
Know Where This Is Going I

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. Know Where This Is Going...
  3. Melissa was scared. Why was she in this tunnel? Why was she taking this dumb dare to hang out with some cool kids around the guy she liked... She looked back, but they weren't coming into the tunnel with her. She instead heard giggling and laughter, as well as snide comments and bets. "Is your phone ready? I want to see her terrified face!" "Oh my gosh, what if she falls?! Or gets kidnapped!?" "Pffff, get real, you little wimp before I send you in there, too!" "Gonna show those pictures to Ashlen when we get back, hahah..." She bit her lip and kept walking. She had to be brave and just get a rock from the inner tunnel to give to Ashlen. That's all. When she came back, they'd see she wasn't just another nerdy girl... Though she was, with her long flat blonde hair and thick-frames...
  4. This park has had some strange sightings and happenings, mostly of shapeless creatures moving here and there from time to time, along with slime puddles here and there. Some of them were attributed to trash spills or something of that sort, but others weren't so easily dismissed... Then the rumors happened.
  6. Rumors of an ACTUAL tentacle monster under the park, waiting for the right time to strike and snatch away females, never to be seen. Kids keep saying that they see them all the time, and that one time a little girl came out of that tunnel crying... Saying she saw it and it scared her and that she wanted to go home.
  8. Melissa sighed and walked past the maintenance door, eyeing it as she stepped. Anyone popped out of there, she''d have some explaining to do. And she can't, really... She walked deeper into the tunnel, past the warning signs and stopped. A wall... with a sizable hole in it. She shivered as she went through it, silently praying that they were watching so she could pop in and out really fast. She slid through, looking around and breathing heavily. She looked at the ground... Seriously well kept for an abandoned part of the tunnel. She'd have to go further for the rock... And so she did, nothing but her breathing and footsteps the only sounds as she reached for her phone. She flicked on the flashlight and gently waved her phone this way and that as the tunnel grew darker, the lights on the wall burnt out and darkened.
  10. No, no, no... No rocks. There had to be something sizable! Not just a pebble, but an actual part of the floor here...! She shone her light over to a wall and froze in fear. Something long and black... She held herself there, waiting. She exhaled and turned away from it, sighing. A wire, nothing else... She froze, however, when she looked down and saw another long and black rope. This wasn't the same size as the one on the wall...! She gasped and shook her head, stepping past it and tripping over something, her glasses sailing off into the darkness and her phone flying out of her grasp as she fell...
  11. Fell onto something. Something wet and slimy, and long. She felt a tremble of horror well up as she snapped her eyes to her phone's light being covered up by a long, black shadow and yanked further into the tunnel. She reached out for it... Only to have one slip around her wrist and yank, causing her to let out a scream!
  13. "WHAT THE HELL!? LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" She screamed, using her other hand to fight against the thing's grip in the darkness. She felt her waist get snapped up, and her ankles shortly following. "NO! LEMME GO! HE-Mmmph!!? MHMMPHMH!" She was blind, and gagged. No doubt by whatever this thing was... She shook, kicked and fought, even bit down on the obstruction in her mouth, but it only made her tired... Soon, she could feel herself being taken and carried to someplace, the tips of her shoes dragging the patterned stones as she still struggled here and there... She felt herself yanked to a standing position and the one over her eyes come off, slowly to reveal... An eye. A giant, peering eye on a stalk, looking down at her with interest.
  15. She screamed and fought with renewed vigor, biting and stomping until she began to heave from exhaustion. it was real! It was fucking real! And she was going to be subjected to whatever it wanted from her... She whimpered as she was stood up again, the eye looking her over here and there before turning around.
  17. "Send them in, Report." A voice clicked, smooth and a bit calm for whatever this was.
  19. Suddenly, light. A switch was hit and the lights on the side of the tunnel were turned on. And she could see.... It.
  21. Or all of it, more specifically. There were dark tentacles lying about here and there, with wires strewn further back. The tentacles belonging to... It seemed to come out of the walls with the wire. There was a door with a glow at the end of the tunnel, looking ominous. She looked up to her arms to see several holes in the ceilings . The black tentacles holding her arms captive slowly released her and pat her wrists, causing her to yank them back and begin to free herself. She snapped her attention down and saw the ones around her legs and waist slowly unwrap themselves and give her a pat as well. One tentacled being extended itself to her, her glasses in her grip. She took them from it quickly, nervous of whatever could command this thing... She saw the eyeball slink to one side of the tunnel, over to a crook seemingly made for it, with a clock, a small tv set, and a stack of newspapers. The tentacle near the switch hit the lights and all was dark again. But she could see a glow from not too far away. She looked around nervously, now knowing that... Thing was here. She stepped forward toward the glow and began to shiver, not knowing what was going to happen...
  23. Wait, what the hell was she doing?! She was walking right into this thing's clutches! She turned and began to run, but she stumbled over something and then fell again.
  25. *Click.* The lights were back on. She struggled to her feet and reached for her glasses and found herself suspended back to her feet by the tentacles... She was handed them again by a tentacle, and turned and pushed lightly in the direction of the door. She stood there, taking a minute to place the frames back on her face. She looked over at the eyeball's crook, and it simply was staring at her... Annoyed? It felt like that. A tentacle near it pointed to the door and went back to the light switch. *Click.*
  27. ...Did she have a choice? She went up to the door and opened it to reveal...
  29. A dimly lit large room with small little sections here and there... the floor was broken up and hard to traverse, but it seemed safe. Everything was slimy or dry, and it seemed there was nothing there... Until something slithered from the back, out of a door, like a snake.
  31. It was huge... Like an anaconda. It slithered around a desk and then upright, quickly approaching her. She squealed and stepped back, looking in horror at it. It had a jagged mouth, some scales and exposed parts, and a giant eye on top of its head Fins seemed to adorn its body, from on the top so. It was something out of a horror game and she couldn't do a thing against it...!
  33. "NOOOO! DON'T EAT ME!" She screamed, holding her hands out and shaking.
  34. She awaited pain, death, something. But nothing happened. She breathed... Once. Twice. She opened her eyes and looked up. It was sitting there, peering down at her the fins wiggling attentively.
  36. "I'm very sorry, ma'am. I'm not very used to... visitors." It said, slowly coiling itself up and resting on the floor. "Are you alright...?"
  38. She was convinced she'd lost her mind along with her phone in all that darkness. This wasn't happening to her. The giant monster snake thing was talking to her. In that smooth, calm voice from before. What kind of hell did she stumble into...
  40. "W-what are you!?" She screeched, scooting back over the broken floor, her hands searching for something. "What're you going to do to me?!"
  42. It remained stationary, though it was looking at her. "Nothing, actually. Rhodd caught your phone and wanted to make sure it was alright... Though if I may ask... What're you doing so far in these tunnels?"
  44. She blinked. Why was she still alive and breathing...? Was this... thing a monster or not? It seems... civilized enough... " I... I c-came down here... On a dare...! I needed to... Get something for this boy I like, and now I'm going to be your plaything or your meal or something so just DO IT ALREADY!" She spat suddenly, her fear driving her a bit wild,
  46. "...Plaything...? Meal...? I'm sorry, ma'am, but we don't DO that... Unlike all your media says." The eye on top of the head blinked and the mouth clicked softly. " Rivers, please get a bottle of water and give it to our guest please."
  48. She looked around, panicking. Rhodd? Rivers? Who or what were they? Before she could ask, a light blue column shot out of a section, splashing water from a nearby pipe. It unfurled itself to reveal... Tentacles, with the biggest rising higher than all of them. It was light blue and sleek, no eyes but tons of scales and slits along it. It lowered itself to the girl, and a tentacle pushed out of the column with a bottle of water in its clutches. She stared at it and took it, ready to throw it if they did anything else.
  50. "There you are miss... Wwwwas that all, boss?" The light blue tentacle said.
  52. "Yes. Thank you, Rivers." The snake-being said, smirking and nodding.
  53. Rivers, the blue thing, nodded and quickly retracted, going back the way it came, leaving nothing but a series of splashing noises signaling its retreat.
  54. She gripped the bottle tightly, looking down at it. A bottle of water...? Right. It probably was some sort of poison... But then she saw the seal. The cap hadn't been opened yet.
  56. "This place was an abandoned underground train station... For some reason or another, It was just left here, with all its tunnels and things. There's even a train." it sounded concerned. "Regardless, I happened upon this place as a larvae and spread about... So this is my abode, now. "
  58. She twisted the bottle and heard the resounding snap of plastic being opened. A new bottle...?
  60. "W-what...? You're not going to ravage me...?" She asked again, unsure if she was alive or in a coma from a fall, not believing this at all...
  62. "Of course not! Seriously... Why do you humans up there think that of us? Our shape?" It asked, tilting his head this way and that.
  64. "W-well..." She started, but she stopped. What would be the right way to say that this thing's being reminds humans of a penis? She decided to drink some of the water that was given to her, expecting the worst... Only to discover it wasn't bad at all. It tasted like water.
  66. Suddenly, A bright yellow stalk shot out of a hole, and erupted ceremoniously with yellow tentacles, with the main one this time bounding over to the coiled giant being.
  68. "Boss! It's fine! a small crack was on it, but I found some glass sealant and that fixed it right up! ThistthingisSOCOOLBOSS I want to have one!" It spat in a high tone excitedly, the glow it gave off from the vein patterns on its body pulsing blue.
  70. "That's very nice, Rhodd. Please give it back to our visitor so she may be off... "
  72. "Wha? Visito- Oh! Rightrightright. Girl." Rhodd nodded and zipped toward her fast, causing her to jump and sprinkle herself with water. "WHOA. Watch that, girl! Me and water don't mix that well! Wish we did, but... Here's your thing. Imma be off and see if I can't find one of them myself! BYE!"
  74. Rhodd pressed it into her lap and zipped back the way he came, the stalk not even closing before it was out of sight. She looked over her phone and saw the indications of a crack, but it was sealed with something, She tapped it and the phone responded.
  76. "Now then... You wish for something to take to your... Human friends as proof, yes?" The snake asked.
  78. "I... I just would like to go, if that's alright with you." She says finally.
  80. "Hang on... Here." the snake says, calmly. A tentacle popped out of its back and reached for something behind it, and the slowly brought it forward.
  82. "...It's a marble paperweight with a clock in it. It doesn't work, sadly. But... It should do."
  84. She stared at it and put her phone away, to hold it. It was heavy, like a brick, but it was the truth. It was a clock paperweight. Cracked and broken, but still something.
  86. "Thank you...?" She realized that it hadn't spoken its name to her. "Um..."
  88. "Ungurr, if you'd mind. And... Erm... This feels funny, but... If you wish to visit again, please do so at night? The others are asleep or out during the day." A tilt. Almost asking for her to come back.
  90. At night. Where there are more of them. And the funny thing is... She's considering it. "Okay, Ungurr... Thank you."
  92. Ungurr slowly slips past her and opens the door with a tentacle, nodding. "Don't mention it... Please."
  94. She paused, but then kept walking. She heard him click again, a noise with his teeth. "Report. Walk her out of here, please."
  96. She gasped as the door shut and she felt her wrists taken by a slender shape in the darkness, But instead of yanking and pulling forcefully like the first time, it was more gently, as if it were leading... Leading her in the darkness. She swore she turned about 5 times before it let her go and pushed her toward the familiar part of the tunnel. She looked back and the long black shapes waved as they retreated.
  98. She blinked. Would they believe her? That she was okay and nothing happened? She looked down at the bottle of water and the marble clockweight.
  100. She realized she couldn't care less... But she still had some things to do. And she'd need to come back here to do them. But for now... She had to go. She slipped through the hole in the wall and walked toward the end of the tunnel, thinking.
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