
Family Reunion

Apr 26th, 2015
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  1. 19:13 Chain -Shiveluch, a volcano in Russia. Many think it just has magma inside it, but Transcendence believe one of the strongest demons live trapped inside-
  2. 19:14 Chain was with multiple troops, watching the Volcano
  3. 19:15 Begrado "This is the place?" Begrado laughs. "Some crummy old volcano, one of these weather angel, or whatever it is, lives in this?"
  4. 19:16 Chain "Ala are demons. For a Scientist you don't do much research. Is klyuchi contained?"
  5. 19:18 Begrado "As if any form of theology is an actual necessity to study." He mutters angrily at Chain. "So how would this Ala thing differ from the Red Menace?"
  6. 19:20 Chain "First off, she will be complete and not in cell stage. Plus for all we know her power could be greater. Think about it, a hurricanes, tornadoes, in seconds."
  7. 19:22 Chain "Send the first Miner team in, we will need to place the explosives in specific spots for it to work"
  8. 19:25 Chain "Ans tell me, your calculations are correct? We are far away enough to survive the blast?"
  9. 19:27 Begrado "Yes. The explosion and disruption of the Volcano should be rather small. There aren't any tectonic plates that worsen the volcano so far, by accuracy, the worst thing that could happen is that we would get a bad cough from the smoke." Begrado states arrogantly.
  10. 19:29 Chain "good, have the tray of food ready as well, Ala are known for eating anyhting, but new foods should get her attention"
  11. 19:31 Begrado "Let the fireworks ensue." He rambles. He gives the detonation device to Chain. "Since you've been a good little soldier fighting for what's right, you get to reactivate one of earth's glory holes."
  12. 19:34 Chain "Let us hope she sees the food first." He activates the bombs and...
  13. 19:35 *** TheLantern joined #covenger_rp
  14. 19:35 Chain Nothing happens
  15. 19:35 *** Antenora joined #covenger_rp
  16. 19:36 Chain "...Once again, your devices done work"
  17. 19:36 Begrado gets impatient. "Did you press it correctly?" He looks at Chain, getting stressed from the lack of sound.
  18. 19:36 Chain looks at the device, it says the bombs went off, and while they looked and argued, they didn't notice the shifting clouds
  19. 19:39 Begrado "HAH!" He laughs maniacally. "Of course this is coming from somebody who of course knows how Geography works. How do we not know the fact that this little storm demon myth is utter bullshit? Maybe that "Ala" you saw back at the tournament was a hoax." He starts getting violent. He grabs the device and looks at the indication that the bomb went off.
  20. 19:42 Chain Thunder begins as lightning strikes the Volcano, the very earth under them begins to shake. Wind blowing people closer to the volcano away, and then, a mix of an lightning storm, tornado, and volcanic eruption, and a blast so strong, even Chain and Begrado were blown back
  21. 19:44 Begrado stands corrected. He suddenly remains silent and watches the lightning suddenly strike the landscape and clouds above. He looks down at the people scowering to get to safer ground, in absolute awe of seeing this kind of energy, this kind of momentum take place due to a bomb.
  22. 19:45 *** MGFYaway is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  23. 19:45 Chain The Eruption went on for a few good minutes, and while Chain and Begrado lived, the many near the volcano were most likely ash
  24. 19:48 Chain Soon it died off as fast as it came. Flouting above the Volcano, a blue skin girl with White hair
  25. 19:48 Isidora was all the way back in Neon, sitting outside of a little dumb cafe trying her best to understand the cuisine. Then she felt a twitch. Something big just went off, and she could feel it all the way at the other side of the globe. Throwing aside her drink she jolted off into the sky in a panic.
  26. 19:49 Begrado "Stalin is going to love this." He starts to regain confidence after observing the destruction. "He is going to drool for this." He laughs.
  27. 19:49 Chain The girl flew down to the two men, her private parts and mouth covered in tatters
  28. 19:49 *** Cveta joined #covenger_rp
  29. 19:51 Cveta "Ко си ти , где сам ја ?"
  30. 19:52 Chain realized a massive mistake in their plan, no translator
  31. 19:53 Begrado "Ми смо трансценденција , а ти ћеш да нам помогне ." Begrado suddenly notices the language she is speaking. "Игноре тхис , друго , особу . Он јеслабији карика у ово . Ви сте оно што нам треба ."
  32. 19:56 Chain "of course you know what shes saying. Smug Bastard"
  33. 19:58 Cveta "Трансценденција ?" She looked weak, mail nourished, her eyes like nothing on earth, just a yellow circle. She went from calm, confused, to anger, pure anger and hate, she just remember what has happened to her so many years ago "Колико дуго сам био унутра ?"
  34. 19:59 Chain "What Did she say?"
  35. 20:00 Begrado "She's wondering how long she's been captive in the volcano." Begrado is slightly more interested in the concept of demons, and you can tell that he takes more interest in Cveta than he does Chain by his tone of voice.
  36. 20:00 Chain "Lets see, carry the one....500 years or so"
  37. 20:01 Begrado "Предуго . Снага као твој треба да буде од велике користи свима онима којима је потребна ." He tries to persuade Cveta. He thinks back to what Chain was saying about food. "Имамо храну . Многи намирнице које ћете сигурно уживати."
  38. 20:04 Cveta "Како . дугачак?" Her anger was blocking her hunger, clouds became darker as she got madder
  39. 20:05 Begrado "Мој пријатељ ми каже пет стотина година ." He doesn't take notice. "Феелс дуго , зар не ?"
  40. 20:09 --- Flareburst is away (saving russia)
  41. 20:10 Cveta She stumbles back, 500 years, 500 years in that hell. No, she can not show weakness, the last time she did, it wasn't pretty. She shot up, looking out to the ocean, someone was there
  42. 20:11 --- Bud is back
  43. 20:11 Cveta She nearly cries, as she blasts off to the ocean, away from the two men, and towards Isidora
  44. 20:12 --- Flareburst is back
  45. 20:13 Isidora was already making her way across the ocean as fast as she possibly could. The feeling of another one of her sisters was something that she could always detect, and if there was one still around it meant a lot of trouble.
  46. 20:14 Cveta finally sees Isidora in the distance, hugging her as the come together
  47. 20:16 Isidora stopped in midair, her breath quick and ragged as she set her eyes upon her sister, long, long past since they last met. Since they were all imprisoned. Before a word can even be shared she's hugged by Cveta, twitching gently in surprise before her hands settled back around her in embrace
  48. 20:17 Cveta <Five hundred years, that bastard trapped us for five hundred years>
  49. 20:18 Isidora "<Sister... I know. We were all trapped in there. How... How did you get out of there? It was by pure chance that my prison happened into a volcano, one that erupted>
  50. 20:21 Cveta <Two men, one looked like a knight, the other looked like a duke, or royal, his clothing wasn't one of a farmer>
  51. 20:22 *** Wells is now known as Database_
  52. 20:23 Isidora "<You'll... find most clothing nowadays is very different than it once was, Cveta>" If she looked closely, rather than the grand old dresses they wore in their prime, she was dressed as any other human. "<Its... been a while>"
  53. 20:24 --- Flareburst is away (games)
  54. 20:25 Cveta looked at her clothing, confused. She looked nothing like she did, she looked, indescribable to her. Then she noticed, Isi wasn't only NICE to her, but she smelled of a mortal
  55. 20:26 Isidora "<Cveta. Listen, its been a long, long time... I need to get you to safety>"
  56. 20:27 Cveta "Safety? We are Ala, gods to the petty mortals. Which you smell of"
  57. 20:28 Database_ [rekt]
  58. 20:28 Isidora feared exactly this. "<Cveta... 500 years are past. We're the only two of our kind out of our prisons. Our power isn't what it used to be>"
  59. 20:29 Isidora "<A lot has changed, and we... Please. I need to get you home with me. You'll understand>"
  60. 20:30 *** Begrado quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  61. 20:31 Cveta <Home? Baba, she will take us back in?>
  62. 20:37 Isidora "<Baba is gone, Cveta. I don't know where she is. I haven't felt her ever since we were imprisoned....>"
  63. 20:38 Cveta <...N-no, you can't be right, she is...gone>
  64. 20:38 *** Chain left #covenger_rp
  65. 20:38 Isidora "<Try. You can't feel her. Or anybody else. I looked all over, I couldn't find anybody.... You're the first to come up>"
  66. 20:40 Cveta <only us. The last two Ala?>
  67. 20:40 Isidora took in a sigh and tried to hug her sister again. "<Yes. We're the last two. I... I thought I was the last one all this time>"
  68. 20:42 Cveta She is sad, but, as she hugged her sister, something dawned on her. <How long?>
  69. 20:42 Isidora "<...More than a year ago, perhaps two, I have been free>"
  70. 20:44 Cveta <And through all that time. You not only fitted in with filthy mortals, but didn't even try to free any of our sisters?>
  71. 20:46 Cveta She pushes Dora away <Did you even think of us? Did you try finding Baba? Or did you just leave us to that hell?>
  72. 20:46 Isidora blinked, pausing a moment. "<Cveta.... There's no way I would have been able to do that. Its just by some kind of chance we both got free!>"
  73. 20:47 Isidora "<There was no way I could have saved you and.... you have any idea what would happen if we all were free again, even if I could do it? If I could even find you?>"
  74. 20:49 Cveta <So you left us to be tortured, left us to suffer while you made friends with mortals?> She sniffs the air <You even befriended a Horn Breed!?>
  75. 20:50 Isidora "<Can you even hear yourself?!.... Listen, when I was free, I was like you. I lashed out in every direction, but that isn't how we're supposed to handle this. We have a second chance at our lives>"
  76. 20:51 Isidora "<You can feel it too, can't you? The hunger isn't as strong anymore. You mentioned men before, you'd have eaten them alive if you were the same as you once were!>"
  77. 20:51 Isidora "<I couldn't free anybody, its impossible to do that. Its all chance. And we both have a second chance right now>"
  78. 20:52 *** Antenora quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  79. 20:54 Cveta <Why should I trust you? You always bossed us around, said you were stronger, but the sec Big Sis attacked me, you just watched> She pulls down the mouth rag, showing the two cuts extending her mouth. <You sat back and let this happen>
  80. 20:54 --- Flareburst is back
  81. 20:54 *** Flareburst quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  82. 20:55 Isidora went back a moment, seeing the tearing of Cveta's lips and having the memories all jolt right back to her. She grit her teeth and shot back her own shout as the clouds around them grew stormier.
  83. 20:57 Isidora "<I'm not the same as I was, Cveta. We're the last two around, we can't just fight over things long past like this!>" Just as she always did, unfortunately, she turned to trying to enforce her opinion rather than trying to help her lost sister.
  84. 20:58 Isidora "<You have to come with me. You need to see the new world>"
  85. 20:59 Cveta <oh, so now I /have/ to. We are the last two free Ala, yet you still see yourself as the higher up?>
  86. 21:00 Isidora "<I've been free longer!>"
  87. 21:04 Cveta <And its weakened you. You made friends with mortals haven't you?> clouds were thundering, waves were building <Maybe I should join the two men who freed me, they treated me with respect. Something you never did>
  88. 21:06 Isidora "<Now is not the time, Cveta! You're being irrational>"
  89. 21:10 Cveta <Me irrational? Me. You did what something no Ala ever has, if Baba was still here, she would of DISOWNED YOU!>
  90. 21:10 Database_ [dude...]
  91. 21:10 Cveta <You're no better then the filthy Mortals, even worse then Horn Breeds!>
  92. 21:13 *** Database_ is now known as Wells
  93. 21:13 Isidora had her temper flare up in a lightning strike, thrashing Cveta back away from her. "<How dare you say that!? Of anybody to be let loose, of all the chances, it has to be you! Even now you won't stop blaming me for what happens to you!>"
  94. 21:13 Isidora "<I wasn't the one who put us away, Cveta! But we're all that's left!>"
  95. 21:14 Cveta <NO!>
  96. 21:14 Cveta <I'm all thats left. You don't deserve to be called an Ala>
  97. 21:15 Isidora "<You little shit!>" Surging forward, she pounced out at her sister in a fit of rage.
  98. 21:17 Cveta didn't react in time, Dora punching her. But she doesn't hit back, only stares at her, letting her see what she did as a bit of blood drips from the old cut
  99. 21:18 Cveta <maybe you are an Ala, attacking your sisters, Big Sis would be proud>
  100. 21:19 Isidora stopped in midair, staring as her rage went as soon as it came, seeing the blood of her own sister and hearing the words that followed. "<I..... No, no... Cveta, that isn't what I....>"
  101. 21:20 *** TheLantern quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  102. 21:22 Cveta turns around. <Goodbye Dora. Enjoy your mortals and Horn Breed>
  103. 21:23 Isidora tries to trail after her, shaking her head. "<No. No. Please, I got into a fit, I wasn't thinking! Its been so long since I last saw you, I just->"
  104. 21:23 Cveta flies off, not letting Dora see her tears
  105. 21:25 Isidora doesn't even bother trying to go after her. She just sort of stayed in the air, silent and generally shocked. There wasn't going to be salvaging this today, she knew that. Instead she parted her own way from there, returning to America as her sister to Russia
  106. 21:26 *** Chain joined #covenger_rp
  107. 21:27 Chain was overseeing everything left being backed up, ready for transport, and seeing a blue haired girl fly down
  108. 21:28 Cveta lands near Chain, extending her hand to him
  109. 21:33 Chain "Oh? Good to see you came back. Tell me, what, is, your, name?"
  110. 21:33 Cveta "цвјета...Cveta"
  111. 21:34 Chain "Welcome to Transcendence Cveta"
  113. 21:36 Wells sat there, on a small secluded beach, by himself, somewhere in Portugal, equipped with pretty casual travel gear, his helmet on, watching the city's current status. It's the usual shit, but just then, he's suddenly overcome with a strange sense of fear. He gulps,"Glad I hopped outta that place while I could...but something tells me this trip might not be worth it....I might regret looking...
  114. 21:36 Wells ...for this kid...I hope DB and that lady I hired can hold the fort in my absence..." He took off his helmet, and tossed it far into the sea. "Shit! I hope this doesn't choke a turtle or some shit!....UH...." The helmet explodes, "No evidence..." he says. He shrugs nonchalantly and runs off as if not wanting to be seen in the middles of a crime.
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