
Sam yang post coma (part 1)

Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. [16:24] Yi-Ping After the talk with Gregor and the meeting with the boston pilots, Yang heads to Sam's room to catch up with the AT-Jesus. Seeing that he has his back turned against the door, she crept up behind him and shout "BOO!"
  2. [16:25] Sam doesn't flinch "Hello Yang, how are you?"
  3. [16:25] Yi-Ping "Awwww"
  4. [16:26] Yi-Ping "Mmmmh I'm fine, just wanted to talk"
  5. [16:26] Sam spins the chair around to face Yang, and then hugs her. "Thank you for saving the rings Yang. That. . . it meant a lot to me."
  6. [16:27] Yi-Ping retuns the hug
  7. [16:27] Yi-Ping "Its nothing, don't need to thank me for that"
  8. [16:28] Yi-Ping "So, hows coma?"
  9. [16:28] Sam "No it wasn't Yang. It must have been a rush getting out of there, and that you stopped and made the time to save some of my stuff? That really means a lot to me Yang."
  10. [16:28] Yi-Ping "Well I'm light packer, that leaves plenty of time for me to go snooping through your room"
  11. [16:28] Sam "That engagement ring is a family Heirloom, been in the family for 3 generations, my parents, my grandparents, and my great-grandparents."
  12. [16:28] Sam "So, thank you Yang."
  13. [16:29] Yi-Ping headpats Sam
  14. [16:29] Sam "Enjoy it while you can short-stuff."
  15. [16:29] Yi-Ping "Anything for you guys"
  16. [16:29] Yi-Ping makes sure to pat every inche of Sam's head
  17. [16:29] Yi-Ping "Yesss accept my lordship over you...."
  18. [16:30] Sam "Never, I am a American, I will never accept a foreign oppressor!"
  19. [16:31] Yi-Ping "That's what they usually say before being broken!"
  20. [16:32] Yi-Ping reach down and lightly tickle Sam's sides
  21. [16:32] Sam "But on the coma. . . Good point. . ." Sam smirks "Please be gentle Yang-sempai, it's my first time~"
  22. [16:32] Sam giggles
  23. [16:33] Yi-Ping "We both know that this isn't your first time Sam!"
  24. [16:34] Sam " /always/ a first time for everything~"
  25. [16:36] Yi-Ping "Does that include racy drawings? Because some of the stuff you drew are pretty suggesive"
  26. [16:37] Sam "Yes, yes it is. If you /really/ want me to draw a racy picture of you I can."
  27. [16:39] Arkalest Sam |Sam? Think about it.|
  28. [16:39] Sam "Could do a portfolio even. . " Sam mumbles "Rin would prolly like it. . . ."
  29. [16:39] Arkalest |Last time you were this impulsive you ended up elbow-deep in quivering fishflesh.|
  30. [16:39] Yi-Ping "Only if I get to model with Shul- eh!?"
  31. [16:40] Arkalest |Sure, it was /my/ fishflesh, but hey.|
  32. [16:40] Sam |Hush, I've done more than see Yang naked, I have *been* Yang naked.|
  33. [16:40] Sam "mm, you'd have better luck asking Jane or something if you wanted a partner."
  34. [16:41] Yi-Ping "Jane would transform it into a full blow porn production ..."
  35. [16:41] Sam "Maybe, maybe not."
  36. [16:41] Arkalest |Oooh yes I know.|
  37. [16:43] Yi-Ping "Still, how are you feeling after your coma?"
  38. [16:43] Sam "Well, physically speaking I feel like shit."
  39. [16:44] Sam "Mentally? Fragile."
  40. [16:44] Yi-Ping "Speaking from experience, that's nomal"
  41. [16:45] Sam quirks his eyebrow "Yang, no offense, but my coma was /anything/ but normal."
  42. [16:45] Yi-Ping "Oh?"
  43. [16:46] Sam "Well for one. I died."
  44. [16:46] Sam "I /saw/ Yang, I saw where it is we go when we die. I was /this/ close to it."
  45. [16:47] Yi-Ping "But you didn't ... die for good ..."
  46. [16:48] Sam "Not for good no, but I died all the same. And after. . I spent time within myself, exploring who I am, what I am unflinchingly."
  47. [16:49] Yi-Ping "... Exploring yourself? Like a vision quest?"
  48. [16:49] Arkalest |S
  49. [16:50] Arkalest |You make it sound like masturbation.|
  50. [16:50] Sam "Pretty much. And I found that I was. . . barely holding together, a person holding themselves up with duck-tape and slap-jobs to try and make it through tomorrow without concern of the next year."
  51. [16:50] Sam |I do not need running commentary Tiamat.|
  52. [16:50] Yi-Ping looks at Sam ... and slowly begin clapping
  53. [16:51] Sam gives Yang a curious look
  54. [16:52] Yi-Ping "Congradulations! You have finally figure out what we been trying to ram through your skull for the past several months!"
  55. [16:52] Arkalest |I think that she knew you more than you could imagine, especially due to having shared your memories and all. |
  56. [16:52] Sam |I do not dispute that.|
  57. [16:53] Sam "Yes well I didn't fully grasp it in till then. But then I. . . encountered something that broke me, all of that stuff came crashing down. If Tiamat had not helped me recover then I would not have survived."
  58. [16:53] Sam "I broke."
  59. [16:54] Yi-Ping "... What happened?"
  60. [16:55] Sam "I was tested. I passed, but the test broke me all the same."
  61. [16:55] Yi-Ping "You're in a coma, you can't be doing any test"
  62. [16:55] Sam smiles
  63. [16:56] Sam "My body was asleep Yang, but my mind? my soul? They remained awake."
  64. [16:56] Yi-Ping "You mean you sync with something?"
  65. [16:57] Sam "It's a private matter Yang. I will not speak further on it save for the consequences. I broke, and Tiamat gave me a foundation to rebuild. I spent the remainder of my time working upon that foundation."
  66. [16:59] Yi-Ping "I-I see ... even your coma is weird"
  67. [17:00] Yi-Ping "But ... you said that you were broken but you rebuilt?"
  68. [17:00] Sam "Sort of, Tiamat laid the foundation, something I am most grateful for. At the moment I am. . . rebuilding myself if you may."
  69. [17:01] Sam "The metaphors should not be taken too literally here
  70. [17:01] Yi-Ping "Its magical soul stuff, got it."
  71. [17:01] Sam "Yes, AT Jesus and what not."
  72. [17:02] Yi-Ping "... That reminds me, did you by any chance look out of the medical pod's window?"
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