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ltrace labview

a guest
Sep 25th, 2011
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  1. <выше 100500 вызовов memcpy/memset, параметры как у следующих 2-х, различия только в адресах>
  2. memcpy(0xf75d7ce0, "e\241 ", 32) = 0xf75d7ce0
  3. memset(0xf71cf960, '\000', 72) = 0xf71cf960
  4. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab1c0
  5. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab1e0
  6. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab200
  7. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab220
  8. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab240
  9. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab260
  10. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab280
  11. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab2a0
  12. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab2c0
  13. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab2e0
  14. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab300
  15. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab320
  16. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab340
  17. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab360
  18. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab380
  19. malloc(24) = 0x0c0ab3a0
  20. malloc(20) = 0x0c0ab3c0
  21. malloc(20) = 0x0c0ab3d8
  22. malloc(20) = 0x0c0ab3f0
  23. memcpy(0xf75d7f78, "\340\206]\367\340\206]\367\340\206]\367\234\207]\367\274", 1832) = 0xf75d7f78
  24. memcpy(0x0c0ab598, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0ab598
  25. memcpy(0x0c0acde4, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0acde4
  26. memcpy(0x0c0b4764, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0b4764
  27. memcpy(0x0c0b5fb0, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0b5fb0
  28. memcpy(0x0c0ae634, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0ae634
  29. memcpy(0x0c0afe80, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0afe80
  30. memcpy(0x0c0b16cc, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0b16cc
  31. memcpy(0x0c0b2f18, "@\370?\366@\371?\366\200\371?\366\300\371?\366", 6220) = 0x0c0b2f18
  32. memcpy(0xffb9e88c, "TracerPid:\t5973\nUid:\t1000\t1000\t1"..., 63) = 0xffb9e88c
  33. memcpy(0xffb9e83c, "TracerPid:\t5973\nUid:\t1000\t1000\t1"..., 63) = 0xffb9e83c
  34. __libc_start_main(0x80d97b0, 1, 0xffb9e9d4, 0xb3212fd, 0xb3212f8 <unfinished ...>
  35. pthread_key_create(0xc0a9e24, 0xb31a630, 0x80d48c8, 0x80d48c8, 0) = 0
  36. __cxa_atexit(0xb31a550, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, 0) = 0
  37. __cxa_atexit(0xaf81a10, 0xc0a5b60, 0xbf462e4, 0xf72321a0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  38. __cxa_atexit(0xaf81a10, 0xc0a5ba0, 0xbf462e4, 0xf72321a0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  39. __cxa_atexit(0xaf81a10, 0xc0a5be0, 0xbf462e4, 0xf72321a0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  40. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5c20, 0xbf462e4, 0xf72321a0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  41. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5c60, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8e0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  42. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5ca0, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8e0, 0xf7361304) = 0
  43. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5ce0, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8d8, 0xf7361304) = 0
  44. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5d20, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8d8, 0xf7361304) = 0
  45. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5d60, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8d8, 0xf7361304) = 0
  46. __cxa_atexit(0xad6de40, 0xc0a5da0, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8d8, 0xf7361304) = 0
  47. malloc(48) = 0x0c0c79a8
  48. malloc(24) = 0x0c0c79e0
  49. _ZSt29_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalancebPSt18_Rb_tree_node_baseS0_RS_(1, 0xc0c79e0, 0xc0c79ac, 0xc0c79ac, 0xc0c79a8) = 0xc0c79b0
  50. __cxa_atexit(0xb312130, 0xc0a5de0, 0xbf462e4, 0xffb9e8d8, 0xf7361304) = 0
  51. strlen("File") = 4
  52. malloc(5) = 0x0c0c7a00
  53. memcpy(0x0c0c7a00, "File", 4) = 0x0c0c7a00
  54. __cxa_atexit(0xb2a8e50, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12) = 0
  55. strlen("Global") = 6
  56. malloc(7) = 0x0c0c7a10
  57. memcpy(0x0c0c7a10, "Global", 6) = 0x0c0c7a10
  58. __cxa_atexit(0xb2a8e20, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12) = 0
  59. strlen("Industrial") = 10
  60. malloc(11) = 0x0c0c7a20
  61. memcpy(0x0c0c7a20, "Industrial", 10) = 0x0c0c7a20
  62. __cxa_atexit(0xb2a8df0, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12) = 0
  63. strlen("Network") = 7
  64. malloc(8) = 0x0c0c7a30
  65. memcpy(0x0c0c7a30, "Network", 7) = 0x0c0c7a30
  66. __cxa_atexit(0xb2a8dc0, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12) = 0
  67. strlen("PSP") = 3
  68. malloc(4) = 0x0c0c7a40
  69. memcpy(0x0c0c7a40, "PSP", 3) = 0x0c0c7a40
  70. __cxa_atexit(0xb2a8d90, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12) = 0
  71. _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev(0xc0a5abc, 0, 0xbf462e4, 0, -12 <unfinished ...>
  72. --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) ---
  73. +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
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