
O.C.T.O. comic Chapter 6

Dec 5th, 2015
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  1. Page 1: Establishing shot of O.C.T.O. Headquarters exterior. There are numerous Inklings, fully decked out for battle, passing by. The sounds of ink warfare can be heard coming from Walleye Warehouse across the street.
  4. Inside, Dank is draped unceremoniously across a couple of crates, with Minty hovering over him like a curious child considering whether or not to poke at a bug. Omega is leaning atop another crate, bored.
  5. Dank: *z-z-z*
  6. Omega: *sigh*
  7. SFX: *tick-POP* *tick-POP*
  8. SFX: *budda budda budda*
  9. Omega looks up as something catches her attention.
  10. Omega: ?
  11. Francine bursts in the smaller entrance door, takes one look at Dank, and sighs.
  12. Francine: "Man, him too? What is with everyone today?"
  13. Minty shrugs.
  14. Minty: "Is Port Mackerel in rotation?"
  15. Omega: "Again?"
  16. Francine: "Nope, Walleye and Triggerfish, Splat Zones. Nothing that salt-worthy."
  17. Francine gestures at Dank.
  18. Francine: "Seriously, what is up with this? I found Georgia the same way this morning. Which, all things considered, is not that unusual for her, but she'll normally at least make the effort to tell me 'good morning' before going back to bed."
  19. Francine looks up at the ceiling as the sounds of tinkering drift down from above.
  20. SFX: *tink tink* *fizzle*
  21. Francine: " Flipz here?"
  22. Omega: "When isn't Flipz here?"
  23. Francine starts for the stairs.
  24. Francine: "Be nice, Omega. He's fragile."
  25. Omega: "Whatever. Just don't startle her, she's working on some database thingy, says it's delicate."
  26. Francine: "...right."
  28. Page 2: Francine knocks on the railing at the top of the spiral staircase to announce her presence.
  29. Francine: "Err...hi, Flipz."
  30. Flipz: "Oh! Hi, Francine! Gimme a sec."
  31. Flipz dusts off her hands and undoes her hair tie; she's very much feminine in a kawaii moe sort of way today, complete with some sparkles to complete the effect.
  32. Flipz: "I'm so glad you stopped by, Georgia hasn't come in today and I wanted to thank her for bringing this to me last night."
  33. Francine: "Uh...sure...and 'this' would be...?"
  34. Flipz holds up the database.
  35. Flipz: "It's a database! A genuine Octarian defense database, from the looks of it dating back to the Great Turf War! I haven't seen one of these in--" *Flipz barely stops herself before saying too much*
  36. Flipz: "--well, a surprisingly long time."
  37. Francine seems confused, but intrigued as she follows Flipz down the stairs to the main area. In the background, Minty is fiddling with a bass guitar, playing the base riff of the Jam Session version of Splattack. (The music notes appear as sound effects throughout the rest of this sequence until the end of Page 4.)
  38. Francine: "So by Octarian defense database, do you mean...?"
  39. Flipz: "Yep! All the strategies and techniques they've ever used, right up through the end of the war--or at least, that's what I'm guessing. Only way to be sure is to hook it up and check 'em out."
  40. Francine leans over and whispers to Omega.
  41. Francine: "I've never seen hi--her this chipper. Should I be worried?"
  42. Omega: *shrug*
  43. Flipz (off-panel): "Let's see...adapter into the input port, set to compatibility mode it!"
  45. Page 3: Francine and Omega gather around Flipz as they all stare at the screens (we see their faces, not the screens themselves).
  46. Omega: "Whoa..."
  47. Francine: "These are...really unorthodox. Surprisingly aggressive, all things considered. Can't wait to try them out sometime."
  48. Flipz: "Heh. Good luck with that, girls."
  49. Francine looks sideways at Flipz.
  50. Francine: "Why don't you join us? We could go two-on-two, private match. It'd be good to get to know your style."
  51. Flipz: "Not likely. I don't even have a style, I've never played turf wars before."
  52. Beat panel as everyone stares at Flipz.
  53. Same image as beat panel.
  54. Omega: "What."
  55. Close-up on Flipz' head and shoulders as he turns around to face Omega and Francine.
  56. Flipz: "Oh, come on, Omega. I don't even have a weapon--"
  57. Omega drops a Custom Range Blaster in Flipz' arms.
  58. Minty comes up behind Flipz to investigate as Flipz stares confusedly at Omega.
  59. Minty grins widely as she grabs Flipz' shoulder.
  60. Flipz: !
  61. Minty drags Flipz away in a cartoonish puff of speed-smoke.
  63. Page 4: We see Blackbelly Skatepark, at the exact angle of the pre-match flyover from the game, complete with the "Turf War" and "Ink the most turf to win!" text as it would appear in-game. The ink colors are pink vs. blue, and the camera is starting on the pink side.
  64. Narration box (in lower-right corner): Blackbelly Skatepark
  65. SFX: *match start riff*
  66. We see Francine (armed with a Hero Shot) and a nervous-looking Flipz (armed with the Custom Range Blaster, and clothed for the first time in proper Turf Wars gear) emerge from the pink spawn, while Omega (Octoshot) and Minty (Octobrush) emerge from the blue one.
  67. Flipz looks nervously to Francine.
  68. Flipz: "I-I don't know if this is such a good idea..."
  69. Francine looks back at Flipz.
  70. Francine: "It'll be fine. Wish I could find my E-Liter, but I'm better with this thing anyway."
  71. Francine leans very close to Flipz, her hair-tentacle resting on Flipz' shoulder.
  72. Francine: "You'll be okay, Flipz. I promise I'll take good care of you, okay? I've got your back."
  73. Francine rushes off, already firing as the "GO!" signal sounds. Flipz stands stunned for a moment, blushing furiously.
  74. Flipz races off after Francine.
  75. Flipz: "H-Hey, wait for me!"
  77. Page 5: We see several silent scenes of intense ink combat as the players race up and down Blackbelly Skatepark after each other, inset over several short but wide background images of the gamepad ink map showing the match progression.
  78. SFX: *various ink combat sounds*
  79. SFX: *music notes for Shellfie by Chirpy Chips*
  80. Example panels: Flipz ducking under Minty's Octobrush swing (wrapping arms over helmet while leaving their weapon hanging in midair), Francine emerging from the wall of the center spire to ambush Omega (where the pink team's Splat Zone would be), Flipz fleeing in panic down the right-hand lane (from pink team's perspective) from Omega's Inkzooka, Minty Super Jumping away from Francine's push into the blue-side bowl and preparing to ambush an unsuspecting Flipz staring at her destination Beakon in confusion.
  82. Page 6: All four combatants slump against the center tower, breathing heavily, as an announcer calls "GAME!".
  83. SFX: "GAME!"
  85. On a billboard-sized video screen mounted high above the skatepark, we see Judd studying a Wii U Gamepad-like device intently. In the next panel, he holds out the pink team flag (with the gamepad in his other paw), as the words "Pink Team Victory" appear in a pink ink splat at the upper-left corner of the screen. (The ink bar also appears, but instead of "Good Guys" and "Bad Guys", the words "Pink Team" and "Blue Team" appear.)
  86. Flipz collapses further to the ground. Francine watches her with a wry grin.
  87. Flipz: "Oh thank goodness."
  88. Francine: "See? You're better than you think."
  89. Flipz brushes one of her tentacles out of her face.
  90. Flipz: "You really think so?"
  91. Flipz is startled by Omega's voice from off-panel.
  92. Omega (off-panel): "I know so."
  93. We see Omega from Flipz' perspective, offering her a hand up. In the background, Minty is tossing a .52 Gal Deco up and down in the air.
  94. Omega: "So...ready for a girls' night out at the Mall?"
  96. Page 7: We see four panels featuring four boot-clad feet: the first is a pair of Octoling Boots with high heels, the second a rhinestone-studded pair of Octoling Boots, the third a regular pair with the train of some kind of light blue trenchcoat trailing behind it, and the last with a pair of neon green socks poking awkwardly above the top. Over each panel, one of the first four riffs of Roy Orbison's "Pretty Woman" is rendered in musical notes.
  97. SFX: *Music notes for Pretty Woman*
  98. Minty, Omega, Francine, and Flipz pose in a pseudo-V formation outside Arowana Mall, with Omega in the lead. All of them have light blue ink (from the light blue vs. orange color combo) and are dressed in Octoling Replica(?) gear minus the goggles, but each with their own twist: Minty's Octoling Boots feature prominent high-heels, and she is wearing Noise Cancelers and wielding a Carbon Roller Deco; Omega is wearing her normal Octoling gear, but she has spiced all of it up (save her weapon) with rhinestones; Francine bears the Slosher Deco, and over her Octoling gear she wears a trenchcoat and Camping Hat that match her ink color; finally Flipz is wearing her Octoling Armor awkwardly over her standard Sky-Blue Squideye, with the aforementioned neon green socks sticking up out of her boots. Flipz in particular seems very self-conscious.
  99. Omega: "Oh yeah. They won't know what hit 'em."
  100. Minty's headphones: "β™ͺPretty Woman...walkin' down the street, pretty woman...β™«"
  102. Page 8: On the Arowana Mall spawn pad, Omega lifts her goggles to wink and blow a kiss to the opposing team.
  103. A male Inkling on the opposing side raises his eyebrow.
  104. Omega drops her goggles back into place with a sinister grin and waves in the most condescending way possible.
  105. The male Inkling's eyebrow settles into a furious frown; behind him, a female Inkling with a Luna Blaster Neo snickers into her hand.
  106. Back on the light blue spawn pad, Minty nudges Flipz.
  107. She hands Flipz a Seeker, something Flipz is clearly unfamiliar with.
  108. Flipz holds the Seeker up to her face to examine it as the fight is about to begin.
  109. SFX: "Ready..."
  110. Flipz is startled as the Seeker immediately launches when the match begins.
  111. SFX: "GO!"
  112. Minty throws a salute over her shoulder to Flipz as Omega and Francine begin swimming up the Seeker's ink trail. NOTE: From here on, music notes from Hooked by High Tide Era play over the rest of the match.)
  114. Page 9: Francine is backed up against the kiosk at mid, taking cover in preparation for the other team to arrive. A moment later, however, she sees movement at the top of the alley leading back to her base.
  115. Like a dummy, Flipz pops up at the edge of the wall that leads into the alley...
  116. Flipz (looking at Francine with head cocked): ?
  117. ...and is immediately sniped by the male Inkling from before. (We see an inset panel of his smirk peeking over the top of his E-Liter, as well as one of the light blue team's squid meter (the one at the top of the screen in-game) go doen by one.)
  118. However, Francine begins to sweat when she notices Flipz' squid-ghost momentarily glitch.
  119. She whips her head around to look at Minty on the left-side halfpipe, who in turn takes a moment to look curiously at Francine.
  120. Minty: "Hmm?"
  121. Suddenly, a Splat Bomb arcs over the halfpipe and lands at Minty's feet before exploding. This time, however, Minty's squid-ghost is perfectly normal.
  122. Francine is forced to focus on the match at hand, as another shot from the E-Liter just misses her. She spins around to the left-hand side of the kiosk and hurls a bucket of ink over her shoulder (over the top of the structure.)
  124. Page 10: Up atop his sniper's perch, the male Inkling smirks as he takes his shot at Francine.
  125. male Inkling: "Heh heh heh...I have you now."
  126. However, before he can get off another one, Francine's bucketfull of ink lands, splatting the male Inkling's teammate. The Inkling looks up to the screen set above the mall, and sees that he is indeed a teammate down, and there are still two light blue players on the field.
  127. male Inkling: "One...two...three...wait, where's--?"
  128. SFX: *ca-click*
  129. Omega stands behind the male Inkling, Octoshot at point-blank range.
  130. Omega: "Looking for someone?"
  131. Cutaway to the squid indicator for the orange team, which is now down by two.
  133. Francine watches the splat with satisfaction, then sees Flipz dive from the same spot she'd gotten splatted at before towards the enemy plaza, .52 Gal blazing in a vain attempt to take on a dark-skinned Inkling with a Backwards Cap, a Varsity Jacket, Blue Moto Boots, and a Sploosh-o-matic.
  134. Francine dives into the fray, saving Flipz from being splatted, but only achieving a trade with Squidoo.
  135. We get a few small panels of Minty, Omega, and Francine engaging in vicious ink fights with the male Inkling, female Inkling, and Squidoo, until finally...
  136. SFX: "GAME!"
  139. Page 11: Both teams stare anxiously at the screen above the mall, awaiting the results of the match...
  140. ...and the results become instantly obvious, as nearly the entire map (save for the orange-side plaza) is completely orange. Nonetheless, Judd declares Orange Team Victory as usual.
  141. Omega, Minty, Flipz, and Francine are confused.
  142. All four (together): "Whaaa...?"
  143. The screen then switches to the standard scoring screen, where a male Inkling with a Krak-On Roller named "Bill T." has somehow amassed 3217 points of turf coverage and zero kills or deaths.
  144. The O.C.T.O. members are nonplussed.
  145. Omega: "...well, I suppose you can't win them all."
  146. In Inkopolis Plaza, everyone is going their separate ways as the sun begins to set. Francine walks up behind Flipz.
  147. Francine: "Hey, Flipz...I was thinking..."
  148. Francine seems nervous as she circles in front of her friend, the setting sun shining over her shoulder.
  149. Francine: "I was thinking...maybe we, sometime. Maybe get some coffee?"
  150. Flipz blushes.
  151. Flipz: "Uh...sure? I..."
  152. Flipz notices the angle of the sunset and panics.
  153. Flipz: "...I...left something at base Igottagobye!"
  154. Flipz sprints for O.C.T.O. HQ. Francine is crestfallen.
  156. Page 12: At O.C.T.O. Headquarters, Aqua is closing up, the last member of the squad leaving for the day.
  157. Aqua: "Oh hey, Flipz, I was just locking up--"
  158. Flipz: "Good, I'm not too late, gotta grab...things. And stuff."
  159. Flipz slips past Aqua, flicks on the light, and turns back to look at him once she's inside.
  160. Flipz: "Don't wait up, I'll close up like usual."
  161. Aqua: "Uh...sure. Okay. See you tomorrow!"
  162. As Aqua leaves, Flipz watches him through the window. She then leans against the door and lets out a sigh of relief.
  163. Flipz: "Phew. That was too close."
  164. She then locks the door and then turns off the light...while still inside. In the dark, she utters one final line.
  165. Flipz: "It's good to be home."
  166. --End Chapter 6--
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