
more phase 5 talks

Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. ** You have joined #World-Of-Superpowers
  2. ** Topic: World Of Superpowers: 'it's not morning until you wake up' -Tinker 2016 || RP Room #World-Of-Superpowers-rp || || Our new Wikia! ||
  3. ** By Sister-Sting!cgiirc@B911BB8B.57499B11.1D6B5F76.IP on Tue Mar 22 16:38:24 GMT+07:00 2016
  4. (Asteria) Power is off again
  5. (Asteria) Fucking indonesian 'elecric services'
  6. (Emit) lol it happens
  7. (Asteria) Yep
  8. ** Tinker has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  9. (Asteria) And again, really, thanks Emit
  10. (Emit) no worries, im always here if you need to talk
  11. (Asteria) Would keep that in mind
  12. (Emit)
  13. (Asteria) Cool
  14. (Emit) a pretty weird looking bunch of doods but cool song
  15. (Asteria) Yep
  16. (Asteria) i need to start baking a bunch of this cake and send it to everyone here
  17. (Emit) haha its not relaly tolerating you if we enjoy it
  18. (Emit) =P
  19. (Asteria) :U
  20. (Asteria) Yea sometimes i get really self conscious here and stopped responding
  21. (Asteria) Just the general 'oh fuck i messed up'
  22. (Emit) lol i dont think ive ever seen one of those moments
  23. (Emit) :P
  24. (Asteria) It's all internal fam
  25. (Emit) well fret not for we judge not!
  26. (Asteria) Danke
  27. (Emit) de nada
  28. (Asteria) Lol
  29. (Asteria) One interesting astrology stuff that i found that's kinda linked to this whole ordeal is chiron
  30. (Asteria) Chiron in astrology is where our deepest wound resides
  31. (KinstonLeo) Did Sting post a drawing a while ago? :u
  32. (Asteria) Maybe
  33. (Asteria) Idk
  34. (KinstonLeo) C:
  35. (KinstonLeo) And Chiron sounds like a vitamin metal
  36. (Asteria) >Wherever Chiron appears in your chart is where you are called upon to heal yourself and give your gift, and so it is associated with a deep sense of purpose.
  37. (Asteria) Chiron is actually a planetoid/comet object between uranus and saturn
  38. (Emit) hmm interesting
  39. (Asteria) Through some cruel fate I happens to have Chiron in my first house, which sucks, a lot
  40. (Asteria) > This shows your deepest wound residing in your sense of self. You may neglect your own personality or self-interests in order to appease others.
  41. (Emit) it has rings, or though tto have rings interesting,
  42. (Asteria) > Helping others help themselves and find their true potential is your strong point. Your weak point is doing the same for yourself. You may have trouble defining yourself and finding meaning in your life.
  43. (Emit) what if to appease others you dont neglect your own personality and self interests
  44. (Emit) like what if to appease me you must do that ^
  45. (Emit) lol
  46. (Emit) use that shit against it self
  47. (Asteria) Lmao
  48. (Emit) try and stop me astrology!
  49. (Asteria) > The lesson you need to learn is self-love and self-respect. Let yourself do what you love and take your own advice as if you were giving this same advice to someone you love.
  50. (Emit) ^^^^^^^^
  51. (Emit) do it
  52. (Asteria) Yep
  53. (Asteria) That resonates with me
  54. (Emit) kinstonleo no i dont think she posted one, but Lioness told me about your two character ideas, and showed me a partially worked piece
  55. (Asteria) > Build up your personality, don’t limit yourself or feel selfish for it, you must learn to accept yourself as a unique individual with personal power in order to transcend.
  56. (Asteria) Have anxiety issues over self-worth almost all my life, can confirm
  57. (Emit) i do think that is a normal to be honest, at least most people i know struggle with it
  58. (Asteria) > Ironically, other people may find us seemingly forceful personalities, but we can’t feel it. We can’t feel anything clearly when it comes to Self.
  59. (Emit) or have struggled with it
  60. (Asteria) Yeah
  61. (Emit)
  62. (Emit) auto play sometimes gets to some tinetersting places from youtube
  63. (KinstonLeo) ah
  64. (Asteria) Lol
  65. (KinstonLeo) so she showed you the "Bad Motherfucker" thing?
  66. (Emit) ya
  67. (Emit) trying to find a place to intro it during the event phase arcs
  68. (Emit) where you here when i was explaining all of that?
  69. (Emit) ive said it a few times so it possbile
  70. (Emit) us about to enter phase 2, whith my gang wars event thread
  71. (KinstonLeo) nyet
  72. (Emit) and Tinker are we stll planning on brining litlith cult into this?
  73. (KinstonLeo) i kinda passed out before you were even here
  74. (Emit) no worries
  75. (Emit) ill give you the short version
  76. (Asteria) Yea lemme hop to laptop again now that power's back up again lol
  77. (Emit) we have already fininshed phase 1, with the Euro solo arc and then the Statue invasion thread
  78. (Emit) and are about to move into phase 2
  79. (Emit) with my gang wars event
  80. (Emit) and the ARak and Emit duo thread
  81. (Emit) ending with phase 5
  82. (Emit) so we have phase 2 gangwars
  83. (Emit) 3
  84. (Emit) phase 3 prison take over
  85. (Emit) phase 4, (working title) The thunderbolts
  86. (Emit) phase 5, (working title) The Tower of Babel
  87. Emit the last two being known comic book lines/events
  88. 17:11 Emit that ive adapted or am adapting to WOS
  89. 17:11 *** Asteria quit (Quit: See you next time!)
  90. 17:11 Tinker k now i'm back on laptop
  91. 17:11 Tinker hmu fam
  92. 17:12 Emit phase 5 requires a metric fuck ton of collab work
  93. 17:12 Emit and more preplanning than is probably neccesary
  94. 17:12 Emit are you familiar with the tower of babel, DC comic? or the animated movie Doom?
  95. 17:13 Emit in a nutshell, batman (me in this case) has created contingency plans to take down all the heroes should they get out of control or become mindcontrolled/evil
  96. 17:13 Emit (again this is phase 5)
  97. 17:13 Emit part 1
  98. 17:13 Emit my plans get stolen
  99. 17:13 Emit and used against all of us
  100. 17:13 Emit before doing this i have to work with al the heroes to determine their own contingecy, since it is their character
  101. 17:13 Emit some are more obvious than otheres
  102. 17:14 Emit since the mastermind who we will call /him/ (identity a secret for now)
  103. 17:14 Emit has plans for most of us, obviously we wont be killed
  104. 17:14 Emit and instead subdued and prepped to be implemented into his plans
  105. 17:14 Emit like for instance
  106. 17:15 Emit for example /he/ is aware of Flamberge's alter ego in E-2 ignis
  107. 17:15 Emit thinking if he can break him, and turn him into this ignis, then he'd have a powerful ally
  108. 17:15 Emit that kind of reaosning
  109. 17:16 Emit soo, based on who you wanted to bring in, i need to work with you on a contingecy that will take you out of the fight for part 1
  110. 17:16 Emit part 2 is us all getting free and then taking the fight to them
  111. 17:16 Emit so we all get taken down, but wont stay there for long
  112. 17:17 Emit attendance isn't madatory but ithink this could be a lot of fun
  113. 17:17 Emit okay part 2 is more collab because what it entails is huge
  114. 17:17 Emit the main enemy here, is not just /him/ its all of the congregation
  115. 17:18 Emit ALL of them
  116. 17:18 KinstonLeo dam
  117. 17:18 Emit every villain, all our personal villains
  118. 17:18 Emit so to avoid a cluster fuck of me having to run them, it made more sense to have the characters run their own villains. since the last fight will us be squaring off with them directly
  119. 17:18 Emit for instance lets say the congregation is holding the world hostage with a nuclear missle, and the plan to launch it at NYC
  120. 17:19 Emit so as a team we decide Shamash needs to try and stop this missle due to his immunity to the radiation
  121. 17:19 Emit when he goes to stop the missle he runs into his rival, or nemesis that /he/ decided to put there knowing what we would do
  122. 17:19 Emit making his job a hell of a lot harder
  123. 17:20 Emit now most people dont have arch nemesis's or personal villains
  124. 17:20 Emit some have dozens
  125. 17:20 Emit but since phase 5 is weeks out
  126. 17:20 Emit we have time to develope villains if need be
  127. 17:20 Emit for heroes who dont hav ethem
  128. 17:20 Emit or pull one from somewhere else
  129. 17:21 Emit basically the entire thread/event requires the hero to get taken down at first, which is tricky, hence why im working with everyone one by one to get their plan ironed out
  130. 17:22 KinstonLeo mm
  131. 17:22 Emit since some are obviously more powerful than others, i also dont want to kill them, because thats just fucked up, hence why i come up a reason that they are needed
  132. 17:22 Emit but thats why im talking to you now
  133. 17:22 Emit because you would know best how to take your own characters down
  134. 17:23 Emit and again you can bring in more than one if you want,
  135. 17:23 Emit it just makes my job a little harder but im up for the challenge
  136. 17:23 Emit the thread itself during phase 5 will be moving super slow
  137. 17:23 Emit so i broke it inot two parts
  138. 17:23 Emit part 1, the heroes job (its not really jobbing just masterful planning by the congregation)
  139. 17:23 Emit part 2 we fight back
  140. 17:24 Emit it might get broken down further thats to be decided
  141. 17:24 Emit sooo to continue the train of though around your two new character ideas
  142. 17:24 Emit because lioness wanted to bring them in, maybe not for phase 5 event but use the event chain to at least intro them
  143. 17:24 Emit i figured phase 2 would be best
  144. 17:24 Emit the gang wars are going to be chaotic and basicalyl all out war in the city
  145. 17:25 Emit figuring you two needed a target i surmised that Tinker 's Lilith cult would be the best, due to their outright evil nature
  146. 17:25 Emit but that does require tinker to be okay with some of them gettting killed, since you guys go full out on this type stuff
  147. 17:25 Tinker personally? yes i think it's okay
  148. 17:26 Emit which i plan for there to be a lot of thugs/fodder that gets taken down, bu the idea is supers join these gangs and this war gets realyl out of hand, allowing me to introduce mini events, in the city, where during th ebattle other things are happening
  149. 17:26 Emit such as fire here
  150. 17:26 KinstonLeo >:3
  151. 17:26 Emit collapsing building there
  152. 17:26 Emit hostage situation ect
  153. 17:26 Emit there will be a map and obviously people cant be everywhere at once
  154. 17:26 Emit so it will be a challenging thread, not just a punch your way through
  155. 17:26 Emit deciding who needs to go where and how ect
  156. 17:27 Emit something a bit different than our normal thread
  157. 17:27 Emit but the villains are generally lower tier than normal
  158. 17:27 Emit im using this event to intro several heroes of my own
  159. 17:27 KinstonLeo
  160. 17:27 Emit as well as handfulls of villains who act as lieutenants for the gangs
  161. 17:28 Emit lol
  162. 17:28 Emit okay im done spewing information at you
  163. 17:28 Emit any questions
  164. 17:28 KinstonLeo yes
  165. 17:29 KinstonLeo C:< Will the murdered dudes bodies come back even stronger later?
  166. 17:29 Emit not likely, since they will mostly be just fodder and thugs, low tier disposable villains
  167. 17:29 Tinker ^
  168. 17:29 Emit now if you kill one of my supers then maybe and probably
  169. 17:29 Emit i dont want to spoil anything but phase 3 is called prison take over
  170. 17:30 Emit so the supers go to jail into the waiting hands of Arteo, the man responsible for phase 1, and destroying the statue of liberty
  171. 17:30 Emit then based on the title you can imagine what happens next
  172. 17:30 Emit however i assure there are several twists involved
  173. 17:30 Emit that will make it exciting regardless of what ive told you
  174. 17:31 Emit all of this being maticulously planned by /him/
  175. 17:31 Tinker mmhmm.
  176. 17:31 Emit and since most of us dont kill, it works
  177. 17:31 Emit and if someoen like jack tries killing a villain (a super) then i might let him kill one or i might just bring in another to save him and will just deal with it organically if it arises
  178. 17:32 Tinker emit, i'm thinking of something, to maybe get lilith into this shit
  179. 17:32 Emit i want to get us away from just being every where at once with phase 2, really putting emphasis on, our location being important for th estory and what shappening
  180. 17:32 Emit like if im over here talking with tinker
  181. 17:32 Emit im not going to be replying to you and bones who are three blocks over and punching someone who is about to stab you
  182. 17:33 Emit which 99% of the heroes on here do, i think its because they dont read or follow eveythign exactly
  183. 17:33 Emit so im creating a map based scenario to see how it works out
  184. 17:33 Emit other than the cult running arouind kidnpaping people?
  185. 17:33 Emit for sacrifices ect?
  186. 17:34 Tinker yeah
  187. 17:34 Emit pm me if you want it secret if not shoot
  188. 17:34 Tinker nah i'll just post it here
  189. 17:34 Emit KinstonLeo what im going for during phase 2 is a literal war, gangs fighting gangs fighting police, civilians getting stuck in the mix and then wild card, evil cult
  190. 17:35 Tinker ok so. Lilith can see the events happening, via her cult leader [The Priest/Priestess - this thing is still under work]
  191. 17:35 Emit k
  192. 17:35 KinstonLeo mm
  193. 17:35 KinstonLeo so uh
  194. 17:35 KinstonLeo Got a contigency for Mix? :^)
  195. 17:35 Emit hmm
  196. 17:36 Tinker And she thinks that this is the perfect moment to start her advances in Earth, getting as many minds as she can. Like an 'all you can eat buffet' but with minds
  197. 17:36 KinstonLeo cause in-universe she'll be kinda out of things
  198. 17:36 KinstonLeo but then pop back in
  199. 17:36 Emit then the idea would be to destabilize her mentally and force her powers to act even more erratically
  200. 17:37 Emit since she isn't really all tha tin control id work on that and try and make it worse
  201. 17:37 Tinker The 2nd phase, in the eyes of Lilith, is not 'sacrifice' - it's merely her attempt to get as many information as she could.
  202. 17:37 Emit which could back fire, on them so it might need to be reworked a bit
  203. 17:37 Emit ive alrady got a few people in nullifiers and i dont want to reuse contingecies for everyone
  204. 17:37 Emit hmm i see tinker
  205. 17:38 Emit but would that require the cult to even be involved?
  206. 17:38 Emit couldn't they just watch if thats what they wanted?
  207. 17:38 Emit lets see, kinston whats mix's power set?
  208. 17:38 Tinker well there will be some low level cult members, the lowest of the pack who drags people to their temple
  209. 17:39 Emit right i wasn't thinking the high level guys would be involved
  210. 17:39 Emit but go on
  211. 17:39 KinstonLeo elemental mixture of any elements she knows of or are available
  212. 17:39 Emit how does she teleport around ?
  213. 17:39 Tinker Lilith, and by extension the highest of the cult members would just watch and does their 'ritual'
  214. 17:39 Emit elements as in literal elements?
  215. 17:40 Emit the ritual to summon her? using the sacrifices captured from the gang wars?
  216. 17:40 KinstonLeo by combing the odd elements of magnetic forces and space-time
  217. 17:41 Emit so not elements literally
  218. 17:41 KinstonLeo her powers on power-listing get kinda odd
  219. 17:41 KinstonLeo Yus
  220. 17:41 Emit like carbon ect
  221. 17:41 KinstonLeo mm
  222. 17:41 KinstonLeo and also things like quantum elements so she could do crazy stuff
  223. 17:41 Tinker The 'ritual' to suck their minds out. As I said, her goal is to gain information.
  224. 17:41 KinstonLeo like go to an alternate universe or self-transcend herself so she's automatically more powerful
  225. 17:41 Emit right so the sacrifices are still just that, they just have an extra compent to them and an endgame
  226. 17:42 Emit riiight, okay so lets see, if you remove her from the elements she needs to mix then she can be stuck doing mundane things?
  227. 17:42 Emit like if she was submerged in a room devoid of any of that, she couldn't relaly get crazy powerful?
  228. 17:43 KinstonLeo well yeah
  229. 17:43 Emit or just lock her in a temporal rift that dumps here in some alternate universe, filled with a bunch of douchey dudes
  230. 17:43 Emit so she feels compeelled to stay there and fight them
  231. 17:43 KinstonLeo ooh jesus that'll take all of her time
  232. 17:44 Emit some super patriachry
  233. 17:44 KinstonLeo :u
  234. 17:44 Emit where all women are enslaved
  235. 17:44 Tinker >Mix is stuck in a world where meninsm is a real thing
  236. 17:44 Emit an AU
  237. 17:44 KinstonLeo can you say
  238. 17:44 Emit <-- i feel like im getting better with this
  239. 17:44 KinstonLeo FEMOLUTION!
  240. 17:44 Emit haha exactly
  241. 17:44 Emit so that takes up most of her time
  242. 17:44 Emit and if you want
  243. 17:45 Emit you can use that idea for a solo arc and take up the entirety of phase 5, part 1 and 2
  244. 17:45 Emit ORRRRR
  245. 17:45 Emit come back during part 2 and fight in the fight agsinst th econgregation
  246. 17:45 Emit depending on how long you think that would take
  247. 17:45 KinstonLeo mm
  248. 17:45 Emit getting you there would be the hardest part and there are defintiely the right people to do it
  249. 17:45 Emit straighter the speedster picks you up from no where and a portal is opening behind you, adn you get thrown in
  250. 17:46 Emit portal opening and controlled by /him/
  251. 17:46 Emit sending you where he know syou wont willingly leave any time soon
  252. 17:46 Emit /he/ is supposed to be major dick, he know severything about us
  253. 17:46 Emit our likes dislikes
  254. 17:47 Emit our identities
  255. 17:47 Emit so for some he's going to exploit that
  256. 17:47 KinstonLeo ooh dang
  257. 17:47 Tinker oh man
  258. 17:47 KinstonLeo well, y'know
  259. 17:47 Emit and others its more simple, and even easier to take them down
  260. 17:47 KinstonLeo kinston will just try to watch
  261. 17:47 Emit its a world threatening event, if we dont stop them then the congregation will control the world
  262. 17:48 Emit destroying a shit ton of it in a display of power first
  263. 17:48 Emit sending the world straight into the 2300 timeline, where the world is run by the corrupt and powerful, the paradigm is outlawed and on the run
  264. 17:48 Emit and evil permeates the world
  265. 17:49 Emit so most people who might normally watch might feel compelled to join in the fight or join the congregation
  266. 17:49 Emit depending on the character
  267. 17:49 Emit to say i haven't been planning this for a long while would be a lie
  268. 17:49 Tinker yep
  269. 17:49 Emit its why i started talking about the 2300 future time line to begin with
  270. 17:49 Emit that and Bolt and Emit were there
  271. 17:50 Emit but the setting needed to have a certain feel to it
  272. 17:50 Emit like looking into the future where we failed
  273. 17:50 Tinker and man i'd love to keep Lilith a separate entity, but then i can't get her to do what i wanna do
  274. 17:50 Emit what do you mena?
  275. 17:50 Emit mean*
  276. 17:50 Tinker She's not gonna join congregation, nor fight with the heroes
  277. 17:51 Tinker but she's gonna be a bad guy
  278. 17:51 Emit she's going to try and capitalize on whats going on here
  279. 17:51 Emit makes more sense for her
  280. 17:51 Tinker exactly.
  281. 17:51 Tinker Mind Buffet~
  282. 17:51 Emit without telling everyone what happens to lock her away, she can always get out later for future events
  283. 17:51 Emit like the cult grows in power to such a level they find a way to release her
  284. 17:51 Emit or hell, even tricks astrologer into doing it
  285. 17:52 Emit via dream manipulation making her think shes doing the right thing and stopping them from letting her out
  286. 17:52 Emit but in reality is doing the very thing shes trying to stop
  287. 17:52 KinstonLeo a mind is a terrible thing to
  288. 17:52 KinstonLeo makes slurping sound
  289. 17:52 Emit lol
  290. 17:52 Tinker lol
  291. 17:52 Tinker Yes, I can find a way to work with that.
  292. 17:52 KinstonLeo basically lilith rite?
  293. 17:52 Tinker Yes
  294. 17:52 Emit lol
  295. 17:52 Tinker Literally Lilith.
  296. 17:53 Emit so that intro's lilith for you, and keeps her usable
  297. 17:53 Emit following everything we have planned
  298. 17:53 Emit and sets several things up for th efuture
  299. 17:53 Emit i do have apotential phase 6/7 planned
  300. 17:53 Tinker oh my.
  301. 17:53 Emit i have several events that dont fit into this particular phase arcs
  302. 17:53 Emit but i think ive come up with a way to use them
  303. 17:54 Emit ill deal with that later, this phase 5 is goign to be the masterpiece however
  304. 17:54 Emit literally us vs the entire congregation
  305. 17:54 Emit and possbily a lot of fallout for Emit since they were his plans
  306. 17:54 Tinker the ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny
  307. 17:54 Emit nods
  308. 17:54 Tinker good versus evil
  309. 17:55 Tinker light versus dark
  310. 17:55 Tinker oh boy this is gonna be LIT
  311. 17:55 Emit Emit vs the architect
  312. 17:55 Emit i also want people to feel free to tell me if there is something they want to do in these arcs so i can help them do it
  313. 17:55 Emit such as lilith for tinker
  314. 17:56 Emit im doing something ismilar for a few people
  315. 17:56 Emit tying everything together and introducing a lot of stuff
  316. 17:56 Emit and since you will all be controlling your own villain you get to decide their fate, whether that is death or escape or whatever really
  317. 17:57 Emit and im only setting up pt 1 right now, since i need the contingencies outlined before i can figure out who gets out first and how we rescue the rest
  318. 17:57 Emit if you have any ideas or imput, or even critiques im all ears and eager to hear them
  319. 17:58 Emit i want everyone to get everything they want out of this
  320. 17:58 Emit since its for all of us
  321. 17:58 Emit there will be a MAJOR plot point reveal for Emit and /him/ at the end of phase 5
  322. 17:58 Tinker i'm writing an idea.
  323. 17:58 Emit so i want everyone else the chance to do the same
  324. 17:59 Emit not trying to use you guys to just jerk me off
  325. 17:59 Emit and i want the challenge of making things fit
  326. 17:59 Emit like i really like what we are doing with liliths' cult because it increases whats going on during phase 2
  327. 17:59 Emit and does some other stuff, which might surprise quite a few people
  328. 18:00 Emit i want them to have impact so if you know try not to spoil it
  329. 18:00 Tinker Lilith is gonna be the capitalist.
  330. 18:00 Emit and i dont even know how much you know tinker
  331. 18:00 Emit but its more than most based on the plan
  332. 18:01 Emit at least as far as that part is concerned
  333. 18:01 Emit there is hopefully much more you dont know about the plans
  334. 18:01 Tinker fam i gotta look through my sea of logs and start compiling them shits
  335. 18:01 Tinker there's a good chance that I forgot a lot of your plot points tbh
  336. 18:01 Tinker so you good
  337. 18:01 Emit i assure you i haven't
  338. 18:02 Emit im surprise at how much information my brain is retaining
  339. 18:02 Emit i cant stop thinking about all of this
  340. 18:02 Emit its what i go to bed thinking about, and its what i wake up and think about
  341. 18:03 Tinker i love the dedication
  342. 18:03 Tinker you are a capricorn-dominant person
  343. 18:03 Tinker it truly shines on you
  344. 18:03 Tinker i salute you man
  345. 18:04 Emit hehe
  346. 18:04 Emit idk what that means but thank you
  347. 18:08 Emit so kinston what do you think, we took care of mix, (kinda) and you can decide when/where you want to bring her back
  348. 18:08 Emit and kinston you said would try and sit out, but what if the city he lives in is threatened with a nuclear strike?
  349. 18:08 Emit also mor eimportantly are you okay with that contingecy planned for Mix?
  350. 18:08 Emit if so ill write it down
  351. 18:09 Emit KinstonLeo
  352. 18:14 KinstonLeo
  353. 18:14 KinstonLeo Hmm...
  354. 18:14 KinstonLeo if that's the case then he'll have to get involved in some fashion with his mum probs joinin' in
  355. 18:15 Emit >satan
  356. 18:15 Emit rofl
  357. 18:15 Emit lol that got me
  358. 18:15 Emit wan't expecting that
  359. 18:15 Emit okay cool i have an idea then that you two would be perfect for!
  360. 18:16 Emit so check it, i told you about the hypottheical missle launch
  361. 18:16 Emit well thats not hypottheical
  362. 18:16 Emit thats happenign
  363. 18:16 Emit and they are holding the world hostage via nuclear armageddon
  364. 18:16 Emit so when they start launching that shit
  365. 18:16 Emit you can have them cameo by stopping them using their mechs ect
  366. 18:17 Emit its a small but realistic part for them to play
  367. 18:17 Emit like say all the heroes are freaking out because we know we cant stop all the missles
  368. 18:17 Emit then BOOM
  369. 18:17 Emit out of no where you come onto the coms taking out some more of the missles
  370. 18:17 Emit like we got your back fam
  371. 18:17 Emit obviously better dialog than that
  372. 18:17 Emit but you get the idea
  373. 18:17 Emit what do you think?
  374. 18:17 KinstonLeo
  375. 18:17 KinstonLeo sounds great
  376. 18:18 KinstonLeo >Delphine actually feels semi-proud for her son again
  377. 18:20 KinstonLeo
  378. 18:21 Emit a vampire?
  379. 18:21 Emit lol thats not how that works, he'd need the star of david but lol anyway
  380. 18:25 KinstonLeo heh
  381. 18:37 *** KinstonLeo quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  382. 18:44 Tinker brb
  383. 18:44 Emit k
  384. 18:46 Tinker and back - had to use the bathroom
  385. 18:47 Emit wb
  386. 18:47 Emit you know i dont like honey nut cherrioes anywhere near as much as i used to
  387. 18:47 Emit im only eating them because ibought th ebox and wont waste it
  388. 18:47 Emit but ugh...
  389. 18:47 Emit too sweet for me
  390. 18:47 Tinker yea
  391. 18:48 Tinker taste changes
  392. 18:48 Emit i wish i had gotten regular cherrios now
  393. 18:53 Emit gnight away Jeroen-
  394. 18:53 Emit hehehe
  395. 18:53 Tinker NIght
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