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McDonald`s E2 By DoktorDim

a guest
Jan 1st, 2017
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text 21.44 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @name McDonald`s | Version 1,0
  2. @inputs E:wirelink U:entity EBetal:wirelink UBetal:entity
  3. @outputs
  4. @persist Pris S [S1V1,S1V2,S1V3,S1V4,S1V5,S1V6,S1V7,S1V8,S1V9,S1V10,S1V11,S1V12,S1V13,S1V14,S2V1,S2V2,S2V3,S2V4,S2V5,S2V6,S2V7,S2V8,S2V9,S2V10,S2V11,S2V12,S2V13,S2V14,SendPenge]:number Profit Person:string
  5. @trigger all
  7. if(duped()){reset()}
  8. if(first() | dupefinished()){
  9. concmd("say !info")
  11. ##Settings##
  13. Person = "DoktorDim" #Person der styre kassen.
  15. Profit = 200
  17. ##VaabenPriser Settings##
  19. S1V1 = 1500+Profit #Ak-47
  20. S1V2 = 1450+Profit #Ak-74
  21. S1V3 = 1450+Profit #Famas
  22. S1V4 = 1600+Profit #G3A3
  23. S1V5 = 650+Profit #Deagle
  24. S1V6 = 550+Profit #Glock-20
  25. S1V7 = 1550+Profit #G36C
  27. S1V8 = 1550+Profit #M4A1
  28. S1V9 = 1200+Profit #KS-23
  29. S1V10 = 2000+Profit #M14
  30. S1V11 = 3500+Profit #M82
  31. S1V12 = 2800+Profit #M24
  32. S1V13 = 3000+Profit #M21
  33. S1V14 = 750+Profit #Raging Bull
  37. S2V1 = 500+Profit #M1911
  38. S2V2 = 800+Profit #OTs-33 Pernach
  39. S2V3 = 600+Profit #P228
  40. S2V4 = 1050+Profit #PP-19 Bizon
  41. S2V5 = 1100+Profit #MP5
  42. S2V6 = 2400+Profit #SKS
  43. S2V7 = 1900+Profit #RPK-47
  45. S2V8 = 1300+Profit #M3 Shotgun
  46. S2V9 = 2850+Profit #SR-25
  47. S2V10 = 1500+Profit #SG 552
  48. S2V11 = 1550+Profit #SG 550
  49. S2V12 = 1050+Profit #UZI
  50. S2V13 = 0 #Ingen ting
  51. S2V14 = 0 #Ingen ting
  52. ##Settings##
  55. setName("McDonald`s
  56. Version: 1,0
  57. By DoktorDim")
  58. ##Function##
  60. function number wirelink:egpClick(Idx:number,Ply:entity,TopLeft:number)
  61. {
  62. TL = This:egpPos(Idx) - This:egpSize(Idx) / 2 * (TopLeft ? 0 : 1)
  63. BR = This:egpPos(Idx) + This:egpSize(Idx) / (TopLeft ? 1 : 2)
  64. Cur = This:egpCursor(Ply)
  65. return inrange(Cur, TL, BR)}
  67. function string returnTime(){
  68. SSec=time("sec")
  69. MMin=time("min")
  70. HHour=time("hour")+1
  71. if(SSec<10){Sec="0"+SSec}
  72. else{Sec=""+SSec}
  73. if(MMin<10){Min="0"+MMin}
  74. else{Min=""+MMin}
  75. if(HHour<10){Hour="0"+HHour} elseif(HHour==24){Hour="00"}
  76. elseif(HHour==25){Hour="01"} elseif(HHour==26){Hour="02"}
  77. elseif(HHour==27){Hour="03"} elseif(HHour==28){Hour="04"}
  78. elseif(HHour==29){Hour="05"} elseif(HHour==30){Hour="06"}
  79. else{Hour=""+HHour}
  80. Tid=Hour+":"+Min
  81. return Tid
  82. }
  84. function void printChat(STR:string){printColor(vec(255,255,255),"| ",vec(255,214,0),returnTime(),vec(255,255,255)," - ",vec(255,214,0),"McDonald`s",vec(255,255,255)," | ",vec(255,255,255),STR)}
  87. timer("1",1500)
  88. timer("2",2500)
  89. Pris = 0
  90. }
  92. if(clk("1")){
  93. stoptimer("1")
  94. E:egpClear()
  95. E:egpBox(1,vec2(256,256),vec2(512,512)) E:egpColor(1,255,255,255,150) E:egpMaterial(1,"console/background06")
  96. E:egpBox(2,vec2(448,256),vec2(128,512)) E:egpColor(2,255,255,255,50)
  97. E:egpBox(3,vec2(384,256),vec2(1,512)) E:egpColor(3,0,0,0,100)
  98. E:egpText(4,"Pris:",vec2(448+1,246+1)) E:egpAlign(4,1,1) E:egpSize(4,25) E:egpFont(4,"Courier New") E:egpColor(4,0,0,0,150)
  99. E:egpText(5,Pris+" DKK",vec2(448+1,266+1)) E:egpAlign(5,1,1) E:egpSize(5,20) E:egpFont(5,"Courier New") E:egpColor(5,0,0,0,150)
  101. E:egpText(6,"Pris:",vec2(448,246)) E:egpAlign(6,1,1) E:egpSize(6,25) E:egpFont(6,"Courier New")
  102. E:egpText(7,Pris+" DKK",vec2(448,266)) E:egpAlign(7,1,1) E:egpSize(7,20) E:egpFont(7,"Courier New")
  104. E:egpBox(8,vec2(448+1,230+1),vec2(100,1)) E:egpColor(8,0,0,0,100)
  105. E:egpBox(9,vec2(448+1,282+1),vec2(100,1)) E:egpColor(9,0,0,0,100)
  106. E:egpBox(10,vec2(448,230),vec2(100,1))
  107. E:egpBox(11,vec2(448,282),vec2(100,1))
  110. EBetal:egpClear()
  111. EBetal:egpBox(1,vec2(256,256),vec2(512,512)) EBetal:egpColor(1,255,255,255,50) #EBetal:egpMaterial(1,"console/background02")
  112. EBetal:egpText(2,"McDonald`s",vec2(256+2,100+1)) EBetal:egpSize(2,50) EBetal:egpAlign(2,1,1) EBetal:egpColor(2,0,0,0,150)
  113. EBetal:egpText(3,"McDonald`s",vec2(256,100)) EBetal:egpSize(3,50) EBetal:egpAlign(3,1,1)
  114. EBetal:egpBox(4,vec2(256+1,125+1),vec2(256,2)) EBetal:egpColor(4,0,0,0,150)
  115. EBetal:egpBox(5,vec2(256,125),vec2(256,2))
  116. EBetal:egpBox(6,vec2(128,474),vec2(256,76)) EBetal:egpColor(6,255,255,255,25)
  117. EBetal:egpBox(7,vec2(384,474),vec2(256,76)) EBetal:egpColor(7,255,255,255,75)
  118. EBetal:egpText(8,"Pris: "+Pris,vec2(128+2,474+1)) EBetal:egpAlign(8,1,1) EBetal:egpSize(8,35) EBetal:egpColor(8,0,0,0,150)
  119. EBetal:egpText(9,"Pris: "+Pris,vec2(128,474)) EBetal:egpAlign(9,1,1) EBetal:egpSize(9,35)
  120. EBetal:egpText(10,"Betal",vec2(384+2,474+1)) EBetal:egpAlign(10,1,1) EBetal:egpSize(10,50) EBetal:egpColor(10,0,0,0,150)
  121. EBetal:egpText(11,"Betal",vec2(384,474)) EBetal:egpAlign(11,1,1) EBetal:egpSize(11,50)
  123. ##VaabenBoxe##
  124. E:egpBox(13,vec2(192,35),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(13,255,255,255,100)
  125. E:egpBox(14,vec2(192,69),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(14,255,255,255,100)
  126. E:egpBox(15,vec2(192,103),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(15,255,255,255,100)
  127. E:egpBox(16,vec2(192,137),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(16,255,255,255,100)
  128. E:egpBox(17,vec2(192,171),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(17,255,255,255,100)
  129. E:egpBox(18,vec2(192,205),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(18,255,255,255,100)
  130. E:egpBox(19,vec2(192,239),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(19,255,255,255,100)
  132. E:egpBox(20,vec2(192,273),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(20,255,255,255,100)
  133. E:egpBox(21,vec2(192,307),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(21,255,255,255,100)
  134. E:egpBox(22,vec2(192,341),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(22,255,255,255,100)
  135. E:egpBox(23,vec2(192,375),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(23,255,255,255,100)
  136. E:egpBox(24,vec2(192,409),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(24,255,255,255,100)
  137. E:egpBox(25,vec2(192,443),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(25,255,255,255,100)
  138. E:egpBox(26,vec2(192,477),vec2(346,30)) E:egpColor(26,255,255,255,100)
  141. E:egpBox(27,vec2(448,315),vec2(100,25)) E:egpColor(27,255,255,255,25)
  142. E:egpText(28,"Nustil pris",vec2(448+1,315+1)) E:egpSize(28,16) E:egpAlign(28,1,1) E:egpFont(28,"Courier New") E:egpColor(28,0,0,0,150)
  143. E:egpText(29,"Nustil pris",vec2(448,315)) E:egpSize(29,16) E:egpAlign(29,1,1) E:egpFont(29,"Courier New")
  145. }
  147. if(clk("2")){
  148. stoptimer("2")
  149. ##VaabenText-Site1 overst##
  150. E:egpText(30,"",vec2(192+1,35+1)) E:egpColor(30,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(30,1,1) E:egpSize(30,23)
  151. E:egpText(31,"",vec2(192+1,69+1)) E:egpColor(31,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(31,1,1) E:egpSize(31,23)
  152. E:egpText(32,"",vec2(192+1,103+1)) E:egpColor(32,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(32,1,1) E:egpSize(32,23)
  153. E:egpText(33,"",vec2(192+1,137+1)) E:egpColor(33,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(33,1,1) E:egpSize(33,23)
  154. E:egpText(34,"",vec2(192+1,171+1)) E:egpColor(34,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(34,1,1) E:egpSize(34,23)
  155. E:egpText(35,"",vec2(192+1,205+1)) E:egpColor(35,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(35,1,1) E:egpSize(35,23)
  156. E:egpText(36,"",vec2(192+1,239+1)) E:egpColor(36,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(36,1,1) E:egpSize(36,23)
  158. E:egpText(37,"",vec2(192,35)) E:egpAlign(37,1,1) E:egpSize(37,23)
  159. E:egpText(38,"",vec2(192,69)) E:egpAlign(38,1,1) E:egpSize(38,23)
  160. E:egpText(39,"",vec2(192,103)) E:egpAlign(39,1,1) E:egpSize(39,23)
  161. E:egpText(40,"",vec2(192,137)) E:egpAlign(40,1,1) E:egpSize(40,23)
  162. E:egpText(41,"",vec2(192,171)) E:egpAlign(41,1,1) E:egpSize(41,23)
  163. E:egpText(42,"",vec2(192,205)) E:egpAlign(42,1,1) E:egpSize(42,23)
  164. E:egpText(43,"",vec2(192,239)) E:egpAlign(43,1,1) E:egpSize(43,23)
  167. ##VaabenText-Site1 nederst##
  168. E:egpText(44,"",vec2(192+1,273+1)) E:egpColor(44,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(44,1,1) E:egpSize(44,23)
  169. E:egpText(45,"",vec2(192+1,307+1)) E:egpColor(45,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(45,1,1) E:egpSize(45,23)
  170. E:egpText(46,"",vec2(192+1,341+1)) E:egpColor(46,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(46,1,1) E:egpSize(46,23)
  171. E:egpText(47,"",vec2(192+1,375+1)) E:egpColor(47,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(47,1,1) E:egpSize(47,23)
  172. E:egpText(48,"",vec2(192+1,409+1)) E:egpColor(48,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(48,1,1) E:egpSize(48,23)
  173. E:egpText(49,"",vec2(192+1,443+1)) E:egpColor(49,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(49,1,1) E:egpSize(49,23)
  174. E:egpText(50,"",vec2(192+1,477+1)) E:egpColor(50,0,0,0,150) E:egpAlign(50,1,1) E:egpSize(50,23)
  176. E:egpText(51,"",vec2(192,273)) E:egpAlign(51,1,1) E:egpSize(51,23)
  177. E:egpText(52,"",vec2(192,307)) E:egpAlign(52,1,1) E:egpSize(52,23)
  178. E:egpText(53,"",vec2(192,341)) E:egpAlign(53,1,1) E:egpSize(53,23)
  179. E:egpText(54,"",vec2(192,375)) E:egpAlign(54,1,1) E:egpSize(54,23)
  180. E:egpText(55,"",vec2(192,409)) E:egpAlign(55,1,1) E:egpSize(55,23)
  181. E:egpText(56,"",vec2(192,443)) E:egpAlign(56,1,1) E:egpSize(56,23)
  182. E:egpText(57,"",vec2(192,477)) E:egpAlign(57,1,1) E:egpSize(57,23)
  184. S = 1
  185. timer("Side",1000)
  187. E:egpBox(999,vec2(256,256),vec2(20,20))
  188. E:egpMaterial(999,"vgui/cursors/hand")
  189. E:egpParentToCursor(999)
  190. }
  192. if(clk("Side")){
  193. stoptimer("Side")
  195. if(S == 1){
  197. ##Vaaben 1##
  198. E:egpSetText(30,"AK-47 - "+S1V1+" DKK")
  199. E:egpSetText(37,"AK-47 - "+S1V1+" DKK")
  200. ##Vaaben 2##
  201. E:egpSetText(31,"AK-74 - "+S1V2+" DKK")
  202. E:egpSetText(38,"AK-74 - "+S1V2+" DKK")
  203. ##Vaaben 3##
  204. E:egpSetText(32,"Famas - "+S1V3+" DKK")
  205. E:egpSetText(39,"Famas - "+S1V3+" DKK")
  206. ##Vaaben 4##
  207. E:egpSetText(33,"G3A3 - "+S1V4+" DKK")
  208. E:egpSetText(40,"G3A3 - "+S1V4+" DKK")
  209. ##Vaaben 5##
  210. E:egpSetText(34,"Deagle - "+S1V5+" DKK")
  211. E:egpSetText(41,"Deagle - "+S1V5+" DKK")
  212. ##Vaaben 6##
  213. E:egpSetText(35,"Glock-20 - "+S1V6+" DKK")
  214. E:egpSetText(42,"Glock-20 - "+S1V6+" DKK")
  215. ##Vaaben 7##
  216. E:egpSetText(36,"G36C - "+S1V7+" DKK")
  217. E:egpSetText(43,"G36C - "+S1V7+" DKK")
  219. ##Vaaben 8##
  220. E:egpSetText(44,"M4A1 - "+S1V8+" DKK")
  221. E:egpSetText(51,"M4A1 - "+S1V8+" DKK")
  222. ##Vaaben 9##
  223. E:egpSetText(45,"KS-23 - "+S1V9+" DKK")
  224. E:egpSetText(52,"KS-23 - "+S1V9+" DKK")
  225. ##Vaaben 10##
  226. E:egpSetText(46,"M14 - "+S1V10+" DKK")
  227. E:egpSetText(53,"M14 - "+S1V10+" DKK")
  228. ##Vaaben 11##
  229. E:egpSetText(47,"M82 - "+S1V11+" DKK")
  230. E:egpSetText(54,"M82 - "+S1V11+" DKK")
  231. ##Vaaben 12##
  232. E:egpSetText(48,"M24 - "+S1V12+" DKK")
  233. E:egpSetText(55,"M24 - "+S1V12+" DKK")
  234. ##Vaaben 13##
  235. E:egpSetText(49,"M21 - "+S1V13+" DKK")
  236. E:egpSetText(56,"M21 - "+S1V13+" DKK")
  237. ##Vaaben 14##
  238. E:egpSetText(50,"Raging Bull - "+S1V14+" DKK")
  239. E:egpSetText(57,"Raging Bull - "+S1V14+" DKK")
  241. E:egpBox(58,vec2(440,486),vec2(26,3)) E:egpAngle(58,-45) E:egpColor(58,255,255,255,100)
  242. E:egpBox(59,vec2(456,486),vec2(26,3)) E:egpAngle(59,45) E:egpColor(59,255,255,255,100)
  243. E:egpBox(60,vec2(448,486),vec2(50,50)) E:egpColor(60,0,0,0,0)
  245. E:egpColor(61,0,0,0,0) E:egpColor(62,0,0,0,0) E:egpColor(63,0,0,0,0)
  246. }
  250. if(S == 2){
  252. ##Vaaben 1##
  253. E:egpSetText(30,"M1911 - "+S2V1+" DKK")
  254. E:egpSetText(37,"M1911 - "+S2V1+" DKK")
  255. ##Vaaben 2##
  256. E:egpSetText(31,"OTs-33 Pernach - "+S2V2+" DKK")
  257. E:egpSetText(38,"OTs-33 Pernach - "+S2V2+" DKK")
  258. ##Vaaben 3##
  259. E:egpSetText(32,"P228 - "+S2V3+" DKK")
  260. E:egpSetText(39,"P228 - "+S2V3+" DKK")
  261. ##Vaaben 4##
  262. E:egpSetText(33,"PP-19 Bizon - "+S2V4+" DKK")
  263. E:egpSetText(40,"PP-19 Bizon - "+S2V4+" DKK")
  264. ##Vaaben 5##
  265. E:egpSetText(34,"MP5 - "+S2V5+" DKK")
  266. E:egpSetText(41,"MP5 - "+S2V5+" DKK")
  267. ##Vaaben 6##
  268. E:egpSetText(35,"SKS - "+S2V6+" DKK")
  269. E:egpSetText(42,"SKS - "+S2V6+" DKK")
  270. ##Vaaben 7##
  271. E:egpSetText(36,"RPK-47 - "+S2V7+" DKK")
  272. E:egpSetText(43,"RPK-47 - "+S2V7+" DKK")
  273. ##Vaaben 8##
  274. E:egpSetText(44,"M3 Shotgun - "+S2V8+" DKK")
  275. E:egpSetText(51,"M3 Shotgun - "+S2V8+" DKK")
  276. ##Vaaben 9##
  277. E:egpSetText(45,"SR-25 - "+S2V9+" DKK")
  278. E:egpSetText(52,"SR-25 - "+S2V9+" DKK")
  279. ##Vaaben 10##
  280. E:egpSetText(46,"SG 552 - "+S2V10+" DKK")
  281. E:egpSetText(53,"SG 552 - "+S2V10+" DKK")
  282. ##Vaaben 11##
  283. E:egpSetText(47,"SG 550 - "+S2V11+" DKK")
  284. E:egpSetText(54,"SG 550 - "+S2V11+" DKK")
  285. ##Vaaben 12##
  286. E:egpSetText(48,"UZI - "+S2V12+" DKK")
  287. E:egpSetText(55,"UZI - "+S2V12+" DKK")
  288. ##Vaaben 13##
  289. E:egpSetText(49,"Ingen V"+aa()+"ben - "+S2V13+" DKK")
  290. E:egpSetText(56,"Ingen V"+aa()+"ben - "+S2V13+" DKK")
  291. ##Vaaben 14##
  292. E:egpSetText(50,"Ingen V"+aa()+"ben - "+S2V14+" DKK")
  293. E:egpSetText(57,"Ingen V"+aa()+"ben - "+S2V14+" DKK")
  295. E:egpBox(61,vec2(440,26),vec2(26,3)) E:egpAngle(61,45) E:egpColor(61,255,255,255,100)
  296. E:egpBox(62,vec2(456,26),vec2(26,3)) E:egpAngle(62,-45) E:egpColor(62,255,255,255,100)
  297. E:egpBox(63,vec2(448,26),vec2(50,50)) E:egpColor(63,0,0,0,0)
  299. E:egpColor(58,0,0,0,0) E:egpColor(59,0,0,0,0) E:egpColor(60,0,0,0,0)
  301. }
  305. }
  307. if(clk("PrisUpdate")){
  308. stoptimer("PrisUpdate")
  309. E:egpSetText(5,Pris+" DKK")
  310. E:egpSetText(7,Pris+" DKK")
  311. EBetal:egpSetText(8,Pris+" DKK")
  312. EBetal:egpSetText(9,Pris+" DKK")
  313. }
  317. if(S == 1){
  318. if(ops() <100){
  319. if(~U & U){
  320. if(E:egpClick(13,U,0)){Pris = S1V1 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 1}
  321. if(E:egpClick(14,U,0)){Pris = S1V2 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 2}
  322. if(E:egpClick(15,U,0)){Pris = S1V3 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 3}
  323. if(E:egpClick(16,U,0)){Pris = S1V4 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 4}
  324. if(E:egpClick(17,U,0)){Pris = S1V5 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 5}
  325. if(E:egpClick(18,U,0)){Pris = S1V6 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 6}
  326. if(E:egpClick(19,U,0)){Pris = S1V7 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 7}
  327. if(E:egpClick(20,U,0)){Pris = S1V8 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 8}
  328. if(E:egpClick(21,U,0)){Pris = S1V9 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 9}
  329. if(E:egpClick(22,U,0)){Pris = S1V10 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 10}
  330. if(E:egpClick(23,U,0)){Pris = S1V11 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 11}
  331. if(E:egpClick(24,U,0)){Pris = S1V12 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 12}
  332. if(E:egpClick(25,U,0)){Pris = S1V13 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 13}
  333. if(E:egpClick(26,U,0)){Pris = S1V14 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 14}
  334. if(E:egpClick(60,U,0)){timer("Side",250) S = 2}
  335. }
  336. }
  337. }
  341. if(S == 2){
  342. if(ops() <100){
  343. if(~U & U){
  344. if(E:egpClick(13,U,0)){Pris = S2V1 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 15}
  345. if(E:egpClick(14,U,0)){Pris = S2V2 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 16}
  346. if(E:egpClick(15,U,0)){Pris = S2V3 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 17}
  347. if(E:egpClick(16,U,0)){Pris = S2V4 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 18}
  348. if(E:egpClick(17,U,0)){Pris = S2V5 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 19}
  349. if(E:egpClick(18,U,0)){Pris = S2V6 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 20}
  350. if(E:egpClick(19,U,0)){Pris = S2V7 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 21}
  351. if(E:egpClick(20,U,0)){Pris = S2V8 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 22}
  352. if(E:egpClick(21,U,0)){Pris = S2V9 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 23}
  353. if(E:egpClick(22,U,0)){Pris = S2V10 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 24}
  354. if(E:egpClick(23,U,0)){Pris = S2V11 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 25}
  355. if(E:egpClick(24,U,0)){Pris = S2V12 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 26}
  356. if(E:egpClick(25,U,0)){Pris = S2V13 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 27}
  357. if(E:egpClick(26,U,0)){Pris = S2V14 timer("PrisUpdate",50) SendPenge = 28}
  358. if(E:egpClick(63,U,0)){timer("Side",250) S = 1}
  359. }
  360. }
  361. }
  364. ##Nulstil Pris##
  365. if(ops() <100){ if(~U & U){ if(E:egpClick(27,U,0)){Pris = 0 SendPenge = 0 timer("PrisUpdate",50)}}}
  367. ##Betal##
  368. if(ops() <50){
  369. if(~UBetal & UBetal){
  370. if(EBetal:egpClick(7,UBetal,0)){moneyRequest(UBetal,Pris,"McDonald`s")}
  371. }
  372. }
  374. if(moneyTimeout("McDonald`s")){printChat("Fejl... En Timouted i MoneyRequest.")}
  375. if(moneyNoClk("McDonald`s")){printChat("Fejl... En anullerede k"+oe()+"bet.")}
  378. if(moneyClk("McDonald`s")){
  379. timer("PrisUpdate",250)
  380. Pris = 0
  382. if(SendPenge == 1){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V1-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: AK-47") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  383. if(SendPenge == 2){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V2-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: AK-74") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  384. if(SendPenge == 3){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V3-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: Famas") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  385. if(SendPenge == 4){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V4-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: G3A3") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  386. if(SendPenge == 5){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V5-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: Deagle") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  387. if(SendPenge == 6){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V6-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: Glock-20") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  388. if(SendPenge == 7){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V7-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: G36C") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  389. if(SendPenge == 8){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V8-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M4A1") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  390. if(SendPenge == 9){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V9-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: KS-23") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  391. if(SendPenge == 10){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V10-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M14") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  392. if(SendPenge == 11){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V11-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M82") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  393. if(SendPenge == 12){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V12-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M24") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  394. if(SendPenge == 13){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V13-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M21") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  395. if(SendPenge == 14){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S1V14-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: Raging Bull") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  397. if(SendPenge == 15){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V1-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M1911") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  398. if(SendPenge == 16){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V2-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: OTs-33 Pernach") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  399. if(SendPenge == 17){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V3-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: P228") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  400. if(SendPenge == 18){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V4-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: PP-19 Bizon") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  401. if(SendPenge == 19){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V5-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: MP5") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  402. if(SendPenge == 20){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V6-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: SKS") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  403. if(SendPenge == 21){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V7-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: RPK-47") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  404. if(SendPenge == 22){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V8-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: M3 Shotgun") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  405. if(SendPenge == 23){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V9-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: SR-25") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  406. if(SendPenge == 24){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V10-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: SG 552") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  407. if(SendPenge == 25){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V11-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: SG 550") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  408. if(SendPenge == 26){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V12-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: UZI") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  409. if(SendPenge == 27){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V13-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: AK-47") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  410. if(SendPenge == 28){moneyGive(findPlayerByName(Person),S2V14-100) concmd("say /pm "+Person+" | McDonald`s | En har k"+oe()+"bt en: AK-47") timer("Odre",1000) SendPenge = 0}
  411. }
  413. if(clk("Odre")){ stoptimer("Odre") printChat("Et k"+oe()+"b blev gennemf"+oe()+"rt...")}
  415. runOnChat(1)
  417. if(chatClk()){
  418. A = owner():lastSaid():explode(" ")
  419. if(A[1,string]=="!info" & chatClk(owner())){
  420. hideChat(1)
  421. printChat("Du m"+aa()+" ikke s"+ae()+"lge denne E2 vidre til nogen som helst.")
  422. printChat("Brug af denne E2 sker p"+aa()+" eget ansvar.")
  423. printChat("DoktorDim har ret til at crashe denne E2.")
  424. printChat("Du m"+aa()+" ikke dele ting i dette script.")
  425. printChat("Du m"+aa()+" ikke")
  426. }
  427. }
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