
TAW Backers Only Chat 3/1/13

Mar 1st, 2014
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  1. [13:16] *** Silly (~blizgerg@ joined
  2. [14:46] *** Klaimen ( joined
  3. [14:47] <Klaimen> good evening everyone
  4. [14:48] <Gizmotin> Evening
  5. [14:49] <Klaimen> i'll do laundry and then this will have my full attention
  6. [14:49] <Klaimen> damn adult responsibilities lol
  7. [14:51] *** Halader ( joined
  8. [14:56] <Klaimen> ok
  9. [14:57] <@RobitStudios> Hey! We're getting started in a minute
  10. [14:59] <@RobitStudios> Looks like we might have a small group today
  11. [14:59] <Klaimen> cute
  12. [14:59] <@RobitStudios> Robert told me he can't make it
  13. [14:59] <Klaimen> aw
  14. [14:59] <@RobitStudios> and Christine  - I'm not sure
  15. [15:00] Disconnected (2014-03-01 15:00:05)
  16. [15:00] *** Attempting to re-join
  17. [15:00] 34 unknown connection(s)
  18. [15:00] *** now talking in #robitstudios
  19. [15:00] *** channel #robitstudios mode is +ntk sharkbait
  20. [15:00] *** channel created at Sat Dec 07 10:45:36 2013
  21. [15:01] <[1]RobitStudios> sorry - internet dropped out there
  22. [15:01] <[1]RobitStudios> and now there are two of me apparently
  23. [15:01] <Klaimen> yeah! your evil twin brother is still here
  24. [15:01] <Klaimen> let's ping him to death!
  25. [15:02] <[1]RobitStudios> well whatever - it maes it look like there's more people here :)
  26. [15:02] <Klaimen> lol, let's make lots of clones of ourselves
  27. [15:03] <[1]RobitStudios> yeah! it's easy. you just need crappy ISP service and before long you'll have your own clone
  28. [15:03] <Klaimen> if only you could make him work for you
  29. [15:04] <Klaimen> he could wash the dishes
  30. [15:04] *** RobitStudios quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  31. [15:04] *** [1]RobitStudios changed nick to RobitStudios
  32. [15:04] <Klaimen> go to the supermarket
  33. [15:04] <RobitStudios> and he's gone
  34. [15:04] <Klaimen> finish the game
  35. [15:04] <RobitStudios> they grow up so quick
  36. [15:04] *** Tolipohs ( joined
  37. [15:05] <RobitStudios> Hey Tolipohs!
  38. [15:05] <Klaimen> oh, i was asking btw, what about fetalstar?
  39. [15:05] <Tolipohs> Hey, i will be afk for a bit, gotta walk my dog.
  40. [15:05] <RobitStudios> ok, no worries
  41. [15:05] <RobitStudios> yeah let me ping her on skype
  42. [15:05] <RobitStudios> she might be sleeping :P
  43. [15:06] <Klaimen> at this time of the day
  44. [15:06] <RobitStudios> she has crazy sleep schedule - she tends to work through the night
  45. [15:07] <RobitStudios> ok she's coming!
  46. [15:07] *** fetalstar ( joined
  47. [15:07] <fetalstar> i made it!
  48. [15:07] <Klaimen> i used to do that for a while, but it grew bad on me
  49. [15:07] <Klaimen> yay! hey fetalstar!
  50. [15:07] *** ChanServ sets channel #robitstudios mode +o RobitStudios
  51. [15:07] <@RobitStudios> ok everyone stop talking smack about fetalstar
  52. [15:07] <fetalstar> ;A;
  53. [15:07] *** RobitStudios sets channel #robitstudios mode +o fetalstar
  54. [15:08] <Klaimen> ok, now we have nothing to talk about
  55. [15:08] <@fetalstar> aw guys
  56. [15:08] <@fetalstar> right in the feels
  57. [15:08] <Klaimen> X)
  58. [15:08] <@RobitStudios> haha - well i'm going to start by asking you all a questions: what games have you been playing?
  59. [15:09] <Klaimen> the story of thor!
  60. [15:09] <@fetalstar> ff14 of course .__.
  61. [15:09] <@fetalstar> wait i mean
  62. [15:09] <@RobitStudios> haven't heard of story of thor it - is it ok steam?
  63. [15:09] <Klaimen> it's a mega drive game, should be on steam. in the U.S. it's called Beyond Oasis I believe
  64. [15:10] <@RobitStudios> oh yeah i remember that
  65. [15:10] <Klaimen> i'd say it's sega's answer to zelda
  66. [15:10] <@RobitStudios> never played it though
  67. [15:10] <Halader> I've been playing Pokemon Y (yes, still) and I gues I've been playing Twitch Plays Pokemon some
  68. [15:10] <Klaimen> it's a good game
  69. [15:10] <@fetalstar> i played TPP!
  70. [15:11] <Klaimen> twitch plays pokemon is so amazing
  71. [15:11] <@fetalstar> they're starting on gold tonight
  72. [15:11] <@fetalstar> :O
  73. [15:11] <Halader> were you there for the final fight?
  74. [15:11] <@fetalstar> hell yeah i was!
  75. [15:11] <@RobitStudios> haha i popped in and played it for a little too
  76. [15:11] <@RobitStudios> just chaos
  77. [15:11] <@fetalstar> battery jesus is the best
  78. [15:11] <Halader> my favorite moment was the surf on Rhydon, so clutch!
  79. [15:11] <Klaimen> yeah the chat went crazy
  80. [15:11] <@RobitStudios> nice - did they finish the game
  81. [15:11] <@fetalstar> they did!
  82. [15:11] <Halader> yeah, we finished it
  83. [15:12] <@fetalstar> we beat it last night
  84. [15:12] <Klaimen> yeah, earlier today
  85. [15:12] <@fetalstar> took a little over 2 weeks
  86. [15:12] <Klaimen> i also finished guacamelee and the last of us lately
  87. [15:13] <Klaimen> guacamelee is my favorite game from the last year, so good!
  88. [15:13] <@RobitStudios> yeah i got that on the humble bundle
  89. [15:13] <@RobitStudios> but havent tried it yet
  90. [15:13] <Halader> i also got guacamelee in the humble bundle; looking forward to playing it
  91. [15:13] <@RobitStudios> i'll try it out this weekend
  92. [15:13] <Klaimen> it's so addictive
  93. [15:14] <Klaimen> very rewarding, and unforgiving at times
  94. [15:14] <@RobitStudios> i've been playing a lot of Super Mario 3D World this week - i got a Wii U this month
  95. [15:14] <Klaimen> really demands all your platforming skills
  96. [15:14] <@fetalstar> ooo
  97. [15:14] <Klaimen> oooh a wii u! cool. i want one, too!
  98. [15:14] <@fetalstar> are you gonna get wind waker hd?
  99. [15:14] <Halader> you been playing 3d world by yourself? I played it with my siblings. I think it would have been really hard alone.
  100. [15:15] <@RobitStudios> yeah, my fiance played with me a little but that just ends up making it harder :)
  101. [15:15] <Halader> lol
  102. [15:15] <@RobitStudios> i actually unlocked everything but the last level in about a week
  103. [15:15] <Halader> Oh, nice.
  104. [15:15] <@RobitStudios> i was a little dissapointed in it - i liked New Super Mario Bros U a lot more
  105. [15:16] <@RobitStudios> New Super Mario Bros U made me feel like a kid again - i had some rage-quit moments
  106. [15:17] <@RobitStudios> and yes I will get Wind Waker HD - but ive played it so many times already
  107. [15:17] <@RobitStudios> so i'll probably wait until i get it for a good price
  108. [15:17] <@RobitStudios> or get it used on ebay or something
  109. [15:17] <Klaimen> are there any differences besides visual upgrades?
  110. [15:18] <Tolipohs> Selfies.
  111. [15:18] <@RobitStudios> from what ive heard they made some minor gameplay improvements
  112. [15:18] <@RobitStudios> i think you can travel faster
  113. [15:19] <Klaimen> ah, cool, that's good, don't change anything if the original was good
  114. [15:19] <Klaimen> just tweak the errors
  115. [15:19] <@RobitStudios> so, i also wanted to go over IndieCade with you all - but first...
  116. [15:20] <@RobitStudios> im sure you've already heard but we're going to be exhibiting the game at Pax East and Too Many Games
  117. [15:20] <@RobitStudios> which are in Boston and Philaelpdia, USA
  118. [15:20] <@RobitStudios> wow i butchered that - Philidelphia
  119. [15:20] <Klaimen> yeah i've seen you will be going out to the public plenty! that's cool!
  120. [15:21] <@RobitStudios> yeah! its super exciting - especially Pax
  121. [15:21] <@RobitStudios> i've never gone before
  122. [15:21] <Klaimen> Pax is big
  123. [15:21] <Halader> I'm looking forward to seeing you and it at PAX :D
  124. [15:21] <@RobitStudios> You're going?
  125. [15:21] <Halader> yup
  126. [15:21] <@RobitStudios> Awesome!
  127. [15:22] <@RobitStudios> I'm going to have some new areas playable for sure
  128. [15:22] <@RobitStudios> i think i'll probably keep the same demo for anyone who hasen't already played it - but for anyone who has I'll let them play some new areas
  129. [15:22] <Halader> Oh ok, cool. When you were streaming you said it was probably going to be the same demo, so that has changed?
  130. [15:23] <Halader> oh ok
  131. [15:23] <@RobitStudios> yeah - so if you stop by and say you want to try some new areas i'll hook you up
  132. [15:24] <Halader> alright, will do
  133. [15:24] <@RobitStudios> and i'll probably end up updating the demo with these new areas if any backers want to try it
  134. [15:24] <@RobitStudios> but it'll have after Pax - so i have time to get some feedback and make tweaks
  135. [15:24] <Klaimen> guess that's a smart thing to do, for people who never played the game, and those who know the demo
  136. [15:24] <@RobitStudios> yeah, hopefully that'll work out
  137. [15:25] <@RobitStudios> IndieCade was super cool
  138. [15:25] *** Thermoptic ( joined
  139. [15:25] <Halader> I've never been to IndieCade, what's it like?
  140. [15:25] <Thermoptic> Hellu
  141. [15:26] <@RobitStudios> its very developer focused
  142. [15:26] <Tolipohs> Hi.
  143. [15:26] <@RobitStudios> hey Themoptic!
  144. [15:26] <@RobitStudios> lots of talks by more well known indie devs
  145. [15:26] <@RobitStudios> the guy who made QWOP have a could talks
  146. [15:27] <@RobitStudios> The part we were in was called the show and tell - where they had new games every couple of hours
  147. [15:27] <Tolipohs> That means QWOP  controls for TAW, right?
  148. [15:27] <Klaimen> so during that 2 hour slot, what were you actually doing? did you give a talk or presentation? discussion with the audience?
  149. [15:27] <@RobitStudios> it was pretty cool - there seemed to be no rules about what you showed - some high school kids brought a game they made in about an hour - all you could do was run around on a static screen -and even that was buggy
  150. [15:28] <@RobitStudios> but there was some really neat stuff too
  151. [15:28] <@RobitStudios> basically i had the game avaialble for people to play on a laptop- and while they were playing i asnwered questions form them and the rest of the people huddled around
  152. [15:29] <@RobitStudios> there was someone to chat with just about the whole time
  153. [15:29] <@RobitStudios> i met someone who did localization for square-enix
  154. [15:29] <Halader> ok, interesting
  155. [15:29] <@fetalstar> ohhh that's cool :O
  156. [15:30] <@RobitStudios> and she was trying to convince me to use them if we wanted to sell the game to a japanese audience
  157. [15:30] <@RobitStudios> which was cool
  158. [15:30] <Klaimen> square-enix publishing TAW
  159. [15:30] <@RobitStudios> i dont think TAG every really got much a japanese following
  160. [15:30] <Klaimen> now, that would be something
  161. [15:31] <@RobitStudios> i think outside the U.S. my biggest fan base is in germany
  162. [15:31] <Halader> That's something that seems like it'd be hard for indie games. Localization. Cause you really need someone from that area who also knows English to translate well.
  163. [15:31] <Klaimen> really! whoelse is german? X)
  164. [15:32] <@RobitStudios> yeah, but you'd be surprised at how many people do localization these days - i guess its just a matter or getting someone who's good
  165. [15:32] <@RobitStudios> I really want to have german, french and spanish at launch - and then do some for asian countries like china, japan and korea
  166. [15:33] <Klaimen> yeah those would be the common languages spoken in Europe
  167. [15:33] <@RobitStudios> hey, i'll be back  in 2 mins - sorry - fetal will keep you entertained in the meantime
  168. [15:33] <Klaimen> besides English
  169. [15:33] <@fetalstar> D:
  170. [15:33] <Klaimen> so, FETAL
  171. [15:33] <Tolipohs> Quick say mean things about him.
  172. [15:34] <Klaimen> how's things
  173. [15:34] <@fetalstar> pretty good! :O
  174. [15:34] <@fetalstar> work work work
  175. [15:34] <Klaimen> oh yeah, share secrets about robit!
  176. [15:34] <@fetalstar> watching a classic megaman relay race right now! :O
  177. [15:35] <Thermoptic> got any new teaser art to show maybe? :)
  178. [15:36] <@fetalstar> noo, nothing for TAW. i have my own work i have to do too
  179. [15:36] <@fetalstar> gotta pay the bills :O
  180. [15:36] <@RobitStudios> im back!
  181. [15:36] <@fetalstar> buuut i am going to start on a new area very soon, and i'm planning on recording some stuff and do a timelapse
  182. [15:36] <@fetalstar> so that should be interesting :3
  183. [15:36] <Klaimen> ooooh cool!
  184. [15:36] <@RobitStudios> yeah, you're going to do the jungle area next right?
  185. [15:37] <@fetalstar> i am!
  186. [15:37] <Thermoptic> a timelapse would be very cool
  187. [15:37] <@RobitStudios> that'll be cool to see
  188. [15:37] <@RobitStudios> im curious myself
  189. [15:37] <Halader> Yeah, that would be interesting
  190. [15:37] <@fetalstar> yeah!
  191. [15:37] <@fetalstar> any suggestions on what i could use?
  192. [15:37] <@fetalstar> for recording
  193. [15:38] <@RobitStudios> i asked someone on twitter who does it - but i forgot what he said - let me see if i can find it
  194. [15:38] <Klaimen> i don't have much experience with that
  195. [15:39] <Klaimen> i messed up once using camstudio
  196. [15:39] <Klaimen> you have to be careful about settings...
  197. [15:39] <Thermoptic> the Camtasia application is probably the best to record the screen. i guess it can do timelapse too. not sure
  198. [15:40] <@RobitStudios> haha yeah camstudio was the recommendation i got too
  199. [15:40] <@RobitStudios> "  Works, but a little shady. Tries to trick you into installing all this junkware so be wary!"
  200. [15:40] <@fetalstar> ahaha
  201. [15:40] <Klaimen> hm. if you're doing a timelapse i guess you could use a screenshot tool, too
  202. [15:40] <@fetalstar> oh no, i guess by timelapse i mean
  203. [15:40] <@fetalstar> i'll record a video
  204. [15:40] <@fetalstar> and speed it up
  205. [15:40] <@fetalstar> so you don't have an 8 hour video
  206. [15:40] <@fetalstar> hahaha
  207. [15:41] <Klaimen> i'd speed it up myself then lol
  208. [15:41] <@RobitStudios> yeah, and you might be able to setup recording software to only a frame a second or something too
  209. [15:41] <Thermoptic> Yeah with Camtasia, just record the screen in realtime. then after when done just change to Clip Speed to 30% or whatever to make it go really fast. like a timelapse
  210. [15:41] <@fetalstar> i may stream too? but for speed's sake i may opt out of that
  211. [15:41] <@fetalstar> yeah, Thermoptic, that sounds like exactly what i want to do
  212. [15:41] <@fetalstar> might put TAW music over the final video :3
  213. [15:42] <Klaimen> yeah, snatch that from robert
  214. [15:42] <Klaimen> what's he doing anyhow?
  215. [15:43] <@RobitStudios> he had some personal stuff he had to do
  216. [15:43] <@RobitStudios> he did want me to say hello for him though
  217. [15:44] <@RobitStudios> oh man, he just sent us a new the other day
  218. [15:44] <Klaimen> cool, alright!
  219. [15:44] <@RobitStudios> for our new island
  220. [15:44] <Klaimen> his new tracks are really cool so far!
  221. [15:44] <@RobitStudios> i kind of want to tell you all what it is - but it'd be a spoiler
  222. [15:45] <Klaimen> i'm curious!
  223. [15:45] <Halader> Yeah, No Spoilers!
  224. [15:45] <Klaimen> a hint maybe?
  225. [15:46] <@fetalstar> it's new
  226. [15:46] <@fetalstar> is the spoiler
  227. [15:47] <@RobitStudios> haha yeah - well i'll just say it's going to be something different than any of the other islands
  228. [15:47] <@RobitStudios> and it's going to be the hardest area in the game
  229. [15:47] <Klaimen> new gameplay mechanics?
  230. [15:47] <@RobitStudios> not new player mechanics - but a new game mechanic yeah
  231. [15:48] <Klaimen> cool!
  232. [15:48] <Tolipohs> Sounds pretty cool.
  233. [15:49] <@RobitStudios> its going to be an option island - with a very useful reward
  234. [15:50] <@RobitStudios> and the plan is also that even FINDING the island is going to be a challenge
  235. [15:50] <Klaimen> i love secrets in games
  236. [15:50] <Klaimen> yeah, i was about to say
  237. [15:50] <@RobitStudios> but thats it - no more spoilers
  238. [15:50] <Klaimen> i hope TAW will have many rewarding secrets - guess that will be a big one!
  239. [15:51] <@RobitStudios> dont worry we're adding plenty of new secrets
  240. [15:52] <Thermoptic> One thing i have been thinking about, will you be adding more "checkpoints" on difficult areas. so if you die you dont have to do the area from the beginning again. or will you leave it as it is in tag?
  241. [15:52] <@RobitStudios> good question!
  242. [15:53] <@RobitStudios> so there is actually an auto save now - in addition to the checkpoints
  243. [15:53] <@RobitStudios> and when you die you have the option to load from the auto save or the checkpoint
  244. [15:53] <Halader> It's in the demo, right?
  245. [15:53] <@RobitStudios> the autosave happens whenever you enter a door to new area
  246. [15:53] <@RobitStudios> yeah it is, Halader
  247. [15:53] <@RobitStudios> but only the checkpoints restore your health
  248. [15:54] <@RobitStudios> i made it an option for people whor requested an auto save
  249. [15:54] <@RobitStudios> but i would like to do a hardcore mode
  250. [15:54] <@RobitStudios> that elmininates the autosave
  251. [15:54] <Klaimen> play the game in one sitting lol
  252. [15:54] <Tolipohs> Will the auto saves persist after the game is exited?
  253. [15:54] <@RobitStudios> yes
  254. [15:55] <Thermoptic> the "GloboCorp Factory 1" area was extremy difficult as you had no idea what way to take, so you had to try over and over and over to find the right way. would really have wanted one or two checkpoints there :)
  255. [15:55] <Klaimen> makes sense, that's what save points are for
  256. [15:56] <@RobitStudios> yeah - its tough to make decisions like that because it can change how people play the game when you add autosave
  257. [15:56] <@RobitStudios> but alot of people asked for it
  258. [15:56] <@RobitStudios> but having the option to play without it should solve the problem
  259. [15:57] <Klaimen> i don't mind that much but can see why people want it
  260. [15:57] <Tolipohs> Is hardcore just no autosaves or will there be other changes?
  261. [15:57] <Klaimen> in some games i like such a feature, but i don't think TAG / TAW need it
  262. [15:58] <@RobitStudios> i'm not sure Tolipohs - it might just end up being a toggle for turning autosave on or off
  263. [15:59] <@RobitStudios> im trying not to add too many features that wern't planned from the beggining - but it could always end up being free DLC too
  264. [15:59] <Klaimen> day 1 DLC lol
  265. [15:59] <Tolipohs> Nice.
  266. [16:00] <@RobitStudios> there are so many things i would love to include in the game - but it has to get done eventually :P
  267. [16:00] <@RobitStudios> but the idea of updating it later is appealing
  268. [16:00] <Halader> It doesn't have to be something too involved. Like, hard core mode could have enemies do double damage, no auto saves, maybe less health regen items or something?
  269. [16:00] <Tolipohs> Right. Any plans for a New game plus?
  270. [16:01] <@RobitStudios> hmm, well a new game plus and a hardcore mode would probably end up being one in the same
  271. [16:01] <@RobitStudios> maybe we could do an autosave toggle that you can get from the start - but the hardcore mode is unlocked after beating the game
  272. [16:02] <@RobitStudios> and it forces no autosave
  273. [16:02] <Tolipohs> So kinda like Master Quest for Ocarina of Time?
  274. [16:02] <@RobitStudios> yeah! ok thats going on my list of possible additions
  275. [16:04] <Klaimen> ok i need to drop out now
  276. [16:04] <Klaimen> thanks for the chat session!
  277. [16:04] <Tolipohs> Bye.
  278. [16:04] <@RobitStudios> ok thats for chatting with us Klaimen! have a good night
  279. [16:04] <Klaimen> you guys too! bye bye!
  280. [16:05] <Klaimen> (and girls!)
  281. [16:05] <@RobitStudios> i guess it is about that time - does anyone else have anything they'd like to add before we wrap up?
  282. [16:05] *** Klaimen quit (Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Go on, try it!)
  283. [16:05] <Halader> i don't think so
  284. [16:05] <Tolipohs> Nope.
  285. [16:06] <Halader> anything else we need to know about your upcoming cons?
  286. [16:07] <@RobitStudios> well, the only ones i have scheduled at the moment are Pax and TMG - when they get closer to happening I'll post/email where out booths/tables will be
  287. [16:07] <Halader> ok
  288. [16:07] <@RobitStudios> we'll have swag available!
  289. [16:07] <@RobitStudios> and i'd like to have posters for sale too
  290. [16:08] <Halader> what kinds of swag, and around how much will they be?
  291. [16:09] <@RobitStudios> we'll have buttons and cards for free and if we do posters i'd like to keep them around or under $5
  292. [16:09] <Tolipohs> What's TMG?
  293. [16:09] <@RobitStudios> Too Many Games - its in philadelphia
  294. [16:10] <@fetalstar> i'll give you a link to a printing site my friend uses when she sells posters at cons
  295. [16:10] <@fetalstar> if i remember right they're fairly reasonable
  296. [16:10] <@RobitStudios> cool - think you'll have time to make up a poster?
  297. [16:10] <@RobitStudios> or we could repurpose something youve already made
  298. [16:11] <Halader> less than a month and a half until pax!
  299. [16:11] <@RobitStudios> ugh - thats not enough time!
  300. [16:11] <@RobitStudios> haha
  301. [16:13] <Tolipohs> Wish I could get to either of those cons.
  302. [16:13] <@RobitStudios> Tolipohs, where do you live?
  303. [16:14] <Tolipohs> I'm in NY, 3hour drive to Boston.
  304. [16:14] <@RobitStudios> oh, nice - i'm in NY too - Queens
  305. [16:15] <@RobitStudios> I think tickets for Too Many Games are available and the hotel rooms are cheap
  306. [16:15] <Tolipohs> Kinda have to get a job, and car.
  307. [16:15] <@RobitStudios> ah, i understand :P
  308. [16:16] <@RobitStudios> are you in NYC?
  309. [16:16] <Tolipohs> Greenwich
  310. [16:16] <Tolipohs> Not in nyc though
  311. [16:18] <@RobitStudios> oh yeah, near albany?
  312. [16:18] <Tolipohs> About an hour away.
  313. [16:19] <@RobitStudios> ok, well I need to sign off - going to try getting some work done tonight
  314. [16:20] <Tolipohs> Alright, thanks again for doing this, bye.
  315. [16:20] <@RobitStudios> you're welcome! Thank you everyone for attending.
  316. [16:20] <@RobitStudios> talk to you soon! bye
  317. [16:21] <Halader> bye
  318. [16:21] *** Tolipohs quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
  319. [16:21] *** Halader ( left ()
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