
AnonXZombieSelf, Coffin

Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. >Darkness
  2. >You gasp
  3. >Wheezing in the stale, dank air
  4. >Your legs feel numb, stiff
  5. >And your arms feel like they're falling apart
  6. >How long have you been under?
  7. >You open your eyes
  8. >They're already open
  9. >It's still dark
  10. >You reach a hand out
  11. >And feel
  12. >Wood
  13. >But it's wrong, different
  14. >You don't have your fingers, just a stub where it used to be
  15. >Your hands push against it
  16. >Something shuffles in
  17. >It scraps against your side
  18. >It's dirt
  19. >You're buried underground
  20. >Alone
  21. >Suffocating
  22. >You wheeze in again
  23. >Coughing
  24. >Sputtering
  25. >The air feels the same
  26. >Your lungs burn a little
  27. >Every part of you hurts
  28. >Every thing feels wrong
  29. >The dirt seems to get caught in your...
  30. >Fur?
  31. >Your arms scramble around your body
  32. >Feeling soft fur in lieu of skin
  33. >Thick mane in place of hair
  34. >And really nice soft flanks
  35. >You can't see to tell
  36. >Poking around
  37. >But it seems suspiciously like a pony
  38. >Your hands - now hooves - move up along the side
  39. >Feeling around
  40. >Your breath shortens a little
  41. >But it doesn't help
  42. >You don't even feel any comfort breathing
  43. >It gets shorter
  44. >And you lean back and close your eyes
  45. >Trying to calm down
  46. >Breathing slower
  47. >Slower
  48. >Until you stop breathing
  49. >And keep on stopping
  50. >Wait
  51. >What?
  52. >There's no pain
  53. >No burning sensation
  54. >No need to breathe
  55. >You open your eyes
  56. >Still darkness
  57. >And you thump against the wood above
  58. >Something cracks
  59. >Thump
  60. >Crack
  61. >Your hoof still hurts
  62. "HELP!"
  63. >It echoes loudly
  64. >Ringing in your ears
  65. >But no one came
  66. >If you keep on hitting, the dirt will fall down
  67. >You're not sure how deep you're buried
  68. >You could spend eternity here
  69. >You're going to die here
  70. >Something still feels off
  71. >How did you get here?
  72. >Nothing comes to mind
  73. >You don't even remember what you did
  74. >Where you were
  75. >Your hoof rubs against the wood above
  76. >And suddenly something jabs
  77. >You yelp out, pulling out
  78. >Feeling the familiar burn of a splinter
  79. >Well, fuck
  80. >There's literally nothing to do
  81. >Except...
  82. >Well, your flanks did feel soft
  83. >And nice
  84. >And you reach down
  86. >Your soft hoof reaches down between your legs
  87. >Grasping
  88. >Looking for something
  89. >And
  90. >Nothing
  91. >No shaft
  92. >No cock
  93. >Just
  94. >You shudder
  95. >Twitch
  96. >Gasp softly
  97. >As your hoof touches on your slit
  98. >The feeling is electric
  99. >Even just the slightest touch
  100. >And your back arches
  101. >You bring it up
  102. >Why are you panting?
  103. >You don't even need the air
  104. >But
  105. >Your hoof moves down
  106. >Slowly
  107. >The anticipation ripples across
  108. >Tickling sensations on your fur
  109. >As it inches closer
  110. >Connects
  111. >And a surge of pleasure rocks through you
  112. >It was nothing like this before
  113. >You remember that much at least
  114. >It's like the first time
  115. >When you rolled back that skin
  116. >Touched that nub
  117. >Shocks throughout your body
  118. >So sensitive
  119. >Like a virgin
  120. >And you pull your hoof up
  121. >Legs spread
  122. >The feelings loosen your body a little
  123. >Limbs a little more nimble
  124. >And you feel a little warmer
  125. >Is this normal?
  126. >Is this the end?
  127. >To masturbate for eternity?
  128. >This wasn't what you wanted
  129. >But
  130. >Slick
  131. >Moan
  132. >Thump
  133. >Your leg hitting the side
  134. >Sends dirt rattling down on your fur
  135. >And you bring your wet hoof out
  136. >There's nothing else to do
  137. >You're stick here
  138. >A dark place
  139. >A hopefully cute pony with you
  140. >In a weird sort of way
  141. >What would anyone do in your place?
  142. >You bring your hoof down
  143. >Slide it down
  144. >Gasping
  145. >Rocking
  146. >Legs twitching
  147. >It feels like you're stroking for the first time
  148. >And your hoof reaches the end
  149. >Slowing down
  150. >Sliding up
  151. >Waves of pleasure ripple through you
  152. >Your tongue tastes the air
  153. >As it rolls out
  154. >And you bring your hoof off
  155. >Up
  156. >Towards you
  157. >Towards your tongue
  158. >And touch
  159. >And you dry heave, shoving your arm out
  160. >Holy fuck
  161. >That tasted absolutely disgusting
  162. >Like the slightly salty taste of rotten food
  163. >Mixed with something bitter
  164. >And wrong
  165. >And horrible
  166. >You gag
  167. >Cough
  168. >Almost vomit
  169. >Except there's nothing there
  170. >What sort of hell is this?
  172. >You shudder
  173. >Spit out as much as you can
  174. >Off to the side
  175. >You're in a nice mare form
  176. >And she - or really, you - taste disgusting
  177. >At least
  178. >Your hoof moves down
  179. >Rubbing against your fur
  180. >Down your stomach
  181. >Just for the nice feeling
  182. >The tickling of fur on fur
  183. >You close your eyes
  184. >Nothing visibly changes
  185. >But you focus
  186. >On the...
  187. >What was that?
  188. >You hoof stops at your stomach
  189. >Squishes down
  190. >And something wet meets you
  191. >Squish
  192. >Squelch
  193. >It feels weird
  194. >Tingly
  195. >It pools a little
  196. >Clumps your fur
  197. >And you scratch at it
  198. >Rubbing at it
  199. >Whatever
  200. >You'll have plenty of time
  201. >Right now you're curious
  202. >Your wet hoof slides further down
  203. >Lower
  204. >Lower
  205. >And flicks on your nub
  206. >Sending you gasping out
  207. >Thumping against the walls
  208. >Dirt shuffles down
  209. >Falling onto you face
  210. >And you sputter
  211. >The soil is metallic in your mouth
  212. >And rocky
  213. >You turn to your side
  214. >As best as you can
  215. >There's not enough for your body to turn
  216. >Just your head
  217. >And you cough out the dirt
  218. >How did that even get there?
  219. >Are there cracks in the-
  220. >Oh right
  221. >There might be cracks
  222. >The soil clings to your tongue
  223. >And you bring your other hoof
  224. >Into your mouth
  225. >Scraping the soil out
  226. >And a jolt of pain runs through you
  227. >Right, the splinter
  228. >This day has just been shit
  229. >You cough
  230. >Getting some more of the soil out
  231. >Some of it falls down your throat
  232. >That's it
  233. >You're going to choke now
  234. >Except
  235. >You don't really need to breathe
  236. >The dirt scratches on your throat
  237. >Why do you even feel it?
  238. >Your wet hoof goes to your chest
  239. >Thumps
  240. >Soil loosens
  241. >Thump
  242. >Yeah, no gravity
  243. >Can't go anywhere
  244. >Fuck it
  245. >Your hoof moves down again
  246. >No matter what
  247. >You close your mouth
  248. >Grit your teeth
  249. >Tighten your legs in
  250. >No matter what happens
  251. >You're going to make the best of this stupid situation
  252. >And just cum
  253. >Your hoof moves between your thighs
  254. >Rubbing on the inner part
  255. >Matting the fur
  256. >Drying your hoof a little
  257. >Tracing down
  258. >Back to your slit
  260. >Ignore the scratching of rocks
  261. >The shuffling of soil clumps
  262. >Ignore the throbbing pain
  263. >Ignore the pooling liquids on your stomach
  264. >Just focus on the warmth
  265. >The electric pleasure
  266. >The jolt as your hoof flicks up
  267. >Down
  268. >Up goes your back
  269. >Arching
  270. >You moan out
  271. >Can't help but open your mouth
  272. >Letting the loud moan vibrate
  273. >Crescendo
  274. >Flick
  275. >Flick
  276. >The coffin shudders a little
  277. >Your body is making all of the motions
  278. >Your hoof rubs faster
  279. >Faster
  280. >If you could see it it'd be a blur
  281. >You dig in
  282. >And feel wetness
  283. >Your wetness
  284. >It's cold
  285. >But in the moment you don't care
  286. >And your flicking shifts
  287. >Moving in, slowly
  288. >Just prodding at first
  289. >Spreading your legs slightly
  290. >Careful not to touch the sides
  291. >Pushing it in
  292. >Your hoof squishes
  293. >Squelches
  294. >The jolting pleasure shifts
  295. >Each push, shove, thrust
  296. >Sends a softer wave of pleasure through your body
  297. >Like you're being filled
  298. >In a good way
  299. >As your fur scrapes against your folds
  300. >The electrifying sensation still ripples out
  301. >But subdued compared to the pushing
  302. >The filling motion
  303. >Your body rocks back
  304. >The feeling is like a pulling inside you
  305. >Like if someone held your sack back when
  306. >Giving it a gentle squeeze
  307. >It feels weird
  308. >Pleasurable
  309. >Different
  310. >As your hoof slides a little more
  311. >More and more
  312. >The pulling sensation grows
  313. >Your insides feel your hoof
  314. >And your walls squeeze against it
  315. >Naturally
  316. >Like you just knew how to do this
  317. >And for some reason
  318. >It turns you on
  319. >Feeling your warm folds massaging your hoof
  320. >You're panting uninhibited now
  321. >Gasping
  322. >And you keep your hoof there
  323. >Basking in the warmth you feel
  324. >And the sensation of having something inside you
  325. >Something yours
  326. >You wiggle your hoof
  327. >The tickling on the inside forces you to twitch
  328. >It feels so good
  329. >And you pull it out
  330. >Just slightly
  331. >And relax
  332. >Wow, you were really tense
  333. >You feel your body tightening
  334. >Preparing
  335. >As your hoof thrusts in once more
  336. >Forcing a loud moan out of your lips
  338. >You feel it
  339. >The familiar buildup
  340. >Tensing
  341. >Pleasure rising
  342. >Your hoof thrusts again
  343. >Scraping soil against you
  344. >The rocks and soil in your throat vibrate
  345. >Thrashing against your skin
  346. >As you keep on moaning out
  347. >This is way too pleasurable
  348. >Way too good
  349. >Hoof pulls out
  350. >Your body relaxes
  351. >Hoof rams in
  352. >And you arch again
  353. >And it keeps going
  354. >Pump
  355. >Moan
  356. >Pump
  357. >Moan
  358. >And you clench tightly around your hoof
  359. >Muscles squeezing on fur
  360. >Yelling out as loudly as you can
  361. >Partially for help
  362. >Partially because holy fuck this feels good
  363. >Liquids pour out onto your hooves
  364. >Splattering onto the fur
  365. >The ground underneath
  366. >Wetting your rump as it pools underneath
  367. >And you pull out
  368. >Resting your hooves on the side
  369. >Leaning back
  370. >Panting
  371. >Even if you don't need air
  372. >Even if it hurts to breath
  373. >It just feels right to pant
  374. >Bask in the afterglow
  375. >Lean back
  376. >And for the first time
  377. >In what seems like forever
  378. >It feels okay
  379. >You wouldn't really mind it
  380. >Just staying here
  381. >Repeating
  382. >Cumming for all eternity
  383. >Your head turns to the side
  384. >Nothing
  385. >Not even a small speck of light
  386. >And the realization settles in
  387. >You might be here forever
  388. >And there's nothing you could do about it
  389. >Your hoof moves to your stomach
  390. >Rubbing on the pooling liquid
  391. >Weird
  392. >It has the same viscosity as your fluids
  393. >You flick it off
  394. >Splattering it against the walls
  395. >It feels uncomfortable
  396. >You keep on doing that
  397. >As you relax
  398. >Eyes already closed
  399. >Listening
  400. >Just the sound of breathing
  401. >And...
  402. >Thumping?
  403. >Wait
  404. >You don't even need to breathe
  405. >And you stop
  406. >Fighting that weird desire for a steady sound
  407. >Your movements slow
  408. >Thumping
  409. >But
  410. >Getting further away
  411. "HEY! HELP!"
  412. >Shit
  413. >You might even get out of this
  414. >Thump
  415. >That was you
  416. >Soil drizzles down
  417. >It's too dangerous to keep going
  418. >At least you had a small room
  419. >You'd rather not be buried in soil
  420. "HEY!"
  421. >The thumping fades away
  422. >Was it always there?
  423. >Dammit
  424. >Did your sounds drown out their sounds?
  425. >You yell out
  426. >Almost a roar
  427. >Fuck this shit
  429. >Silence
  430. >The thumping has faded away
  431. >To nothing
  432. >Maybe they'll come back?
  433. >Right?
  434. >Your hoof moves up
  435. >And shirk back when you feel the throbbing again
  436. >What kind of sick joke is this?
  437. >You're buried, far underneath who knows where
  438. >And there's a splinter
  439. >Rocks in your throat
  440. >Something weird and sticky on your stomach
  441. >You fight back the urge to thump against the coffin
  442. >Really hard
  443. >Like someone is laughing at you
  444. >And you're holding them by the throat
  445. >And you have to not sock them
  446. >You're glad you have such restraint
  447. >Your head turns to the side
  448. >Trying to calm down
  449. >There will be plenty other chances
  450. >Maybe it was a cemetery
  451. >Where lots of ponies come by
  452. >Or it could be in the middle of nowhere
  453. >Or the everfree
  454. >Who were you?
  455. >Your rub against your fur
  456. >Just softness
  457. >Some wrinkles
  458. >Nothing out of the ordinary
  459. >Nothing could be determined
  460. >You have no idea how ponies feel
  461. >Your hoof moves up to your face
  462. >Feeling your cheeks
  463. >A little loose
  464. >But
  465. >Maybe that just came with the territory?
  466. >Your hooves fall back to your sides
  467. >Resting
  468. >Maybe you'll just rest
  469. >And try to pass the time
  470. >There's really nothing else to do but lay
  471. >Rest
  472. >Fap
  473. >Sleep
  474. >What else are you going to do?
  475. >And you try to sleep
  476. >Really try
  477. >But it keeps bothering you
  478. >Splinter
  479. >Soil
  480. >Liquid
  481. >Throb
  482. >Shuffle
  483. >Slosh
  484. >How the hell are you going to sleep?
  485. >You shift about
  486. >Trying to find a comfortable position
  487. >Scooping soil out
  488. >Pushing them to the side
  489. >Making a nice bed of sorts
  490. >Actually the wood is also very uncomfortable
  491. >You just can't win
  492. >Maybe some soil would make it soft
  493. >So you spend some time
  494. >More like a lot of time
  495. >Rearranging the soil and wood ratios
  496. >Getting the bed just right
  497. >Shifting positions
  498. >Hoof here
  499. >No, there
  500. >Here?
  501. >There's no ability to tell time in this darkness
  502. >But it sure felt like a long time
  503. >You lean back again
  504. >Trying to relax
  505. >It did feel a lot nicer
  506. >Soil where it needs to be
  507. >Wood underneath
  508. >Just the right amount
  509. >And then you hear thudding again
  511. "HELP!"
  512. >Shuffling
  513. >Thumping
  514. >Louder
  515. >Faster
  516. >Closer
  517. >Yes
  518. >Oh shit
  519. >You're getting out of this hell
  520. >Finally
  521. >You didn't even have to spend eternity
  522. >Or even a day
  523. "I'M TRAPPED!"
  524. >Yes
  525. >Shuffling
  526. >Yes
  527. >Thud
  528. >Knock
  529. >Something shouting
  530. >"Hello?"
  531. >Slight accent
  532. >Voice a little deep
  533. >Female though
  534. "I'M HERE!"
  535. >She must've been shouting
  536. >Because while you hear something
  537. >It's completely inaudible
  538. >Shuffling again
  539. >Getting away
  540. >Oh goddammit
  541. "COME BACK!"
  542. >No response
  543. >Her thumping fades away
  544. >And
  545. >Silence
  546. >Gone was your last hope
  547. >Just snuffed like that
  548. >Why do you even bother?
  549. >It's just going to be shit anyways
  550. >Why'd you even get your hopes up?
  551. >Your hoof moves around
  552. >Feeling the nicely arranged dirt
  553. >Were you comfortable here?
  554. >Living out the rest of your life?
  555. >Your hoof moves up
  556. >The one not hurting from the splinter
  557. >Pushing against the wood
  558. >Should you stay?
  559. >Gentle push
  560. >If the soil comes down you might be stuck
  561. >Swirling against the coffin
  562. >Could you dig it up?
  563. >Could you drill your way out of this hell?
  564. >You're not ready
  565. >It'll come
  566. >Maybe she'll come back
  567. >What kind of ponies would they be if they didn't come back?
  568. >Time to pass the time again
  569. >Just for a little bit
  570. >Shuffling dirt around?
  571. >Already done
  572. >Fap?
  573. >Your hoof moves down
  574. >Brushes past the liquids
  575. >Against your spot
  576. >It tingles
  577. >But
  578. >Wait
  579. >It still feels good
  580. >You don't feel emptiness
  581. >Or the hollow feeling after fapping
  582. >A tentative rub
  583. >And you almost gasp out again
  584. >You bite your lips
  585. >Rubbing
  586. >Playing
  587. >Sending nice waves of joy through you
  588. >That's right
  589. >You could probably go several times, couldn't you?
  590. >But you stop
  591. >Just idling your hoof on yourself
  592. >Wondering
  593. >What if it was like before?
  594. >Where you would've missed them?
  595. >But you leave it there
  596. >Just resting on you
  597. >Giving you a nice sensation
  598. >Fur against slit
  599. >Brushing with each...
  600. >Right, you can stop breathing now
  601. >It helps with listening
  602. >Why did it still feel right to breathe?
  603. >You lean back
  604. >Just waiting for time to pass
  606. >Time does pass
  607. >You get bored
  608. >Very fast
  609. >Shuffling around
  610. >Twitching
  611. >Trying to stay quiet
  612. >And you hear the thumping return
  613. >Footsteps
  614. >Something scraping
  615. >Dragging along the ground
  616. >She stops
  617. >Or he
  618. >You have no idea who it is
  619. >Something scrapes
  620. >A loud blip of sound
  621. >A grunt from above
  622. >And shuffling
  623. >Were they...digging you out?
  624. >Scrape
  625. >Grunt
  626. >Shuffle
  627. >You're finally getting out
  628. >They were just going to grab a shovel
  629. >You could almost burst with joy
  630. >Your heart
  631. >Isn't quite thumping
  632. >But if it were it would be thumping very loudly
  633. >This is amazing
  634. >You're finally getting out
  635. >A smile spreads across your face
  636. >And you lay waiting
  637. >And waiting
  638. >Waiting
  639. >Scrape
  640. >Waiting
  641. >Grunt
  642. >Waiting
  643. >Shuffle
  644. >The sound isn't really getting louder
  645. >Barely
  646. >Maybe they're not even digging where you're from
  647. "HELLO?"
  648. >No response
  649. >The sound even stops
  650. >A few moments pass
  651. >Did you scare them?
  652. >It continues
  653. >And you sigh a little relief
  654. >Just have to be patient for now
  655. >No point rushing it
  656. >It's better than nothing
  657. >Now that you're no longer concerned with not hearing though
  658. >Your hoof rubs against yourself
  659. >Sending you arching a little
  660. >This time with no worries
  661. >You're going to escape
  662. >You're going to finally be free
  663. >And you deserve a reward
  664. >Your hoof rubs against you
  665. >The feeling isn't quite the same
  666. >It's more sensitive
  667. >But at the same time the highs and sensations aren't the same
  668. >It's easier to evoke a feeling
  669. >But the feeling didn't feel as good
  670. >Still great
  671. >Still
  672. >Wonderful
  673. >Slick
  674. >Slick
  675. >You make it a game
  676. >Following the motion above you
  677. >Rubbing
  678. >Body moving
  679. >Quickly moving to thrusting
  680. >Body bouncing
  681. >You let it all go this time
  682. >Just let your legs kick
  683. >Pound against the walls of your cage
  684. >As you pound against yourself
  685. >It feels really good
  686. >You should've been a mare all your life
  687. >The shuffling gets closer
  688. >As do you
  689. >Your legs rub against the sides of the coffin
  690. >Scraping
  691. >As you pant
  692. >Moan
  693. >The world above shuffles
  694. >Scrapes
  695. >Grunts
  696. >A nice flow
  698. >Your moans reach a crescendo
  699. >Hoof thrusting in and out
  700. >Filling you
  701. >Tugging at yourself
  702. >Pulling
  703. >Bringing your pleasure back up
  704. >As the world above you thumps
  705. >Shuffles
  706. >You give a loud groan
  707. >Moaning loudly
  708. >Body arches
  709. >Legs thrash wildly
  710. >Kick
  711. >Once
  712. >Twice
  713. >As more of your fluids drip out onto your hooves
  714. >Giving you the familiar wetting
  715. >Matting of fur
  716. >But this time
  717. >You leave it in
  718. >Just relaxing
  719. >Waiting
  720. >For your rescuer
  721. >Idly playing
  722. >This is amazing
  723. >You felt tired, yeah
  724. >But you still feel the sensations
  725. >It's like there's no refractory period
  726. >At all
  727. >Thunk
  728. >Light
  729. >It blinds you
  730. >And you squint
  731. >The glint of silver gray shines in the dull light
  732. >A bastion in the darkness
  733. >Yes
  734. >A million times yes
  735. >Your hoof moves out
  736. >Legs still spread
  737. >But whatever
  738. >And you thump against the sky above
  739. "Let me out!"
  740. >Throat a little hoarse
  741. >From the rocks, soil and shouting
  742. >Some more shuffling
  743. >You feel the coffin shiver a little
  744. >Oh shit
  745. >Yes
  746. >Fuck yes
  747. >Grunt from above
  748. >She sounds kinda cute actually
  749. >Light filters in through the cracks
  750. >And you see yourself for the first time
  751. >A green body
  752. >Greyish hair
  753. >Legs spread
  754. >Wait
  755. >Why are there green juices on your stomach?
  756. >And
  757. >You look a little older than you thought
  758. >Wait
  759. >Oh shit
  760. >Oh fuck
  761. >The coffin opens
  762. >An orange mare greets you
  763. >Standing on the side
  764. >On the dirt
  765. >Looking at you with disgust
  766. >Mouth open
  767. >Staring
  768. >Gaping
  769. [spoiler]>"G-granny?"[/spoiler]
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