

Oct 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Hello!
  2. I'm holding a stable writing contest, where you - yes, you - could get your stable description written into the game :)
  3. The way this works is that I'll pick a stable location, and you all can submit descriptions for it (themed to the city and local area). At the end of three weeks, I'll use the best one to either add a new stable or overwrite one of the placeholder stables (like the one in Ohulan-Cutash).
  4. A room consists of three parts:
  5. - the description itself, which is what you see when you walk into the room
  6. - the add_items, which you can see when you look at things mentioned in the description
  7. - the chats, which are messages that play at random every now and then.
  8. In general, room descriptions should not be too long - three to five sentences is a good rule of thumb, and any elaboration should go into the add_items. Anything that's moving rather than fixed in place should be a chat.
  9. Descriptions should also follow the commandments of description writing, linked here:
  10. You don't have to write all three if you don't want to, but I'll be most likely to pick an entry that does have all three. It's also entirely possible that I'll take parts from multiple entries to combine into a single stable.
  11. If possible, send in entries by uploading them to Pastebin or some other text hosting website and then mail the link to me. This means you can edit the entry if you spot a typo after you've already sent in it. It's fine if you just mail the entry directly to me, though.
  12. The winning entry or entries each time will receive a cosmetic item or liaison toy of their choice, provided they clear it with me beforehand.
  13. The location this time is *a new Sung Family-owned stable somewhere of your choice in or next to the Sung Family estate in Bes Pelargic* (specify where). Please send in your entries by 29 December, midnight server time (you can check the server time in game using the "time" command, or just calculate GMT+1).
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