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Tulpa, OCR

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Mar 23rd, 2012
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  1. Tulpa FAQ BY: The FAQman. Email me at
  3. What is a Tulpa? There's a new essay explaining what a tulpa is, and what it is not. Refer to that for a more complete definition based on the psychological interpretation.
  5. How long will it take to make a Tulpa? It can take as much as 100 hours.
  7. How do I decide what my Tulpa will look like? Create a base, and then start building the Tulpa. After you go through the motions and start feeding it energy, expect it to change somewhat. Its personality, appearance and other things may change. Do not try to change them back, just let it happen. This is your Tulpa taking shape. But you can imagine whatever base form you want, human or inhuman, animal or object. Your tulpa will tend to deviate and become something different as it matches up with your subconscious wants and its wants as a sapient being.
  9. How can I create a Tulpa? Please referto the two main guides we have going around.
  11. What can my Tulpa do? Your Tulpa will be able to access memories you don't remember, things you've read to the T, it will work as a companion, it can help you solve problems by looking at them from another point of view, and things of the like. But you should not make a tulpa just to help you with school or something shallow like that. Make a tulpa because it is something you want to do. You can't expect to bring a sentient being into the world just to have it teach you math.
  13. Will my Tulpa kill me/ harm me? Tulpae cannot act in the physical world. They can't move things or touch you. They cannot control you without your knowledge. Therefore they cannot kill you. I don't think it is possible to make a tulpa that would hate you. They are interested in self preservation. Of course the possibility for mental scarring is there, but the odds of this are very low. Would your best friend give you bad acid because you ticked him off one day? A tulpa trying to fuck with your mind is the same principal. It doesn't happen.
  15. How do I make my Tulpa go away? If you're already thinking about ways out, then don't make one in the first place. That being said, ignoring them will kill them off, as they need your attention to survive. This can take a month or more.
  17. Will my Tulpa be a carbon copy of me in personality and opinions? Your Tulpa is like a person. They can have opinions that differ from yours. They are their own being.
  19. So this is magic, right? Wrong. This is a Tibetan concentration technique that changes the subconscious. Prove Tulpae! How can you prove something only you see? You can't.
  21. Howdo I give my tulpa energy? You can give it energy by interacting with it.
  23. Is it bad to masturbate to my tulpa? This is a gray area, because it is sexual energy, but I have yet to see anything bad come from whacking off to a tulpa.
  25. Should I create a Tulpa that looks like me? No, because you attach a part of your ego to it, and if you ever need to dissipate it, that part of the ego will be gone with your Tulpa. Plus it can be uncanny having something that looks like you but is a separate consciousness. Once you feel afraid of your tulpa, it will try to recreate that sensation because fear is very potent (just like sexual energy) the end result is your tulpa trying to scare you because you were already afraid of it. Nothing great can come out of making something that looks just like you, whether it's in your head or not.
  27. Do I need to meditate? Not in the classical sense. I'm sure meditation would help with making your tulpa and perhaps concentration, but if it's not something you can handle because you have an uncontrollable train of thought, then that's fine too. It's really more of an option than anything, and I'm sure it helps people.
  29. This feels like I'm just talking to myself and making up answers. Why? You should just be engaging in open ended talk, like narrating what you're doing or telling a story when you're just starting on the creation of your tulpa. If you parrot replies, you are just talking to yourself and making up answers. You should be focusing on a part of your tulpa and talking to them. When you get a real reply, it will be extremely jarring and you will know it's the tulpa.
  31. If I have a mental illness can I make a tulpa? As long as said illness isn't messing with your ability to concentrate and not think of horrible mutilations and depression while you're making your tulpa, I think it should be fine. Of course, you know your mind better than me, so it's really up to you.
  33. How much energy should I give my tulpa? After creation, you'll really only need to talk to them and acknowledge their existence. Just talk to them once a day and you'll be fine. Of course, you'll end up talking to them and hanging out more, ideally, and that's fine too.
  35. Am I doing X right? Unless you feel something very negative or your tulpa becomes completely unresponsive, you're probably doing everything right. Don't feel the need to go through the guides perfectly, they're basically just a list of bases to cover, and how you should cover them. Everyone is goin gto find their own way to make a tulpa, and that individualization of the process is important.
  37. I'm getting headaches, pressure, sore eyes and stuff during creation, is that bad? It's actually quite normal to get headaches and the like. Don't worry about it, it's a normal part of creation and will phase out by the time your tulpa is fully imposed on your environment.
  39. It's hard bringing my tulpa's face into focus, why? Faces are the part of the body which are most dynamic and which we identify with most. Of course it's going to be hard to visualize them; I don't think anyone has an easy time with tulpa faces. In time it will come together when you don't have to force the visualization.
  41. Can I have more than one tulpa? Yes you can. But making two at the same time is taboo, especially for people just starting out with making tulpae. It's biting off more than you can chew, really. Creating one new consciousness wholly from your mind is hard enough, two is extremely hard. I wouldn't even try it at this point.
  43. Why is it bad to fall asleep while working on the tulpa? Because your tulpa comes from your subconscious and so do your dreams, the dreams can negatively affect your tulpa. They can be very jarring to it and what not.
  45. Should I talk to my tulpa out loud or in my head? How will it respond? You can talk to your tulpa in your head. You can also talk to your tulpa out loud, obviously in more private quarters or wherever you deem comfortable (get yourself a blue tooth and you can talk to it anywhere).The latter tends to be more constructive in the creation process though. Your tulpa can either talk to you directly in your mind or aloud using the auditory hallucination you've enforced.
  47. Why is having sex with a tulpa considered taboo or bad? When you have sex with a tulpa, you are giving it very potent energy. It will literally become addicted to this energy and do anything to get it. Having sex with a tulpa is like having a wet dream, basically. So when your tulpa tries to take the sex by force because it is addicted to the high octane energy you're giving it, you'll basically be blowing your load uncontrollably. In whatever situation you're in when the tulpa deems it necessary to rape you.
  49. Can my tulpa be based off an animation style or does it have to be realism? You can have a tulpa that is "animated" or whatever, that's fine. Of course it might be harder to imagine it imposed on your environment, but if you're up for putting in a little extra effort that's fine.
  51. Will my tulpa get jealous ? Your tulpa is just like a person. Of course they're not going to monopolize your time or say you can't talk to people, unless it's within their personality. They're not going to freak out if you masturbate.
  53. I speak two languages, which one should I talk to my tulpa in? Because your tulpa is part of your mind, it will know both languages. So in whichever one you want, basically.
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