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Mar 18th, 2016
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  1. "Non-binary folks:
  2. Please be aware that the BBC World Service is currently asking people to take part in a radio documentary on non-binary people, and that should you be contacted by them, the best advice is to NOT RESPOND, or to decline.
  3. This is because they have, after stating that they intended to also present a "sceptical voice" (of our existence) but refusing to say who, they have finally stated to one (cis - apparently non-binary people don't have the same right to know) participant that it may be Julie Bindel, whom they would treat as an expert.
  4. Julie Bindel is an infamous bigot and transphobe who has her bigoted views published in major papers already.
  5. There is a (not particularly organised, but largely by consensus) decision by many non-binary people to simply refuse to do the interview, because to have such a documentary present Bindel's bigotry as a supposedly balanced viewpoint portrays non-binary identities as debatable in their existence and morality, which is unacceptable.
  6. If you want to see her "work", here is an example piece in the Guardian, "Gender Benders Beware". Obviously it is deeply transphobic and bigoted so read with caution."
  7. "Update on this: the BBC's justification for this has been that Bindel is transphobic but that non-binary people aren't trans. Dr Lorimer and Charing Cross GIC have pulled out of doing the feature because of this and the invitation of terfs onto the program. BBC has been trying to persuade trans activists to agree to do the program anyway and are basically tantruming because trans people refuse to be on a show for the benefit of transphobes and cis people..."
  9. "From Stuart Lorimer in CN lesters personal page : I'm taking the somewhat unusual step, CN, of making a statement on your Facebook page...
  11. On Wednesday (16/3/16) afternoon, I met with Linda Pressly and Lucy Proctor from the BBC, at CX GIC, to discuss their proposed documentary "Beyond Binary". Also present were two members of the WLMHT Comms Department. They could, if necessary, corroborate my account.
  13. Our meeting was held "off the record", so I've kept the details off the public record until now. I'm concerned enough, however, by some of the claims you've mentioned coming from the BBC, to break that agreement on this particular point.
  15. Specifically, if the BBC team have claimed that they have never said non-binary politics is separate and distinct from trans politics, this is untrue. Lucy Proctor said this to me twice, near the start of our meeting.
  17. To provide context, I was being asked to outline my reasons for withdrawing from the documentary. I explained that this whole field is "politically charged" and that certain high-profile individuals have, in the past, made such transphobic media statements that I consider them to be toxic, so toxic that I would not consider appearing in a programme that also gave those individuals airtime.
  19. I was told that this BBC documentary is solely about non-binary people and that, therefore, "trans politics" did not apply. I acknowledged the distinction but argued that there is a sizeable overlap: in my experience, a majority of non-binary people also identify as trans. A second time, I was told that this documentary was specifically about non-binary people and, a second time, I said there was a huge overlap. I elaborated on this, explaining that, in terms of the aforementioned toxic media figures, they had been just as damaging to non-binary as to binary trans people.
  21. They both seemed to accept this, and discussion moved on. The end decision, however, was that neither I nor the GIC would appear in the documentary, as it stood."
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