
More Zoofpaste

May 12th, 2014
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  1. Mikoto has been busy meeting with Queen Garnet, Regent Cid, various delegates from Burmecia, King Zephyr, and most recently the elder of New Wutosh to discuss FUTURE CIVILIZATION things, and meeting with her sister in law and brother more discreetly in asking their opinions on certain aspects of rule and delegation - particularly the part where family units end up running for an office together interested her. Zidane kind of worries that interfamily politics may end up affecting nationwide politics and viceversa, but it could work out. (Other than that I'm actually kind of stuck because I suck at politics ;-;) Getting a boyfriend is something she's interested in, but she's still not sure how to approach it and probably needs your help.
  3. Gina has been having a hell of a time lately - she's been going around and... 'adding people to her collection', essentially using her shapechanging abilities to take a little piece off of most Elekin she meets. She's really started to get a distinct look now, with fluffy hair that looks about like David Bowie out of Labyrinth; cheerful, bright green eyes, a cute little nose, and a mouth with full lips. She's settled on an average body type with decent curves, but nothing too outlandish, and, somewhat oddly enough she's managed to sprout a second tail, now having the brown monkey tail of the genome and the modified calico tail, which move separately or sometimes curl together. At least it's easy to recognize her, now! She's been hanging around Treno, learning things from anyone she can - especially Adenine, who she seems to share a few cultural interests with. Her curious and friendly nature, combined with her being emboldened by her rescue at your hands, seems to have won her quite a few friends, and her bond with the nameless guy has only improved. It seems like she's thinking about trying to start a relationship with him and even mentions to you on the sly that she wouldn't mind starting a family unit with him and Mikoto, but she isn't entirely sure how he feels yet and Mikoto is too damn shy to approach. Gina has also taken high pleasure in patroning the maid cafe and specifically requesting Millie as her attendant at all times, typically waiting in the restaurant without ordering anything until Millie is freed up. She then makes a habit of ordering relatively inexpensive but complicated things, which she also insists Millie make herself. If you ever go and watch this, it's almost scary how much Gina is enjoying making Millie do shit for her instead of the other way around. Millie typically becomes a bit resigned in Gina's presence, knowing full well this is the punishment she earned for herself.
  5. Speaking of the nameless guy, he's not nameless anymore! He's chosen the name Renato, after finally recognizing that living without a name would be super complicated. He's adapted to life in Treno especially well, thanks to his more experienced 'older sisters' like Luna, Savannah, and 404 looking out for him and teaching him basic things he would have been afraid to ask about. He still occasionally tries to go hunting for monsters outside of Treno because he doesn't like draining your own resources, but otherwise he's surprisingly not as much of a loner as you'd expect. In fact, he's been quite desperate for company. He seems like the kind of guy who'd probably say yes to anything Gina asked of him just to keep her from leaving or getting mad at him. He's especially thankful to you, and often stops by your place to see if you need help with anything. He's almost as talented a craftsman as you, having had to build that skill up over years of isolation.
  7. ELF VISITORS. Medly visits you a lot, but she's also been busy at times preparing something in secret, maybe that gift she was going to give you. She's been checking in with Adenine and Elizabeth about something, as well, but you're not sure what. More to the point, it seems she's starting to 'dress down' a bit in your presence, and not constantly wearing her plate armor. Either way, she's been acting a little funny around you, but not in a bad way. Katriene apparently isn't that long before she's due now, and the other shamans have gotten quite excited to see the new arrival. Renegade, for some reason, has also been visiting the elf house and seems nervous as all hell about something. Wonder what that's all about. The other elves are busy organizing material that'd be of help teaching cultural classes at the school - books from Elvaana and the monastery (made of grass papers of course) and tomes on learning the Elven language. Seems like they've taken a great interest in all of this. Zephyr's been staying around while talking over political things with Mikoto, and it seems like this king likes to party. One night you were woken up by an inexplicably loud (probably magically amplified) phonograph blaring some new 'swing' number. He hasn't been TOO obnoxious besides that, though.
  9. AND FINALLY, you've managed to get enough housing built to somewhat satisfy the number of refugees sticking around in Treno. Not everyone's been hanging around, of course, but it's still a fairly large amount of people. Activity is really booming around the estate. Litter started to become a problem temporarily but a few mages like Adenine stepped up and started laying down some ground rules for behavior if they expected to be allowed to remain, and soon enough the place was sparkling again.
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