
Lyra meets Petrus

Sep 4th, 2015
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  1. [14:19] * snuffshotMartyr [SM] began pestering maskedAristocrat [MA]
  2. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> Hello
  3. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> You probably don't know me, so...
  4. [14:19] <snuffshotMartyr> How's your day been going?
  5. [14:20] <[MA]> I have had better.
  6. [14:20] <[MA]> More than a little lost.
  7. [14:20] <snuffshotMartyr> Entirely understandable, all things considered
  8. [14:20] <[MA]> Do you know what is going on?
  9. [14:20] <snuffshotMartyr> No
  10. [14:21] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm almost entirely out of the loop in regards to whatever's happening to you
  11. [14:21] <[MA]> Well then, we stand on equal ground. I am entirely out of the loop in regards to literally everything.
  12. [14:21] <snuffshotMartyr> Welcome to Sabath
  13. [14:22] <snuffshotMartyr> Well then, based on the little you do know
  14. [14:22] <snuffshotMartyr> What's been happening on your end?
  15. [14:23] <[MA]> Temples, paintings, monsters, mirrors, not knowing what I aught to be doing, the works.
  16. [14:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Fun
  17. [14:23] <[MA]> You?
  18. [14:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Eh
  19. [14:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Cliffs, cages, tunnels, crystals, masks, courtrooms, insanity
  20. [14:23] <snuffshotMartyr> Mile-high jumps
  21. [14:24] <snuffshotMartyr> The occasional dismemberment
  22. [14:24] <snuffshotMartyr> Nothing too extreme
  23. [14:24] <[MA]> Masks? Well, at least we have one thing in common here. Fortunately I have avoided any mile high jumps, though I could have done without a mile high flight of stairs.
  24. [14:25] <[MA]> ... Dismemberment?
  25. [14:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Lost an arm on Derse
  26. [14:25] <snuffshotMartyr> Wait, you had a stupid big staircase too?
  27. [14:25] <[MA]> Yes, and a severe head injury at the bottom.
  28. [14:26] <[MA]> Derse?
  29. [14:26] <snuffshotMartyr> You might have Prospit instead
  30. [14:26] <snuffshotMartyr> The place you go when you fall asleep
  31. [14:27] <[MA]> No... Derse sounds familiar.
  32. [14:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Evil purple place?
  33. [14:27] <snuffshotMartyr> Sucks?
  34. [14:27] <[MA]> Er... yes, sure. Anyhow, do you know what we aught to be doing here? In any capacity?
  35. [14:28] <snuffshotMartyr> From what I can tell, it's basically a trial by fire
  36. [14:28] <snuffshotMartyr> Goal is to survive
  37. [14:29] <snuffshotMartyr> Every time you think you've succeeded, things get worse, and you need to adapt to solve that too
  38. [14:29] <[MA]> Well, survival is certainly a good thing to keep in mind, regardless of the true goal. Still, I feel like there must be something more important to do, I just have no idea what it is. Something about a battle I think?
  39. [14:30] <[MA]> You have a sprite, yes?
  40. [14:30] <snuffshotMartyr> I think that's the term, yeah
  41. [14:30] <snuffshotMartyr> Not sure who it was to name them that
  42. [14:30] <snuffshotMartyr> But yes, I have one
  43. [14:31] <[MA]> Did they have anything useful to say? Mine gave me vague information at best, but it was information regardless.
  44. [14:31] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah, Kek's been just about worthless to me
  45. [14:31] <snuffshotMartyr> I mean, he can occasionally do little tasks like grab stuff for me
  46. [14:32] <snuffshotMartyr> But info-wise, it's almost easier to make a guess
  47. [14:34] <[MA]> Well, it was worth asking. All I got from mine was that there was some sort of battle, or war, or something, but no idea on how I am supposed to interact with that.
  48. [14:35] <snuffshotMartyr> I might actually know a bit about that
  49. [14:35] <snuffshotMartyr> The fight between Derse and Prospit?
  50. [14:36] <[MA]> Oh?
  51. [14:36] <[MA]> That could be it.
  52. [14:36] <snuffshotMartyr> Basically, there's this place
  53. [14:37] <snuffshotMartyr> "The battlefield"
  54. [14:37] <snuffshotMartyr> The two dream planets are fighting over it because of some natural resource or other
  55. [14:37] <snuffshotMartyr> Or they just hate each other, and it's in the middle
  56. [14:38] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't really know the specifics
  57. [14:38] <snuffshotMartyr> Just that Derse is the bad guys
  58. [14:39] <[MA]> I can corroborate that last bit, if my sprite is to believed.
  59. [14:39] <[MA]> Have you any idea how we are meant to influence that battle?
  60. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> I don't even know if the battle matters
  61. [14:39] <snuffshotMartyr> It may well be an excuse plot to keep us from getting rest while we sleep
  62. [14:40] <snuffshotMartyr> But it's possible we're s'posed to be sabotaging the Queen
  63. [14:40] <snuffshotMartyr> Leaking info to our co-players who get Prospit
  64. [14:41] <[MA]> That would be interesting, but I do not remember Derse very well, other than it being... well, a bit of a mess.
  65. [14:42] <snuffshotMartyr> That long since you've slept?
  66. [14:43] <[MA]> It is hazy at best. Something deeply troubling about it.
  67. [14:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Sounds about right
  68. [14:43] <snuffshotMartyr> Hallucinations, maybe
  69. [14:44] <snuffshotMartyr> Those happen there sometimes
  70. [14:45] <[MA]> Not sure. Anyhow, I suppose we both aught to keep looking into all this nonsense. I will notify you if I find anything important- for the moment, I have fruit to locate.
  71. [14:45] <snuffshotMartyr> Deal
  72. [14:45] <snuffshotMartyr> I'm waiting for my legs to turn back on
  73. [14:46] <snuffshotMartyr> Figured I could use the time to meet the last few members of our game instance
  74. [14:47] <[MA]> For your what.
  75. [14:47] <snuffshotMartyr> My legs
  76. [14:47] <snuffshotMartyr> They shut off
  77. [14:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Not sure why, but it's probably some form of schizophrenia
  78. [14:48] <snuffshotMartyr> It's been happening to me and another player, Alex, for a bit now
  79. [14:48] <[MA]> That sounds serious. I hope they... well, turn on, soon.
  80. [14:48] <snuffshotMartyr> Thanks for the sentiment
  81. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Figure the feeling should come back within a few hours
  82. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> Oh, one other thing I meant to tell you
  83. [14:49] <snuffshotMartyr> D'you know Faerzen?
  84. [14:50] <[MA]> I fear I do not.
  85. [14:50] <[MA]> Should I?
  86. [14:50] <snuffshotMartyr> How about Nickolai?
  87. [14:51] <[MA]> Oh. I know of... A Nickolai.
  88. [14:51] <snuffshotMartyr> Crumbs
  89. [14:51] <[MA]> It may not be the same one, though. It could also have just been a madman claiming to be Nickolai.
  90. [14:52] <snuffshotMartyr> There are quite a few of those running around, admittedly
  91. [14:52] <[MA]> Wonderful.
  92. [14:52] <snuffshotMartyr> How many wings did this one have?
  93. [14:53] <[MA]> Well, none *left*.
  94. [14:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Maskwraith, then
  95. [14:53] <snuffshotMartyr> You should be fine
  96. [14:53] <snuffshotMartyr> S'long as it's not our Nickolai
  97. [14:53] <[MA]> Is there a list?
  98. [14:53] <snuffshotMartyr> Nah, mostly just those two
  99. [14:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Probably some more from other dimensions, but meh
  100. [14:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Two important ones
  101. [14:54] <[MA]> Why "Maskwraith"?
  102. [14:54] <snuffshotMartyr> I dunno
  103. [14:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Just kinda thought it fit him
  104. [14:54] <snuffshotMartyr> Servant to the mask
  105. [14:55] <[MA]> That might explain why he was so helpful, but he also said he killed me at some point, so... fun.
  106. [14:55] <snuffshotMartyr> He did kind of go on a murderous rampage, yeah
  107. [14:55] <snuffshotMartyr> My point is
  108. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Try and keep your distance from Faerzen and our Nickolai
  109. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> White feather wings and black ones
  110. [14:56] <[MA]> Beware wings, understood. I had heard likewise about Nickolai... well, from Nickolai.
  111. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Well, not ALL wings
  112. [14:56] <snuffshotMartyr> Dark red feathers, or butterfly wings, those're fine
  113. [14:57] <[MA]> Apparently he was passing through my Land. I never saw him, so call it a win.
  114. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> That's Alex and me
  115. [14:57] <[MA]> How do you all have wings anyhow?
  116. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> I have this magic artifact
  117. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> Let's me make stuff
  118. [14:57] <snuffshotMartyr> So I gave him and I wings, because like I said before, my planet is full of cliffs]
  119. [14:59] <[MA]> Well then, I shall keep that in mind. Is there any particular reason for avoiding those two? I mean, Nickolai I can gather from meeting a... version, of them, but what is wrong with Faerzen?
  120. [14:59] <snuffshotMartyr> Faerzen's carrying around the equivalent of a nuclear bomb strapped to her face, and she's immune to it
  121. [15:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Or his face, or whatever
  122. [15:00] <[MA]> I.... what?
  123. [15:00] <snuffshotMartyr> The mask
  124. [15:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Carl
  125. [15:00] <[MA]> Carl.
  126. [15:00] <snuffshotMartyr> Evil sentient crow mask, possesses people and eats souls
  127. [15:01] <snuffshotMartyr> I may have named it Carl
  128. [15:01] <[MA]> It had to be a mask.
  129. [15:01] <snuffshotMartyr> *shrug*
  130. [15:01] <snuffshotMartyr> In Maskwraith's dimension, Carl took over Nickolai and made him kill everyone
  131. [15:02] <snuffshotMartyr> I think we're nearing that point in our dimension, but with Faerzen
  132. [15:03] <[MA]> Wonderful.
  133. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> If they don't know you too well, you should be relatively fine
  134. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> But just a heads up, in case the world starts falling apart
  135. [15:03] <snuffshotMartyr> This would be why
  136. [15:04] <[MA]> Well, the world already fell apart once, did it not? Fate catching up to us seems like the least of our worries.
  137. [15:05] <snuffshotMartyr> ...
  138. [15:05] <snuffshotMartyr> That's actually a really nice way to put it
  139. [15:05] <[MA]> Thank you.
  140. [15:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Still, though, just in case
  141. [15:06] <snuffshotMartyr> Avoid black and white wings
  142. [15:07] <[MA]> Right.
  143. [15:07] <[MA]> Well then, provided we are not all slaughtered by a masked angel of death, I hope to stay in touch. Wonderful to finally be in contact with someone else running this gauntlet.
  144. [15:07] <snuffshotMartyr> I hear ya
  145. [15:08] <snuffshotMartyr> Talk to you later. I'm gonna go try and stand up
  146. [15:08] * snuffshotMartyr [SM] has ceased pestering maskedAristocrat [MA]
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