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Jun 5th, 2015
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  1. のんのんびより Vocabulary 1~3巻
  3. 内 うち (n,adj-no) (1) inside/within/(2) while/(3) among/amongst/between/(pn,adj-no) (4) we (referring to one's in-group, i.e. company, etc.)/our/(5) my spouse/(n) (6) (arch) imperial palace grounds/(7) (arch) emperor/(pn,adj-no) (8) (ksb:) I (primarily used by women and children)/me/(P)
  4. 田舎 いなか (gikun) (n,adj-no) (1) (sens) rural area/countryside/the sticks/(2) hometown/(P)
  5. 住む すむ (v5m,vi) to live (of humans)/to reside/to inhabit/to dwell/to abide/(P)
  6. 巻 かん (n,ctr) volume (of book)/reel (of film)
  7. 頑張る がんばる (ateji) (v5r,vi) (1) to persevere/to persist/to keep at it/to hang on/to hold out/to do one's best/(2) to insist that/to stick to (one's opinion)/(3) to remain in a place/to stick to one's post/to refuse to budge/(P)
  8. 存じ上げる ぞんじあげる (v1,vt) (hum) to know/to think
  9. 話 わ (ctr) counter for stories, episodes of TV series, etc.
  10. 始まる はじまる (v5r,vi) (1) to begin/to start/to commence/(2) to happen (again)/to begin (anew)/(3) to date (from)/to originate (in)/(P)
  11. 私 わたし (pn,adj-no) I/me/(P)
  12. 名前 なまえ (n) (1) name/full name/(2) given name/first name/(P)
  13. 現在 げんざい (n-adv,n-t) now/current/present/present time/as of/(P)
  14. 小学 しょうがく (n) (abbr) elementary school/primary school/grade school/(P)
  15. 年生 ねんせい (n-suf) pupil in ... year/student in ... year/(P)
  16. 去年 きょねん (n-adv,n-t) last year/(P)
  17. 学校 がっこう (n) school/(P)
  18. 通う かよう (v5u,vi) (1) to go back and forth/to ply between/(2) to commute/to attend (school, church, etc.)/(P)
  19. 両親 りょうしん (n) parents/both parents/(P)
  20. 仕事 しごと (n,vs,adj-no) (1) work/job/business/occupation/employment/vocation/task/(2) (physics) work/(P)
  21. 都合 つごう (adv,n) (1) circumstances/condition/convenience/(vs) (2) to arrange/to manage/(3) to lend money/to raise money/(adv) (4) in all/in total/all told/(P)
  22. 転校 てんこう (n,vs) change schools
  23. 場所 ばしょ (n) (1) place/location/spot/position/(2) room/space/(3) (sumo) basho/wrestling tournament/(P)
  24. 変わる かわる (v5r,vi) (1) to change/to be transformed/to be altered/to vary/(2) to move to/(3) to be different/to be uncommon/to be unusual/(P)
  25. 様子 ようす (n) (1) state/state of affairs/situation/circumstances/(2) appearance/look/aspect/(3) sign/indication/(P)
  26. 問題 もんだい (n) (1) question (e.g. on a test)/problem/(2) problem (e.g. societal, political)/question/issue/subject (e.g. of research)/case/matter/(3) question (i.e. doubt)/(4) public discussion/controversy/(5) trouble/problem/inconvenience/difficulty/(P)
  27. 全然 ぜんぜん (adv) (1) not at all (with neg. verb)/(2) wholly/entirely/completely/(P)
  28. 分かる わかる (v5r,vi) (1) to understand/to comprehend/to grasp/to see/to get/to follow/(2) to become clear/to be known/to be discovered/to be realized/to be realised/to be found out/(P)
  29. 中学 ちゅうがく (n) (abbr) middle school/junior high school/(P)
  30. 姉ちゃん ねえちゃん (n) elder sister/girl
  31. 代わりに かわりに (adv) instead of/for/as/in exchange for/in return (for)/to make up for
  32. 全部 ぜんぶ (n-adv,n-t,adj-no) all/entire/whole/altogether/(P)
  33. 遣る やる (v5r,vt) (1) (uk) to send/to dispatch/to despatch/(2) (uk) to put/to move/to turn (one's head, glance, etc.)/(3) (uk) to give (esp. to someone of equal or lower status)/to let have/to present/to bestow/to confer/(4) (uk) to make (a vehicle) go faster/(5)
  34. 呉れる くれる (v1,vt) (uk) to give/to let one have/to do for one/to be given/(P)
  35. 事 こと (n) (1) thing/matter/(2) incident/occurrence/event/something serious/trouble/crisis/(3) circumstances/situation/state of affairs/(4) work/business/affair/(5) after an inflectable word, creates a noun phrase indicating something the speaker does not feel c
  36. 勉強 べんきょう (n,vs) (1) study/(2) diligence/(3) discount/reduction/(P)
  37. 自分 じぶん (pn,adj-no) (1) myself/yourself/oneself/himself/herself/(2) I/me/(P)
  38. 姉 あね (n) (hum) older sister/elder sister/(P)
  39. 同じ おなじ (adj-f,n) (1) same/identical/equal/uniform/equivalent/similar/common (origin)/changeless/alike/(adv) (2) (usu. part of a 'nara' conditional) anyway/anyhow/in either case/(P)
  40. 混在 こんざい (n,vs) mixture
  41. 集 しゅう (n-suf) collection/compilation/(P)
  42. 前 まえ (n-adv,n-t,suf) (1) ago/before (some event)/previously/(minutes) to (the hour)/(2) in front (of)/before (e.g. the house)/(3) head (of a line)/front (e.g. of a bus)/fore part/(4) in the presence of/(5) helping/portion/(6) privates/private parts/(P)
  43. 行く いく (v5k-s,vi) (1) to go/to move (in a direction or towards a specific location)/to head (towards)/to be transported (towards)/to reach/(2) to proceed/to take place/(3) to pass through/to come and go/(4) to walk/(5) to do (in a specific way)/(6) to stream/to
  44. 来る くる (vk,vi,aux-v) (1) to come (spatially or temporally)/to approach/to arrive/(2) to come back/to do ... and come back/(3) to come to be/to become/to get/to grow/to continue/(vk,vi) (4) to come from/to be caused by/to derive from/(5) to come to (i.e. "when it
  45. 兄 あに (n) (hum) elder brother/older brother/(P)
  46. 解く とく (v5k,vt) (1) to untie/to unfasten/to unwrap/to undo/to unbind/to unpack/(2) to unsew/to unstitch/(3) to solve/to work out/to answer/(4) to dispel (misunderstanding, etc.)/to clear up/to remove (suspicion)/to appease/(5) to dissolve (a contract)/to cancel/
  47. 終わる おわる (v5r,vi) to finish/to end/to close/(P)
  48. 先生 せんせい (n) (1) (hon) teacher/master/doctor/(suf) (2) (hon) with names of teachers, etc. as an honorific/(P)
  49. 持つ もつ (v5t) (1) to hold (in one's hand)/to take/to carry/(2) to possess/to have/to own/(3) to maintain/to keep/(4) to last/to be durable/to keep/to survive/(5) to take charge of/to be in charge of/(P)
  50. 休み やすみ (n) (1) rest/recess/respite/(2) vacation/holiday/absence/suspension/(3) dormancy (of a silkworm prior to moulting)/(P)
  51. 時間 じかん (n-adv,n) (1) time/(ctr) (2) hours/(P)
  52. 持って行く もっていく (exp,v5k-s) to take/to carry (something) away/to bear/(P)
  53. 持って来る もってくる (vk,vt) to bring
  54. 全校 ぜんこう (n) the whole school/(P)
  55. 生徒 せいと (n,adj-no) pupil/(P)
  56. 五 ご (num) five/(P)
  57. 人 にん (ctr) (1) counter for people/(n) (2) (usu. in compound words) person/(P)
  58. 学年 がくねん (n) year in school/grade in school/(P)
  59. ばらばら ばらばら (adj-na,adj-no,adv,vs) (on-mim) scattered/disperse/loose/disconnected/in pieces/in drops/rustling
  60. 基本 きほん (n,adj-no) foundation/basis/standard/(P)
  61. 授業 じゅぎょう (n,vs) lesson/class work/teaching/instruction/(P)
  62. 自習 じしゅう (n,vs,adj-no) self-study/(P)
  63. 形式 けいしき (n) (1) form (as opposed to substance)/formality/(2) method/system/style/(3) format/mode/appearance/form (something takes)/(4) math expression/(P)
  64. 出来る できる (v1,vi) (1) (uk) to be able (in a position) to do/to be up to the task/(2) to be ready/to be completed/(3) to be made/to be built/(4) to be good at/to be permitted (to do)/(5) to become intimate/to take up (with somebody)/(6) to grow/to be raised/(7) to b
  65. 教師 きょうし (n,adj-no) teacher (classroom)/(P)
  66. 歳 さい (suf) -years-old/(P)
  67. 猫 ねこ (n) (1) cat/(2) shamisen/(3) geisha/(4) (abbr) wheelbarrow/(5) (abbr) clay bed-warmer/(6) (uk) (col) bottom/submissive partner of a homosexual relationship/(P)
  68. 四角い しかくい (adj-i) square/rectangular/(P)
  69. 寝る ねる (v1,vi) (1) to lie down/(2) to go to bed/to lie in bed/(3) to sleep (lying down)/(4) to sleep (with someone, i.e. have intercourse)/(5) to lie idle/(P)
  70. 休む やすむ (v5m,vi) (1) to be absent/to take a day off/(2) to rest/to have a break/(3) to go to bed/to (lie down to) sleep/to turn in/to retire/(4) to stop doing some ongoing activity for a time/to suspend business/(P)
  71. 宜しい よろしい (adj-i) (uk) (hon) good/OK/all right/fine/very well/will do/may/can/(P)
  72. 何 なに (int,pn,adj-no) (1) what/(n) (2) (col) euph. for genitals or sex/(P)
  73. 言う いう (v5u) (1) to say/(2) to name/to call/(3) to go (e.g. the alarm went "ping")/to make a noise/(P)
  74. 入る はいる (v5r,vi) (1) to enter/to go into/(2) to break into/(3) to join/to enroll/(4) to contain/to hold/to accommodate/(5) to have (an income of)/(6) to get/to receive/to score/(P)
  75. 人間 にんげん (n) (1) human being/man/person/(2) character (of a person)/(P)
  76. 認める みとめる (v1,vt) (1) to recognize/to recognise/to observe/to notice/(2) to deem/to judge/to assess/(3) to approve/to deem acceptable/to allow/(4) to admit/to accept/to confess (to a charge)/(5) to watch steadily/to observe carefully/(6) to renown/to give renown to
  77. 止める とめる (v1,vt) (1) to stop/to turn off/(2) to park/(3) to prevent/to suppress (a cough)/to hold back (tears)/to hold (one's breath)/to relieve (pain)/(4) to stop (someone from doing something)/to dissuade/to forbid/to prohibit/(5) to notice/to be aware of/to con
  78. 辺 へん (n) (1) area/vicinity/(2) side (of triangle, rectangle, etc.)/(3) circumstances/(P)
  79. 考える かんがえる (v1,vt) (1) to think about/to take into consideration/(2) to ponder/to reflect/to try to come at a conclusion/to think over (something)/(3) to intend/to decide (to do)/to plan/(4) to come up with/to devise/to scheme/(5) to predict/to anticipate/to expect/
  80. 行動 こうどう (n,vs,adj-no) action/conduct/behaviour/behavior/mobilization/mobilisation/(P)
  81. 下さい ください (exp) (1) (uk) (hon) please give me/(2) (after te-form of a verb or a noun prefixed with o- or go-) please do for me/(P)
  82. 誰か だれか (n) (uk) someone/somebody/(P)
  83. 遊ぶ あそぶ (v5b,vi) (1) to play/to enjoy oneself/to have a good time/(2) to mess about (with alcohol, gambling, philandery, etc.)/(3) to be idle/to do nothing/to be unused/(4) to go to (for pleasure or for study)/(5) (baseb) to intentionally throw a ball to lower th
  84. 組 くみ (n) (1) set (of items)/(2) group (of people)/class (of students)/company (esp. construction)/family (i.e. mafia)/team/(3) typesetting/composition/(P)
  85. 中 なか (n) (1) inside/in/(2) among/within/(3) center (centre)/middle/(4) during/while/(P)
  86. 当て あて (n) (1) aim/object/purpose/end/(2) expectations/prospects/hopes/(3) something that can be relied upon/(4) (ksb:) snack served with alcoholic drink/(n-suf) (5) pad/guard/(n-suf,n-pref) (6) blow/strike/(suf) (7) (uk) per/(P)
  87. 廊下 ろうか (n) corridor/hallway/passageway/(P)
  88. 点在 てんざい (n,vs) dotted with/(P)
  89. 前前 まえまえ (n) beforehand/for a long time
  90. 聞こえる きこえる (v1,vi) (1) to be heard/to be audible/(2) to be said to be/to be reputed/(P)
  91. 思う おもう (v5u,vt) (1) to think/to consider/to believe/(2) to think (of doing)/to plan (to do)/(3) to judge/to assess/to regard/(4) to imagine/to suppose/to dream/(5) to expect/to look forward to/(6) to feel/to desire/to want/(7) to recall/to remember/(P)
  92. 只 ただ (adj-no,n) (1) (uk) ordinary/common/usual/(2) (uk) free of charge/(3) unaffected/as is/safe/(adv) (4) only/merely/just/simply/(5) but/however/nevertheless/(P)
  93. 雨 あめ (n) rain/(P)
  94. 漏る もる (v5r,vi) to leak/to run out/(P)
  95. 防止 ぼうし (n,vs) prevention/check/(P)
  96. 近付く ちかづく (v5k,vi) (1) to approach/to draw near/to get close/(2) to get acquainted with/to get closer to/to get to know/(P)
  97. 動かす うごかす (v5s,vt) (1) to move/to shift/to operate/to set in motion/to mobilize/to mobilise/(2) to inspire/to rouse/to move (e.g. feeling)/to influence/(3) to deny/to change/(P)
  98. 位置 いち (n,vs) place/situation/position/location/(P)
  99. 面倒 めんどう (adj-na,n) trouble/difficulty/care/attention/(P)
  100. 床 ゆか (n) (1) floor/(2) stage (for the narrator and the shamisen player)/(3) dining platform built across a river/(P)
  101. 湿気る しける (v5r,v1,vi) to be damp/to be moist
  102. 抜ける ぬける (v1,vi) (1) to come out/to fall out/to be omitted/to be missing/to escape/to come loose/(2) to fade/to discolour/(3) to wear a hole (e.g. clothes)/(4) to leave (e.g. a meeting)/(5) to be clear/to be transparent (e.g. of the sky)/(6) to be stupid/to be abs
  103. 冗談 じょうだん (n,adj-no) jest/joke/funny story/(P)
  104. 今 いま (n-adv,n) now/the present time/just now/soon/immediately/(one) more/(P)
  105. 填る はまる (io) (v5r,vi) (1) (uk) to fit/to get into/to go into/(2) (uk) to be fit for (a job, etc.)/to be suited for/to satisfy (conditions)/(3) (uk) to fall into/to plunge into/to get stuck/to get caught/(4) (uk) to be deceived/to be taken in/to fall into a trap/(
  106. 間抜け まぬけ (adj-na,n) (uk) stupidity/idiot/dunce/blockhead/(P)
  107. 気 き (n) (1) spirit/mind/heart/(2) nature/disposition/(3) motivation/intention/(4) mood/feelings/(5) atmosphere/essence/(P)
  108. 付ける つける (v1,vt) (1) to attach/to join/to add/to append/to affix/to stick/to glue/to fasten/to sew on/to apply (ointment)/(2) to furnish (a house with)/(3) to wear/to put on/(4) to keep a diary/to make an entry/(5) to appraise/to set (a price)/(6) to bring alongsi
  109. 一応 いちおう (adv) once/tentatively/in outline/for the time being/just in case/so far as it goes/(P)
  110. 話 はなし (n) (1) talk/speech/chat/story/conversation/(2) discussions/negotiation/argument/(P)
  111. 感じ かんじ (n) feeling/sense/impression/(P)
  112. 以前 いぜん (n-adv,n-t) ago/since/before/previous/(P)
  113. 皆 みんな (adv,n) (1) all/everyone/everybody/(2) everything/(P)
  114. 良い いい (adj-i) (1) (uk) good/excellent/fine/nice/pleasant/agreeable/(2) sufficient (can be used to turn down an offer)/ready/prepared/(3) profitable (e.g. deal, business offer, etc.)/beneficial/(4) OK/(P)
  115. 人 ひと (n) (1) man/person/(2) human being/mankind/people/(3) (uk) human (Homo sapiens)/humans as a species/(4) character/personality/(5) man of talent/true man/(6) another person/other people/others/(7) adult/(P)
  116. 楽しい たのしい (adj-i) enjoyable/fun/(P)
  117. 無理 むり (adj-na,n,vs) unreasonable/impossible/overdoing/(P)
  118. 取る とる (v5r,vt) (1) to take/to pick up/to harvest/to earn/to win/to choose/(2) to steal/(3) to eat/to have (a meal)/(4) to remove (one's glasses, etc.)/(5) to compete (in sumo, cards, etc.)/to play/(P)
  119. 鍵 かぎ (n) (1) key/(2) lock/(P)
  120. 落ちる おちる (v1,vi) (1) to fall down/to drop/to fall (e.g. rain)/to sink (e.g. sun or moon)/to fall onto (e.g. light or one's gaze)/to be used in a certain place (e.g. money)/(2) to be omitted/to be missing/(3) to decrease/to sink/(4) to fail (e.g. exam or class)/to
  121. 今日 きょう (n-t) today/this day/(P)
  122. 夜 よる (n-adv,n-t) evening/night/(P)
  123. 家 いえ (n) (1) house/residence/dwelling/(2) family/household/(3) lineage/family name/(P)
  124. 誰も だれも (conj) (1) (uk) everyone/anyone/(2) no-one (with neg. verb)
  125. 閉める しめる (v1,vt) to close/to shut/(P)
  126. 別に べつに (adv) (1) (not) particularly/nothing/(2) separately/apart/(P)
  127. 泥棒 どろぼう (n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/(P)
  128. 盗る とる (v5r,vt) to take (nuance of stealing)
  129. 物 もの (n) (1) thing/object/article/stuff/substance/(2) one's things/possessions/property/belongings/(3) things/something/anything/everything/nothing/(4) quality/(5) reason/the way of things/(6) used to emphasize emotion, judgment, etc./used to indicate a common
  130. 自体 じたい (n-suf,n) (1) itself/(n) (2) one's own body/oneself/(adv) (3) originally/naturally/by nature/from the start/(P)
  131. 見る みる (v1,vt) (1) to see/to look/to watch/to view/to observe/(2) to look over/to look on/to assess/to examine/to judge/(3) (uk) to look after/to keep an eye on/to take care of/(4) to view (e.g. flowers, movie)/(5) (uk) to try/to try out/(6) (uk) to see that.../
  132. 鯖 さば (n) (uk) mackerel (esp. the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus)
  133. 一緒 いっしょ (n-adv,n,adj-no) (1) together/(2) at the same time/(3) same/identical/(P)
  134. 訳 わけ (n) (uk) conclusion from reasoning, judgement or calculation based on something read or heard/reason/cause/meaning/circumstances/situation/(P)
  135. どの道 どのみち (adv) anyway/anyhow/at any rate/in any case
  136. 意味 いみ (n,vs) meaning/significance/(P)
  137. 急いで いそいで (exp) hurriedly/(P)
  138. 余裕 よゆう (n) surplus/composure/margin/room/time/allowance/flexibility/scope/rope/(P)
  139. 終始 しゅうし (n,vs) (1) beginning and end/from beginning to end/doing a thing from beginning to end/(adv) (2) consistently/the whole time/(P)
  140. 司会者 しかいしゃ (n) chairman/moderator/toastmaster/master of ceremonies/chairperson/host (of a TV show, etc.)/(P)
  141. 席 せき (n) (1) seat/(2) location (of a gathering, etc.)/place/(3) position/post/(P)
  142. 後ろ うしろ (n) back/behind/rear/(P)
  143. 窓 まど (n) window/(P)
  144. 外 そと (n) (1) outside/exterior/(2) open air/(3) other place/(P)
  145. 体操 たいそう (n,vs,adj-no) gymnastics/physical exercises/calisthenics/(P)
  146. 叔父さん おじさん (n) (1) (hon) (fam) uncle/(2) (fam) old man/mister (vocative)/(3) (uk) manybar goatfish (Parupeneus multifasciatus)
  147. 迚も とても (adv) (1) (uk) very/awfully/exceedingly/(2) (before a negative form) (not) at all/by no means/simply (cannot)/(P)
  148. 他 ほか (adj-no,n,n-adv) other (esp. places and things)/the rest
  149. 見所 みどころ (n) (1) point worthy of note/highlight (e.g. in a film)/thing to note/(2) good prospects for the future/promise/(P)
  150. 行き成り いきなり (adv,adj-no) (uk) abruptly/suddenly/all of a sudden/without warning/(P)
  151. 牛 うし (n) (1) cattle (Bos taurus)/cow/ox/oxen/(2) beef/(P)
  152. 横断 おうだん (n,vs,adj-no) (1) crossing/(adj-f) (2) transverse/(P)
  153. 注意 ちゅうい (n,vs) caution/being careful/attention (heed)/warning/advice/(P)
  154. 何時も いつも (adv,n) (1) (uk) always/usually/every time/(2) never (with neg. verb)/(P)
  155. 教室 きょうしつ (n) classroom/(P)
  156. 余り あまり (adj-na,adv,adj-no,n,n-suf) (1) (uk) remainder/rest/balance/remains/scraps/residue/remnant/(adv) (2) not very (with negative sentence)/not much/(adv,adj-no) (3) surplus/excess/fullness/too much/(adv) (4) overjoyed/overwhelmed/(n-suf) (5) more than/over/(P
  157. 聞く きく (v5k,vt) (1) to hear/(2) to listen (e.g. to music)/(3) to ask/to enquire/to query/(4) to learn of/to hear about/(5) to follow (advice)/to comply with/(6) to smell (esp. incense)/to sample fragrance/(P)
  158. 車 くるま (n) (1) car/automobile/vehicle/(2) wheel/(P)
  159. 時速 じそく (n) speed (per hour)/(P)
  160. 走る はしる (v5r,vi) (1) to run/(2) to travel (movement of vehicles)/to drive/(3) to hurry to/(4) to retreat (from battle)/to take flight/(5) to run away from home/(6) to elope/(7) to tend heavily toward/(P)
  161. 後 ご (suf) after
  162. 丁度 ちょうど (adj-na,adv,n) (uk) just/right/exactly/(P)
  163. 先 さき (n,adj-no,n-suf,pref) (1) previous/prior/former/some time ago/preceding/(2) point (e.g. pencil)/tip/end/nozzle/(3) head (of a line)/front/(4) ahead/the other side/(5) the future/hereafter/(6) destination/(7) the other party/(P)
  164. 着く つく (v5k) (1) to arrive at/to reach/(2) to sit on/to sit at (e.g. the table)/(P)
  165. 凄い すごい (adj-i) (1) (uk) terrible/dreadful/(2) amazing (e.g. of strength)/great (e.g. of skills)/wonderful/terrific/(3) to a great extent/vast (in numbers)/(P)
  166. 普通 ふつう (adj-no) (1) general/ordinary/usual/(adv) (2) normally/generally/usually/(3) (abbr) train that stops at every station/(P)
  167. 赤 あか (n) (1) red/crimson/scarlet/(2) red-containing colour (e.g. brown, pink, orange)/(3) (col) Red (i.e. communist)/(4) (abbr) red light/(5) (abbr) red ink (i.e. in finance or proof-reading)/(in) the red/(adj-no,n-pref) (6) complete/total/perfect/obvious/(n)
  168. 信号 しんごう (n,vs) traffic lights/signal/semaphore/(P)
  169. 小中学生 しょうちゅうがくせい (n) elementary and middle school pupils/(P)
  170. 一貫 いっかん (n,vs) (1) consistency/coherence/integration/(2) one kan (approx. 3.75 kg, 8.3 lb)/(3) one piece of sushi/(P)
  171. 高速 こうそく (adj-na,n,adj-no) (1) high speed/high gear/(2) (abbr) highway/freeway/expressway/motorway/(P)
  172. 道路 どうろ (n) road/highway/(P)
  173. 二人 ふたり (n) two persons/two people/pair/couple/(P)
  174. 遅い おそい (adj-i) (1) slow/(2) late (e.g. "late at night")/(3) too late/(4) (arch) dull/stupid/(P)
  175. 時 とき (n) (1) time/hour/moment/(2) occasion/case/(3) chance/opportunity/season/(4) the times/the age/the day/(5) (ling) tense/(P)
  176. 出ていく でていく (v5k-s) to go out and away/to leave
  177. 見える みえる (v1,vi) (1) to be seen/to be in sight/(2) to look/to seem/to appear/(3) (hon) to come/(P)
  178. 走り はしり (n) the first (harvest, catch) of the season or year/(P)
  179. 諦める あきらめる (v1,vt) to give up/to abandon (hope, plans)/to resign oneself (to)/(P)
  180. ゆっくり ゆっくり (adv,n,vs,adv-to) (on-mim) slowly/at ease/restful/(P)
  181. 狸 たぬき (n) (1) (uk) raccoon dog/tanuki (Nyctereutes procyonoides)/(2) sly dog/sly old fox/sly fox/cunning devil/craftiness/sly person/someone who makes evil plans without ever breaking their poker face
  182. 続く つづく (v5k,vi) (1) to continue/to last/to go on/(2) to continue (without a break)/to be unbroken/(3) to occur again and again/(4) to lead to/to connect to/to adjoin/(5) to come after/to follow/to succeed/to rank next to/(6) to hold out/to keep/to last/(P)
  183. 矢っ張り やっぱり (ateji) (adv) (1) (uk) too/also/likewise/either/(2) (uk) still/as before/(3) (uk) even so/either way/nonetheless/in any event/all the same/(4) (uk) as expected/(P)
  184. 考え かんがえ (n) thinking/thought/ideas/intention/(P)
  185. 飼う かう (v5u,vt) to keep (a pet or other animal)/to raise/to have/to own/to feed/(P)
  186. 具 ぐ (n,n-suf) (1) tool/means/ingredients/(ctr) (2) counter for armor (armour), suits, sets of furniture/(P)
  187. 出る でる (v1,vi) (1) to leave/to exit/to go out/to come out/to get out/(2) to leave (on a journey)/to depart/to start out/to set out/(3) to move forward/(4) to come to/to get to/to lead to/to reach/(5) to appear/to come out/to emerge/to surface/to come forth/to tu
  188. 猿 さる (n) (1) (uk) monkey (esp. the Japanese macaque, Macaca fuscata)/ape/non-human primate/(2) (derog) sly person/(3) (derog) idiot/hick/(4) sliding wooden bolt (for holding a door or window shut)/(5) clasp used to control the height of a pot-hook/(6) (arch) b
  189. 不便 ふべん (adj-na,n) inconvenience/inexpediency/unhandiness/(P)
  190. 何となく なんとなく (adv) (uk) somehow or other/for some reason or another/(P)
  191. 子 こ (n,n-suf) (1) child/(2) young (animal)/(3) young woman/young geisha/(4) offshoot/(5) interest/(6) (abbr) new shares/(n) (7) player who is not a dealer (in cards, mahjong, etc.)/(n,n-suf) (8) (arch) bird egg/(n-suf) (9) -er (often of young women)/(P)
  192. 偉い えらい (adj-i) (1) great/excellent/admirable/remarkable/distinguished/important/celebrated/famous/eminent/(2) (uk) awful/terrible/(P)
  193. 次 つぎ (n,adj-no) (1) next/following/subsequent/(2) stage/station/(P)
  194. 本当 ほんとう (adj-na,adv,n) (1) truth/reality/actuality/fact/(adj-na,adv) (2) proper/right/correct/official/(3) genuine/authentic/natural/veritable/(P)
  195. 書く かく (v5k,vt) (1) to write/to compose/to pen/(2) to draw/to paint/(P)
  196. 実際 じっさい (adj-no,adv,n) (1) practicality/practical/(2) reality/actuality/actual conditions/(3) (Buddh) bhutakoti (limit of reality)/(P)
  197. 数日後 すうじつご (n-adv,n-t) several days later
  198. 本 ほん (n) (1) book/volume/script/(pref) (2) this/present/(3) main/head/(4) real/regular/(suf,ctr) (5) counter for long cylindrical things/counter for films, TV shows, etc./counter for goals, home runs, etc./counter for telephone calls/(P)
  199. 見逃す みのがす (v5s,vt) to miss/to overlook/to leave at large/(P)
  200. 彼女 かのじょ (pn) (1) she/her/(adj-no) (2) her/(3) girl friend/girlfriend/sweetheart/(P)
  201. 神 かみ (n) (1) god/deity/divinity/spirit/kami/(n,n-pref) (2) (sl) incredible/fantastic/(n) (3) (hon) (arch) emperor of Japan/(4) (arch) thunder/(P)
  202. 贔屓 ひいき (n,vs) favour/favor/patronage/partiality/(P)
  203. 整う ととのう (v5u,vi) to be prepared/to be in order/to be put in order/to be arranged/(P)
  204. 顔立ち かおだち (n) looks/features/(P)
  205. 身長 しんちょう (n) height (of body)/stature/(P)
  206. 抜群 ばつぐん (n) (1) preeminence/distinction/extraordinariness/(adj-no,adj-na) (2) outstanding/excellent/exceptional/surpassing/extraordinary/distinguished/(P)
  207. ランドセル ランドセル (n) firm-sided backpack made of leather, etc. (used by Japanese elementary schoolchildren, often red for girls and black for boys) (dutransel)/(P)
  208. 少少 しょうしょう (exp,n-adv,n) just a minute/small quantity
  209. 痛々しい いたいたしい (adj-i) pitiful/pathetic/painful to look at (e.g. painfully thin, painful-looking scars)
  210. 一番 いちばん (n-adv) (1) best/first/number one/(2) game/round/bout/fall/event (in a meet)/(P)
  211. 年上 としうえ (n,adj-no) older/senior/(P)
  212. 女子 じょし (n,adj-no) woman/girl/(P)
  213. 逆に ぎゃくに (adv) conversely/on the contrary
  214. 年 とし (n-adv,n) (1) year/(n) (2) many years/(suf,n) (3) age/(n-adv,n) (4) past one's prime/old age/(P)
  215. 割に わりに (adv) comparatively/in proportion/(P)
  216. 小ぢんまり こぢんまり (adv,adv-to,vs) (uk) snugly/neatly/compactly/cosily
  217. 渾名 あだな (n,vs) nickname/(P)
  218. 勿論 もちろん (adv) (uk) of course/certainly/naturally/(P)
  219. 由来 ゆらい (adv,n,vs) origin/source/history/derivation/reason/destiny/(P)
  220. 細い こまい (adj-i) (1) small/fine/minute/(2) stingy/cheap
  221. 可愛い かわいい (ateji) (adj-i) (1) cute/adorable/charming/lovely/pretty/(2) dear/precious/darling/pet/(3) cute little/tiny/(P)
  222. 先輩 せんぱい (n) senior (at work or school)/superior/elder/older graduate/progenitor/old-timer/(P)
  223. 想いで おもいで (n) memories/recollections/reminiscence
  224. 接する せっする (vs-s) (1) to come in contact with/to touch/to connect (with)/(2) to attend (to)/(3) to receive (visitors)/(P)
  225. 目 め (n) (1) eye/eyeball/(2) eyesight/sight/vision/(3) look/stare/glance/(4) an experience/(5) viewpoint/(6) stitch/texture/weave/(suf) (7) ordinal number suffix/(8) somewhat/-ish/(P)
  226. 何時しか いつしか (adv) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares
  227. 然し しかし (conj) (uk) however/but/(P)
  228. 確か たしか (exp,n,adj-na) (1) certain/sure/definite/(adv) (2) if I'm not mistaken/if I remember correctly/(P)
  229. 道徳 どうとく (n,adj-no) morals/(P)
  230. 愛しい いとしい (adj-i) (uk) lovely/dear/beloved/darling/(P)
  231. 小さな ちいさな (adj-pn) small/little/tiny
  232. 頭 あたま (n) (1) head/(2) mind/brain/intellect/(3) top/(4) hair (on one's head)/(P)
  233. 撫でる なでる (v1,vt) to brush gently/to stroke/to caress/(P)
  234. 屹度 きっと (adv,n) (1) (uk) surely/undoubtedly/almost certainly/most likely (e.g. 90 percent)/(2) (uk) sternly/severely/(3) having no slack/rigid/stiff/tight/(4) (arch) suddenly/abruptly/instantly/(P)
  235. ふわふわ ふわふわ (adj-na,adv,vs,adj-no) (on-mim) light/airy/fluffy
  236. 頬っぺ ほっぺ (n) (uk) (chn) cheek
  237. 手当 てあて (n,vs) (1) salary/pay/compensation/allowance (e.g. housing allowance)/benefit/bonus/(2) medical care/treatment/(3) advance preparation/(P)
  238. 虫歯 むしば (n,adj-no) cavity/tooth decay/decayed tooth/caries/(P)
  239. 仕掛ける しかける (v1,vt) (1) to start/to begin/to commence/(2) to challenge/to pick (a fight)/to make (war)/(3) to set (traps)/to plant (explosives)/to lay (mines)/(P)
  240. 予定 よてい (n,vs) plans/arrangement/schedule/program/programme/expectation/estimate/(P)
  241. 黒板 こくばん (n) blackboard/(P)
  242. 消しゴム けしゴム (n) eraser/India rubber/(P)
  243. 引っかかる ひっかかる (v5r,vi) (1) to be caught in/to be stuck in/(2) to stop by/to drop in for a short visit/to be delayed/to take time/(3) to get mixed up in (trouble)/to get entangled in (a problem)/to be involved with/(4) to fall for (a trick)/to be deceived/to be cheated/
  244. 奇麗 きれい (adj-na) (1) (uk) pretty/lovely/beautiful/fair/(2) clean/clear/pure/tidy/neat/(3) completely/entirely/(P)
  245. 乗せる のせる (v1,vt) (1) to place on (something)/(2) to give (someone) a ride/to give a lift/to pick up/to help on board/(3) to load (luggage)/to carry/to take on board/(4) to send out (on the airwaves, etc.)/(5) to deceive/to take for a ride/(6) to (sing) along with
  246. 真っ白 まっしろ (adj-na,adj-no,n) pure white/(P)
  247. 何故 なぜ (adv) (uk) why/how/(P)
  248. 食いつく くいつく (v5k,vi) (1) to bite at/to snap at/to nibble/(2) to get one's teeth into (metaphorically)/to get to grips with/to really get into
  249. ちゃんと ちゃんと (adv,n,vs) (1) diligently/seriously/earnestly/reliably/steadily/legitimately/(2) perfectly/properly/exactly/orderly/punctually/regularly/(3) sufficiently/satisfactorily/(4) quickly/(P)
  250. お姉さん おねえさん (n) (1) (hon) elder sister/(2) (vocative) young lady/(3) miss (referring to a waitress, etc.)/(4) ma'am (used by geisha to refer to their superiors)/(P)
  251. 馬鹿 ばか (n) (1) fool/idiot/(2) trivial matter/folly/absurdity/(adj-na) (3) foolish/stupid/dull/absurd/ridiculous/(n) (4) (abbr) surf clam/(P)
  252. 阿呆 あほう (adj-na,n) (sens) fool/simpleton/idiot/(P)
  253. 落ち着く おちつく (v5k,vi) (1) to calm down/to compose oneself/to regain presence of mind/(2) to calm down/to settle down/to die down/to become stable/to abate/(3) to settle down (in a location, job, etc.)/to settle in/(4) to be settled/to be fixed/to have been reached/(5)
  254. 突っ込む つっこむ (v5m) (1) to thrust something into something/(2) to plunge into/to go into deeply/(3) to meddle/to interfere/(4) to retort/(5) to riposte/(P)
  255. 呆ける ぼける (v1,vi) (1) to grow senile/to be childish with age/(2) to be mentally slow/to be befuddled/(P)
  256. 謝る あやまる (v5r) to apologize/to apologise/(P)
  257. 序でに ついでに (adv) (uk) incidentally/taking the opportunity/while (you) are at it/on the occasion/(P)
  258. ひれ伏す ひれふす (v5s,vi) to prostrate oneself before
  259. 百歩譲る ひゃっぽゆずる (exp,v5r) to be unwilling but to give in
  260. 序 ついで (n) (uk) opportunity/occasion/(P)
  261. 苛める いじめる (v1,vt) (uk) to tease/to torment/to persecute/to chastise/(P)
  262. 積もり つもり (n) (1) (uk) intention/plan/(2) conviction/belief/(P)
  263. 練り込む ねりこむ (v5m,vt) to knead into
  264. 誤解 ごかい (n,vs) misunderstanding/(P)
  265. 酷い ひどい (adj-i) (1) (uk) cruel/heartless/hard/harsh/severe/(2) (uk) violent/intense/strong/heavy/extreme/(3) (uk) very bad/terrible/awful/(4) (uk) excessive/exorbitant/unreasonable/outrageous/unfair/unjust/(P)
  266. 会う あう (v5u,vi) (1) to meet/to encounter/to see/(2) (uk) to have an accident/to have a bad experience/(P)
  267. 当番 とうばん (n,adj-no) being on duty/(P)
  268. 飴 あめ (n) (1) (food) (hard) candy/toffee/(2) (food) rice-sugar/sugar made from the starch of rice, potatoes, etc./(3) (abbr) amber/yellowish-brown/(P)
  269. にっこり にっこり (adv,n,vs,adv-to) (on-mim) smile sweetly/smile/grin/(P)
  270. 嗅ぎ付ける かぎつける (v1,vt) to sniff out/to get wind of
  271. 早い はやい (adj-i) (1) fast/quick/hasty/brisk/(2) early (in the day, etc.)/premature/(3) (too) soon/not yet/(too) early/(4) easy/simple/quick/(P)
  272. 発見 はっけん (n,vs) discovery/detection/finding/(P)
  273. 新作 しんさく (n,vs) new work/new production/(P)
  274. 味 あじ (adj-na,n) (1) flavor/flavour/taste/(2) charm/style/(3) experience/(adj-na) (4) smart/clever/witty/strange/(P)
  275. 共 ども (suf) (1) (hum) first-person plural (or singular)/(2) (derog) second or third person plural (implies speaker is of higher status than those referred to)/(P)
  276. 昨日 きのう (n-adv,n-t) yesterday/(P)
  277. 駄目 だめ (adj-na,n) (1) (uk) no good/not serving its purpose/useless/broken/(2) (uk) hopeless/wasted/in vain/purposeless/(3) (uk) cannot/must not/not allowed/(P)
  278. 駄菓子 だがし (n) cheap sweets/(P)
  279. 駄菓子屋 だがしや (n) small-time candy store/(P)
  280. 貰う もらう (v5u,vt) (1) (uk) to receive/to take/to accept/(2) to get somebody to do something (follows a verb in "te" form)/(P)
  281. 忘れる わすれる (v1,vt) to forget/to leave carelessly/to be forgetful of/to forget about/to forget (an article)/(P)
  282. 鞄 かばん (n) bag/satchel/briefcase/basket/(P)
  283. 流行 りゅうこう (n,vs,adj-no) (1) fashion/fad/vogue/craze/(2) prevalence (e.g. of a disease)/(P)
  284. 追う おう (v5u,vt) (1) to chase/to run after/to pursue/(2) to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend)/(3) to drive out/to oust/to expel/(4) to drive (i.e. a herd)/(5) (in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.)/(P)
  285. 大人 おとな (n) adult/(P)
  286. 欲しい ほしい (adj-i) (1) wanted/wished for/in need of/desired/(aux-adj) (2) I want (you) to/(P)
  287. 癖に くせに (conj,prt) (uk) and yet/though/when/in spite of/(P)
  288. 態と わざと (adv) (uk) on purpose/(P)
  289. 上げる あげる (v1,vt) (1) to raise/to elevate/(2) to do up (one's hair)/(3) to fly (a kite, etc.)/to launch (fireworks, etc.)/to surface (a submarine, etc.)/(4) to land (a boat)/(5) to show someone (into a room)/(6) to send someone (away)/(7) to enrol (one's child in s
  290. 煩い うるさい (adj-i) (1) (uk) noisy/loud/(2) (uk) annoying/troublesome/tiresome/persistent/importunate/(3) (uk) fussy/finicky/picky/particular/nagging/fastidious/bossy/(int) (4) Shut up!/(P)
  291. 初めて はじめて (adv,adj-no) (1) for the first time/(adv) (2) only after ... is it .../only when ... do you .../(P)
  292. 飴玉 あめだま (n) candy
  293. 嬉しい うれしい (adj-i) (uk) happy/glad/pleasant/(P)
  294. 食べる たべる (v1,vt) (1) to eat/(2) to live on (e.g. a salary)/to live off/to subsist on/(P)
  295. 机 つくえ (n) desk/(P)
  296. 引き出し ひきだし (n) (1) drawer/(2) withdrawal/drawing out/(3) variety of knowledge and experience useful for handling things impromptu/(P)
  297. 置く おく (v5k) (1) to put/to place/(2) to leave (behind)/(3) (uk) to do something in advance (usu. following te-form verb)/(P)
  298. 幸せ しあわせ (adj-na,n) happiness/good fortune/luck/blessing/(P)
  299. 一旦 いったん (adv) (1) (uk) once/(2) for a moment/temporarily/(n) (3) (arch) one morning/(P)
  300. 泣き落とし なきおとし (n) persuasion by tears/using tears to get one's way/sob story
  301. 作戦 さくせん (n) (1) tactics/strategy/(2) military or naval operations/(P)
  302. 攻める せめる (v1,vt) to attack/to assault/to assail/(P)
  303. 結構 けっこう (adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) (uk) splendid/nice/wonderful/delicious/sweet/(adj-na) (2) sufficient/fine (in the sense of "I'm fine")/(by implication) no thank you/(3) well enough/OK/tolerable/(adv) (4) reasonably/fairly/tolerably/(n) (5) (arch) construction/archit
  304. 長い ながい (adj-i) (1) long (distance)/(2) long (time)/lengthy/(P)
  305. 付き合い つきあい (n) association/socializing/socialising/fellowship/(P)
  306. 隙 すき (n) (1) gap/space/(2) break/interlude/interval/(3) chink (in one's armor, armour)/chance/opportunity/(P)
  307. 額 ひたい (n) forehead/brow/(P)
  308. 文字 もじ (n) (1) letter (of alphabet)/character/(adj-no) (2) literal/(P)
  309. 書き込む かきこむ (v5m,vt) (1) to fill in (field, entry, etc.)/to fill out (form)/(2) to post a message (e.g. on a bulletin-board)/(3) to store/(P)
  310. 一口 ひとくち (n) (1) mouthful/bite/sip/draft/draught/(2) one word/(P)
  311. 一個 いっこ (n) piece/fragment/one (object)/(P)
  312. 分 ぶん (n,n-suf,pref) (1) part/segment/share/ration/(2) rate/(3) degree/one's lot/one's status/relation/duty/kind/lot/(4) in proportion to/just as much as/(P)
  313. 大きさ おおきさ (n) size/dimensions/volume/(P)
  314. 単純 たんじゅん (adj-na,n) simplicity/simple/uncomplicated/(P)
  315. 大好き だいすき (adj-na) loveable/very likeable/like very much/(P)
  316. 返す かえす (v5s,vt) (1) to return (something)/to restore/to put back/(2) to turn over/to turn upside down/to overturn/(3) to pay back/to retaliate/to reciprocate/(suf,v5s) (4) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to repeat .../to do ... back/(P)
  317. 失格 しっかく (n,vs) disqualification/elimination/incapacity (legal)/(P)
  318. 受ける うける (v1,vt) (1) to receive/to get/(2) to catch (e.g. a ball)/(3) to be struck by (wind, waves, sunlight, etc.)/(4) to sustain (damage)/to incur (a loss)/to suffer (an injury)/to feel (influence)/(5) to undergo (e.g. surgery)/to take (a test)/to accept (a chal
  319. 泣かせる なかせる (v1,vt) (1) to make someone cry/to move someone to tears/(2) to let cry/(3) to grieve
  320. 勝つ かつ (v5t,vi) to win/to gain victory/(P)
  321. 万歳 ばんざい (int,n) (1) crying "banzai" (or raising one's hands in the banzai gesture)/(2) something worthy of celebration/(3) giving up/(4) (arch) long time/(5) (arch) eternal life (and prosperity)/(int) (6) banzai (a celebratory cheer)/hurrah (hooray, hurray)/(P)
  322. 届く とどく (v5k,vi) (1) to reach/to arrive/to get through/to get at/(2) to be attentive/to pay attention/(3) to be delivered/to carry (e.g. sound)/(P)
  323. 若しや もしや (adv) (uk) perhaps/possibly/by some chance/by some possibility
  324. 美味しい おいしい (adj-i) (uk) delicious/tasty/sweet/(P)
  325. 育ち そだち (n) breeding/growth/(P)
  326. 羨ましい うらやましい (adj-i) (1) envious (feeling, etc.)/jealous/(2) enviable (position, etc.)/(P)
  327. 涎 よだれ (n) (uk) drool/(P)
  328. 拭く ふく (v5k,vt) to wipe/to dry/(P)
  329. 今週 こんしゅう (n-adv,n-t) this week/(P)
  330. 塵 ごみ (n) (uk) rubbish/trash/garbage/refuse/(P)
  331. 捨てる すてる (v1,vt) to throw away/to cast aside/to abandon/to resign/to break up with (someone)/(P)
  332. 釣り つり (n) (1) fishing/angling/(2) (uk) (abbr) change (e.g. for a purchase)/(n,vs) (3) (sl) trolling/writing false posts online/(P)
  333. 拒否 きょひ (n,vs,adj-no) denial/veto/rejection/refusal/(P)
  334. 週末 しゅうまつ (n-adv,n) weekend/(P)
  335. 焼却炉 しょうきゃくろ (n) incinerator
  336. 使う つかう (v5u,vt) (1) to use (a thing, method, etc.)/to make use of/to put to use/(2) to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.)/to employ/to handle/to manage/to manipulate/(3) to use (time, money, etc.)/to spend/to consume/(4) to use (language)/to speak/(P)
  337. 捨て場 すてば (n) dumping ground/dump
  338. ちゃちゃっと ちゃちゃっと (adv) (on-mim) lickety-split/quickly
  339. ぼうぼう ぼうぼう (adv-to,adv) (on-mim) burning vigorously/burning furiously
  340. ごろ寝 ごろね (n,vs) dozing/napping (e.g. on the floor in one's clothes, in the train)
  341. 兎 うさぎ (n) (uk) rabbit/hare/coney/cony/lagomorph (esp. leporids)/(P)
  342. 小屋 こや (n) hut/cabin/shed/(animal) pen/(P)
  343. お世話 おせわ (n) help/aid/assistance
  344. 小鳥 ことり (n) (1) small bird/songbird/(2) (chn) birdie/dickeybird/dickybird/(P)
  345. 毛づくろい けづくろい (n,vs) grooming oneself (esp. animals)/mutual grooming (e.g. monkeys)/social grooming/personal grooming
  346. 求める もとめる (v1,vt) (1) to want/to wish for/(2) to request/to demand/(3) to seek/to search for/to pursue (pleasure)/to hunt (a job)/(4) (pol) to purchase/to buy/(P)
  347. 膝 ひざ (n) knee/lap/(P)
  348. やっちまう やっちまう (exp,v5u) (col) to do something one regrets
  349. あげあげ あげあげ (adv) (sl) in high spirits
  350. つい つい (adv) (1) just (now)/(2) quite (near)/(3) unintentionally/unconsciously/by mistake/against one's better judgement (judgment)/(P)
  351. 思いっきり おもいっきり (adv,n) with all one's strength/with all one's heart/resignation/resolution/(P)
  352. 当然 とうぜん (adj-na,adj-no) natural/as a matter of course/justified/deserved/reasonable/(P)
  353. 趣味 しゅみ (n) (1) hobby/pastime/(2) tastes/preference/liking/(P)
  354. 鸚哥 いんこ (n) (uk) true parrot (esp. small parrots such as the parakeet, lory and conure)
  355. 違う ちがう (v5u,vi) (1) to differ (from)/to vary/(2) to not be in the usual condition/(3) to not match the correct (answer, etc.)/(4) to be different from promised/(5) (ksb:) isn't it?/wasn't it?/(P)
  356. 穴堀り あなほり (n,vs) excavation/digging
  357. 逃げる にげる (v1,vi) to escape/to run away/(P)
  358. 捕まえる つかまえる (v1,vt) to catch/to arrest/to seize/(P)
  359. 玉蜀黍 とうもろこし (n) (uk) corn (Zea mays)/maize/(P)
  360. 餌 えさ (n) feed/bait/(P)
  361. 誘導 ゆうどう (n,vs) guidance/leading/induction/introduction/incitement/inducement/(P)
  362. 残り のこり (n,adj-no) remnant/residue/remaining/left-over/(P)
  363. 好物 こうぶつ (n) favourite dish (favorite)/favourite food/(P)
  364. 瞬間 しゅんかん (n-adv,n-t) moment/second/instant/(P)
  365. 戸 と (n) (1) door (esp. Japanese-style)/(2) (arch) entrance (to a home)/(3) (arch) narrows/(P)
  366. 見慣れる みなれる (v1,vi) to become used to seeing/to be familiar with/(P)
  367. 壁 かべ (n) (1) wall/partition/(2) barrier/obstacle/(P)
  368. 隠れる かくれる (v1,vi) to hide/to be hidden/to conceal oneself/to disappear/(P)
  369. 怖がる こわがる (v5r,vi) to be afraid of/to fear/to dread/to be nervous (about)/to be shy (of)/(P)
  370. 声 こえ (n) voice/(P)
  371. 優しい やさしい (adj-i) tender/kind/gentle/graceful/affectionate/amiable/suave/(P)
  372. お出で おいで (n) (1) (uk) coming/going/being (somewhere)/(exp) (2) (col) (abbr) come (used as an imperative, usu. to children and one's inferiors)/go/stay
  373. 一杯 いっぱい (adj-na,adv,n,adj-no) (1) amount necessary to fill a container (e.g. cupful, spoonful, etc.)/drink (usu. alcoholic)/(2) full/(3) one squid, octopus, crab, etc./one boat/(adv,adj-no,adj-na) (4) (uk) fully/to capacity/(5) (uk) a lot/much/(n-suf,n-adv) (6) (
  374. 人参 にんじん (n) (1) (uk) carrot (Daucus carota)/(2) (uk) Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng)/(P)
  375. 食う くう (v5u,vt) (1) (male) (vulg) to eat/(2) to live/to make a living/to survive/(3) to bite/to sting (as insects do)/(4) to tease/to torment/to taunt/to make light of/to make fun of/(5) to encroach on/to eat into/to consume/(6) to defeat a superior/to threaten
  376. 巧い うまい (adj-i) (1) skillful/clever/expert/wise/successful/(2) delicious/appetizing/appetising/(3) fortunate/splendid/promising/(P)
  377. 開く あく (v5k,vi) (1) to open (e.g. doors)/(2) to open (e.g. business, etc.)/(3) to be empty/(4) to be vacant/to be available/to be free/(5) to be open (e.g. neckline, etc.)/(6) to have been opened (of one's eyes, mouth, etc.)/(7) to come to an end/(v5k,vt) (8) to
  378. 最初 さいしょ (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) beginning/outset/first/onset/(P)
  379. 関心 かんしん (n) concern/interest/(P)
  380. 場合 ばあい (n-adv,n) case/situation/(P)
  381. 中中 なかなか (adv,adj-na) (1) (uk) very/considerably/easily/readily/fairly/quite/highly/rather/(adv) (2) by no means (with negative verb)/not readily/(n) (3) middle/half-way point/(adj-no) (4) (uk) excellent/wonderful/very good/(P)
  382. 大声 おおごえ (n,adj-no) loud voice/(P)
  383. 校舎 こうしゃ (n) school building/(P)
  384. 飼育 しいく (n,vs) breeding/raising/rearing/(P)
  385. 距離 きょり (n) distance/range/(P)
  386. 誰にも だれにも (adv) anybody and everybody/with the best of them/as the next fellow
  387. 向く むく (v5k) (1) to face/(2) to turn toward/(3) to be suited to/to be fit for/(P)
  388. 最悪 さいあく (adj-na,n) the worst/(P)
  389. 見つける みつける (v1,vt) (1) to discover/to find (e.g. an error in a book)/to come across/to detect/to spot/(2) to locate/to find (e.g. something missing)/to find fault/(3) to be used to seeing/to be familiar with/(P)
  390. 何時 いつ (n-adv,pn) (uk) when/how soon/(P)
  391. 土日 どにち (n) weekend/Saturday and Sunday
  392. 去る さる (v5r,vi) (1) to leave/to go away/(2) to pass/to elapse/(3) to be distant/(v5r,vt) (4) to send away/to drive off/to divorce/(suf,v5r) (5) (after a -masu stem, esp. of a suru verb) ... completely/(adj-pn) (6) last ... (e.g. "last April")/(P)
  393. 月曜 げつよう (n-adv,n-t) Monday/(P)
  394. 三日 みっか (n) (1) the third day of the month/(2) three days/(P)
  395. 帰る かえる (v5r,vi) (1) to return/to come home/to go home/to go back/(2) (of a guest, customer, etc.) to leave/(3) (of a baseball player rounding the bases) to get home/(P)
  396. 幸い さいわい (adj-na,n) (1) happiness/blessedness/luck/fortune/felicity/(adv) (2) luckily/fortunately/(P)
  397. 野菜 やさい (n,adj-no) vegetable/(P)
  398. 萎びる しなびる (v1,vi) to shrivel (e.g. cut vegetables, skin)/to wilt/to fade/to wither/to be wizened
  399. 鶏 にわとり (n) (1) (domestic) chicken/(2) chicken (meat)/(P)
  400. 卵 たまご (n) (1) eggs/egg/spawn/roe/(2) hen egg/(3) (an expert) in the making/(4) beginning/origin/infancy/(P)
  401. 時時 ときどき (adv,n,adj-no) sometimes/at times
  402. 雛 ひよこ (n) (1) (uk) young bird/chick/(2) green/wet behind the ears/juvenile/(P)
  403. 暇 ひま (adj-na,n) (1) spare time/free time/leisure/(2) time off/day off/vacation/holiday/leave/(3) quitting (one's job)/firing someone/divorcing (one's spouse)/(adj-na) (4) (of one's time) free/(of one's business) slow/(P)
  404. 焼ける やける (v1,vi) (1) to burn/to be roasted/to be heated/to be sunburnt/to fade (in the sun)/to glow red (i.e. of the sky at sunset)/(2) to be jealous/to be envious/(P)
  405. お腹 おなか (n) (pol) stomach/(P)
  406. 減る へる (v5r,vi) to decrease (in size or number)/to diminish/to abate/(P)
  407. 早 はよ (n,adv) (abbr) early
  408. もっと もっと (adv) (on-mim) (some) more/even more/longer/further/(P)
  409. 燃える もえる (v1,vi) to burn/to get fired up/(P)
  410. 申し訳ない もうしわけない (exp,adj-i) (1) I'm sorry/(it's) inexcusable/I feel regretful/I feel guilty/(2) thank you very much (for help, etc.)/(P)
  411. 立てる たてる (v1,vt) (1) to stand up/to put up/to set up/to erect/to raise/(2) to thrust into/to bury into/to dig into/(3) to make (a noise)/to start (a rumour)/to raise (a cloud of dust, etc.)/to cause/(4) to make/to establish/to set up/to develop/to formulate/(5) to
  412. 取り乱す とりみだす (v5s,vt) (1) to put in disorder/to mess up/to disturb/to scatter about/(v5s,vi) (2) to be upset/to lose one's composure/to lose self-control/to go to pieces/to be shaken up/to break down/to be flustered/to blow one's cool
  413. 一度 いちど (n-adv) (1) once/one time/on one occasion/(2) one degree/one tone/one musical interval/(P)
  414. 焼く やく (v5k,vt) (1) to bake/to grill/(2) to develop (photos)/(v5k,vi) (3) to suntan/(4) to burn (in flames, down, CD, DVD, etc.)/to scorch/(5) to be jealous/to be envious/(P)
  415. 鱈腹 たらふく (ateji) (adv) (uk) to one's heart's content
  416. 真っ赤 まっか (adj-na,n) (1) bright red/deep red/flushed (of face)/(adj-na) (2) downright (e.g. lie)/complete/utter/(P)
  417. 見事 みごと (adj-na) (1) splendid/magnificent/beautiful/admirable/(n) (2) praiseworthy act/feat/commendable deed/(adj-na) (3) utter (esp. defeat)/total/complete/(P)
  418. 絵 え (n,n-suf) picture/drawing/painting/sketch/(P)
  419. 日記 にっき (n) diary/journal/(P)
  420. 絵日記 えにっき (n) diary with illustrations
  421. 五月 ごがつ (n-adv) May/(P)
  422. 十四日 じゅうよっか (n) (1) fourteenth day of the month/(2) fourteen days
  423. 金米糖 こんぺいとう (ateji) (n) small coloured sugar candy covered in bulges (porconfeito)
  424. 生まれる うまれる (v1,vi) to be born/(P)
  425. 風呂 ふろ (n) (1) bath/bathtub/(2) bathroom/bathhouse/(3) room for drying lacquerware/(4) base (wooden joint connecting the blade of a hoe, spade, etc., to the handle)/(P)
  426. お兄ちゃん おにいちゃん (n) (1) (fam) familiar form of "older brother"/(2) (fam) form of address for young adult male/mister
  427. 屋 や (suf) (1) (something) shop/(2) somebody who sells (something) or works as (something)/(3) somebody with a (certain) personality trait/(n) (4) house/(5) roof
  428. 借りる かりる (v1,vt) (1) to borrow/to have a loan/(2) to rent/to hire/(P)
  429. 癒し系 いやしけい (n,adj-no) therapy/healing/rejuvenating/refreshing/soothing
  430. 感動 かんどう (n,vs) being deeply moved emotionally/excitement/passion/deep emotion/impression/(P)
  431. 恋愛 れんあい (n,vs,adj-no) love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)
  432. 映画 えいが (n,adj-no) movie/film/(P)
  433. 交通費 こうつうひ (n) traveling expenses/travelling expenses/carfare/(P)
  434. の所為で のせいで (exp) (uk) because of/owing to/due to
  435. 一泊 いっぱく (n,vs,adj-no) stopping one night/(P)
  436. 今日中に きょうじゅうに (adv) by today/before the day is over
  437. 十 じゅう (num) 10/ten/(P)
  438. 駅 えき (n) station/(P)
  439. 向こう むこう (n) (1) opposite side/other side/opposite direction/(2) over there/that way/far away/beyond/(3) the other party/the other person/(4) future (starting now)/(P)
  440. 如何な いかな (adj-pn) (1) (uk) what kind of/whatever sort of/(adv) (2) no matter what/however much
  441. 主人公 しゅじんこう (n) (1) protagonist/main character/hero(ine) (of a story)/(2) head of household/(P)
  442. 死ぬ しぬ (v5n,vn,vi) (sens) to die/(P)
  443. 大体 だいたい (n-adv,n-t) general/substantially/outline/main point/approximately/about/(P)
  444. 病気 びょうき (n,adj-no,vs) illness/disease/sickness/(P)
  445. 純粋 じゅんすい (adj-na,adj-no) pure/true/genuine/unmixed/(P)
  446. 愛 あい (n,n-suf) (1) love/affection/care/(n) (2) (Buddh) attachment/craving/desire/(P)
  447. 描く えがく (v5k,vt) (1) to draw/to paint/to sketch/(2) to depict/to describe/(P)
  448. 感染 かんせん (n,vs,adj-no) infection/contagion/(P)
  449. 登場人物 とうじょうじんぶつ (n) the characters (in a play or novel)
  450. 全員 ぜんいん (n-adv,n) all members (unanimity)/all hands/the whole crew/everyone/everybody/(P)
  451. 微妙 びみょう (adj-na,n) (1) delicate/subtle/sensitive/(2) difficult/delicate (situation)/complicated/(3) doubtful/questionable/dicey/tricky/(P)
  452. 可笑しい おかしい (adj-i) (1) (uk) funny/amusing/comical/laughable/ridiculous/(2) (uk) strange/odd/funny/peculiar/weird/unusual/eccentric/(3) (uk) improper/unsuitable/unbecoming/(4) (uk) suspicious/(P)
  453. 評判 ひょうばん (n,adj-no) (1) fame/reputation/popularity/(2) rumour (rumor)/talk/(P)
  454. 背 せ (n) (1) back/spine/(2) reverse/rear side/(3) height/(4) ridge (of a mountain)/(P)
  455. 小さい ちいさい (adj-i) small/little/tiny/(P)
  456. 関係 かんけい (n,vs,adj-no) (1) relation/relationship/connection/(2) participation/involvement/concern/(3) influence/effect/(n,vs) (4) sexual relations/sexual relationship/(n-suf) (5) related to .../connected to .../(P)
  457. 都市 とし (n,adj-no) town/city/municipal/urban/(P)
  458. 恐怖 きょうふ (n,vs) fear/dread/dismay/terror/horror/scare/panic/(P)
  459. 映像 えいぞう (n,adj-no) (1) reflection/image/picture (e.g. on a television)/shot/(2) video/film/footage/clip/video recording/(3) image in one's mind/mental picture/(P)
  460. 挑戦 ちょうせん (n,vs) challenge/defiance/(P)
  461. 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ (adj-na,adv,n) safe/all right/OK/okay/(P)
  462. 頃 ころ (n,n-adv,n-suf) (1) (uk) (approximate) time/around/about/toward/(2) suitable time (or condition)/(3) time of year/season/(P)
  463. 子供 こども (n) child/children/(P)
  464. 苦手 にがて (adj-na,n) (1) poor (at)/weak (in)/not very good (at)/(2) dislike (of)/(P)
  465. 部屋 へや (n) (1) room/(2) (sumo) (abbr) stable/(P)
  466. 隣 となり (n,adj-no) neighbor (neighbour)/next to (esp. living next door to)/(P)
  467. 虫 むし (n) insect/bug/cricket/moth/worm/(P)
  468. 鳴く なく (v5k) (1) to sing (bird)/(2) to bark/to purr/to make sound (animal)/(P)
  469. 怖い こわい (adj-i) (1) scary/frightening/eerie/dreadful/(int) (2) (I'm) afraid/(P)
  470. 白い しろい (adj-i) white/(P)
  471. 障子 しょうじ (n) shoji (paper sliding door)/(P)
  472. お化け おばけ (n) goblin/apparition/monster/ghost/(P)
  473. 枕 まくら (n,n-suf) (1) pillow/bolster/(2) introduction (e.g. to a rakugo story)/lead-in/(P)
  474. チャック チャック (n) (1) chuck (device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a drill)/(2) fastener/zipper/(P)
  475. 眉間 みけん (n,adj-no) brow/glabella/middle forehead/area between the eyebrows
  476. 騒ぐ さわぐ (v5g,vi) (1) to make noise/to make racket/to be noisy/(2) to rustle/to swoosh/(3) to make merry/(4) to clamor/to clamour/to make a fuss/to kick up a fuss/(5) to lose one's cool/to panic/to act flustered/(6) to feel tense/to be uneasy/to be excited/(P)
  477. さっさ さっさ (adv-to,adv) (1) (on-mim) promptly/immediately/quickly/without delay/(2) (on-mim) indifferently/(P)
  478. 夕方 ゆうがた (n-adv,n-t) evening/dusk/(P)
  479. 豆球 まめきゅう (n) (abbr) miniature light bulb/midget lamp
  480. 蛍光灯 けいこうとう (n) (1) fluorescent lamp/fluorescent light/(2) person who is slow to react/someone slow on the uptake/(P)
  481. 暗い くらい (adj-i) (1) (uk) dark/gloomy/(2) dark (in colour)/dull/(3) depressed/dispirited/(4) sorrowful/bitter (as in a dark past)/(5) unclear/unfamiliar/unknown/(P)
  482. 宝箱 たからばこ (n) treasure chest/strongbox
  483. 兼 けん (conj) cum (e.g. bedroom-cum-study)/holding both roles (e.g. Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs)/and/in addition/concurrently/at the same time/(P)
  484. 昔 むかし (adj-no,n-adv,n-t) olden days/former/(P)
  485. 縫い包み ぬいぐるみ (n) stuffed toy/plush toy/plush toys/soft toy/cuddly toy
  486. 要る いる (v5r,vi) to need/to want/(P)
  487. お待たせしました おまたせしました (exp) Thank you for waiting/Have I kept you waiting?
  488. 通り とおり (n-adv,n) (1) avenue/street/way/road/(2) coming and going/street traffic/(3) flow (of water, air, etc.)/(4) transmission (of sound)/reach (e.g. of voice)/(5) fame/reputation/popularity/(6) the same status or way/as (e.g. as expected, as I said)/(7) unders
  489. 取れる とれる (v1,vi,vt) (1) to come off/to be removed/(2) (of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/(3) to be caught/to be harvested/(4) to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/(5) (of balance, etc.) to be attained/(6) to be obtainable/(P)
  490. 寝静まる ねしずまる (v5r,vi) to fall asleep
  491. 熊 くま (n) bear (animal)/(P)
  492. 破れる やぶれる (v1,vi) (1) to get torn/to tear/to rip/to break/to wear out/(2) to be broken off (of negotiations, etc.)/to break down/to collapse/to fall into ruin/(P)
  493. 皮 かわ (n) (1) skin/hide/pelt/fur/(2) rind/peel/husk/bark/(3) shell/sheath/wrapping/(4) mask (hiding one's true nature)/seeming/(P)
  494. 小吉 しょうきち (n) slightly good luck (as a fortune telling result)
  495. 曾て かって (adv,adj-no) (1) (uk) once/before/formerly/ever/former/ex-/(2) (uk) never yet (with negative verb)/never before/first time/still not happened
  496. ごちゃごちゃ ごちゃごちゃ (adj-na,adv,n,vs) (1) (on-mim) jumble/mix up/(2) complaining about various things
  497. 破ける やぶける (v1,vi) to get torn/to wear out/to be frustrated/to break
  498. 分類 ぶんるい (n,vs) classification/categorization/sorting/(P)
  499. 夜な夜な よなよな (adv) every evening/night after night
  500. 絶対 ぜったい (adv) (1) absolutely/unconditionally/(adj-no) (2) absolute/unconditional/unmistakable/(n) (3) absoluteness/(P)
  501. 祟り たたり (n) curse/divine punishment/wrath (of an angry spirit)
  502. 南無阿弥陀仏 なむあみだぶつ (exp) (Buddh) I sincerely believe in Amitabha/Lord have mercy on me
  503. 布団 ふとん (ateji) (n) (1) futon (quilted Japanese-style mattress laid out on the floor)/(2) round cushion used for Zen meditation (traditionally made of woven bulrush leaves)/(P)
  504. 魂 たましい (n) soul/spirit/(P)
  505. 世 よ (n) world/society/age/generation/(P)
  506. 一体 いったい (adv) (1) ...the heck (e.g. "what the heck?")/ the world (e.g. "why in the world?")/...on earth (e.g. "who on earth?")/(n) (2) one object/one body/unity/(3) one form/one style/(4) one Buddhist image (or carving, etc.)/(n-adv) (5) generally/in general
  507. 後 あと (n,adj-no) (1) behind/rear/(2) after/later/(3) after one's death/(4) remainder/the rest/(5) descendant/successor/heir/(6) (arch) past/previous/(n-adv) (7) more (e.g. five more minutes)/(P)
  508. ずっと ずっと (adv) (1) continuously in some state (for a long time, distance)/throughout/all along/the whole time/all the way/(2) much (better, etc.)/by far/far and away/(3) far away/long ago/(4) direct/straight/(P)
  509. 真っ暗 まっくら (adj-na,n) (1) total darkness/pitch dark/(2) bleak future/poor prospects/(P)
  510. 遅刻 ちこく (n,vs,adj-no) lateness/late coming/(P)
  511. 寝付けす ねつけす (v5s) to put (someone) to bed
  512. 羊毛 ようもう (n,adj-no) wool/(P)
  513. もこもこ もこもこ (adj-f) lumpy/fluffy
  514. 羊 ひつじ (n) sheep (Ovis aries)/(P)
  515. 戻す もどす (v5s,vt) (1) to put back/to return/to give back/to restore (to a previous state, e.g. defrosting, reconstituting, reconciling)/to turn back (e.g. clock hand)/(2) to vomit/to throw up/(3) to recover (of a market price)/(P)
  516. 毛 け (n) hair/fur/(P)
  517. 運ぶ はこぶ (v5b) (1) to carry/to transport/to move/to convey/(2) (hon) to come/to go/(3) to wield (a tool, etc.)/to use/(v5b,vi) (4) to go (well, etc.)/to proceed/to progress/(P)
  518. 眠る ねむる (v5r,vi) (1) to sleep (not necessarily lying down)/(2) to die/(3) (arch) to close one's eyes/(P)
  519. リュック リュック (n) (abbr) rucksack (ger:)/knapsack/backpack
  520. 遠足 えんそく (n,vs) excursion/outing/trip/(P)
  521. 動物園 どうぶつえん (n) zoo/zoological gardens/(P)
  522. 遊園地 ゆうえんち (n) amusement park/(P)
  523. 田植え たうえ (n) rice planting/(P)
  524. 祭り まつり (n) festival/feast/(P)
  525. 始める はじめる (v1,vt) (1) to start/to begin/to commence/to initiate/to originate/(2) to open (e.g. a store)/to start up/to establish (business. etc.)/(suf,v1) (3) to start .../to begin to .../(P)
  526. 地 ち (n,n-suf) (1) earth/ground/land/soil/(2) place/(3) territory/(4) bottom (of a package, book, etc.)/(5) earth (one of the five elements)/(P)
  527. 田んぼ たんぼ (n) paddy field/farm/(P)
  528. 手伝い てつだい (n) (1) helper/assistant/(2) help/(P)
  529. 雇う やとう (v5u,vt) (1) to employ/(2) to hire/to charter/(P)
  530. 金 かね (n) (1) money/(2) metal/(P)
  531. 労働 ろうどう (n,vs,adj-no) (1) manual labor/manual labour/toil/work/(2) (abbr) Labour Party/(P)
  532. 米 こめ (n) (husked grains of) rice/(P)
  533. 大切 たいせつ (adj-na,n) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)
  534. 課外 かがい (n,adj-no) extracurricular
  535. 情報 じょうほう (n) (1) news/gossip/(military) intelligence/(2) information (data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.)/(P)
  536. 怒る おこる (v5r,vi) (1) to get angry/to get mad/(v5r,vt) (2) to tell someone off/to scold/(P)
  537. 前日 ぜんじつ (n-adv,n-t) previous day/day before/eve/prior day/preceding day/(P)
  538. キャッキャッ キャッキャッ (n,adv) (1) chitter/chatter/giggle/(2) screeching/squealing
  539. 仕方 しかた (n) way/method/means/resource/course/(P)
  540. お弁当 おべんとう (n) bento (Japanese box lunch)
  541. お握り おにぎり (n) (uk) (pol) rice ball (often triangular, sometimes with a filling and wrapped in nori)/(P)
  542. むんず むんず (adv-to) strongly/violently/with all one's strength
  543. 植える うえる (v1,vt) to plant/to grow/(P)
  544. 苗 なえ (n) seedling/(P)
  545. 勝ち がち (suf) (uk) apt to do/liable to do/tend to do (used to describe a negative tendency)
  546. 踏む ふむ (v5m,vt) (1) to step on/to tread on/(2) to experience/to undergo/(3) to estimate/to value/to appraise/(4) to rhyme/(5) (arch) to inherit (the throne, etc.)/(6) to follow (rules, morals, principles, etc.)/(P)
  547. 下がる さがる (v5r,vi) to hang down/to abate/to retire/to fall/to step back/(P)
  548. 済む すむ (v5m,vi) (1) to finish/to end/to be completed/(2) to merely result in something less severe than expected/(3) to feel at ease/(4) to feel unease or guilt for troubling someone/to be sorry/(P)
  549. 先人 せんじん (n) predecessor/pioneer/ancestor/(P)
  550. 知恵 ちえ (n) (1) wisdom/wit/sagacity/sense/intelligence/(2) (Buddh) prajna (insight leading to enlightenment)/(P)
  551. 水族館 すいぞくかん (n) aquarium/(P)
  552. 地元 じもと (n) (1) home area/home town/(adj-no) (2) local/(P)
  553. 一両 いちりょう (n-adv) (1) one vehicle/(2) one ryou (an old coin)/(P)
  554. 編成 へんせい (n,vs) composition/formation/organization/organisation/compilation/(P)
  555. 手動 しゅどう (n,adj-no) manual (operation)/(P)
  556. 少し すこし (adv,n) (1) small quantity/little/few/something/(2) little while/(3) short distance/(P)
  557. すっきり すっきり (adv,adv-to,vs) (1) (on-mim) feeling refreshed/feeling fine/feeling clear-headed/(2) shapely/neatly/refinedly/(3) cleanly/without trouble/(4) clearly/plainly/distinctly/(5) completely/thoroughly/(6) not at all (with negative sentence)/not even slightly/(P
  558. 起こる おこる (v5r,vi) to occur/to happen/(P)
  559. 時期 じき (n-adv,n-t) (1) time/season/period/phase/stage/(adv) (2) (col) soon/shortly/(P)
  560. 存在感 そんざいかん (n) one's presence (as felt by others)
  561. 甘い あまい (adj-i) (1) (uk) sweet-tasting/sweet/sugary/sugared/(2) fragrant (smelling)/sweet (music)/(3) lightly salted/light in salt/not spicy/(4) naive/overly optimistic/soft on/generous/indulgent/easy-going/lenient/(5) half-hearted/not finished properly/(6) insuf
  562. 社会 しゃかい (n) (1) society/public/community/the world/(2) (abbr) social studies/(P)
  563. 埋もれる うもれる (v1,vi) to be buried/to be covered/to be hidden/(P)
  564. 自己主張 じこしゅちょう (n) self-assertion
  565. 自己 じこ (n,adj-no) self/oneself/(P)
  566. 主張 しゅちょう (n,vs) claim/request/insistence/assertion/advocacy/emphasis/contention/opinion/tenet/(P)
  567. びしっと びしっと (adv) (1) (on-mim) with a snap/(break) cleanly/(2) (reject) sternly/flatly/(3) smartly (e.g. of dressing up well)
  568. 猫背 ねこぜ (n,adj-no) bent back/hunchback/stoop/(P)
  569. 治す なおす (v5s,vt) (1) to cure/to heal/(2) to fix/to correct/to repair/(aux-v) (3) to do over again (after -masu base of verb)/(4) (ksb:) to replace/to put back as it was/(5) to convert (into a different state)/to transform/(P)
  570. 竹竿 たけざお (n) bamboo pole
  571. 裾 すそ (n) (trouser) cuff/(skirt) hem/shirttail/cut edge of a hairdo/fringe/foot of mountain/(P)
  572. 通す とおす (v5s,vt) (1) to stick through/to force through/(2) to spread throughout/to thoroughly diffuse/(3) to make a path between two points/(4) to proceed in a logical manner/(5) to let pass/to allow through/(6) to lead (someone) into (a house, room, etc.)/to sho
  573. 鹿驚 かかし (n) (1) (uk) scarecrow/(2) figurehead
  574. 出来上がり できあがり (n) finish/completion/ready/made for/cut out/(P)
  575. 慣らす ならす (v5s,vt) to accustom/(P)
  576. 泥濘 ぬかるみ (n) (uk) quagmire/sludge/mud/slush/mire
  577. 動く うごく (v5k,vi) (1) to move/to stir/to shift/to shake/to swing/(2) to operate/to run/to go/to work/(3) to be touched/to be influenced/(4) to change/to vary/to fluctuate/to waver/(5) certain/factual/(6) to be transferred/(P)
  578. 腰 こし (n) (1) back/lower back/waist/hips/lumbar region/(2) body (of hair, noodle, paper, etc.)/resilience/spring/(P)
  579. 堪る たまる (v5r,vi) (uk) to bear (often adds emphasis)/to endure
  580. 笑う わらう (v5u,vi) (1) to laugh/(2) to smile/(3) to sneer/to ridicule/(P)
  581. 助ける たすける (v1,vt) to help/to save/to rescue/to give relief to/to spare (life)/to reinforce/to promote/to abet/(P)
  582. 土壺 どつぼ (n) (1) (uk) very bad condition/awful state/terrible situation/in the shit/(2) (uk) night-soil reservoir dug in a field/(3) (uk) night-soil pot/(4) (obsc) earthenware vessel/earthen urn
  583. 調子 ちょうし (n) (1) tune/tone/key/pitch/time/rhythm/(2) vein/mood/way/manner/style/knack/(3) condition/state of health/(4) impetus/spur of the moment/strain/(5) trend/(P)
  584. 目立つ めだつ (v5t,vi) to be conspicuous/to stand out/(P)
  585. 元凶 げんきょう (n) (1) ringleader/main culprit/(2) main cause/source/(P)
  586. 人手 ひとで (n) (1) (uk) starfish (any echinoderm of the class Asteroidea)/asteroid (taxonomic class)/sea star/(2) northern Pacific seastar (Asterias amurensis)/(3) someone else's hands/other hands/(4) hand (worker)/aide
  587. 機械 きかい (n) (1) machine/mechanism/(2) instrument/appliance/apparatus/(P)
  588. 買う かう (v5u,vt) (1) to buy/to purchase/(2) to value/to have a high opinion/(3) to stir/to provoke/(P)
  589. 効率 こうりつ (n) efficiency/efficacy/performance/utility factor/(P)
  590. 何方 どっち (n) (1) (uk) which way/which direction/where/(2) which one (esp. of two alternatives)/(3) who/(P)
  591. 断然 だんぜん (n,adj-t,adv-to) firmly/absolutely/definitely/(P)
  592. 赤点 あかてん (n) failing mark (e.g. in exam)
  593. 補習 ほしゅう (n,vs) supplementary lessons
  594. 解散 かいさん (n,vs) breakup/dissolution/(P)
  595. だらける だらける (v1,vi) to be lazy/to be slack/to feel dull/to feel languid/to feel listless
  596. 出会う であう (v5u,vi) (1) to meet (by chance)/to come across/to run across/to encounter/to happen upon/(2) to meet (e.g. of rivers, highways, etc.)/(3) to emerge and engage (an enemy)/(P)
  597. 寝坊 ねぼう (n,vs) (1) sleeping in late/oversleeping/(n) (2) late riser/sleepyhead/(P)
  598. 坂道 さかみち (n) hill road/(P)
  599. 悪い わるい (adj-i) (1) bad/poor/inferior/(2) evil/sinful/(3) unprofitable/unbeneficial/(4) at fault/to blame/in the wrong/(5) sorry/(P)
  600. 以上 いじょう (n-adv,n-t) (1) not less than/... and more/... and upwards/(2) beyond ... (e.g. one's means)/further (e.g. nothing further to say)/more than ... (e.g. cannot pay more than that)/(3) above-mentioned/foregoing/(4) since .../seeing that .../(5) this is all/t
  601. 放る ほうる (v5r,vt) (1) to throw/to toss/to fling/(2) (ksb:) to throw away/to discard/(3) to neglect/to abandon/to leave alone/to give up on/to leave undone/to leave unfinished/(P)
  602. 何回も なんかいも (adv,adj-no) time and time again/many times/a number of times
  603. 起きる おきる (v1,vi) (1) to get up/to rise/(2) to wake up/to be awake/to stay awake/(3) to occur (usu. of unfavourable incidents)/to happen/to take place/(P)
  604. 起こす おこす (v5s,vt) to raise/to cause/to wake someone/(P)
  605. むかつく むかつく (v5k,vi) (1) to feel irritated/to feel offended/to feel angry/(2) to feel sick/to feel nauseous
  606. 潰す つぶす (v5s,vt) (1) to smash/to crush/(2) to shut down/(3) to thwart/to block/(4) to kill (time)/(5) to waste (e.g. talents)/(P)
  607. 綾取り あやとり (n) (uk) cat's cradle
  608. 家庭科 かていか (n) home economics/(P)
  609. 毛糸 けいと (n) knitting wool/(P)
  610. 余る あまる (v5r,vi) to remain/to be left over/to be in excess/to be too many/(P)
  611. 独特 どくとく (n,adj-no,adj-na) peculiarity/uniqueness/characteristic/(P)
  612. 感性 かんせい (n) sensitivity/sensitiveness/sense/(P)
  613. 簡単 かんたん (adj-na,n) (1) simple/easy/uncomplicated/(2) brief/quick/light/(P)
  614. 正解 せいかい (n,vs) correct/right/correct interpretation (answer, solution)/(P)
  615. 見ての通り みてのとおり (exp) as you see
  616. 得意 とくい (n,adj-no,adj-na) (1) triumph/prosperity/(2) pride/(3) one's strong point/one's forte/one's specialty/(4) frequent customer (client, etc.)/(P)
  617. ご存知 ごぞんじ (ateji) (n) (1) (hon) knowing/(2) (an) acquaintance
  618. 宇宙 うちゅう (n) universe/cosmos/space/(P)
  619. 良さ よさ (n) merit/virtue/good quality/(P)
  620. 真ん中 まんなか (n) middle/centre/center/mid-way/(P)
  621. 左 ひだり (n,adj-no) left/left hand side/(P)
  622. ぐちゃぐちゃ ぐちゃぐちゃ (adj-na,adv,adv-to,vs) (on-mim) pulpy/soppy/sloppy
  623. 捩る ねじる (v5r,vt) (1) (uk) to screw/to twist/(2) to distort/to parody/to make a pun/(3) to torture/to wrest/(P)
  624. 漫画 まんが (n) cartoon/comic/comic strip/(P)
  625. 読む よむ (v5m,vt) (1) to read/(2) to count/(P)
  626. 捲る めくる (v5r,vt) to turn over/to turn pages of a book/to tear off/to strip off/(P)
  627. 音 おと (n,n-suf) (1) sound/noise/report/(2) note (music)/(3) fame/(P)
  628. 吹く ふく (v5k,vt,vi) (1) to blow (wind, etc.)/to play a wind instrument/(2) to emit/to spout/(3) to whistle/(4) (sl) to laugh/to burst into laughter/(v5k,vt) (5) to smelt/to mint/(6) to brag/to talk big/(P)
  629. 畳み掛ける たたみかける (v1,vt) (uk) to press for an answer/to shower questions on someone
  630. 飛ばす とばす (v5s,vt) (1) to fly/to fire/to hurl/to launch/to make fly/(2) to skip over/to omit/to drop (e.g. stitch)/(3) to run or drive fast/to gallop/(4) to spread a rumour (rumor)/to tell a story/to tell a joke/(5) to remove/to get rid of/to transfer/(6) to attack
  631. 作品 さくひん (n) work (e.g. book, film, composition, etc.)/opus/performance/production/(P)
  632. 課長 かちょう (n) section manager/section chief/(P)
  633. 急に きゅうに (adv) (1) swiftly/rapidly/(2) suddenly/abruptly/immediately/(P)
  634. 粘土 ねんど (n) clay/(P)
  635. 合わせる あわせる (v1,vt) (1) to match (rhythm, speed, etc.)/(2) to join together/to unite/to combine/to add up/(3) to face/to be opposite (someone)/(4) to compare/to check with/(5) to cause to meet (e.g. an unpleasant fate)/(6) to place together/to connect/to overlap/(7)
  636. 団子 だんご (n) (1) dango/dumpling (usu. sweet)/doughboy/(2) ball-shaped object/something round/(3) lump/group/bunch/knot/tight crowd
  637. 流れ ながれ (n) stream/current/flow/(P)
  638. 肉球 にくきゅう (n) (sole of the) paw/pad
  639. 細かいこと こまかいこと (exp) trifles/minor details/(P)
  640. 電話 でんわ (n,vs,adj-no) (1) telephone call/phone call/(n,adj-no) (2) (abbr) telephone (device)/phone/(P)
  641. 友達 ともだち (n) friend/companion/(P)
  642. 大した たいした (adj-pn) considerable/great/important/significant/a big deal/(P)
  643. 鼻紙 はながみ (n) tissue paper/paper handkerchief/(P)
  644. 先ず まず (adv) (1) (uk) first (of all)/to start with/about/almost/anyway/well/now/(2) hardly (with neg. verb)/(P)
  645. 用意 ようい (n,vs) preparation/arrangements/provision/getting ready/laying out (e.g. a meal)/(P)
  646. 髪 かみ (n) hair (on the head)/(P)
  647. 手入れ ていれ (n,vs) (1) repairs/maintenance/tending/trimming/grooming/(2) crackdown/(police) raid/(P)
  648. 服 ふく (n,n-suf) (1) clothes (esp. Western clothes)/(suf,ctr) (2) counter for doses of medicine, gulps of tea, drags of a cigarette, etc./(P)
  649. 地味 じみ (adj-na,n) plain/simple/subdued/sober/(P)
  650. 待ち合わせ まちあわせ (n) appointment/(P)
  651. 興味 きょうみ (n) interest (in something)/(P)
  652. 示す しめす (v5s,vt) (1) to (take out and) show/to demonstrate/to tell/to exemplify/to make apparent/(2) to point out (finger, clock hand, needle, etc.)/(3) to indicate/to show/to represent/to signify/to display/(P)
  653. 魅力 みりょく (n) charm/fascination/glamour/glamor/attraction/appeal/(P)
  654. 村 むら (n) village/(P)
  655. 案内 あんない (n) (1) information/guidance/leading/(vs) (2) to guide/to show (around)/to conduct/(P)
  656. 道 みち (n) (1) road/street/way/path/course/route/lane/(2) distance/ways (e.g. "a long ways")/(3) the way (of proper conduct, etc.)/one's way/morals/(4) teachings (esp. Confucian or Buddhist)/dogma/(5) field (of medicine, etc.)/subject/(6) way/method/means/(P)
  657. 迷う まよう (v5u,vi) (1) to lose one's way/(2) to waver/to hesitate/to be of two minds over/to be puzzled/to be perplexed/(3) to give into temptation/to lose control of oneself/(4) to turn in one's grave/(P)
  658. 態々 わざわざ (adv) (uk) expressly/specially/doing something especially rather than incidentally/(P)
  659. 早く はやく (adv) (1) early/soon/(2) quickly/swiftly/rapidly/fast/(P)
  660. 断る ことわる (v5r,vt) (1) to refuse/to reject/to dismiss/to turn down/to decline/(2) to inform/to give notice/to tell in advance/(3) to ask leave/to excuse oneself (from)/(P)
  661. 実 じつ (n,adj-no) (1) truth/reality/(2) sincerity/honesty/fidelity/(3) content/substance/(4) (good) result/(P)
  662. お母さん おかあさん (n) (hon) mother/(P)
  663. 付いて行く ついていく (v5k-s) to accompany/to follow
  664. 結局 けっきょく (n-adv,n) after all/eventually/in the end/(P)
  665. 歩く あるく (v5k,vi) to walk/(P)
  666. 殆ど ほとんど (n-adv,n-t) (uk) mostly/nearly/practically/well-nigh/almost invariably/all but/just about/almost/(P)
  667. 切れる きれる (v1,vi) (1) to break/to snap/to be cut/to split/to crack/(2) to be injured/(3) to wear out/to be worn out/(4) to break/to burst/to collapse/(5) to wear off/to stop working/to go dead/(6) to expire (time limit, etc.)/to run out/to become due/(7) to run out
  668. 遠回り とおまわり (n) detour/roundabout way
  669. 引き返し ひきかえし (n) turning back
  670. 万一 まんいち (n) (1) emergency/unlikely event/(adv) (2) by some chance/by some possibility/(P)
  671. 教える おしえる (v1,vt) to teach/to inform/to instruct/(P)
  672. 緩み ゆるみ (n) slack/looseness
  673. 巷 ちまた (n) (1) (uk) the public (esp. much-discussed, much-heard)/the street (e.g. "word on the street")/(2) (uk) street/district/quarters/(3) (uk) location (of a battle, etc.)/scene (e.g. of carnage)/(4) (uk) divide (e.g. between life and death)/(5) fork (in a r
  674. 噂 うわさ (n,vs,adj-no) rumour/rumor/report/hearsay/gossip/common talk/(P)
  675. 建物 たてもの (n) building/(P)
  676. 奢る おごる (v5r,vt) (1) to give (someone) a treat/(v5r,vi) (2) to be extravagant/to live luxuriously/(3) to be proud/to be haughty/(P)
  677. 氷 こおり (n) (1) ice/(2) shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)/(P)
  678. かき氷 かきごおり (n) shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)/Italian ice/Sno-cone/snow cone/(P)
  679. 困る こまる (v5r,vi) to be troubled/to be worried/to be bothered/to be embarrassed/to be stumped/(P)
  680. 宇 う (ctr) counter for buildings, etc.
  681. 抹茶 まっちゃ (n) powdered green tea for ceremonies/(P)
  682. 金時 きんとき (n,n-pref,adj-no) (1) red/(n) (2) (abbr) red kidney bean/(3) (abbr) sweet potato (any of a number of different cultivars with red skin)/(4) bowl of shaved ice with boiled adzuki beans
  683. 毎度 まいど (n-adv,n-t) (1) each time/(2) (abbr) thank you for your continued patronage/(P)
  684. 支払い しはらい (n) payment/(P)
  685. お年玉 おとしだま (n) New Year's gift (usu. money given to a child by relatives and visitors)/(P)
  686. 親 おや (n) (1) parent/parents/(2) dealer (in cards, mahjong, etc.)/(3) founder/(4) (pet) owner/(P)
  687. 強奪 ごうだつ (n,vs) pillage/seizure/hijacking/plunder/extortion/(P)
  688. 貯金 ちょきん (n,vs) (1) putting money aside/savings/deposit (e.g. in a bank)/(2) (baseb) accumulated surplus of wins/wins in the bank/(P)
  689. 若干 じゃっかん (n,adj-no) (1) some/few/a number of/a little (bit)/(n-adv) (2) somewhat/to a certain extent/(P)
  690. 苦い にがい (adj-i) bitter/(P)
  691. 目標 もくひょう (n) mark/objective/target/(P)
  692. そびれる そびれる (v1,vi) to miss a chance/to fail to do
  693. 終業式 しゅうぎょうしき (n) closing ceremony
  694. 岩 いわ (n) rock/crag/(P)
  695. 蟹 かに (n) crab/(P)
  696. 捕る とる (v5r,vt) to take/to catch/to capture/(P)
  697. 塩 しお (n) (1) salt (i.e. sodium chloride)/common salt/table salt/(2) (chem) salt (e.g. sodium chloride, calcium sulfate, etc.)/(3) hardship/toil/trouble/(4) (food) saltiness/(P)
  698. 川 かわ (n) (1) river/stream/(suf) (2) the .... river/(suffix used with the names of rivers)/(P)
  699. 冷やす ひやす (v5s,vt) (1) to cool (from room temperature)/to chill/to refrigerate/(2) to calm down/to cool off/to regain one's composure/to relax/(3) to be frightened (at)/to be scared (of)/(P)
  700. 学級 がっきゅう (n,adj-no) (school) class/(P)
  701. 菜園 さいえん (n) vegetable garden/(P)
  702. 伝統 でんとう (n,adj-no) tradition/convention/(P)
  703. 重い おもい (adj-i) (1) heavy/weighty/massive/(2) heavy (feeling)/depressed/gloomy/blue/uneasy/(3) slow/sluggish/lumbering/ponderous/clumsy/(4) important/serious/grave/(5) serious/severe/critical/(6) solid/established/dignified/sensible/(P)
  704. 冷える ひえる (v1,vi) to grow cold (from room temperature, e.g. in refrigerator)/to get chilly/to cool down/(P)
  705. 早速 さっそく (adv) at once/immediately/without delay/promptly/(P)
  706. 通知表 つうちひょう (n) report card
  707. 配る くばる (v5r,vt) to distribute/to deliver/to deal (cards)/(P)
  708. 算数 さんすう (n,adj-no) arithmetic/(P)
  709. 成績 せいせき (n) results/record/grades/(P)
  710. どやす どやす (v5s) (1) to shout at/(2) (arch) to hit/to beat
  711. 時代 じだい (n-t,n) (1) period/epoch/era/age/(2) the times/those days/(3) oldness/ancientness/antiquity/(4) (abbr) antique/period piece/(P)
  712. 段階 だんかい (n) grade/level/stage/class/phase/steps/order/gradation/(P)
  713. 評価 ひょうか (n) (1) valuation/estimation/assessment/evaluation/(vs) (2) to value/to assess/to estimate value/(3) to appreciate/to value highly/to acknowledge the value (of something)/(P)
  714. 待ちかね まちかね (n) long-waited-for
  715. 人生 じんせい (n) (human) life (i.e. conception to death)/(P)
  716. 順番 じゅんばん (n) turn (in line)/order of things/sequential order/(P)
  717. 家庭科室 かていかしつ (n) home economics room
  718. 塩っぱい しょっぱい (adj-i) (1) (sl) salty/(2) calculating/stingy/(3) scowling/grimacing/frowning/(4) hoarse
  719. 溶ける とける (v1,vi) to melt/to thaw/to fuse/to dissolve/(P)
  720. 凍る こおる (v5r,vi) to freeze/to be frozen over/to congeal/(P)
  721. 繰り出す くりだす (v5s,vt) (1) to draw (a thread)/to let out (e.g. a rope)/(2) to sally forth/(3) to send out/to dispatch/(4) to lunge/to unleash/(P)
  722. 解消 かいしょう (n,vs) cancellation/liquidation/resolution/reduction (e.g. of stress)/(P)
  723. 努める つとめる (v1,vt) to endeavor (endeavour)/to try/to strive/to make an effort/to exert oneself/to be diligent/(P)
  724. 神社 じんじゃ (n) Shinto shrine/(P)
  725. 液晶 えきしょう (n) liquid crystal/(P)
  726. 掃除 そうじ (n,vs) cleaning/sweeping/(P)
  727. 裏 うら (n) (1) bottom (or another side that is hidden from view)/undersurface/opposite side/reverse side/(2) rear/back/behind (the house)/(3) lining/inside/(4) out of sight/behind the scenes/(5) proof/(6) opposite (of a prediction, common sense, etc.)/(7) invers
  728. 片付ける かたづける (v1,vt) (1) to tidy up/to put in order/to straighten up/to put away/(2) to settle (problem)/to clear (dispute)/(3) to finish/to bring something to an end/(4) to marry off (e.g. a daughter)/(5) to do away with someone/to bump someone off/(P)
  729. 明かん あかん (int,n) (uk) (ksb
  730. 黙る だまる (v5r,vi) to be silent/(P)
  731. 範囲 はんい (n) extent/scope/sphere/range/span/(P)
  732. 広い ひろい (adj-i) spacious/vast/wide/(P)
  733. 許 ばっか (prt) (1) (uk) only/merely/nothing but/no more than/(2) (uk) approximately/about/(3) (uk) (after the -ta form of a verb) just (finished, etc.)/(4) (uk) as if to/(as though) about to/(5) (uk) indicates emphasis/(6) (uk) always/constantly
  734. 牛乳 ぎゅうにゅう (n) (cow's) milk/(P)
  735. 一気飲み いっきのみ (n,vs) chugging an entire drink without stopping to take a breath
  736. 極める きわめる (v1,vt) (1) to carry to extremes/to go to the end of something/(2) to investigate thoroughly/to master/(P)
  737. 真っ直ぐ まっすぐ (adj-na,adv,n) (1) straight (ahead)/direct/upright/erect/(2) straightforward/honest/frank/(P)
  738. 日日 にちにち (n-adv,n-t) every day/daily/day after day/days (e.g. good old days)
  739. 研究 けんきゅう (n,vs) study/research/investigation/(P)
  740. 食道 しょくどう (n,adj-no) esophagus/gullet/esophageal/(P)
  741. 口答え くちごたえ (n,vs) retort/back talk/(P)
  742. 多い おおい (adj-i) many/numerous/(P)
  743. 育つ そだつ (v5t,vi) to be raised (e.g. child)/to be brought up/to grow (up)/(P)
  744. 美化 びか (n,vs) beautification/glorification/(P)
  745. 又 また (adv,conj,pref) (uk) again/and/also/still (doing something)/(P)
  746. 思い出 おもいで (n) memories/recollections/reminiscence/(P)
  747. 浸る ひたる (v5r,vi) (1) to be soaked in/to be flooded/to be submerged/(2) to be immersed in (joy, memories, alcohol, etc.)/to give oneself over to/(P)
  748. 必殺 ひっさつ (n) certain kill
  749. 瓦 かわら (n) roof tile/(P)
  750. 投げる なげる (v1,vt) (1) to throw/to cast away/(2) to face defeat/to give up/(P)
  751. 剥がれる はがれる (v1,vi) to come unstuck from
  752. お八つ おやつ (n) (1) (uk) between meal snack/(2) mid-afternoon (around 3 o'clock) snack/afternoon refreshment/afternoon tea/(P)
  753. 生意気 なまいき (adj-na,n) impertinent/saucy/cheeky/conceit/audacious/brazen/(P)
  754. 修理 しゅうり (n,vs,adj-no) repairing/mending/servicing/(P)
  755. 家計 かけい (n) household economy/family finances/(P)
  756. 響く ひびく (v5k,vi) (1) to resound/to be heard far away/(2) to reverberate/to shake/to vibrate/(3) to come (home)/to remain (with someone)/(4) to have an effect/to make an impression/(P)
  757. 正面 まとも (adj-na,n) (1) (uk) the front/(2) honesty/uprightness/directness/(3) decency/normality
  758. 若し もし (adv) (uk) if/in case/supposing/(P)
  759. 忌まわしい いまわしい (adj-i) (1) unpleasant/disagreeable/abominable/disgusting/unsavory/(2) unlucky/inauspicious/(P)
  760. 処分 しょぶん (n,vs) (1) disposal/dealing (with a problem)/disposition/measure/procedure/(2) punishment/(3) putting down (e.g. diseased animal)/(P)
  761. 居間 いま (n) living room (western style)/(P)
  762. 我が家 わがや (n) one's house/one's home/one's family/(P)
  763. 凶器 きょうき (n) dangerous weapon/lethal weapon/deadly weapon/(P)
  764. 呼ぶ よぶ (v5b,vt) (1) to call out (to)/to call/to invoke/(2) to summon (a doctor, etc.)/(3) to invite/(4) to designate/to name/to brand/(5) to garner (support, etc.)/to gather/(6) (arch) to take as one's wife/(P)
  765. 蝉 せみ (n) cicada/locust/(P)
  766. 足 あし (n) (1) foot/(2) leg/(3) gait/(4) pace/(5) bottom structural component (i.e. radical) of a kanji/(6) means of transportation/(7) (arch) money/coin/(P)
  767. 柱 はしら (n) (1) pillar/post/(2) support/prop/mainstay/(suf,ctr) (3) counter for buddhas, gods, nobles, etc./(P)
  768. 往生際 おうじょうぎわ (n) at the point of death/the time to give up
  769. 可哀想 かわいそう (ateji) (iK) (adj-na,n) poor/pitiable/pathetic/pitiful
  770. 予習 よしゅう (n,vs) preparation for a lesson/(P)
  771. 復習 ふくしゅう (n,vs) review/revision/(P)
  772. 存分 ぞんぶん (adj-na,adv,n) to one's heart's content/as much as one wants/(P)
  773. 承知 しょうち (n,vs) (1) knowledge/awareness/(2) consent/acceptance/assent/admitting/compliance/agreement/acknowledgment/acknowledgement/(3) forgiving/pardoning/excusing/(P)
  774. 干す ほす (v5s,vt) (1) to air/to dry/to desiccate/(2) to drain (off)/(3) to drink up/(4) to deprive of a role, job, etc. (usu. in the passive)/(P)
  775. 反省 はんせい (n,vs) reflection/reconsideration/introspection/meditation/contemplation/(P)
  776. 進歩 しんぽ (n,vs) progress/advance/improvement/development/(P)
  777. 押入れ おしいれ (n) closet/(P)
  778. 叩く たたく (v5k,vt) (1) to strike/to clap/to knock/to dust/to beat/(2) to play drums/(3) to abuse/to flame (e.g. on the Internet)/to insult/(4) (comp) to call/to invoke (e.g. a function)/(P)
  779. 刺さる ささる (v5r,vi) to stick into (something with a sharp point)/to prick/to pierce/to get stuck (in)/to lodge (in)/(P)
  780. 体 からだ (n,adj-no) (1) body/(n) (2) torso/trunk/(3) build/physique/constitution/(n,adj-no) (4) health/(n) (5) corpse/dead body/(P)
  781. 横 よこ (n) (1) horizontal (as opposed to vertical)/lying down/(2) side-to-side (as opposed to front-to-back)/width/breadth/(3) side (of a box, etc.)/(4) beside/aside/next to/(5) unconnected/(P)
  782. 曲げる まげる (v1,vt) to bend/to crook/to lean/to yield (a point)/to depart (from a principle)/(P)
  783. 運動 うんどう (n,vs) motion/exercise/(P)
  784. 前後ろ まえうしろ (n) front and back/before and behind/before and after
  785. 判子 はんこ (n) seal (used for signature)/(P)
  786. 押す おす (v5s,vt) (1) to push/to press/(2) to apply pressure from above/to press down/(3) to stamp (i.e. a passport)/to apply a seal/(4) to affix (e.g. gold leaf)/(5) to press (someone for something)/to urge/to compel/to influence/(6) to overwhelm/to overpower/to
  787. 慌てる あわてる (v1,vi) (1) to become confused (disconcerted, disorganized, disorganised)/to be flustered/to panic/(2) to be in a hurry/to rush/(P)
  788. 役目 やくめ (n) duty/business/role/(P)
  789. 今度 こんど (n-adv,n-t) now/this time/next time/another time/(P)
  790. 占い うらない (n) fortune-telling/divination/(P)
  791. 知人 ちじん (n) friend/acquaintance/(P)
  792. 災難 さいなん (n) calamity/misfortune/disaster/(P)
  793. 畑 はたけ (n) (1) field (for fruits, vegetables, etc.)/cultivated land/vegetable plot/kitchen garden/plantation/(n,suf) (2) field (of specialization)/sphere/area/(3) (col) womb/birth/birthplace/(P)
  794. 逆方向 ぎゃくほうこう (n) the opposite direction/the other way
  795. 喋る しゃべる (v5r,vi) (uk) to talk/to chat/to chatter/(P)
  796. 無人 むじん (adj-na,n) (1) lack of help/(2) unmanned/uninhabited/(P)
  797. 販売 はんばい (n,vs) sales/selling/marketing/(P)
  798. 無人販売所 むじんはんばいじょ (n) unattended sales place/vending machine
  799. 都会 とかい (n,adj-no) city/(P)
  800. 半分 はんぶん (n-adv,n) half/(P)
  801. 渡す わたす (v5s,vt) (1) to ferry across (a river, etc.)/to carry across/to traverse/(2) to lay across/to build across/(3) to hand over/to hand in/to pass/to give/to transfer/(P)
  802. 皿 さら (n) (1) plate/dish/platter/disc/(n,n-suf,ctr) (2) serving/helping/course/(n) (3) kanji radical 108 (at the bottom)/(P)
  803. 平気 へいき (adj-na,n) (1) coolness/calmness/composure/unconcern/(2) (col) all right/OK/okay/(P)
  804. お客様 おきゃくさま (n) (hon) guest/visitor/customer
  805. 装る よそる (v5r,vt) to serve/to dish up/to prepare
  806. もりもり もりもり (adv,n) (on-mim) swelling/someone full of zest/gusto
  807. 超 ちょう (n,n-suf,pref) (1) super-/ultra-/hyper-/very/really/(n,n-suf) (2) over (after a number or counter)/more than/(P)
  808. 一品 いっぴん (n) (1) item/article/(2) dish/course/(P)
  809. 目玉焼き めだまやき (n) sunny-side-up fried eggs
  810. 白身 しろみ (n) (1) white of egg/(2) white meat/sapwood/(3) white-fleshed fish for sushi and sashimi (e.g. tai, hirame, karei)
  811. 黒目 くろめ (n) (1) pupil and (dark) iris of the eye/(adj-no) (2) dark-eyed/sloe-eyed
  812. 珍しい めずらしい (adj-i) (1) unusual/rare/curious/(2) new/novel/(3) fine (e.g. gift)/(P)
  813. 猫被り ねこかぶり (oK) (n,vs) feigned innocence or naivete/beguiling innocence/wolf in sheep's clothing
  814. 剥 はく (n) coming off/peeling off/being worn off/faded/discolored/discoloured
  815. 中身 なかみ (n,adj-no) contents/interior/substance/filling/(sword) blade/(P)
  816. 菩薩 ぼさつ (n,n-suf) (1) (Buddh) bodhisattva/one who has reached enlightenment but vows to save all beings before becoming a buddha/(2) High Monk (title bestowed by the imperial court)/(3) title bestowed to Shinto kami in manifestation theory/(P)
  817. 聞き取る ききとる (v5r,vt) to catch (a person's words)/to follow/to understand/(P)
  818. 構う かまう (v5u) (1) to mind/to care about/to be concerned about/(2) to care for/to look after/(3) to prepare for/(4) to interfere with/to meddle in/(5) to tease/(P)
  819. 浅い あさい (adj-i) (1) shallow/superficial/(2) slight (wound)/light (sleep)/pale (colour)/inadequate (knowledge)/(3) short (time)/early/young/(P)
  820. 斯うして こうして (conj) (uk) thus/in this way
  821. 引き合い ひきあい (n) (1) reference/comparison/example/(2) inquiry/enquiry/(3) witness/being involved in a court case/deal/(P)
  822. 味噌 みそ (n) (1) (food) miso/fermented condiment usu. made from soybeans/(2) key (main) point/good part (of something)/(n,n-pref,n-suf) (3) (derog) weakling/weak person/(P)
  823. 汁 しる (n) (1) juice/sap/(2) soup/broth/(P)
  824. 豆腐 とうふ (n) tofu/bean-curd/(P)
  825. 和布 わかめ (n) (uk) wakame (species of edible brown seaweed, Undaria pinnatifida)/(P)
  826. 未曽有 みそう (adj-no,adj-na) unprecedented/unheard of
  827. 里帰り さとがえり (n,vs) returning home/visiting one's parents/new bride's first visit to parents/(P)
  828. 里 さと (n) (1) village/hamlet/(2) countryside/country/(3) home (of one's parents, etc.)/hometown/(4) one's origins/one's upbringing/one's past
  829. 何もない なにもない (exp,adj-i) nothing/empty
  830. 水着 みずぎ (n) bathing suit/swimsuit/swimmers/(P)
  831. 眺める ながめる (v1,vt) to view/to gaze at/(P)
  832. 嫌 いや (adj-na,n) disagreeable/detestable/unpleasant/reluctant/(P)
  833. 着る きる (v1,vt) (1) to wear (in modern Japanese, from the shoulders down)/to put on/(2) to bear (guilt, etc.)/(P)
  834. 満喫 まんきつ (n,vs) (1) having enough of (food, drink, etc.)/having one's fill/(2) fully enjoying/(P)
  835. しようとする しようとする (exp,vs-i) to try and do something/to attempt to do something
  836. 程度 ていど (n,n-adv,n-suf) degree/amount/grade/standard/of the order of (following a number)/(P)
  837. 同い年 おないどし (n,adj-no) the same age
  838. 裂ける さける (v1,vi) to split/to tear/to burst/(P)
  839. 明治 めいじ (n) Meiji era (1868.9.8-1912.7.30)/(P)
  840. 可也 かなり (adj-na,adv) (uk) considerably/fairly/quite/(P)
  841. 御覧 ごらん (int) (1) (abbr) (uk) (please) try to/(2) (abbr) (uk) (please) look/(n) (3) (hon) seeing/looking/watching
  842. 手間取る てまどる (v5r,vi) to meet unexpected difficulties/to take time/to be delayed
  843. 喉 のど (n) (1) (uk) throat/(2) singing voice/(P)
  844. 乾く かわく (v5k,vi) to get dry/(P)
  845. 自販機 じはんき (n) (abbr) vending machine/(P)
  846. 土台 どだい (n) (1) foundation/base/basis/(adv) (2) from the beginning/from the outset/by nature/(P)
  847. 軟派 なんぱ (n) (1) seducer/smooth talker/ladies' man/playboy/playgirl/(n,vs) (2) (uk) (col) picking up women (on the street)/(n) (3) moderate party/moderate/(4) social story (in a newspaper, etc.)/society columnist (of a newspaper)/(5) bearish trader/bear
  848. 禿び ちび (n) (1) (uk) (sens) small child/pipsqueak/small fry/small, cute versions of manga, anime, etc. characters, typically with oversized heads/(2) (sens) (uk) short person/midget/dwarf/(3) small animal/runt/(pref) (4) worn down (pencil, etc.)
  849. 誘拐 ゆうかい (n,vs) abduction/kidnapping/kidnaping/(P)
  850. 有り得る ありえる (adj-f,exp) possible/likely/probable
  851. 一つ ひとつ (num) (1) one/(n) (2) for one thing/(3) only/(4) (not) even/(n-adv) (5) just (e.g. "just try it")/(P)
  852. 冷静 れいせい (adj-na,n) calm/composure/coolness/serenity/(P)
  853. 責任 せきにん (n) (1) duty/responsibility (incl. supervision of staff)/(2) liability/onus/(P)
  854. 探す さがす (v5s,vt) (1) to search (for something lost)/to seek (a suspect in a crime)/(2) to search (for something desired, needed)/to look for/(P)
  855. 連れ つれ (n,vs) companion/company/(P)
  856. 手分け てわけ (n,vs) division of labour/division of labor/(P)
  857. 迷子 まいご (n) lost child/lost person/stray child/missing child/(P)
  858. 知らせ しらせ (n) notice/notification/(P)
  859. 連れる つれる (v1) to lead/to take (a person)/(P)
  860. 大事 だいじ (adj-na,n) important/valuable/serious matter/(P)
  861. しんどい しんどい (adj-i) (1) tired/frazzled/(2) tiresome/worrisome/bothersome/(P)
  862. 乗り継ぎ のりつぎ (adj-f) transit (passenger)/connecting (flight)
  863. 乗り換え のりかえ (n,vs) (1) transfer (trains, buses, etc.)/connection/connexion/(2) switching (stock)/(3) chromosomal crossover/crossing over/(P)
  864. 電車 でんしゃ (n) train/electric train/(P)
  865. 終電 しゅうでん (n) last train/(P)
  866. 線路 せんろ (n) line/track/roadbed/(P)
  867. 線路脇 せんろわき (n) ditch next to railway track
  868. めっさ めっさ (adj-na) (sl) extremely/very
  869. 晩飯 ばんめし (n) dinner/evening meal
  870. 食欲 しょくよく (n,adj-no) appetite (for food)/(P)
  871. 沸く わく (v5k,vi) (1) to grow hot (of water, etc.)/to boil/(2) to be in a state of excitement/to get excited/to take place energetically/to erupt (e.g. in applause, cheers)/(P)
  872. 反対 はんたい (adj-na,n,vs,adj-no) opposition/resistance/antagonism/hostility/contrast/objection/dissension/reverse/opposite/vice versa/(P)
  873. 狐 きつね (n) (1) fox (esp. the red fox, Vulpes vulpes)/(2) fox (i.e. a sly person)/(3) soba or udon topped with deep-fried tofu/(4) (abbr) light brown/(P)
  874. 饂飩 うどん (n) (uk) udon (thick Japanese wheat noodles)/(P)
  875. 駅員 えきいん (n) station attendant/(P)
  876. 郊外 こうがい (n,adj-no) suburb/outskirts/(P)
  877. 椅子 いす (n) (1) chair/stool/(2) post/office/position/(P)
  878. 揚げ あげ (n,n-suf) fried bean curd/(P)
  879. 隠す かくす (v5s,vt) to hide/to conceal/(P)
  880. 疑問 ぎもん (n) question/problem/doubt/guess/(P)
  881. 礼 れい (n) thanking/expression of gratitude/(P)
  882. 天井 てんじょう (n) ceiling/ceiling price/(P)
  883. 電気 でんき (n) (1) electricity/(2) (electric) light/(P)
  884. 無視 むし (n,vs) disregarding/ignoring/(P)
  885. 予期 よき (n,vs) expectation/assume will happen/forecast/(P)
  886. 計らい はからい (n) arrangement/good offices/discretion/judgment/disposition
  887. 逃す のがす (v5s,vt) to let loose/to set free/to let escape/to miss/(P)
  888. 準備 じゅんび (n,vs) preparation/setup/arrangements/provision/reserve/(P)
  889. 滑らか なめらか (adj-na) (1) smooth (e.g. skin or ground)/glassy/velvety/(2) fluent/smooth (speaking)/without a hitch/(P)
  890. 麺 めん (n) noodles
  891. 気後れ きおくれ (n,vs) nervous/timid
  892. 手遅れ ておくれ (adj-na,n) (1) being (too) late/(2) belated treatment/(P)
  893. 素早い すばやい (adj-i) (1) fast/quick/prompt/nimble/agile/(2) quick (to understand)/sharp (judgement)/(P)
  894. 草叢 くさむら (n) clump of bushes/grassy place/thicket/jungle/the bush
  895. 玉ねぎ たまねぎ (n) onion (edible plant, Allium cepa)/(P)
  896. 入れ食い いれぐい (exp) (fish) biting at every cast
  897. 螽斯 きりぎりす (n) (1) (uk) Japanese katydid (Gampsocleis buergeri)/(2) katydid/bush-cricket (Tettigoniidae)/long-horned grasshopper/(3) (arch) cricket
  898. 虫取り むしとり (n) insect catching/bug catching
  899. 虫取り網 むしとりあみ (n) butterfly net/net for catching insects
  900. 酸模 すかんぽ (n) garden (cock) sorrel/sour dock
  901. 夏 なつ (n-adv,n-t) summer/(P)
  902. 硬い かたい (adj-i) (1) hard/solid/tough/(2) stiff/tight/wooden/unpolished (e.g. writing)/(3) strong/firm (not viscous or easily moved)/(4) safe/steady/honest/steadfast/(5) obstinate/stubborn/(6) bookish/formal/stuffy/(P)
  903. 噛む かむ (v5m,vt) (1) to bite/to chew/to gnaw/(2) to crash against (e.g. of waves)/to break onto (shore)/(3) to engage (of cogs, zippers, etc.)/to mesh/to fit together/(4) to be involved in/(5) to fumble one's words (during a play, broadcast, etc.)/to falter with
  904. 色色 いろいろ (n,adj-na,adj-no,adv,adv-to) (1) various/(2) (arch) various colors (colours)
  905. 蝙蝠 こうもり (n) (1) bat (animal)/(2) (abbr) umbrella/(3) opportunist
  906. 鮎 あゆ (n) (uk) sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis altivelis)/ayu
  907. 匂い におい (n) (1) odour/odor/scent/smell/stench/(2) aura/whiff/smacks of .../sense/flavour/flavor/(P)
  908. 天才 てんさい (n) genius/prodigy/natural gift/(P)
  909. 身 み (n) (1) body/(2) oneself/(3) one's place/one's position/(4) main part/meat (as opposed to bone, skin, etc.)/wood (as opposed to bark)/blade (as opposed to its handle)/container(as opposed to its lid)/(P)
  910. 方法 ほうほう (n) method/process/manner/way/means/technique/(P)
  911. ぽっかり ぽっかり (adv,adv-to) (1) (on-mim) lightly/(2) gaping wide
  912. 穴 あな (n,n-suf) (1) hole/(2) deficit/shortage/missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.)/(3) vacancy/opening/(4) flaw/(5) profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others/(6) upset victory (with a large payoff)/(7) (sl) pit (of a theater)/(8) (arch) hi
  913. 水筒 すいとう (n) canteen/flask/water bottle/thermos/(P)
  914. 水責め みずぜめ (n,vs) water torture
  915. 恨み うらみ (n) (1) resentment/grudge/malice/bitterness/(2) matter for regret/regret/(P)
  916. 幼虫 ようちゅう (n,adj-no) larva/chrysalis/(P)
  917. 蛻 ぬけがら (n) cast-off skin (snake, insect, etc.)/husk/empty shell/exuvia/exuviae
  918. そっくり そっくり (adj-na,adv,n) (on-mim) all/altogether/entirely/just like/the spitting image of/(P)
  919. 日暮らし ひぐらし (n,adj-no) day-to-day existence/living hand-to-mouth
  920. 脱皮 だっぴ (n,vs) (1) ecdysis/shedding (of skin)/sloughing/molting/moulting/casting off/(2) freeing oneself/breaking with (convention, etc.)/(P)
  921. 見直す みなおす (v5s) (1) to look again/(2) to get a better opinion of/(P)
  922. 観察 かんさつ (n,vs) observation/survey/(P)
  923. 経つ たつ (v5t,vi) to pass/to lapse/(P)
  924. と言うと というと (conj) (1) (uk) if one were to speak of ..., then certainly/if it were the case that ..., then certainly/if it were a ..., then certainly/phrase used to indicate the inevitability of what follows it (based on what precedes it)/(2) so that means (when use
  925. どうかと言うと どうかというと (exp) if you ask me .../as for ...
  926. 短い みじかい (adj-i) short/(P)
  927. 大空 おおぞら (n) heavens/firmament/sky/(P)
  928. 羽撃き はばたき (n,vs) fluttering or flapping of wings
  929. 蜜 みつ (n) (1) nectar/(2) honey/(3) honeydew/(4) treacle/molasses/(5) sorbitol (when visible as dark patches inside an apple)/(P)
  930. 据える すえる (v1,vt) (1) to place (in position)/to fix/to set (e.g. table)/to lay (foundation)/(2) to install/to seat (someone)/(3) to settle (upon something)/to fix (e.g. one's gaze)/(4) to apply (moxa)/(P)
  931. 飾る かざる (v5r,vt) to decorate/to ornament/to adorn/(P)
  932. 築 ちく (pref) (1) ... years since construction/... years old (of a building)/(suf) (2) built in ...
  933. 建つ たつ (v5t,vi) to be erected/to be built/(P)
  934. 比べる くらべる (v1,vt) (1) to compare/to make a comparison/(2) to compete/to vie/(P)
  935. 嘸かし さぞかし (adv) (uk) certainly/surely
  936. 汚れる よごれる (v1,vi) (1) to get dirty/to become dirty/(2) to become sullied/to become corrupted/to lose one's chastity/(P)
  937. 散らかる ちらかる (v5r,vi) to be in disorder/to lie scattered around/(P)
  938. 地雷 じらい (n) land mine/(P)
  939. 風景 ふうけい (n,adj-no) (1) scenery/scene/landscape/view/sight/(2) scene (e.g. of a crime)/(P)
  940. 親戚 しんせき (n) relative/relation/kin/(P)
  941. 長期 ちょうき (n-adv,n-t) long time period/long term/(P)
  942. 滞在 たいざい (n,vs) stay/sojourn/(P)
  943. 詳しい くわしい (adj-i) (1) detailed/full/accurate/(2) knowing very well/well-acquainted/well-informed/(P)
  944. 最新 さいしん (n,adj-no) latest/newest/late-breaking (news)/(P)
  945. 嗜む たしなむ (v5m,vt) (1) (uk) to have a taste for/to be fond of/to have an interest in (e.g. a hobby)/(2) to be modest/to be prudent
  946. 浮く うく (v5k,vi) (1) to float/(2) to become merry/to be cheerful/(3) to become loose/to become unsteady/(4) (col) to feel out of it/to be cut off (e.g. from those around you)/to feel out of place/(5) to be frivolous/to be uncertain/(6) to have (time, money, etc.
  947. 鬼ごっこ おにごっこ (n) game of tag
  948. 天然 てんねん (n,adj-no) (1) nature/spontaneity/(2) (abbr) (col) natural airhead/(P)
  949. 虎柄 とらがら (n) tiger pattern/striped (like a tiger)
  950. 舐める なめる (v1,vt) (1) (uk) to lick/(2) to taste/(3) to experience (esp. a hardship)/(4) to make fun of/to make light of/to put down/to treat with contempt/to underestimate/(P)
  951. 鬼 おに (n) (1) ogre/demon/(2) spirit of a deceased person/(3) ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.)/(4) it (i.e. in a game of tag)/(pref) (5) (sl) very/extremely/super-/(P)
  952. 大根 だいこん (n,adj-no) (1) daikon (variety of large white Oriental radish, Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus)/(2) (abbr) ham actor/(P)
  953. 小父ちゃん おっちゃん (n) (uk) (fam) middle-aged man/"uncle"
  954. 面 めん (n) (1) face/(2) mask/face guard/(3) (MA) (in kendo) striking the head/(4) surface (esp. a geometrical surface)/(5) page/(n,suf) (6) aspect/facet/side/(7) chamfer/(ctr) (8) counter for broad, flat objects, levels or stages, e.g. in a video game/(P)
  955. 勘弁 かんべん (n,vs) pardon/forgiveness/forbearance/(P)
  956. 肝試し きもだめし (n) test of courage/a dare
  957. 墓 はか (n) gravesite/tomb/(P)
  958. 明かり あかり (n) (1) light/illumination/glow/gleam/(2) lamp/light/(P)
  959. 賽銭箱 さいせんばこ (n) offertory box
  960. 縁 ふち (n) rim/brim/edge/brink/(P)
  961. 脅かし おどかし (n) threat
  962. 脅かす おどかす (v5s,vt) (1) to threaten/to menace/(2) to startle/to surprise/(P)
  963. 役 やく (n,n-suf) (1) use/service/role/(2) post/position/(3) scoring combination (e.g. in mahjong, card games, etc.)/hand/(P)
  964. 藪から棒に やぶからぼうに (adv) unexpectedly/out of the blue
  965. 怒り いかり (n) anger/hatred/rage/wrath/(P)
  966. 日頃 ひごろ (n-adv,n-t) normally/habitually
  967. 行い おこない (io) (n) deed/act/action/conduct/behavior/behaviour/asceticism/(P)
  968. 手加減 てかげん (n,vs) going easy on someone/take situational peculiarities into consideration/rough estimate/making an allowance for
  969. 変装 へんそう (n,vs) disguise/masquerade
  970. 典型 てんけい (n,adj-no) type/pattern/model/epitome/exemplar/archetypal/representative/(P)
  971. 典型的 てんけいてき (adj-na) typical/prototypical/representative/stereotypical/model/ideal/(P)
  972. 足音 あしおと (n) footsteps (sound)/(P)
  973. 感覚 かんかく (n,vs) sense/sensation/feeling/intuition/(P)
  974. 振り向く ふりむく (v5k) to turn one's face/to turn around/to look over one's shoulder/(P)
  975. 訛り なまり (n) (1) (uk) accent (of one's speech)/(2) dialect/provincialism/patois/(3) corrupted form (e.g. of word)/mispronunciation/(P)
  976. 増やす ふやす (v5s,vt) to increase/to add to/to augment/(P)
  977. 武者 むしゃ (n) warrior/(P)
  978. 鎧 よろい (n) armor/armour
  979. 参加 さんか (n,vs,adj-no) participation/(P)
  980. 謎 なぞ (n) (1) riddle/puzzle/enigma/mystery/(adj-no) (2) enigmatic/mysterious/(P)
  981. 参加者 さんかしゃ (n) participant/entrant/(P)
  982. 悪霊 あくりょう (n) evil spirit
  983. 退散 たいさん (n,vs) dispersing/breaking up/running away
  984. 猫じゃらし ねこじゃらし (n) green foxtail (species of annual grass, Setaria viridis)
  985. 水車 すいしゃ (n) (1) water wheel/(2) water turbine/hydraulic turbine/(P)
  986. 回る まわる (v5r,vi) (1) to turn/to revolve/(2) to visit several places/(3) to function well/(4) to pass a certain time/(P)
  987. 彼方 あっち (pn,adj-no) (1) (uk) that way (direction distant from both speaker and listener)/over there/yonder/(2) that one (something physically distant from both speaker and listener, or something not visible but known by both speaker and listener)/that/(pn) (3) th
  988. 向ける むける (v1,vt) to turn towards/to point/(P)
  989. 疎い うとい (adj-i) (1) distant/estranged/disinterested/(2) poorly informed/unfamiliar/ignorant
  990. 光 ひかり (n) light/(P)
  991. 送る おくる (v5r,vt) (1) to send (a thing)/to dispatch/to despatch/to transmit/(2) to take or escort (a person somewhere)/to see off (a person)/(3) to bid farewell (to the departed)/to bury/(4) to spend (time)/to live one's life/(5) to pass (down the line)/(6) to aff
  992. 囓る かじる (v5r,vt) (1) to chew/to bite (at)/to gnaw/to nibble/to munch/to crunch/to have a smattering of/(2) to dabble in (e.g. hobby, instrument)
  993. 着替える きがえる (v1) to change one's clothes/(P)
  994. いじける いじける (v1,vi) (1) to grow timid (e.g. from an inferiority complex)/to lose one's nerve/(2) to become perverse/to become contrary
  995. 素麺 そうめん (n) fine white noodles
  996. 海 うみ (n) sea/beach/(P)
  997. 昆布茶 こぶちゃ (n) kelp tea
  998. 葉書 はがき (n) (1) (abbr) postcard/(2) memo/note/card/(P)
  999. 封筒 ふうとう (n) envelope/(P)
  1000. 冷蔵庫 れいぞうこ (n) refrigerator/(P)
  1001. 都会 とかい (n,adj-no) city/(P)
  1002. 新幹線 しんかんせん (n) bullet train (very high speed)/Shinkansen/(P)
  1003. 台車 だいしゃ (n) push car/flatcar/bogie/(P)
  1004. ごっこ ごっこ (n-suf) something done together/game of make-believe
  1005. 小松菜 こまつな (n) Japanese mustard spinach (Brassica rapa var. perviridis)
  1006. ほうれん草 ほうれんそう (n) spinach
  1007. 青い あおい (adj-i) (1) blue/green/(2) pale/(3) unripe/inexperienced/(P)
  1008. 固形 こけい (n,adj-no) solid (body)/(P)
  1009. 引っ越す ひっこす (v5s,vi) to move (house)/to change residence/(P)
  1010. たじたじ たじたじ (adv,adv-to,vs) (on-mim) overwhelmed/recoiling/cringing
  1011. 幼稚園 ようちえん (n) kindergarten/(P)
  1012. 根っこ ねっこ (n) root/stub/stump/(P)
  1013. 風 かぜ (n) wind/breeze/(P)
  1014. 打っ込む ぶっこむ (v5m,vt) (1) to hit/to strike/to smash/to hammer in/to drive in/(2) to throw/to toss/to cast/(3) to mix/(4) to wear (sword, etc.)/to carry
  1015. 気取る きどる (v5r,vt) to affect/to put on airs/(P)
  1016. 飛行機 ひこうき (n) aeroplane/airplane/aircraft/(P)
  1017. 肘掛け ひじかけ (n) armrest (of a chair)/elbow rest
  1018. 秘密 ひみつ (adj-na,n,adj-no) secret/secrecy/(P)
  1019. 基地 きち (n) base/(P)
  1020. 見当たる みあたる (v5r) to be found/(P)
  1021. 沖縄 おきなわ (n) (1) Okinawa (prefecture)/region comprising most of Japan's southwestern archipelago (esp. Okinawa Island)/(2) Okinawa (city)/(P)
  1022. 蓮華 れんげ (n) (1) lotus flower/(2) (abbr) Chinese milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus)/(3) (abbr) china spoon/(4) lotus-shaped pedestal for a gravestone
  1023. 最終 さいしゅう (n,adj-no) last/final/closing/(P)
  1024. 最終回 さいしゅうかい (n) last time/last inning/last part/final episode (of a television program)
  1025. 録画 ろくが (n,vs) (video) recording/(P)
  1026. 何事も なにごとも (n) (1) anything/whatever/(2) nothing (with neg. verb)
  1027. 経験 けいけん (n,vs) experience/(P)
  1028. 漠然 ばくぜん (n,adj-t,adv-to) obscure/vague/equivocal/(P)
  1029. 任す まかす (v5s,vt) to entrust/to leave to a person/(P)
  1030. 乗り乗り のりのり (adj-na,n) (uk) in high spirits
  1031. 目線 めせん (n) (1) one's gaze/(2) from the point of view of
  1032. 幾つ いくつ (adv) (1) (uk) how many?/(2) how old?/(P)
  1033. 遠慮 えんりょ (n,vs) (1) reserve/constraint/restraint/modesty/diffidence/hesitation/holding back/discretion/tact/thoughtfulness/(2) declining/refraining/(3) forethought/foresight/(P)
  1034. 濃縮 のうしゅく (n,vs,adj-no) concentration (of a solution)/(P)
  1035. 丸める まるめる (v1,vt) (1) to make round/to roll up/to curl up/(2) to seduce/to cajole/to explain away/(3) to round off (a fraction)/(4) (arch) to lump together/(P)
  1036. 丸丸 まるまる (adj-f,vs) (1) plump/rotund/chubby/(adv,adv-to) (2) entirely/completely/wholly
  1037. コンクール コンクール (n) contest (freconcours)/(P)
  1038. 賞 しょう (n,n-suf) prize/award/(P)
  1039. 芸術性 げいじゅつせい (n) artistry/artistic quality/artistic character
  1040. 欠片 かけら (n) fragment/broken pieces/splinter
  1041. 休憩 きゅうけい (n,vs) rest/break/recess/intermission/(P)
  1042. 竹とんぼ たけとんぼ (n) small wooden Japanese toy that flies when spun between the palms of one's hands
  1043. 真下 ました (n,adj-no) right under/directly below
  1044. 対応 たいおう (n,vs) (1) interaction/correspondence/coping with/dealing with/support/(2) (comp) software support/ability of a computer system to run specific software/(P)
  1045. 越える こえる (v1,vi) (1) to cross over/to cross/to pass through/to pass over (out of)/(2) to exceed/(P)
  1046. 遅れる おくれる (v1,vi) to be late/to be delayed/to fall behind schedule/to be overdue/(P)
  1047. 塗り ぬり (n) coating (esp. lacquering)
  1048. 真っ黒 まっくろ (adj-na,n) pitch black/(P)
  1049. 塗れる まぶれる (ok) (v1,vi) to be smeared/to be covered
  1050. 縫い物 ぬいもの (n) sewing/needlework/embroidery
  1051. 縫う ぬう (v5u,vt) (1) to sew/to stitch/(2) to weave one's way (e.g. through a crowd)/(P)
  1052. 開催 かいさい (n,vs) holding a meeting/open an exhibition/(P)
  1053. 急 きゅう (adj-na) (1) urgent/sudden/abrupt/(2) sharp/steep/precipitous/(3) rapid/swift/fast/(n) (4) emergency/crisis/(5) hurrying/haste/(6) (in gagaku or noh) end of a song/(P)
  1054. 招待 しょうたい (n,vs,adj-no) invitation/(P)
  1055. 地獄 じごく (n) hell/(P)
  1056. 絵図 えず (n) illustration/drawing
  1057. 使者 ししゃ (n,adj-no) messenger/envoy/emissary/(P)
  1058. 言い張る いいはる (v5r,vt) to insist/to assert/to be obstinate in saying
  1059. 工作 こうさく (n,vs) work/construction/handicraft/maneuvering/manoeuvering/(P)
  1060. 展示 てんじ (n,vs) exhibition/display/(P)
  1061. 違う たがう (v5u,vi) (1) to differ/to be different/(2) to run counter to/(3) to change (into something out of the ordinary)
  1062. 握手 あくしゅ (n,vs) handshake/(P)
  1063. 閃く ひらめく (v5k,vi) (1) to flash (lightning, etc.)/to flicker (lights)/to glitter/(2) to wave/to undulate/(3) to hit on a good idea/to occur to someone/(P)
  1064. 解説 かいせつ (n,vs,adj-no) explanation/commentary/exposition/elucidation/(P)
  1065. 説得 せっとく (n,vs) persuasion/(P)
  1066. 散髪 さんぱつ (n,vs) hair-cutting/hair-dressing/(P)
  1067. 巧み たくみ (adj-na,n) skill/cleverness/(P)
  1068. 話術 わじゅつ (n,adj-no) art of conversation
  1069. 勧誘 かんゆう (n,vs) invitation/solicitation/canvassing/canvasing/inducement/persuasion/encouragement/(P)
  1070. 成功 せいこう (n,vs) success/hit/(P)
  1071. 門前払い もんぜんばらい (n) turning another away at the gate or front door/refusing to receive a caller/(P)
  1072. 指差す ゆびさす (v5s,vt) to point at/(P)
  1073. たっぷり たっぷり (adj-na,adv,n) (on-mim) full/in plenty/ample/(P)
  1074. 差し入れ さしいれ (n,vs) (1) insertion/letter drop/(2) things sent to a prisoner/(3) supply of provisions, refreshments, etc. to someone carrying out a task
  1075. 用水路 ようすいろ (n) irrigation channel or ditch/flume
  1076. 田螺 たにし (n) (uk) pond snail (Viviparidae spp.)
  1077. 遊戯 ゆうぎ (n,vs) game/play/sports/(P)
  1078. 食わす くわす (v5s) (1) to feed/(2) to provide/(3) to inflict/(4) to cheat
  1079. 今思うと いまおもうと (exp) thinking back now
  1080. 藍褸 ぼろ (n,pref) rag/scrap/tattered clothes/fault (esp. in a pretense, pretence)/defect/run-down or junky
  1081. 習字 しゅうじ (n) penmanship/(P)
  1082. 足を運ぶ あしをはこぶ (exp,v5b) to go/to come/to turn out (at a meeting, event, etc.)/to show up/to make your way to
  1083. 触覚 しょっかく (n) (1) sense of touch/(adj-no) (2) tactile/tactual/(P)
  1084. 麒麟 きりん (n) (1) (uk) giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis)/(2) qilin (Chinese unicorn)/(3) Kirin (brand of beer)/(P)
  1085. 強調 きょうちょう (n,vs) emphasis/highlight/stress/stressed point/(P)
  1086. 主催 しゅさい (n,vs) sponsorship (i.e. conducting under one's auspices)/promotion/organizing/organising/hosting/staging/(P)
  1087. 彼の かの (adj-pn) (uk) that (someone or something distant from both speaker and listener, or situation unfamiliar to both speaker and listener)
  1088. 生物 せいぶつ (n,adj-no) (1) living things/creature/(n) (2) (abbr) biology/(P)
  1089. 未確認 みかくにん (n,adj-f) unconfirmed/unidentified
  1090. 未確認生物 みかくにんせいぶつ (n) mysterious and unconfirmed animals (e.g. chupacabra, etc.)
  1091. 未確認情報 みかくにんじょうほう (n) unconfirmed information
  1092. 未確認飛行物体 みかくにんひこうぶったい (n) unidentified flying object/UFO
  1093. 注文 ちゅうもん (n,vs,adj-no) order/request/(P)
  1094. 紅茶 こうちゃ (n) black tea/(P)
  1095. 目の付け所 めのつけどころ (exp) focus of one's attention/what one is looking for
  1096. 懲り懲り こりごり (adj-na,n,vs) bitter experience/learning from a bad experience/having had enough (of something unpleasant)/having had a bellyful/being sick and tired (of something)/being fed up
  1097. 待機 たいき (n,vs,adj-no) alert/standby/await an opportunity/wait for orders/(P)
  1098. ぶつぶつ ぶつぶつ (n,adv,adv-to) (1) (on-mim) grunt/grumble/complaint/mutter/(2) pimples/spots/eruption/rash/(3) cutting into small pieces/(4) simmering/(P)
  1099. 披露 ひろう (n,vs) announcement/show/display/introduction/(P)
  1100. 太鼓 たいこ (n,adj-no) drum/(P)
  1101. 止め とどめ (n) finishing blow/clincher
  1102. 褒める ほめる (v1,vt) to praise/to admire/to speak well/(P)
  1103. 無言 むごん (n) silence/(P)
  1104. 見送る みおくる (v5r,vt) (1) to see off (e.g. to the station, an airport, etc.)/to escort (e.g. home)/to farewell/(2) to see out/to send off/(3) to let pass/to wait and see/to continue (e.g. in legal contexts)/(4) to let a pitch go by (baseball)/to watch a batted ball go into the stands/(P)
  1105. 遣らかす やらかす (v5s,vt) to perpetrate/to do/to be guilty of
  1106. かくなる上は かくなるうえは (exp) now that it's come to this/since it's come to this
  1107. 余興 よきょう (n) side show/entertainment
  1108. 退く どく (v5k,vi) to step aside/to move (i.e. out of the way)/to make way
  1109. 仕掛け しかけ (n) device/contrivance/trick/mechanism/gadget/(small) scale/half finished/commencement/set up/challenge/attack/(P)
  1110. 手品 てじな (n) sleight of hand/conjuring trick/magic/juggling/(P)
  1111. 頂く いただく (v5k,vt) (1) (hum) to receive/to get/to accept/to take/to buy/(2) (hum) (pol) to eat/to drink/(3) to be crowned with/to wear (on one's head)/to have (on top)/(4) to have (as one's leader)/to live under (a ruler)/to install (a president)/(P)
  1112. 開き直る ひらきなおる (v5r,vi) to become defiant/to turn upon/to become serious/(P)
  1113. 催し もよおし (n) event/festivities/function/social gathering/auspices/opening/holding (a meeting)/(P)
  1114. 花咲く はなさく (v5k) to bloom
  1115. 関節 かんせつ (n,adj-no) joints (knee joint, elbow joint, etc.)/(P)
  1116. とんだ とんだ (adj-pn) (1) unthinkable/unimaginable/inconceivable/unexpected/(2) terrible/awful/serious/(adv) (3) (arch) very/(P)
  1117. 摩する まする (vs-s) (1) to rub/to scrub/(2) to draw near/to press
  1118. 取り組む とりくむ (v5m,vi) to tackle/to wrestle with/to engage in a bout/to come to grips with/to make effort/to strive for/to deal with/(P)
  1119. 雑巾 ぞうきん (n) house-cloth/dust cloth/(P)
  1120. 凹む へこむ (v5m) (1) to be dented/to be indented/to yield to/to give/to sink/to collapse/to cave in/(2) to be overwhelmed/to feel down/to be forced to yield/to be daunted/to be snubbed/(P)
  1121. 引っ込む ひっこむ (v5m,vi) (1) to draw back/to sink/to cave in/(2) to be set back (e.g. from a road)/(3) to withdraw (e.g. from the public eye)/to retire to (somewhere)/to stay indoors/to butt out/to stay out of it/(P)
  1122. 挽回 ばんかい (n,vs) recovery/restoration
  1123. 不幸 ふこう (adj-na,n) unhappiness/sorrow/misfortune/disaster/accident/death/(P)
  1124. コッペパン コッペパン (n) bread roll (waseicoupe, waseipao)
  1125. っ放し っぱなし (n-suf) (uk) keep ...-ing (negative nuance, with the state being improper, unpleasant, etc.)/have been ...-ing/leaving (something) on/leaving (something) still in use
  1126. カチカチ カチカチ (adv-to,adv) (1) (on-mim) ticktock/(2) (on-mim) chinking (e.g. of a hammer against rock)/knocking/clicking/clacking/clattering/(adj-no,adj-na) (3) (on-mim) dry and hard/(frozen) stiff/(4) (on-mim) hidebound/die-hard/stubborn/obstinate/bigoted/(5) (on-mim) scared stiff/tense/nervous/frightened
  1127. 放っとく ほっとく (v5k) to leave someone alone
  1128. 一向に いっこうに (adv) (1) completely/absolutely/totally/(2) (not) at all/(not) a bit/(not) in the least/(3) earnestly/intently/determinedly/(P)
  1129. てんやわんや てんやわんや (adj-no) hectic/topsy-turvy/chaotic
  1130. 飽く あく (v5k,vi) (1) (arch) to tire of/to lose interest in/(2) to be satisfied/to enjoy/(3) (after the -masu stem of a verb) to do adequately
  1131. 材料 ざいりょう (n) ingredients/material/(P)
  1132. 此度 このたび (n-adv,n-t) this occasion/at this time/now
  1133. 多大 ただい (adj-na,n,adj-no) heavy/much/(P)
  1134. 詫び入る わびいる (v5r,vi) to apologize sincerely/to apologise sincerely
  1135. 復唱 ふくしょう (n,vs) recital/repetition/rehearsal/repeating an order
  1136. 毛皮 けがわ (n,adj-no) (1) fur/skin/pelt/(2) kanji "fur" radical/(P)
  1137. 暖かい あたたかい (adj-i) warm/mild/genial/(P)
  1138. 柿 かき (n) kaki/Japanese persimmon (Diospyros kaki)/(P)
  1139. 栗 くり (n) (uk) Japanese chestnut (Castanea crenata)/(P)
  1140. 植木鉢 うえきばち (n) flowerpot/plant pot/(P)
  1141. 誤魔化す ごまかす (ateji) (v5s,vt) (1) (uk) to deceive/to falsify/to misrepresent/to cheat/to swindle/to tamper/to juggle/to manipulate/(2) (uk) to dodge/to beg the question (issue, difficulties)/(3) (uk) to varnish over/to gloss over/(P)
  1142. 鉢 はち (n) (1) bowl/pot/basin/(2) flowerpot/(3) crown/brainpan/(P)
  1143. 撮み つまみ (n) (1) (uk) knob/handle/button/(2) (comp) (file) handle/(3) snack (to have with a drink)/side dish/(suf) (4) a pinch (e.g. of salt)/(n,n-suf) (5) picking/harvesting
  1144. 信用 しんよう (n,vs) confidence/dependence/credit/faith/reliance/belief/credence/trust/(P)
  1145. 屋根裏部屋 やねうらべや (n) attic/garret/loft
  1146. 怒阿呆 どあほ (n) (uk) (ksb:) total idiot/fuck-wit
  1147. 感 かん (n,n-suf) feeling/sensation/emotion/admiration/impression
  1148. 狼少年 おおかみしょうねん (n,vs) boy who cried wolf
  1149. 痛い目 いたいめ (n) painful experience
  1150. 証言 しょうげん (n,vs) evidence/testimony/(P)
  1151. 連絡 れんらく (vs,adj-no) (1) to contact/to get in touch/(n) (2) contacting/getting in touch/communication/call/message/(3) connection/coordination/junction/(adj-no) (4) intercalary/intercalaris/internuncial/(P)
  1152. 潜る くぐる (v5r,vi) (1) to go under/to pass under/to go through/to pass through/(2) to dive (into or under the water)/(3) to evade/to get around/to slip past/(4) to survive/to surmount/(P)
  1153. 住みか すみか (n) dwelling/house/residence/den/habitat
  1154. 不満 ふまん (adj-na,n) dissatisfaction/displeasure/discontent/complaints/unhappiness/disgruntled/(P)
  1155. 寛ぐ くつろぐ (v5g) (uk) to relax/to feel at home/(P)
  1156. 覗き のぞき (n) (1) peeping/(2) (abbr) peeping tom
  1157. 偵察 ていさつ (n,vs) scout out/reconnaissance/(P)
  1158. 取っちめる とっちめる (exp,v1) to take to task/to take it out on
  1159. 気配 きはい (n) (1) indication/sign/hint/presence/trend/(2) quotation (esp. stock market)
  1160. ほっつき歩く ほっつきあるく (v5k) (col) to loiter around/to wander about
  1161. 門限 もんげん (n) closing time/lockup/curfew
  1162. 番外 ばんがい (n) (1) exception/supernumerary/extra (theatrical)/(adj-no) (2) extra (e.g. performance, item, object, etc.)/additional/(3) outsize
  1163. 編 へん (n,n-suf) (1) compilation (of a text)/editing/(n,n-suf,ctr) (2) volume (of a text)/(3) completed literary work/(P)
  1164. チョキ チョキ (n) scissors (in rock paper scissors game)
  1165. 刃 は (n) edge (of a knife or sword)/(P)
  1166. 毀れる こぼれる (v1,vt) to be chipped/to be nicked
  1167. ハサミ ハサミ (n) (1) (uk) scissors/shears/clippers/(2) (uk) hole punch
  1168. 包む つつむ (v5m,vt) (1) to wrap up/to tuck in/to pack/to do up/to cover with/to dress in/(v5m) (2) to conceal/to hide/to be engulfed in/to be enveloped by/(P)
  1169. 痛くも痒くも無い いたくもかゆくもない (exp) of no concern at all/no skin off my nose
  1170. 紅葉狩 もみじがり (n) autumn-leaf hunting/autumn-leaf collecting and viewing
  1171. 紅葉 こうよう (n,vs) (1) autumn colours/fall colors/leaves changing color (colour)/(2) leaves turning red/red leaves/(P)
  1172. 飯事 ままごと (n) playing house
  1173. 飛魚 とびうお (n) (uk) flying fish (esp. the Japanese flying fish, Cypselurus agoo)
  1174. 成り切る なりきる (v5r,vi) to turn completely into/to become completely
  1175. ぴちぴち ぴちぴち (adv-to,vs) (1) (on-mim) bursting with youth and energy (esp. young woman)/vivaciously young/spunky/energetic/(adv-to) (2) (on-mim) (fish) jumping around energetically (e.g. when caught in a net)/(adj-no) (3) (on-mim) bursting (e.g. seams)/tight/(adv-to) (4) (on-mim) splattering (e.g. cooking oil)
  1176. 信用度 しんようど (n) level of confidence
  1177. 真剣 しんけん (n,adj-na) (1) seriousness/earnestness/(2) real sword (as opposed to unsharpened or wooden practice weapon)/(P)
  1178. 早まる はやまる (v5r,vi) (1) to move ahead (three hours, etc.)/to move up/(2) to quicken/to speed up/to gather speed/(3) to be hasty/to be rash/(P)
  1179. 蟷螂 かまきり (n) (uk) praying mantis (esp. the narrow-winged mantis, Tenodera angustipennis)
  1180. 猪 いのしし (n) (uk) wild boar/(P)
  1181. 特技 とくぎ (n) special skill/(P)
  1182. 指笛 ゆびぶえ (n) whistling through one's fingers/whistle made by sticking ones fingers in ones mouth and blowing
  1183. 芸 げい (n) art/craft/accomplishment/artistic skill/technique/performance/(P)
  1184. 塩胡椒 しおこしょう (n,vs) salt and pepper
  1185. 故郷 こきょう (n) home town/birthplace/old village/historic village/native place/one's old home/(P)
  1186. 爆笑 ばくしょう (n,vs) (1) roar of laughter (from several people)/(2) (col) laughing hard (single person)/(P)
  1187. 暖房 だんぼう (n,vs) heating/(P)
  1188. 器具 きぐ (n) utensil/apparatus/implement/device/gadget/(P)
  1189. 宿直 しゅくちょく (n,vs) night watch/night guard/night shift
  1190. 寝袋 ねぶくろ (n) sleeping bag
  1191. 取り合い とりあい (n) scramble/struggle
  1192. 躊躇 ちゅうちょ (n,vs) hesitation/indecision/vacillation
  1193. 気に食わない きにくわない (exp,adj-i) unable to stomach/sticking in one's throat
  1194. 面白み おもしろみ (n) interest/appeal/attraction/fun
  1195. 今だに いまだに (iK) (adv) still/even now/until this very day
  1196. 背負う せおう (v5u,vt) (1) to be burdened with/to take responsibility for/to carry on back or shoulder/(2) to have (something) in the background/to be in front (of something)/(P)
  1197. 腕相撲 うでずもう (n) (1) arm wrestling/Indian wrestling/(2) (sumo) wrestling relying on brute strength (of the arms), rather than skill
  1198. 敵 てき (n) (1) opponent/rival/adversary/(2) menace/danger/threat/enemy/(P)
  1199. 筋 すじ (n) (1) muscle/tendon/sinew/(2) vein/artery/(3) fiber/fibre/string/(4) line/stripe/streak/(5) reason/logic/(6) plot/storyline/(7) lineage/descent/(8) school (e.g. of scholarship or arts)/(9) aptitude/talent/(10) source (of information, etc.)/circle/channel/(11) well-informed person (in a transaction)/(12) logical move (in go, shogi, etc.)/(13) ninth vertical line (shogi)/(14) seam on a helmet/(15) (abbr) gristly fish paste (made of muscle, tendons, skin, etc.)/(16) (arch) social position/status/(n-suf,n,adj-no) (17) on (a river, road, etc.)/along/(suf,ctr) (18) counter for long thin things/counter for roads or blocks when giving directions/(19) (arch) (Edo period) counter for hundreds of mon (obsolete unit of currency)/(P)
  1200. 螺旋 らせん (n,adj-no) (1) spiral/helix/(2) screw/(P)
  1201. 螺旋状 らせんじょう (n,adj-no) helical/spiral-shaped
  1202. 物真似 ものまね (n,vs) (uk) mimicry/imitation (of someone, something)
  1203. 師範代 しはんだい (n) assistant instructor
  1204. 十八番 おはこ (n) one's favourite party trick (favorite)/one's specialty/one's forte
  1205. さらっと さらっと (adv) (1) smoothly/swimmingly/(2) forthrightly/without hesitation
  1206. 蜊蛄 ざりがに (oK) (n) (uk) crayfish (esp. Japanese crayfish, Cambaroides japonicus or red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii)
  1207. 口調 くちょう (n) tone (e.g. of voice, etc.)/(verbal) expression/(P)
  1208. 決定 けってい (n,vs) decision/determination/(P)
  1209. 完成度 かんせいど (n) degree of perfection/level of completion/degree of completion
  1210. 目玉 めだま (n) (1) eyeball/(2) (abbr) special feature/centerpiece/showpiece/drawcard/(3) special program/loss leader/(P)
  1211. 地面 じめん (n,adj-no) ground/earth's surface/(P)
  1212. 大文字 だいもんじ (n) (1) upper case letters/large characters/capital letter/(2) the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big"/(3) huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on 16 Aug each year
  1213. 引き分け ひきわけ (n) draw (in competition)/tie game/(P)
  1214. 判定 はんてい (n,vs) judgement/judgment/decision/adjudication/award/verdict/determination/(P)
  1215. 心外 しんがい (adj-na) (1) regrettable/vexing/upsetting/(2) unthinkable/wholly unexpected/(P)
  1216. 譲る ゆずる (v5r,vt) (1) to turn over/to assign/to hand over/to transmit/to convey/to sell/to dispose of/(2) to yield/to surrender/to concede/(P)
  1217. 積もる つもる (v5r) (1) to pile up/to accumulate/(2) to estimate/(P)
  1218. 真夜中 まよなか (n-adv,n-t) dead of night/midnight/(P)
  1219. かまくら かまくら (n) (1) mid-January festival in northern Japan, with snow huts in which children play house/(2) snow hut/(P)
  1220. 雰囲気 ふんいき (n) atmosphere (e.g. musical)/mood/ambience/ambiance/(P)
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