

Feb 26th, 2022
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  1. "Why Donald Trump is the most dangerous person on the planet" by CosmicVoyager 2020
  4. "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984
  7. The incredibly overwhelming evidence is out there for everyone to see. His actions and words are there for everyone to see. Some people choose to simply not believe it, but I think there are enough people who are ready for a change.
  9. "The election will be here very soon."
  11. If I gave all the examples to support what I am about to say, I would have to write thousands of pages.
  13. Donald Trump has orchestrated the biggest con in history, Deceptively manipulating - brainwashing - millions of people. The lies have been a continuously uninterrupted flow. And not just lies but deliberately stating the complete opposite of what is true Orwellian style. How and why? Note, some of the following overlap.
  16. 1 - Donald Trump is a psychopath - I do not mean that as an insult or as hyperbole. I mean he is a clinical psychopath. I have no doubt the biological tests for this including a brain scan would show this. The part of the brain responsible for the sense of empathy does not function in him at all. Empathy is a sense. Without it he has no sympathy or compassion for anyone. To him, it is like he is the only person who exists. His perception of the world is severely pathologically distorted. He cares for no one, not colleagues - the word "friends" does not apply - not family, no one. He could murder a child while raping them and he would not feel even a trace of guilt or remorse.
  18. 2 - Donald Trump is a pathological liar - Lying is like breathing to him. He does it without even thinking about the fact that he is doing it. To him, it is what communication is for. He is completely disconnected from truth. It has no bearing on anything he says.
  20. 3 - He seems completely truthful - He does not experience any anxiety of guilt or worry about getting caught lying, so the way he looks and sounds while lying - which is constant - is indistinguishable from someone telling the truth. Listening to someone like that is unprecedented for nearly everyone and the idea that someone could tell such outrageous blatant lies constantly is hard to believe. So there could be others person telling the truth, speaking facts, referring to evidence, and Trump would behave the same way but being lying continuously because he has no inhibition about it.
  22. 4 - He is a master con artist - He has an ability to manipulate people, control them, brainwash them. He does this by stimulating people's worst base instincts, the opposite of their better angels. He feeds their bad wolves. There are parts of the brain those terms are analogous to. He has a firm grip on people's amygdala, the fight or flight part of the brain responsible for fear and anger, and bigoted tribal behavior.
  24. 5 - And the final fatal ingredient is he has ill-will. He is a narcissist. He will commit any amount of destruction and death for what he thinks will benefit him. And what he calls "winning". We know this has much if not all to do with his childhood and upbringing - with his father drilling a "winners and losers" view into him, and zero virtue. He sees everyone as a mark to be conned. That is all there is to his life. He has a very small mind. An extremely limited view. He has no morals or ethics at all.
  27. All these things combine in a "perfect storm" to make him the most dangerous person on the planet - a one in a billion type of person who comes along once in a generation. A sort of anti-christ figure. Someone who is too dangerous to be allowed to exist. And not only dangerous but already actively doing harm including deliberately causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people through willful negligence. And he is capable of much much worse. All the evidence is there that he seeks to end what democracy there is and become dictator like Kim Jong Un, Putin, or Hitler.
  30. "The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”
  32. Trump - "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening'"
  34. I cannot find another similar quote like "You are going to be seeing and hearing a lot of things. Do not believe them." Preemptively attacking journalists.
  36. The duty of the journalist is to keep the public informed, to report the truth, to expose lies. So, since lying is all he does and everything he wants relies on it, of course that is what he attacks.
  38. If we manage to stop Trump, we must learn and do what we should have after WWII. People need to be able to recognize demagogues. Critical thinking and how the brain works regarding being manipulated by such people needs to be taught in school. People need to be armored, inoculated against it. People neeed to be reminded again and again of the holocaust and how close to the precipace we came again.
  40. As you must know, Trump recently said he wants to do something which will have completely the opposite effect - a "patriotic education committee". He wants to revise history including up until the present replaces facts with lies.
  42. Relevant 1984 quote:
  44. “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
  46. And finally a 1984 quote that is a statement of what is to come if Trump is not stopped:
  48. "“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.”"
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