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Mar 4th, 2013
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  2. <Tannhauser_Gay> CHANTING...
  3. <Tannhauser_Gay> Cah Caw!
  4. <Tannhauser_Gay> Cah Caw!
  5. <Tannhauser_Gay> Expredumb will be devoured like delicious sea bass.
  6. <Tannhauser_Gay> MK is Mackerel.
  7. <Tannhauser_Gay> Devoured whole, Expre.
  8. <Tannhauser_Gay> Like Sea-bass.
  9. <Tannhauser_Gay> I am Rutger Hauer.
  10. <Tannhauser_Gay> And I speak for the Tross.
  11. * Tannhauser_Gay is now known as Aphu-wani-dhallani
  12. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> No, the wolf-knight.
  13. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Wolf-knight.
  14. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Get it right, Sea-bass: WOLF-KNIGHT
  15. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> I speak for the bird.
  16. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> THE BIRD HAS MANY IMPLEMENTS
  17. <Toesock> Who are you bird man?
  18. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Rutger Hauer, Third Prelate of the Orichalic Flock.
  19. <NordJitsu> So the Albatross was the orcs all alongs
  20. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Orcs are foreigners.
  21. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> We devour them like blue-fins.
  22. <NordJitsu> dragons then I suppose
  23. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> If you must.
  24. <NordJitsu> So Tross, what's your connection to the Grey Beards?
  25. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Feathers.
  26. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> The Grey-men stole their habits.
  27. <NordJitsu> What was the morse code in the vid?
  28. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> The Song of the Lord.
  29. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> You know him as...ah...Alkosh?
  30. <NordJitsu> Alkosh is a bird?
  31. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Yes.
  32. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> The Bird.
  33. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Some call me William.
  34. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Quails are an inferior breed.
  35. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Asphx kiri nosne mesene xephe!
  36. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> You speak the Jjokki.
  37. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Weirdos.
  38. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Jjokki are the sword-man. They broke our home.
  39. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Into like, two pieces.
  40. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Mysteries, hatch-lings, are the what makes life worth
  41. <Naryn> but aphu, weren't you were gone by the time yoku split?
  42. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Hidden.
  43. <Aphu-wani-dhallani> Not gone.
  44. * Aphu-wani-dhallani is now known as RutgerHauer
  45. <Arcanius> K wants erasure, not fucking around.
  46. <RutgerHauer> Erasure? Of the Jjokki, certainly.
  47. * RutgerHauer is now known as Trossic_WolfKnight
  48. <Trossic_WolfKnight> Okay.
  49. <Trossic_WolfKnight> WOLF KNIGHT
  50. <NordJitsu> Email Albert_Ross. Ask about the IRC
  51. <Trossic_WolfKnight> The Syrinx speaks to those willing to receive.
  52. <Trossic_WolfKnight> I WELCOME YOUR EFFORTS
  53. * Trossic_WolfKnight is now known as Hobo_withshotgun
  54. <Hobo_withshotgun> I rest in tattered humility.
  55. <Naryn> The Syrinx? Your pipes?
  56. <Hobo_withshotgun> Our.
  57. <Hobo_withshotgun> Our pipes.
  58. <Hobo_withshotgun> The Pipes of The Tross.
  59. <Hobo_withshotgun> Yes, my son.
  60. <NordJitsu> we will expose you
  61. <NordJitsu> imposter
  62. <Expredumb> If he is an imposter, I'd like him to reveal his real ID
  63. <NordJitsu> me too
  64. <Hobo_withshotgun> Though I suffer the jeers and javelins a thousand ephebes, I shall not strike back, even if they deserve my feathered justice.
  65. <Naryn> 'sblood. Do you think we are easier to be played on than a pipe?
  66. <Expredumb> Suddenly, Hamlet
  67. <Hobo_withshotgun> Always Hamlet.
  68. <Hobo_withshotgun> Actually, Always Titus Andronicus.
  69. * Hobo_withshotgun is now known as Vortigern
  70. <Expredumb> guys
  71. <Expredumb> Albert Ross responded
  72. <Expredumb>
  73. <Vortigern> MY FACE
  74. <Vortigern> MY SAVAGE FACE
  75. <Vortigern> FOR ALL THE WORLD TO ADORE
  76. <Vortigern> KISS IT
  78. [he gets killed]
  79. * Vortigern is now known as expires
  80. * expires is now known as Deadite_WolfKnight
  81. * Deadite_WolfKnight does a Jesus Classic.
  82. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I LIVE
  83. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Fuck, my neck!
  84. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I mean, Jesus Fucking Christ My Neck!
  85. <Deadite_WolfKnight> It's bent!
  86. <Deadite_WolfKnight> My neck is literally bent!
  87. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I am not the Holy One.
  88. <Arcanius> Deadite_Wolfknight
  89. <Arcanius>
  90. <Arcanius> Who is that?
  91. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The Righteous Claw.
  92. <Arcanius> His function?
  93. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Slays the Sea-Bass at the Sun-Climb-Time.
  94. <Arcanius> Purpose of said function?
  95. <Deadite_WolfKnight> A message.
  96. <Expredumb> So who is the Sea-Bass?
  97. <Deadite_WolfKnight> You know him as...Lyg?
  98. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Anyway, He slays the Sea-Bass as divine message, the transportation of certain sigils...letters...
  99. <NordJitsu> But how does Lyg tie in?
  100. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Sea-Bass, is food, naturally.
  101. [a bunch of wrong guess]
  102. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Foolishness! Never mind these...incidences, the point is that the Righteous Claw uses the Sea-Bass as a message.
  103. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The sigils are what counts.
  104. <NordJitsu> Did you have to kill the messanger?
  105. <Deadite_WolfKnight> You tell me.
  106. <Expredumb> Deadite, any signifigance in Talon wearing a Graybeard hood?
  107. <Deadite_WolfKnight> You mean the Talon is wearing a Talon hood.
  108. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I told you, those loudbeards stole them.
  109. * Deadite_WolfKnight finds a prize.
  110. <Deadite_WolfKnight> It's a whistle!
  111. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Delicious!
  112. <Expredumb> So we know this guy is Albert_Ross
  113. <Expredumb> but who is he?
  114. <Deadite_WolfKnight> SEA-BASS
  115. <NordJitsu> I don't understand what you're talking about
  116. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Look at what is written on the bloody Sea-Bass!
  117. [in response to NordJitsu leaving]
  118. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Sleep well, hatchling.
  119. <Expredumb> Deadite_Wolfknight
  120. <Expredumb> is behind Albert_Ross
  121. <Deadite_WolfKnight> No, sophist!
  122. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Ross is the Living Prophet.
  123. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I am his apostle.
  124. <Lorgar> If there's a lnk in a picture, then I'm pretty sure he is
  125. <Expredumb> MK isn't the only one who knows how to hide links in pictures
  126. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Why the love of Mackerel? It is a most inferior fish.
  127. <Deadite_WolfKnight> watch: Vehk Equals 10 Yoodt 9 Double Yoodt geth Zyr Geth Seht double yoodt koht
  128. <Arcanius> I watched and didn't learn, Deadite.
  129. <Arcanius> Is it not the aim of a disciple to teach the way of his Master?
  130. <Arcanius> Why then do you speak to us in riddles?
  131. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Because you are not ready to know.
  132. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The riddle tests you.
  133. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Insures that your wings are strong.
  134. <Arcanius> We must have strong enough wings to fly where?
  135. <Arcanius> Home?
  136. <Deadite_WolfKnight> To give the naked truth now, you would simply plummet like a featherless hatchling.
  137. <Naryn> wolfknight, the video's unavailable
  138. <Deadite_WolfKnight> In your Eyrie, doubtless.
  139. <Naryn>
  140. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The tiger-shark is irrelevant at this bardo.
  141. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I just like that video.
  142. <Naryn>
  143. <Naryn> So, deadite, who has died?
  144. <Deadite_WolfKnight> I did.
  145. <Naryn> And when are you to be properly reborn?
  146. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Dunno.
  147. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The Syrinx has not revealed this to me.
  148. <Arcanius>
  149. <Deadite_WolfKnight> The Syrinx is the Voice. It speaks for the Holy One.
  150. <Deadite_WolfKnight> oʎʍuɯbo3ɯqɯ=ʌ¿ɥɔʇɐʍ/ɯoɔ˙ǝqnʇnoʎ˙ʍʍʍ//:dʇʇɥ
  151. <Deadite_WolfKnight> He has taught me some of his art.
  152. <Deadite_WolfKnight> But a whisper.
  153. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Sadly.
  154. <Naryn>
  155. <Naryn> Does the Albatross have a partner? A mate?
  156. <Arcanius> Another favorite vid, Deadite?
  157. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Indeed.
  158. <Deadite_WolfKnight> A mate?
  159. <Arcanius> Indeed.
  160. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Do not concern yourselves with such petty trivialities of our canon.
  161. <Naryn> Deadite, you said you know but a whisper of the Syrinx' art. What does that whisper entail?
  162. <Deadite_WolfKnight> Speaking withershins.
  163. <Deadite_WolfKnight> And right-sides down.
  164. <Naryn>
  165. <Deadite_WolfKnight> But alas, Lady-Hawke approaches. I must retire.
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