
Tablas y Graficos en Latex

Apr 9th, 2023
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Latex 4.71 KB | Science | 0 0
  1. \documentclass{article}[20pt,a4paper]
  2. % Comment the following line to NOT allow the usage of umlauts
  3. \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
  4. \usepackage[english]{babel}
  5. \usepackage[a4paper, lmargin=2cm, rmargin=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
  6. \usepackage{color}
  7. % Uncomment the following line to allow the usage of graphics (.png, .jpg)
  8. \usepackage{verbatim}
  9. \usepackage{graphicx}
  10. \usepackage{amsmath}
  11. \usepackage[all]{xy}
  12. \usepackage{pst-all}
  13. \usepackage{tikz}
  14. \usepackage{gnuplottex}
  15. %\usepackage{chronology}
  16. \usepackage{tablefootnote} \tikzset{flippedeventlabel/.append style={align=center}}
  17. \usetikzlibrary{matrix.skeleton}
  18. \usetikzlibrary{datavisualization} \usetikzlibrary[shapes,arrows,positioning,fit,backgrounds,intersections,shadows,calc,datavisualization.formats.functions]
  19. \usetikzlibrary{decorations.text}
  20. \pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
  21. \pgfdeclarelayer{foreground layer}
  22. \pgfsetlayers{background layer,main,foreground layer}
  23. %\usetikzlibrary{datavisualization.formats.functions}
  24. \usepackage{pgf-pie}
  25. \usepackage{color,colortbl}
  26. \usepackage{pgfplots}
  27. \pgfplotsset{width=10cm,compat=1.9}
  28. \usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,filecolor=magenta,urlcolor=blue]{hyperref}
  29. %Paquete de estilo de referencias
  30. \urlstyle{same}
  31. % Start the document
  32. \title{Utilizando Los Entornos \texttt{Tabular}, \texttt{pgf-pie},  y \texttt{tikz} en \LaTeX\  Para Crear Tablas y Gráficos}
  33. \author{Nimrod Rodríguez\\ \href{SITIO WEB}{\underline{\textcolor{red}{enlace:} Código \LaTeX }}}
  34. \date{Noviembre 18, 2022}
  35. \begin{document}
  36. \maketitle
  37. \begin{enumerate}
  39. \item Uso de entornos \texttt{figure} y \texttt{tabular} para construir una tabla de verdad del cálculo Proposicional.
  40. \begin{center}
  41. Tabla para:  $ (\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \wedge \  \textcolor{blue}{q}) \Leftrightarrow \ (\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \vee \  \textcolor{blue}{q})$\\
  42. \vspace{0.5cm}
  43. \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|}
  44. \hline
  45. \rowcolor{gray!20}
  46. \textcolor{blue}{p} & \textcolor{blue}{q} & $\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \wedge \  \textcolor{blue}{q}$ & $\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \vee \  \textcolor{blue}{q}$ & $ (\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \wedge \  \textcolor{blue}{q}) \Leftrightarrow \ (\textcolor{blue}{p} \ \vee \  \textcolor{blue}{q})$\\
  47. \hline
  48. v & v & v & v & \cellcolor{blue!10}v \\
  49. \hline
  50. v & f & f & v & \cellcolor{red!10}f \\
  51. \hline
  52. f & v & f & v & \cellcolor{red!10}f \\
  53. \hline
  54. f & f & f & f & \cellcolor{blue!10}v \\
  55. \hline
  56. \end{tabular}\\
  57. \end{center}
  58. \vspace{.4cm}
  60. \item Entorno \texttt{pgf-pie} para un diagrama tipo pastel.
  61. \begin{center}
  62. \begin{figure}
  63. \caption{\textcolor{blue}{Tendencia En La Utilización De Entornos De Editores \textcolor{red}{.pdf}}}
  64. \vspace{.3cm}
  65. \begin{tikzpicture}
  66. \pie [rotate = 180,explode=0.1,text=pin,radius=2, style = drop shadow]
  67.    {20/\TeX\ Live and Mac\TeX,
  68.     32/MiK\TeX\ and Pro\TeX t, 6/Other \TeX, 42/\LaTeX}
  69. \end{tikzpicture}
  70. \end{figure}
  71. \end{center}
  72. \pagebreak
  74. \item Entorno \texttt{pgf-pie} para un diagrama de barras horizontal, con un diseño similar al sistema \texttt{scientific axes} del entorno \texttt{pgfplots}.
  75. \begin{center}
  76. \begin{figure}[ht]
  77. \centering
  78. \caption{\textcolor{blue}{Tendencia Sobre Caracteres Incluidos En Una Contraseña}}
  79. \vspace{.3cm}
  80. \begin{tikzpicture}
  81. \begin{axis}[width=0.81\textwidth, height=3.5in, xbar, bar width=20pt, xmin=0, xmax=100, symbolic y coords={Nonalphanumeric, Numbers, Uppercase Letters, Lowercase Letters}, ytick=\empty, xmajorgrids] \addplot [fill={blue!40},draw=blue] coordinates {(64,Nonalphanumeric) (85,Numbers) (62,Uppercase Letters) (83,Lowercase Letters)} node [minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,right,pin={[font=\footnotesize,pin distance=0.3cm]0:64 (21.8\%)}] at (axis cs:64,Nonalphanumeric) {} node [minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,right,pin={[font=\footnotesize,pin distance=0.3cm]0:85 (28.9\%)}] at (axis cs:85,Numbers) {} node [minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,right,pin={[font=\footnotesize,pin distance=0.3cm]0:62 (21.1\%)}] at (axis cs:62,Uppercase Letters) {} node [minimum size=0pt,inner sep=0pt,right,pin={[font=\footnotesize,pin distance=0.3cm]0:83 (28.2\%)}] at (axis cs:83,Lowercase Letters) {} coordinate (symb) at (axis cs:0,Nonalphanumeric) coordinate (num) at (axis cs:0,Numbers) coordinate (uprcase) at (axis cs:0,Uppercase Letters) coordinate (lwrcase) at (axis cs:0,Lowercase Letters); \end{axis} \node [font=\small,above left] at (symb) {Alfanuméricos Comunes}; \node [font=\small,left] at (symb) {(signos de puntuación,}; \node [font=\small,below left] at (symb) {\#, \&, @, etc.)}; \node [font=\small,left] at (num) {Números}; \node [font=\small,left] at (uprcase) {Letras Mayúsculas}; \node [font=\small,left] at (lwrcase) {Letras Minúsculas}; \end{tikzpicture}
  82. \label{fig:Chara}
  83. \end{figure}
  84. \end{center}
  85. \end{enumerate}
  86. \end{document}
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