/quote]
  8. really? I couldn't find Chrome when I searched for it in the package manager on openSuSE, but it might just be a problem with openSuSE (or me).
  10. [quote]
  11. Yeah. And how that give me any safety given that OEM's and MS MVP's will keep their mouth shut because they have a lot to lose if they don't (if an OEM confeses MS removes their "OEM" status and that means losing the ability to buy parts at huge discounts, which in turn would mean having to charge their customers as much as Apple does. In fact Apple computers are expensive because Apple doesn't have the "OEM" status and can't acquire it unless they stop bundling OSX and start preinstalling Windows, and if a MVP confese MS revoques their "MVP" status which means a hard financial and competitive loss) and the goverment will keep their mouth shut because they have their own "skeletons" hidden in Windows PC's and they know that MS can expose those "skeletons" the goverment agencies have
  12. [/quote]
  13. correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there whistleblower laws that protect people who expose activities like that? If an MVP "confesses," I think the amount of hits to a blog post made by him about it (and the ads that pay him on that blog) would more than make up for anything lost by Microsoft :P TBH, this whole paragraph just sounds like outright paranoia.
  15. [quote]
  16. First of all they aren't hiding anything from the US goverment, OEM's, MVP's, etc. The goverment, OEM's, MVP's, etc know what MS is doing but keep it secret for fear of retaliation (all of them have too much to risk if MS decides to retaliate against them), second The distro I have installed is one of those "Richard Stallman-approved" ones (Richard Stallman IS CONSPIRANOIC, hence if there's anyone that will triple check and triple audit ANY CODE THAT COMES FROM MS is him) which means that any malicious MS code was removed from the kernel before the kernel image got approved for packaging and uploading.
  17. [/quote]
  18. "all of them have too much to risk if MS decides to retaliate against them" you make it sound like Microsoft is the mafia or something; they're not going to send someone to kill you if you "expose" something like that.
  20. [quote]
  21. Also remember that the code MS sent was "COMMITED" (as in received) but not all of it was "APPROVED" (that means that both Linus torvalds and Richard Stallman have personally reviewed it and accepted it for inclusion in the kernel codebase).
  22. [/quote]
  23. since Linux is so open I assume that there's a database somewhere of code commited to the Linux kernel and code not approved to be added to the linux kernel (along with a reason on why the code wasn't approved). why don't you check that database, and tell me if you find any comment that says something along the lines of "I didn't approve this code because it was part of a plot by Microsoft to destroy linux and install backdoors and spyware on millions of their competitors products"
  26. [quote]
  27. Yes, I agree on that part, but if you look at pretty much all the surveys about win8. There's quite a lot of people who hate the Metro UI and apps.
  28. [/quote]
  29. it's a personal choice, and there are a lot of people who actually like the Metro UI and apps (especially after seeing it on the Surface)
  31. [quote]
  32. And when you want to back things up you end up hunting registry keys holding your settings and hunting down settings buried in libraries and binaries. In Linux just zip your user folder and all your personal settings go with you (all you need to do is use the same username and extract the archive in the new user folder). Also the "Install wizard" you prefer can hide unwanted add-ons.
  33. [/quote]
  34. again, with Metro you don't need to back things up - it's all stored in the Cloud
  36. [quote]
  37. Well. Try to fit a +3TB HDD in a non-UEFI box and tell me if you can use ALL of the disk capacity without changing from mbr to gpt.
  38. [/quote]
  39. I'll admit that I don't have anywhere near as much experience as you seem to have on this subject, so I'll take your word for it.
  41. [quote]
  42. If you consider that only big name comercial apps are worthy then keep your Windows. Because Not many comercial application manufacturers will make products for Linux (they would incurr in Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer's wrath).
  43. [/quote]
  44. I never said that only the "big name comercial apps are worthy," I just asked for user-recognizable features that make Linux much better than Windows for a consumer.
  45. [quote]
  46. BTW: There's no need to invent conspiracy theories about MS.
  47. [/quote]
  48. umm, remember "First of all they aren't hiding anything from the US goverment, OEM's, MVP's, etc. The goverment, OEM's, MVP's, etc know what MS is doing but keep it secret for fear of retaliation (all of them have too much to risk if MS decides to retaliate against them)"? sound like a conspiracy theory about MS to you? guess who wrote it (:
  51. [quote]
  52. Their monopolistic nature and malice and hostility towards Linux were proven in the US and EU courts
  53. [/quote]
  54. If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, that was, what, over a decade ago? companies can change.
  56. [quote]
  57. (remember the Halloween Documents, the internal memo where one of the MS CEO's asked one of his employees to find surrepticiuos ways to propietarize the ACPI standard with the pupose of locking Linux out, or the "get the facts" campaign where the astroturfing and sockpuppetry was blatant, or the foxconn ACPI scandal where it was proven that MS forced foxconn to put an acpi dsdt table that was meticulously designed to throughly crash the Linux kernel. And the table was there only for Linux. There was another more generic table for "unsupported OS's"
  58. [/quote]
  59. sorry, but I don't remember anything about the Foxconn/ACPI/Microsoft scandal, could you point me to a link for it? the only thing I came up with was, and that seems to indicate that people thought Microsoft was paying them to do that because it was Microsoft Certified.
  61. [quote]
  62. or Steve Ballmer yelling at the top of his lungs that "Linux was a cancer" and that he was going to use all of his (illegal) tricks to throughly erradicate it, or the initial draft of the TCPA standard which was mostly MS designed, and "casually" locked Linux out, or the initial version of BitLocker/BCD that came in an early version of Longhorn (even before it got called "Vista") that "just casually" rendered any Linux partition inoperable even if there were two partitions between the Windows and the Linux partition, or what about the relativelly recent SCO scandal where MS underhandedly passed money to SCO to help SCO crush Linux, or all the patent FUD (I mean, if they have those patents WHY THEY DOESN'T SHOW THEM), and those fraudulent deals with Linux distributors that were clearly meant to bring dissent within the Linux community, and the DE sabotage, and let's not forget the Best-Buy "training" material for salesmen that had blatant FUD against Linux all over the material).
  63. [/quote]
  64. I'd heard about some of these, but many of them I hadn't. Could you paste links to news articles about these? I'd actually like to read about them.
  66. [quote]
  67. MS is clearly against Linux and have shown it many times.
  68. [/quote]
  69. read: MS is clearly against a competing product and has shown it many times.
  70. on another note, why would Microsoft be against a product that it uses in Azure?
  72. [quote]
  73. BTW 2: The fact that you have a M$-Linux partition gathering lint doesn't make you less of a MS FANBOY and Steve Ballmer MOUTHPIECE.
  74. [/quote]
  75. I'm sorry if you've interpreted my replies that way, but in all fairness it's quite apparent that you are a "[LINUX] FANBOY and [conspiracy theorist] MOUTHPIECE."
  77. why don't I ask you another question: have you used Windows 8 (the RP) yet?
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