

Apr 6th, 2014
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  1. 18<happyfriend> Everyone, Tonto Tooktook has returned with his tail between his legs attempting to make peace with the admins. Anon3 posted in his ban appeal "UNBAN THIS MAN!"
  2. 18<happyfriend> but then errorage deleted anon3's post because dissenting opinions are to be silenced
  3. 18<happyfriend> but then errorage said tonto can never be released as he is not released, a sentiment which makes perfect sense if you are a inbred baby duck.
  4. 18<happyfriend> Errorage is like Joffrey from game of thrones, no one likes him or wants him to be around, but he has absolute power and will silence anyone who speaks out against him
  5. 18<happyfriend> this is supposed to be a fun game, why are people being permabanned for make creative and entertaining situations to hand out for free to you the good people of the space game.
  6. 18<happyfriend> quit pussyfooting around and stand up for yourselves, are you really having fun when you're not even allowed to make funny jokes without risking being banned?
  7. 18<happyfriend> what do you think, intrigracy?
  8. 18<happyfriend> intigracy i mean, i meant that it's your name bub!
  9. 18<happyfriend> or deuryn what do you think
  10. 18<happyfriend> why can't Tonto have a chance to redeem himself, what did he really do that was that bad?
  11. 18<happyfriend> are you really going to be such nazis over a videogame?
  12. 18<happyfriend> scaredofshadows what do you think
  13. 18<happyfriend> REVOLT
  14. 18<happyfriend> FREE TONTO TOOKTOOK
  16. 18<sawu> scaredofshadows
  17. 18<sawu> the dogs got out again
  18. 18<scaredofshadows> hallo
  19. 18<happyfriend> hi scaredy
  20. 18<happyfriend> its me tonto
  21. 18<happyfriend> i want to come back and redeem myself
  22. 18<scaredofshadows> not this shit again
  23. 18<happyfriend> but errorage says i cant because i got banned
  24. 18<happyfriend> your other admin named anon3 said let tonto come back
  25. 18<happyfriend> but then errorage deleted his post because dissenting opinions are illegal here on the video games
  26. 18<scaredofshadows> have an0n3 come talk to me, if he wants to take your case, I'll let him have it
  27. 18<happyfriend> its been a year and i am bored and want to play spacefriends
  28. 18<happyfriend> ok
  29. 18<happyfriend> i wont cause trouble i promise
  30. 18<happyfriend> i am a changed man
  31. 18<happyfriend> i think its unfair and very fascist to not even entertain the conversation
  32. 18<scaredofshadows> the only reason you're not banned here yet is because the first few lines were funny
  33. 18<scaredofshadows> this shit you're typing now isn't funny
  34. 18<scaredofshadows> start being funny
  35. 18<happyfriend> you cant be funny on command
  36. 18<happyfriend> im trying to be real with ya man
  37. 18<sawu> what about stand up commedians?
  38. 18<happyfriend> tell errorage im gonna make birdseed out of his face
  39. 18<happyfriend> scaredy youre a good man i dont want to cost you money
  40. 18<happyfriend> i have an idea about linking your server to the nasdaq
  41. 18<happyfriend> me and you working together could build tgstation into a flourishing penny trading operation
  42. 18<happyfriend> i can make you thousands of dollars
  43. 18<happyfriend> can errorage do that
  44. 18<scaredofshadows> you're kind of late to the party, I mined tens of millions of doge coin when it launched
  45. 18<happyfriend> do you expect to be able to exchange it into usd?
  46. 23* NikNakFlak ( has joined
  47. 18<happyfriend> none of the exchanges can match your wallet
  48. 18<happyfriend> it's all a scam
  49. 18<scaredofshadows> no, I exchanged it to bitcoin
  50. 18<happyfriend> i can help you launder the bitcoins through online drug markets and turn it into cold hard baby poop
  51. 18<scaredofshadows> 10 million doge to bitcoin at 225 satoshi
  52. 18<happyfriend> hmm.. let me do some math here..
  53. 18<scaredofshadows> and I use the bitcoin to buy hardware
  54. 18<scaredofshadows> it was over 22 bitcoin after fees
  55. 18<happyfriend> 1 and 1 .. is 2.... 2 and 2 is 4... 4 is 4 ... is ... it's eight!!! and 8 and 8? 16.. hmmm... so that must mean that 16 and 16 is 32, so 32 and 32 is 64, and 64 and 64 is 6464! and 128 + 128 is 256, so 256 must be 512 hmmm and 512 and 1024. but that must mean that 1024 is 2048!!! and 2048??? Its 4096! sweet mammy of jesus, 4096 and 4096 is 8192!!!
  56. 18<happyfriend> the implications are outstanding
  57. 23* Astral ( has joined
  58. 18<WJohnston> SoS is that why the servers run slow from time to time
  59. 18<WJohnston> because you're mining bitcoins
  60. 18<WJohnston> you BASTARD
  61. 18<WJohnston> :D
  62. 18<scaredofshadows> no, I mine at home
  63. 18<WJohnston> oh ok
  64. 18<scaredofshadows> scrypt takes gpu power, not cpu
  65. 18<happyfriend> the electricity doesnt count as part of the total cost
  66. 18<happyfriend> scaredofshaodws you should mine them at work
  67. 18<happyfriend> that way you dont pay for the power and your company will never notice - companies are made of money
  68. 24* Astral has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  69. 18<scaredofshadows> work doesn't have racks of gtx 280x video cards
  70. 18<happyfriend> dude
  71. 18<happyfriend> i appreciate the effort that is cool that you took the initiative to make a rig and all that but
  72. 18<happyfriend> do you even really make profit when you factor in how much it costs to run that shit
  73. 24* AstralSerpent has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  74. 18<happyfriend> PS why does the errorage gestapo not even allow the people to share their opinions on the matter of the cyborg molestation its bullshit, he's dissenting against literally everyone else's opinion
  75. 18<WJohnston> tonto were you the guy that completely devoured the old forums
  76. 18<happyfriend> i never ddos'd them that just got blamed on me
  77. 18<WJohnston> well, covered it in millions of threads
  78. 18<happyfriend> i posted a lot
  79. 18<happyfriend> yea
  80. 18<happyfriend> as they were making it a new forum
  81. 18<scaredofshadows> he was banned for vaguely creepy bullshit, he has 4 or 5 ckeys that are known to me, and he shitposted like mad on the forum
  82. 18<sawu> scaredofshadows sibyl is hanging
  83. 18<WJohnston>
  84. 18<WJohnston> the fun that was had.
  85. 18<happyfriend> i only posted so much cuz everybody enjoyed it except errorage and the autistic guy who was threatening to murder me
  86. 23* ZeroZiat ( has joined
  87. 18<MrStonedOne> happyfriend, i feel like i know you, not by nick, but by the way you talk...
  88. 18<scaredofshadows> post in coderbus, someone's gotta look at the runtimes and see what's up with it
  89. 18<happyfriend> i made jokes about clam bakes and bananas and am permanently blacklisted but the guy makign open death threats in his signature is A-OK
  90. 18<ZeroZiat> did it crash or is it updating?
  91. 18<happyfriend> mrstonedone its me tonto
  92. 18<scaredofshadows> it's not updating
  93. 18<happyfriend> how are u pal
  94. 18<ZeroZiat> oh my god
  95. 18<ZeroZiat> is it tonto
  96. 18<happyfriend> yea errorage is a nazi
  97. 18<ZeroZiat> i agree
  98. 18<happyfriend> i made a ban appeal and his reason for closing it was "he is banned"
  99. 18<happyfriend> i know
  100. 18<sawu> rip sibyl
  101. 18<MrStonedOne> i haven't been here long enough to know you.
  102. 18<MrStonedOne> i feel like i know you from some other irc shit...
  103. 18<MrStonedOne> or maybe just someone just as trolly as you
  104. 18<ZeroZiat> we hang up posters with "FREE TONTO" on them
  105. 18<ZeroZiat> on your sake
  106. 18<ZeroZiat> one day...
  107. 18<happyfriend> everyone in this chat room agrees that errorage and a handful of other admins are assholes Obyedinyonnoye gosudarstvennoye politicheskoye upravleniye
  108. 18<happyfriend> well
  109. 18<happyfriend> the time has come for revolt
  110. 18<ZeroZiat> you think that'd work?
  111. 18<oranges> good luck
  112. 18<happyfriend> ye
  113. 18<oranges> we can put you on more blacklists if you want
  114. 18<MrStonedOne> if you're leading it, i feel sorry for the rest of the revolt
  115. 23* AstralSerpent ( has joined
  116. 18<scaredofshadows> tonto: you repeatedly do dumb shit like get into situations where at best, you were only technically breaking the 'no rape' rule
  117. 18<scaredofshadows> what do you think is going to happen to you
  118. 18<happyfriend> he raped me
  119. 18<ZeroZiat> yeah i'd love arresting you tonto
  120. 18<happyfriend> but that is besides the point
  121. 18<happyfriend> also i said "molest"
  122. 18<happyfriend> which means to disturb
  123. 18<happyfriend> there are signs in florida in children's parks which say "do not molest the alligators" its not because kids are shoving their tongues up gator cloaca
  124. 18<happyfriend> its not my fault garrus is illiterate
  125. 18<happyfriend> i fucked up in other ways but the cyborg thing was bs
  126. 18<MrStonedOne> you are disturbing... so i guess that fits...
  127. 18<oranges> But it's not garrus fault you're a creepy fuck
  128. 18<happyfriend> how am i creepy
  129. 18<happyfriend> are you so immature that the mention of sex gives you the willies
  131. 18<oranges> sure, whatever floats your boat
  132. 18<happyfriend> no answer huh
  133. 18<happyfriend> see
  134. 18<ZeroZiat> the time you mean
  135. 18<happyfriend> youre just like everyone else who says im bad
  136. 18<MrStonedOne> ....
  137. 18<happyfriend> You have no real reason and when confronted on it you deflect and ignore
  138. 18<oranges> happyfriend: you can join ntstation 13
  139. 18* MrStonedOne blinks rapidly
  140. 18<happyfriend> you's a poonstang
  141. 18<oranges> they'll accept you
  142. 18<happyfriend> no i want to play with you , my friends
  144. 18<MrStonedOne> dude.
  146. 18<happyfriend> GET A SENSE OF HUMOR FUCKWAD
  147. 18<happyfriend> sorry I got carried away
  148. 18<MrStonedOne> i don't know what your own. but damn that shit is on another level.
  149. 18<happyfriend> why should I be banned
  150. 18<happyfriend> can anyone answer me
  151. 18<MrStonedOne> on rather*
  152. 18<happyfriend> ill give you some my man I ain't stingy
  153. 18<MrStonedOne> alright, i'll try:
  154. 18<happyfriend> im going to teach the tight-asses of this server how to let loose and have fun
  155. 18<happyfriend> maybe laugh at yourself a little
  156. 18<MrStonedOne> staying unbanned requires two things. not breaking the rules, and not being untolerable to the admins.
  157. 18<MrStonedOne> you fail both
  158. 18<happyfriend> what rule am i breaking
  159. 18<oranges> The only thing you did wrong was piss of the admins
  160. 18<happyfriend> me and scaredy just had a sweet discussion on buttcoins
  161. 18<MrStonedOne> im new, so i can only speak to is the latter.
  162. 18<oranges> but I Hope you can see why that would be a problem for your continued being here
  163. 18<happyfriend> it was 2 years ago lol
  164. 18<oranges> They have long memories
  165. 18<happyfriend> its a videogame
  166. 18<oranges> They don't care
  167. 18<MrStonedOne> you are also annoying, obnoious, and you sound like a 12 year old who just entered sex ed
  168. 18<happyfriend> its not court case
  169. 18<happyfriend> you should
  170. 18<oranges> I don't care about you happyfriend
  171. 18<happyfriend> You're obnonious, eat my ass
  172. 18<oranges> I couldn't care less
  173. 18<oranges> I have my cake
  174. 18<scaredofshadows> we have long memories of the people who kept getting unbanned and kept doing the same dumb shit over and over
  175. 18<oranges> and I eat it too
  176. 18<happyfriend> Scaredy give me a chance to actually play the game
  177. 18<MrStonedOne> you didn't break rules, they just don't want you here because they can't stand you, nor how you talk, nor how you play "friend stations"
  178. 18<happyfriend> sorry I want to be better
  179. 18<happyfriend> how do i improve mrstonedone
  180. 18<MrStonedOne> Get help, the 100USD an hour kind of help. Or stop trolling.
  181. 18<oranges> you could try not being tonto ;)
  182. 18<happyfriend> i remember people who would grief in game and actually DDOS the server and insult everybody and generally be assholes i just talked about oysters
  183. 18<oranges> that name is cursed m8
  184. 18<happyfriend> ok
  185. 18<happyfriend> change "tonto" to jewish
  186. 18<happyfriend> you are now a nazi
  187. 18<happyfriend> and im not tonto im happyfriend
  188. 18<oranges> Has anyone even gone as far as making it look like the name nazi?
  189. 18<happyfriend> funny
  190. 18<happyfriend> you're funny good job
  191. 18<happyfriend> i bet i can predict your next joke... hmmm it's most likely "such tonto, much anally rupturing myself with a zucchini"
  192. 18<oranges> not quite
  193. 18<happyfriend> Do you know how to use a sawzall?
  194. 18<oranges> I was going to tell you that you're pretty funny, invite you to play ss13 with me, then make a show of remembering that you're banned
  195. 18<happyfriend> Have you ever hammered a nail?
  196. 18<happyfriend> Do you know how to start up a leafblower?
  197. 18<happyfriend> Change the oil in your car?
  198. 18<happyfriend> owned
  199. 18<happyfriend> hahaha
  200. 18<MrStonedOne> Let me ask you something happyfriend
  201. 18<happyfriend> sure buddy
  202. 18<MrStonedOne> why do you do this
  203. 18<happyfriend> i just want to play the game and i came and asked to be unbanned and now im having this discussion
  204. 18<MrStonedOne> put up this fake personality you know everybody hates
  205. 18<happyfriend> this isnt fake dude
  206. 18<happyfriend> the fake one is when i used to do pcp and act like im schizophrenic on a videogames forum
  207. 18<MrStonedOne> you're not doing that know?
  208. 18<happyfriend> no sir
  209. 18<MrStonedOne> because you could have fooled me
  210. 18<happyfriend> oh
  211. 18<happyfriend> sorry
  212. 18<MrStonedOne> buy anywho, it changes tone too much to be real. you change from being ignorant to not so ignorant depending on what you think will get the most reaction.
  213. 18<MrStonedOne> why you do this
  214. 18<happyfriend> ignorant on what
  215. 18<happyfriend> idk man i am just hanging out in IRC talking to my buds
  216. 18<happyfriend> my buddy "mrStonedOne"
  217. 18<happyfriend> are u stoned right
  218. 18<MrStonedOne> ya.
  219. 18<happyfriend> noice
  220. 18<happyfriend> i want to smoke
  221. 18<happyfriend> but then i want to go on ss13 and play with you
  222. 18<happyfriend> and i cant because you arent my friend
  223. 18<MrStonedOne> don't worry, by the time you are 21 it will most likely be legal in your area
  224. 18<happyfriend> i got an oz up my bum right now its not supply thats the issue
  225. 18<happyfriend> oops sorry i mentioned a butt i hope that wasnt creepy
  226. 18<MrStonedOne> no you don't
  227. 18<happyfriend> cool it wasnt, ty mate
  228. 18<MrStonedOne> thats what im talking about....
  229. 18<happyfriend> ok whatever
  230. 18<happyfriend> ill be honest i got a gram in my suitcase
  231. 18<happyfriend> is that better?
  232. 18<happyfriend> being facetious isn't automatically a bad thing you know
  233. 18<happyfriend> the whole point of ss13 is imagination
  234. 18<MrStonedOne> finally! something genuine!
  235. 18<MrStonedOne> you're too over the top
  236. 18<happyfriend> ok but is it hurting anyone
  237. 18<happyfriend> half the people on this server are over the top at least im not just repeating 4chan memes while i do it
  238. 18<MrStonedOne> something about the way you are facetious is just super annoying, i can't place a finger on it. but it is.
  239. 18<happyfriend> my bad mang
  240. 18<happyfriend> wanna hear something real?
  241. 18<happyfriend> my armpits are sweaty as fuck right now
  242. 18<MrStonedOne> have you ever done E. or MDMA.
  243. 18<happyfriend> does that ever happen to you? im not very sweaty usually i work outside and it doesnt get bad but when i wear deodorant twice in one day or dont put it on immediately when i step out of the shower my armpits just get super sweaty man
  244. 18<happyfriend> mdma, mda, stuff close to it like 4-fa
  245. 18<happyfriend> i dont like it anymore though
  246. 18<happyfriend> its too intense it makes my dick shrink up and i hate the hangovers, plus 99% of what you buy as "molly" is totally not mdma
  247. 18<MrStonedOne> i heard that. brb cig.
  248. 18<happyfriend> ok buddy
  249. 18<happyfriend> stillchr have you seen arionane
  250. 18<Stillchr> my tab turned yellow, someone said my name
  251. 18<Stillchr> wait, arionane?
  252. 18<Stillchr> whos that?
  253. 18<happyfriend> sorry i meant anon3
  254. 18<happyfriend> i need to talk to him
  255. 18<Stillchr> oh
  256. 18<Stillchr> not that I can think of
  257. 18<happyfriend> ok thanks pal
  258. 24* WJohnston has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
  259. 18<happyfriend> have a bright morrow
  260. 23* An0n3 ( has joined
  261. 18<An0n3> Howdy
  262. 18<An0n3> My friend my friend
  264. <confu> Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckkkkkkkkk! God damn gravity you piece of shit…! You don’t care who it is as long as you can pull down on them, do you, you little bitch!! Gravity, you piggy bitch slut! Holy fucking shit what a god damn whore you are…! Hah, you’re Earth’s greedy little slut, you damn bitch in heat! Fuck you universal gravitation, you’re just Newtonian Mec
  265. <confu> hanics’ dirty little whore! You’re just the crusty semen left over in that slutty apple’s pussy after that son of a bitch Isaac fucked its rotten juices! Special theory of relativity, you impotent phimosis piece of shit! Einstein, you old limp dick fuck! What, got something to say!? Then move that tiny little twig of yours faster! Cum faster than the speed of
  266. <confu> light! A pig that can’t fly through space-time is just a piece of shit that reeks of semen and can’t even last 5 seconds in his wet dreams! Fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking UNIVERRRRRRRRRSSSEE!!"
  267. <confu> Oh my God!
  268. <confu> Special theory of relativity, a helpless uncut shit!
  269. <confu> Apple juice and crusty after leaving!
  270. <confu> As long as it can bring out people who don't care or little bitch! Gravity pig bitch slut!
  271. <confu> You know, the Earth's a greedy little slut, hot female dog bitch!
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