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Jun 30th, 2015
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  1. [20:59] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Good fight dude
  2. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Eh
  3. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Was alright
  4. [20:59] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): R U MAD DELI?
  5. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Every time we raid you guys half our members ragequit
  6. [20:59] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): MAD = BAD
  7. [20:59] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Ah that sucks
  8. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): And the other half fuck off and act like lonewolvse
  9. [20:59] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): What happpened man?
  10. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): People just
  11. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): talk
  12. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): and don't listen
  13. [20:59] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): That's my gripe of the day
  14. [21:00] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Nah i'm listening dude
  15. [21:00] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Not you, I mean during raids maaaan
  16. [21:00] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Yeah if they'd listen you guys had the tactics
  17. [21:00] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Ah i feel it dude
  18. [21:00] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): I'd bring it up with Ry and Jabun
  19. [21:01] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Honestly, not worth the effort
  20. [21:01] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): if people wanna fuck off and do their thing, that's them I guess
  21. [21:02] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Yeah
  22. [21:03] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): You guys were hitting us so hard we actually had to switch comms to push and shift into squad channels
  23. [21:03] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): But i noticed that your push disolved
  24. [21:04] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Because people get retarded, and call me grumpy when I tell them that we should try to be more organized
  25. [21:04] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Sometimes you gotta get some bass
  26. [21:04] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): So they need to nut up and listen to you
  27. [21:05] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): In the end, not my problem
  28. [21:05] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): I get my coercion funbucks at the end of the day
  29. [21:06] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): Word
  30. [21:06] Hadet The Undying (Hadet Sonnenkern): You guys should make like a Chuck-E Cheese ticket counter
  31. [21:08] Brother Neptune (Deli Nayar): Shiiiettt
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