
FoulMouth on Pinkie Pie

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. >"We could go bowling!"
  2. >'I don't want to go bowling.'
  3. >"We could go and eat a whole heap of jello!"
  4. >'I hate jello.'
  5. >"Even lime jello? You love limes, I've seen you eat a whole bunch of limes. That time you were at the bar you ate a piece of lime almost every time you took a sip of your drink!"
  6. >'I was do shots of tequila, you...'
  7. >"OH! That's why your glass was so tiny. I was thinking 'now why is Anon's glass so small? If it were bigger he wouldn't have to buy new ones so often, that's just logical.' Twilight tried to teach me about logic once but it kinda went in one ear and out of my mouth, not the other ear, because sound doesn't come OUT of ears it goes IN..."
  8. >You groan.
  9. >"What's got you down, buddy? Maybe we can go play in the park. I know a good rolling patch that's..."
  10. >'I don't want to fucking roll in the fucking GRASS, PINKIE, JESUS FUCK!' You snap.
  11. >"Well hey, you just had to say.' She looks thoroughly depressed for a second.
  12. >'Shit I'm sorry I swore at you Panka.'
  13. >"It's Pinkie."
  14. >'Yeah, but you always giggle when I say it wrong.'
  15. >"Well I don't feel like giggling now. You've hurt my feelings."
  16. >You see a little smile trying to crack the obviously hammed up pout on her face.
  17. >'Ponky Po, shall we just go for a walk round the park?'
  18. >"I don't want to walk round the fucking park, you asshole." Her smile is winning the fight for facial territory. The fake pout is being beaten back.
  19. >'I don't think I've ever heard you swear, Pinkle Pay.'
  20. >"That's because folks only cuss when they're mad or sad. I'm mad with you right now, so I'm sure if Mr. and Mrs. Cake don't find out and they don't send a letter to my parents I can call you an asshole."
  21. >You shrug.
  22. >'Well, I've tried. I suppose we'll just have to go our separate ways today, if you're going to be a bitch.'
  23. >"Hey fuck you, I was joking! I still want to hang out. Not that we'll be hanging. OOH unless you want to go meet the batponies! They nice, I know them all, I know everypony, you know? Then we could be hanging out, if they don't think it's weird that we wanna join in. Actually, with hooves how would I even hang? How do they? Those mysterious fuckers. I must learn their secrets."
  24. >'Pinkie, ease off, we'll go meet them some other time. Today let's get baked things and eat them on the street so the poor bastards without baked things have to watch us.'
  25. >"That seems a little mean."
  26. >'I am a little mean.
  27. >"No, you're pretty tall. You are a mean bastard though, so you were half right."
  28. >You set off walking.
  29. >'Pinkie, you're an ok kind of bitch.'
  30. >"And you're a long-sighted dong-sniper with an eye for cock. But I like you."
  31. >You skip merrily to buy some fucking pasties or something I don't fucking know.
  32. >Eat a dick.
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