

Jul 6th, 2013
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  1. War [06|Jul 02:25 PM]: well i decided to install some custom brushes for zbrush, i think i got a bit carried away though -_-
  2. Momo [06|Jul 02:37 PM]: I just heard something like that
  3. Nannak [06|Jul 02:37 PM]: Alice is the only thing everyone cares about
  4. Momo [06|Jul 02:38 PM]: that's true
  5. Nannak [06|Jul 02:38 PM]: That's why OZombie is going to fail
  6. War [06|Jul 02:39 PM]: lol
  7. Nannak [06|Jul 02:39 PM]: Mcgee could might as well give it up
  8. War [06|Jul 02:39 PM]: nannak, you brought us to a link showing kickstarters of things that mostly werent games, and most of them had budgets that were considerably lower than ozombie
  9. Momo [06|Jul 02:40 PM]: at this point wa can't really judge it, if the kickstarter fails then that will be some kind of sign though
  10. War [06|Jul 02:40 PM]: plus, you get NOWHERE in life if you just give up, ive learned that from personal experience
  11. War [06|Jul 02:40 PM]: i could have given up 3d modeling but i chose not to, and ive made very considerable progress as a result
  12. War [06|Jul 02:41 PM]: we should all just give up and grow neckbeards like our friend here
  13. Nannak [06|Jul 02:41 PM]: The fact is though, how is OZombie going to get Mcgee anywhere with that sort of statistics?
  14. Momo [06|Jul 02:42 PM]: I find beards uncomfortable, even when it's not big, I shave once each week xD
  15. War [06|Jul 02:42 PM]: there are a lot of kickstarters that start out slow, one month is a very long time
  16. War [06|Jul 02:42 PM]: im not saying ozombie is going to be incredibly successful, but what is the point of just constantly saying its going to fail?
  17. War [06|Jul 02:42 PM]: that type of negativity gets nobody anywhere
  18. Nannak [06|Jul 02:43 PM]: Well looking at it right now and the pace it's taking I highly doubt Mcgee is going to meet his goal in 30 days, if so things would have been speed up right now
  19. War [06|Jul 02:44 PM]: well if the kickstarter fails, then all they have to do is re-adjust their strategy and pitch the idea again
  20. War [06|Jul 02:45 PM]: you know, like any other company would do
  21. Nannak [06|Jul 02:45 PM]: And of course starting square one all over again and this time they'll even less support. If they're failing right now what makes you think they're going the succedde the second time?
  22. War [06|Jul 02:46 PM]: if they fail the first time, that would force them to lower the size of the game, that could do a lot of things, such as cutting the required budget in half
  23. War [06|Jul 02:46 PM]: hell, if they make it small enough, they could get away with not even having to rely on kickstarter
  24. War [06|Jul 02:46 PM]: crazy fairies and bhb both didnt need kickstarter
  25. War [06|Jul 02:47 PM]: that would result in a less attractive game but its good enough to pay their bills, and thats what you fail to realize
  26. Nannak [06|Jul 02:47 PM]: ^That's what OZombie would probably be reduced into anyways
  27. Nannak [06|Jul 02:47 PM]: Like anyone would care
  28. War [06|Jul 02:47 PM]: no successful developer puts their fans above profit, you seem to not understand that
  29. Nannak [06|Jul 02:48 PM]: Yes I know that
  30. Nannak [06|Jul 02:48 PM]: That's where the main problem lies actually
  31. War [06|Jul 02:48 PM]: not really, the fans typically consist of people who all want different things and people who think that they deserve to be treated like kings because they pay for the product
  32. Nannak [06|Jul 02:49 PM]: or oh...
  33. Momo [06|Jul 02:49 PM]: at that one you are wrong War, for example CD PROJEKT RED does put their fans above profit
  34. Momo [06|Jul 02:49 PM]: that's why the Witcher series became a freaking success
  35. Nannak [06|Jul 02:49 PM]: I think I was right the first time
  36. Momo [06|Jul 02:50 PM]: and look, fans complanied about the closed world, and the 3rd game will be open world now, everyone is happy
  37. War [06|Jul 02:50 PM]: they might present it like that, but thats not the case, if every fan of the witcher came and randomly said "I WANT GERALT TO BE TURNED INTO A HOMOSEXUAL!" do you really think CDPR would do that?
  38. War [06|Jul 02:50 PM]: valve is a great example of this, everybody looks at them and thinks they do everything for the fans, but if you actually become a hardcore player of ANY of their franchises, youll understand that they could care less about the fans
  39. Momo [06|Jul 02:50 PM]: there are stupid ideas, but they listen to good ideas from the fans
  40. Nannak [06|Jul 02:51 PM]: Exactlye
  41. War [06|Jul 02:51 PM]: CSGO for example, is more broken than some F2P titles ive seen, dota 2 has no history with valve but valve has dedicated more resources to dota 2 than any other IP other than half life
  42. Nannak [06|Jul 02:51 PM]: Apparently Mcgee doens't do that
  43. War [06|Jul 02:52 PM]: that would be because 90% of the vocal alice fans are retarded psychos
  44. War [06|Jul 02:52 PM]: FFS, people are getting angry over a cosplay contest, you cant really harvest anything useful from people that are going to do that lol
  45. Momo [06|Jul 02:53 PM]: I didn't have a problem with the contest, I had a problem with the reateded troll choice in the end
  46. Momo [06|Jul 02:53 PM]: *retarded
  47. War [06|Jul 02:53 PM]: troll choice or not, a contest is a contest
  48. Momo [06|Jul 02:54 PM]: it may be my viewpoint only, but if you want a good kickstarter you should be serious about it xD
  49. Nannak [06|Jul 02:54 PM]: But point was though they didn't take seriously
  50. Nannak [06|Jul 02:54 PM]: that's probably one of the reasons why the kickstarter is failing right now
  51. Momo [06|Jul 02:55 PM]: not taking it seriously looks like a really bad business move to me
  52. War [06|Jul 02:55 PM]: implying cosplay determines a game's success/interest
  53. War [06|Jul 02:55 PM]: its just bad PR but american already sucks at PR so the losses had to be minimal
  54. War [06|Jul 02:55 PM]: people already think he hates PS4/XB1 because he sucks at interviews
  55. Momo [06|Jul 02:55 PM]: well, which one would make you interested? a beautiful alice, or a woman who is actually a man? it does matter
  56. Nannak [06|Jul 02:56 PM]: I think your missing the point War, it's not just about Cosplay but rather how seriously and how well they take care of the series
  57. War [06|Jul 02:56 PM]: at the end of the day, ozombie has nothing to do with alice, hence why picking the best alice would mean nothing
  58. Nannak [06|Jul 02:57 PM]: Rather they don't have that passon obviously that's the point
  59. Momo [06|Jul 02:57 PM]: it may mean nothing for OZombie, but for the future Alice game it does mean a lot xD
  60. War [06|Jul 02:57 PM]: hows that?
  61. War [06|Jul 02:58 PM]: AIO's creation has nothing to do with ozombie's success because it is going to get a separate budget and possibly funding from EA
  62. Momo [06|Jul 02:58 PM]: they could have used Alice's popularity to boost OZombie, if they had chosen a girl, but no, they just made fun of the entire series
  63. War [06|Jul 03:00 PM]: the popularity boost is something only known by the business guys, you have to think about the statistics involved, how many people who know about ozombie knew about the contest, of those that knew about the contest, how many laughed at the video?
  64. Momo [06|Jul 03:00 PM]: a serius kickstarter video is associated with a serious company, more people would be interested
  65. Momo [06|Jul 03:00 PM]: I learned some business, that's why I see it as a bad move
  66. War [06|Jul 03:01 PM]: you have to look at it from the perspective of somebody who doesnt know anything about mcgee, spicy, or even alice
  67. Momo [06|Jul 03:01 PM]: my teacher was totally useless though, but I heard interesting things xD
  68. War [06|Jul 03:01 PM]: somebody in that crowd would laugh at the video for being cheesy/gay
  69. War [06|Jul 03:01 PM]: and if they laugh at the video, that will peak their interest because it improved their mood
  70. Momo [06|Jul 03:02 PM]: well, let's say I never heard of Alice and see this OZombie kickstarter video, I would be unable to take it seriously
  71. Momo [06|Jul 03:02 PM]: if I would see, woah, that's an epic cosplayer there, now this might be interesting, check it out
  72. Momo [06|Jul 03:03 PM]: maybe the reason I don't find it funny is that I don't have any humour xD
  73. Momo [06|Jul 03:03 PM]: I admit that, I never had any Cheesy
  74. Momo [06|Jul 03:04 PM]: usually cool things make me interested instead of funny ones
  75. Momo [06|Jul 03:04 PM]: regarding games
  76. War [06|Jul 03:04 PM]: comedy is commonly used to sell products though, it has been used in BF, GoW, CoD, etc.
  77. War [06|Jul 03:05 PM]:
  78. War [06|Jul 03:05 PM]: that trailer comes to mind lol
  79. Momo [06|Jul 03:07 PM]: I admit, comedy is a good thing, but not always, and it was used badly in that kickstarter video
  80. War [06|Jul 03:07 PM]: oh well, debating this solves nothing
  81. Momo [06|Jul 03:07 PM]: we debated it to hell already xd
  82. War [06|Jul 03:07 PM]: i play a large variety of games and so ill try oz if it comes out
  83. War [06|Jul 03:08 PM]: re-watching this trailer makes me want to go and buy the map pack for BO2 :/
  84. War [06|Jul 03:08 PM]: but i have to save my money for the steam summer sale which supposedly starts in 5 days!
  85. Momo [06|Jul 03:08 PM]: yay
  86. Momo [06|Jul 03:10 PM]: wonder if there will be some free games as rewards, but that will be probably in xmas time only
  87. War [06|Jul 03:10 PM]: i believe they gave some free stuff out during the 2011 summer sale
  88. Momo [06|Jul 03:11 PM]: then we might have a chance , cool
  89. War [06|Jul 03:11 PM]: they were crap games though
  90. War [06|Jul 03:11 PM]: i got alien breed for free lol
  91. Momo [06|Jul 03:11 PM]: lol
  92. War [06|Jul 03:12 PM]: i tried archeblade last night, it just got added to the f2p section i think, its actually pretty cool
  93. War [06|Jul 03:12 PM]: its like an arena fighting game
  94. Momo [06|Jul 03:13 PM]: I might try it
  95. War [06|Jul 03:15 PM]: well finally time to go back to work
  96. Momo [06|Jul 03:15 PM]: alirght :d
  97. War [06|Jul 03:15 PM]: that debating killed my break time, i blame the dolphin for this
  98. Momo [06|Jul 03:16 PM]: sorry xD
  99. War [06|Jul 03:16 PM]: not your fault, im just going to press charges on the dolphin
  100. War [06|Jul 03:16 PM]: one can only hope he gets put on blubberize for a bit
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