
reporters are the worst

Dec 8th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Bliss was doing shit with the holiday candies that she brought from the mall earlier in the day. "I think I'm going to check on the laptop and the projector." She said to Adam before turning towards the door that led to the auditorium. // Hayley is here too! But she's outside in her car. Eating McNuggets. She looked up when she saw the usual idling news trucks getting closer and closer to her vehicle. She chewed slowly and narrowed her eyes.
  2. Alexithymiaa: (ALWAYS MCNUGGETS! Actually I think the other time it was McDoubles. Fucking McDonalds.)
  3. Tsaaq: ((Lmaooo.))
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood inside by the refreshments table, carefully filling little bags of popcorn from their popcorn machine and setting them out on the table for viewers that might want some on their way in. He turned to look at Bliss when she spoke, nodding his head. "Okay, I'll hold down the fort out here. Do you think I should text Eli to bring more ice while he's at the store?" He asked because whoever is online last, is on ice duty. New rule.-
  5. Tsaaq: "Yes please!" Bliss called out as she pushed open the door and walked down the dimly lit walkway. "I'll be right back!" She called out. // She looked away and went to shovel more mcnuggets into her mouth. She lifted her head once more and saw the news vans getting closer. As if they were moving slowly towards her.
  6. Covet: [Oh Brad...]
  7. Alexithymiaa: (Janet!)
  8. Tsaaq: ((ROCK))
  9. Tsaaq: ((y))
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Adam had sent off the text to Eli and pushed his phone back down into his pocket, watching Bliss rush away before closing the door of the popcorn machine to make sure none of the freshly popping kernals fell out. // Brad pulled his car into the lot of the promenade, killing the engine once he was parked and looking into his review mirror at Connor in the backseat. "You ready for the movie little man?" He asked with a small laugh, knowing how much Connor loved watching movies. It was actually kind of special to him since he always wanted to make them.-
  11. Covet: Eli parked in a place outside, reaching into the back to bring the bags of ice in as well as the extra napkins and some bowls for the other treats they had, trying to minimize too much of a mess in the Auditorium. He also brought some change back for the cash box. // Kelsey was all decked out in a cute outfit, and Connor had a set of antler's on his head, because his mother was extra with the holiday shit. She smiled and looked at climbed out of the vehicle, getting into the back to help get Connor out. // "Yes! Let's go! Let's go! We're gonna miss it!" He said all excited as he climbed out and was jumping up and down.
  12. Tsaaq: Bliss glanced at the laptop that was connected to the projector. Her eyes widened as she walked in front of the stupid bright light. She covered her eyes and whined. Well, everything was in order in here. // Hayley got out of her vehicle and basically high tailed it to the building. She ran to the table where Adam had been.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Adam looked over the table of things they'd set out and organized, overall pleased with the job they'd done in getting everything all set up. He lifted his eyes when he saw Hayley waking up, smiling at her. "Hey Halo." // Brad laughed and climbed out of the car, walking over to the other side where Kelsey was getting Connor out of the car. "I know, we're all excited. But let Momma help you out of your seat." He put his hand gently on Kelsey's back, his eyes lifting to look at the news van in the parking lot.-
  14. Covet: Eli saw the vans waiting out front by the door and frowned, Really hoping they weren't going to be an issue, this was supposed to be a fun thing for the students, not a buffet for the media. He took the bags and walked inside, heading over to the tables they had set up for the evening. "I'm back, with the ice." // Getting Connor out she glanced over to the vans and then to Brad, "I really wish they weren't here." She kept Connor close, holding his hand, keeping him between her and Brad as they walked in. She had her bag over her shoulder and reached inside to pay fo them to get in. // "Momma, look they have popcorn, and candy!" The kid said all excited to see all the treats, because this was now better than a regular theatre.
  15. Tsaaq: Bliss went to stagger out of the auditorium, meeting up with the rest of the SGA crew as she rubbed her eyes. "Everything is in order. We're good to let everyone inside." She went to kiss Eli. "Great. You brought all of our supplies." She waved to Hayley. // "Hey Abs." Hayley greeted then waved to Eli and Bliss. "Is it okay if I hang out with you guys out here?"
  16. Alexithymiaa: "Oh good, the ice is here." Adam spoke cheerfully, helping load the ice into the coolers with the beverages. He glanced up when Bliss returned. "Perfect. Has anyone seen Dori?" He asked before looking to Hayley. "Of course you can. I just thought you might want to watch the movie." // Brad walked with Kelsey and Connor into the building, glancing back over his shoulder at the news van before putting his hand out to stop Kelsey from pulling her wallet out of her purse. "Stop." He spoke firmly, pulling his wallet from his back pocket to pull out a few bills to pay for them all. "Is it okay if we get snacks?"-
  17. Covet: "I haven't seen a peep of her." Eli said with a look on his face. He started getting the utensils and bowls set out then smiled at Hayley, "I don't mind. It's not like it's a brand new movie or anything. Did you guys check out the vans out there." // Kelsey looked at brad and put her wallet back, "Okay, It's fifteen bucks, not that big of a deal." She laughed then nodded her head, "Of course, what's a movie without snacks?" // Connor was still bouncing, like this kid needed anymore sugar, "I just really really want popcorn, Momma, And a drink. Because if the popcorn gets stuck, I'm gonna need the drink to get it down."
  18. Alexithymiaa: (Sound logic, Connor.)
  19. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "It's been radio silence." Bliss said with a small purse of her lips, cause this bitch never showed up to anything important. "Vans?" Bliss repeated as she tilted her head. // "Not really. Not in there all by myself anyways." She replied with a shrug. "We saw Dori yesterday though. At the diner. Right Abs?" Hayley quickly spoke up. "Ugh. Yes. They're swarming out there like bees." She answered.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Well yeah we saw her yesterday at the diner, but I haven't seen or heard from her at all today. I didnt know if she was coming or not." He furrowed his brows at the mention of the vans outside. "What vans?" // Brad rolled his eyes and replaced his wallet in his pocket because don't downplay his generousity, Kelsey. He was so nice. Super nice. Walking over to the snack table with the group, he looked over everything. "Can we get three popcorns, anddd... " he trailed off, looking between Kelsey and Connor. "What does everyone want to drink?"-
  21. Covet: "Hmm. I guess that mean's we're covering for her job tonight. Not that it's too big of a deal. I didn't exactly send out a memo about it like I should have." Eli winced then shrugged sheepishly. He listened to Brad and started to get three popcorns dished up while waiting for the rest of their order. "Yeah, news and media vans. The same ones that are always about." // "A sprite for Connor, I'll take a root beer, and maybe a few candies as well. Something with pepermint."// "And chocolate. Don't forget the chocolate." Connor pipped up.
  22. Tsaaq: Bliss shook her head. Clearly annoyed. "Hmph." She muttered but shut her fucking mouth lest it would start drama. "Oh dear..." She whispered. "Well hopefully we won't deal with them-" She turned to look at Connor, Brad and Kelsey. "Hello! You guys look so festive!" // "You know, the news." Hayley said. "Shit's been quiet lately. They need action." She murmured. "Hey Kels. Hey little guy." She waved to Connor. "Give her candy canes!" She told Adam.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I got it, I got it." He said with a small laugh, reaching for a couple of candy canes and a few chocolate bars to pass over. He dipped down into the cooler and got out their drinks, setting them down on the table. "And for you?" He asked Brad since he was the only one who didnt give a drink order yet. // "Whatever diet soda you have." Brad said, taking the candy and passing a candy cane to Kelsey and then to Connor. He was holding onto the chocolate for now.-
  24. Covet: "Yeah, sorry not much news to see here, just an old movie, and a fundraiser for the dance. Fluff material as far as they're concerned." Eli said to Hayley and Bliss, // Kelsey took the candycane, and looked at the chocolate in Brad's hand, then to Adam, "Do you guys have anything sugar free treat wise?" She asked politely as she handed a bag of popcorn to Connor. // Connor smiled at Hayley, "Hi Pretty Hayley! Look at my antlers, I'm a reindeer!" He took the popcorn from Kelsey, "Thanks, Momma"
  25. Tsaaq: "Our sugar free options are as follows: jelly beans, gummy bears, hershey's kisses and mint sticks." Bliss listed. "Pick your healthy poison." She smiled. "Well I certainly hope they'll come to realize such." She said to Eli. // Hayley smiled at Connor and nodded. "Yeah you look rad kiddo. I'd put you in the front of my sleigh any day." She laughed. "Was that weird?" Hayley rose an eyebrow at herself. "Reporters will make news out of nothing. Watch."
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Adam grabbed Brad a diet soda, putting it down on the table for him before kind of wincing at Hayley. "It was a little weird. But it's okay, no one minds." He said with a laugh, reaching over to give her hand a pat. // "Sugar free hershey's kisses. Definitely." Brad spoke way too quickly before turning to give up the not sugar free chocolate to Kelsey and Connor-
  27. Covet: "I wish the news still functioned on the idea of integrity and real stories." Eli grumbled. Then watched the interaction with Connor and Hayley, "You might have some competition there Adam." He chuckled and put his arm around Bliss's shoulders. // Kelsey shook her head at Hayley, "No, not in context at least." She laughed listening to her kid, "Okay Reindeer Romeo, let's go find ourselves a seat.". Kelsey took the real chocolate from Brad and held onto it.// "You would? I'd be your Rudolph any winter night, Pretty Hayley." He said with a big grin.
  28. Tsaaq: She shook her head. "I feel the same way darling." She leaned her head on Eli's shoulder. // "Okay okay. Don't get too fresh. Remember? You gotta marry Katie's kid or something when you get old." She laughed. "Go have fun you three." Hayley shook her head at Eli. "Stop that"
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Adam passed Brad his chocolate before starting to laugh. "I think we'll be okay." He said to Eli, giving Hayley's hand a little squeeze because the kid was four. He's not threatened. "Enjoy the movie!" He called out to them. // Brad took his chocolate, glancing down at Connor. "I have never been more proud than I am right now." He moved his hand to rustle Connor's hair before straightening his reindeer antlers, glancing at Kelsey with a grin.-
  30. Covet: Eli chuckled, "Sorry, sorry." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the top of Bliss's head. Then went back to filling up bags of popcorn for other people that were starting to fill in. // Kelsey shook her head at Brad, "What am I going to do with you two?" She walked in with Connor and Brad and went to go find a seat in the auditorium.// "Right in the middle, so we can see everything." Connor said as he picked out their seats for him.
  31. Tsaaq: Bliss heard the double doors spring open and a chorus of footsteps coming towards the entrance of the auditorium. She went to hide behind Eli in a panic. // "No competition here." Hayley said with a laugh. She jumped from the sound as well.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Adam lifted his eyes when he heard the doors and commotion coming into the building, watching the circus of media reporters bustling in. With Hayley's hand still in his, he gave her a little tug, trying to wave her over. "Come back here." // Brad walked down the aisle to the seats Connor was directing them to, stepping into the row and side walking down until he sat. Without hesitation, he popped a chocolate kiss into his mouth, smiling widely. "I've got a few ideas what you could do with me."-
  33. Covet: Eli furrowed his brow as he heard the noise down the hallway and walked around the table to see what the comotion was about. Keeping Bliss behind him. He could see the reporters coming up and crossed his arms. "I'm sorry but this is a student only function, you can't just barge in here." // Kelsey looked at Bradley, "Oh do you now?" She said back at him. // The movie was starting and Connor looked back at them both, telling them to "Shhhh." As he pointed a finger at them.
  34. Alexithymiaa: (Deja vu)
  35. Tsaaq: "Did any of you go to class with Thaddeus Wright!?" A reporter shouted. // "Weren't you his roommate?" The man pointed his mic into Eli's face. // Bliss hid behind Eli. "You have to leave. This is a private property!" She called out. // Hayley furrowed her eyebrows and heard all the questions. "We have to get out of here."
  36. Smokeless: [brbr sorry]
  37. Covet: [tyt]
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Adam's eyes darted from one reporter to the next, stepping out from behind the table and moving his arm in front of Hayley to create a barrier. "You're not allowed to be here. We don't want to call security to have you escorted off the property, but we will." // "I do." Brad said with a smirk, wincing when Connor shushed them. He leaned into Kelsey, dropping his voice down to a whisper. "I dont think we want another incident like the last time we watched a movie."-
  39. Covet: Eli pushed the mic away, "No comment. None of us are required to talk to you, nor are we going to tell you anything you want. This is an event that has nothing to do with the trial, so you're fishing for the wrong information, and we'd appreciate not being harassed, just because you don't have a story." // Kelsey snickerd and put some popcorn in her mouth as she leaned over to listen to Brad, "Right? So...what are these ideas you have hmm?" She whispered back at him. // Connor was focused on the movie, thankfully it was loud enough he wasn't bothered by the whispers from the two of them.
  40. Smokeless: [ok im back]
  41. Smokeless: [im sorry my manager called me]
  42. Smokeless: [what is happening exactly?]
  43. Covet: [Movie fundraiser tonight. Media creeps are being obnoxious.]
  44. Smokeless: [ok]
  45. Smokeless: Dori came out of the bathroom after washing her hands looking around seeing some commotion going on. She walked closer hearing some of the questions and seeing Eli and Adam trying to get the reporters to leave. She saw hayley and she frowned making her way over to them. She knew this would put a damper on their fundriser.-
  46. Tsaaq: "Stop. You have to stop this now!" Bliss said indignantly as she went to fight from being behind Eli. // "Has he ever tried to sexually assault you?" A lady reporter asked, her eyes widening. They needed things for this case. "You did live with him at the Off Campus House! Did he sexually assault girls while you were home? Did you join in? Will you testify at the trail." The questions didn't stop. They didn't care if security was called bro. There was like a million of them. // Hayley was using her cardigan to hide her face from whatever flash of the camera that had cause the four of them.
  47. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sturned his back on the reporters, blocking their way to Hayley and looking down at her. "Go escape into the auditorium. It's dark with the movie playing, no one will bother you in there." // "I'm much better at show, than I am at tell." He whispered back with a devilish grin, swinging his arm around the back of her chair to drape his hand onto her other shoulder. He stole a glance at Connor to make sure he was focused on the movie before leaning his head in, beginning to kiss Kelsey's neck.-
  48. Covet: "Did I join in? Wow.. really? I'm offended at half of these questions. You people are a real piece of work." Eli pulled out his phone and started to dial the security number, crossing his arms as he just started at the reporters. When the line picked up on the other end he started to speak, "Yeah, we've got an issue at North Promenade, You're going to need a few hands." he said, then looked at the people. He turned around and Looked at Bliss, speaking softly, "Go with Hayley, I'll direct them out the door." // Kelsey leaned over closer to Brad as he told her he was better at showing then proceded to kiss her neck, which was completely distracting from the movie going on. // This kid was tunnel visioned on the screen.
  49. Smokeless: Dori made her way over closer and she looked at Hayley and then the reporters. She seemed a tad upset from what Dori could see. she bit her lower lip and saw Eli had called security."If you all could kindly step outside I will answer any questions you have." she tried to draw the attention to herself so no one would try to sneak off and follow hayley into the thearter.She forced a smile on her face. She started to push past the reporters to head outide.-
  50. Tsaaq: Bliss looked very offended at the reporter. She put her hand on Hayley's shoulder, warily looking away. "Come on." She whispered. // Hayley nodded at Adam and went to kiss him before going to duck out of the way with Bliss. // The reporters turned their attention to Dori. A lot of them whispering between each other to figure out her role in the case. "And who are you?" One of them asked.
  51. Alexithymiaa: -Adam leaned down to kiss Hayley back and pushed her off with Bliss before turning back around, addressing Eli. "Are they sending security immediately? Because now that I'm thinking about it, this is something we need to plan for with the Winter Formal too." // Brads hands started to wander from the safe places like shoulders and instead moved down over the front of Kelsey's sweater, trying to discreetly touch the boobs without Connor noticing. It was exciting.-
  52. Smokeless: [freakin brad XD]
  53. Covet: "Yeah, They're on their way. And You're right. I'll make sure to put it in my notes." He said then heard Dori speak up, "Dori... No.. " Eli grumbled then followed after her, "We're not telling them anything. Anything you say could be twisted around, if you say nothing, they have nothing." He told her quietly as they walked through the group of reporters.
  54. Covet: [DAMMIT!]
  55. Covet: // Kelsey was helping keep an eye on Connor, and not stopping Brad, because well yes it was exciting and it was fairly innocent given that it was over the clothes still. // Connor was laughing along to the movie, because Will Ferrel is hilarious. sometimes.
  56. Smokeless: Dori smiled to the reporters."oh me I am his e-" she stopped when Eli came after her. she looked at the reporters and back to Eli"It's fine just go make sure hay is okay. I got this" she turned to the reporters and smiled."I am just someone who knows alot about Thad is all. come on now." Dori had other plans but she really hoped Hayley was okay.-
  57. Alexithymiaa: (Stop. This is one of the few movies that he's funny in. I hate him.)
  58. Covet: [XD]
  59. Tsaaq: "How do we know that for sure? What's your relationship to him? Wheres your proof?" The reporter continued to badger her with questions. // Bliss stumbled around in the darkness, pulling Hayley along with them.
  60. Alexithymiaa: -Adam shook his head at Dori, walking over to the auditorium doors and shutting them behind the girls to discourage anyone from following them in or disrupting the movie going on. // Brad looked over at Connor again before leaning into Kelsey's ear, his teeth nipping at her earlobe before whispering to her. "What are the chances he falls asleep as soon as we get back?"-
  61. Covet: "Dori.. you really don't know... "Eli sighed and stepped away from the group, then walked back over to Dori as well, directing her away from the group, "I know you mean well, but you don't know if anything you tell them is going to hurt the victims. These people are vultures." He said more sternly, glaring at the media people. "We're not required to tell them anything. Leave it to the court to put the story out there." // Kelsey shudderd and squeaked, "Probably pretty good and in your favor." She whispered back, then turned hearing people come into the Auditorium.
  62. Smokeless: Dori looked at Eli and she walked with him."I wasnt going to tell them anything I promise. I jsut wanted hayley to escape. Their attention is on me now. Gave her enough time to get away." she turned and smiled to the reporter." Okay so here is my proof of everything." she cleared her voice."The way america treats spanish speakers and immigrants who travel ehre for a better life and become citizens the correct way is wrong. Perhaps you shoud do a report on that. About how the government doesn't see them as people but as money bags." she smiled the whole time.-
  63. Tsaaq: The reporters stared blankly at Dori. A few of them went to walk in the other direction towards the direction of the auditorium doors. They thought they'd be less obvious even though it was a whole group of them. // Bliss turned and jumped again. She sighed once she realized it was only Adam. "Come on." She whispered. // Hayley saw Adam but heard the door open again. She frowned, going to run towards the backstage entrance.
  64. Alexithymiaa: -Adam stood in front of the doors as the reporters came over to the auditorium, crossing his arms over his chest and shaking his head. "Closed event. I'm sorry, but you're trespassing and you're not allowed inside. Might as well just head out." // "I like when the chances are good and in my favor." Brad said with a smirk, his hand moving underneath her chin to turn her face toward him before leaning in to press his lips to hers. This isnt discreet, guys.-
  65. Covet: Eli shook his head and walked off, intending to get the money counted up for the night and start up on the clean up, because the movie was going to be over soon. He continued to ignore anyone who came to question him, just waiting for security to show up, hopefully before the movie got out. // Kelsey kissed Bradley back, forgetting about the doors opening up as he turned her face towards him.// Connor looked over at both of them, then sighed loudly. "Movies are for watching, not kissing."
  66. Covet: [Kay bye then....]
  67. Covet: [Pointless Polly.]
  68. Tsaaq: The reporters went into the crowds and attempted to try to get useful information from the people. Ignoring Adam cause reporters are being dicks right now. // Bliss looked back and forth. "What do we do?" She asked Adam with a scoff. "I'm calling the police." // Hayley made it backstage and went to sit on the floor of the stage, hugging her knees to her chest with a frown.
  69. Alexithymiaa: "That's exactly what you do. Call the police. I'll try to escort some of them out of here." Adam groaned a bit because they were ruining this night, walking over to a group of reporters and putting his arms out on either side of them, trying to push them along. "Out. Now. You're all going to end up at the police station tonight." He said as he walked them toward the exit of the auditorium. // "Sorry little man." Brad spoke apologetically to Connor before pushing up to his feet. "Im going to go get the car warmed up." He spoke to them, making his way through the reports to head outside.-
  70. Covet: Eli saw as security finally showed up and was ushering the reporters away from the students over to their vans. Anyone who was being in compliant with that was being threatened with being held for the police on harassment charges, not that they could get those to stick, but they werne't above using it as a threat. // Kelsey pursed her lips and looked at Brad, then back at Connor. "Sorry Kiddo. C'mon... we should probably go anyways, it looks like there's quite the commotion, and I don't want Connor in the middle of it." She picked him up and followed shortly behind Brad, using Connor to hide her face, even though they weren't looking to ambush her.
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