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May 11th, 2011
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  1. @NPCClass base(BaseHelicopter) studio("models/advisor.mdl" ) = npc_combine_advisor_roaming : "Combine Advisor Roaming"
  2. [
  4. // Inputs
  5. input OmniscientOn(void) : "Advisor knows target's location even when target is out of sight or behind cover"
  6. input OmniscientOff(void) : "Advisor relies on normal sight functions to locate target"
  7. input BlindfireOn(void ) : "Advisor will fire at an unseen target, attempting to punch through to them"
  8. input BlindfireOff(void ) : "Advisor only fires at viusible target"
  9. input SetPenetrationDepth( float ) : "Set penetration depth of bullets"
  11. input SetDockingBBox( void ) : "Shrink Bounding Box"
  12. input SetNormalBBox( void ) : "Set Bounding Box to normal size"
  14. input EnableGroundAttack( void ) : "Allow the advisor to use its ground attack"
  15. input DisableGroundAttack( void ) : "Don't allow the advisor to use its ground attack"
  16. input DoGroundAttack( string ) : "Causes the advisor to execute its ground attack"
  18. input BecomeInvulnerable( void ): "Stops the advisor from taking damage, but still makes sounds effects"
  19. input BecomeVulnerable( void ): "Makes the advisor act normally to damage"
  21. input EnableRotorSound(void) : "Turns on rotor sounds"
  22. input DisableRotorSound(void) : "Turns off rotor sounds"
  24. input DoAvalancheBlast(void) : "Performs an avalanche blast"
  25. input DoSpitAttack(void) : "Performs a spit attack"
  26. input SetMaxSpeed( float ) : "Adjusts max speed for the advisor"
  27. input DropShield( float ) : "Drops advisor shield for x seconds (0 sec will use default)"
  28. input SetRetreatTrack( string ) : "Sets a retreat track for advisor to fly to when receiving too much damage"
  30. // Outputs
  31. output OnFireCannon(void) : "Fires when the advisor fires a cannon round"
  32. output OnFirstDamage( void ) : "Fired when the first damage is done to the advisor."
  33. output OnSecondDamage( void ) : "Fired when the second damage is done to the advisor."
  34. output OnThirdDamage( void ) : "Fired when the third damage is done to the advisor."
  35. output OnFourthDamage( void ) : "Fired when the fourth damage is done to the advisor."
  36. output OnEnoughPhysAmmo( void ) : "Fired when advisor got enough phys ammo."
  37. output OnLowPhysAmmo( void ) : "Fired when advisor is low on phys ammo."
  38. output OnOutOfPhysAmmo( void ) : "Fired when advisor has no phys ammo."
  39. output OnDmgReached( void ) : "Fires when advisor received too much damage exceeding threshold within a short time span."
  40. ]
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