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a guest
Jul 26th, 2013
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  1. 13-07-26 14:06:25 Console Log Started
  2. 13-07-26 14:06:26 Welcome to Soldat 1.6.4
  3. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Preparing scripts to be launched
  4. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] AC-OFF compiled
  5. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling addadmin -> addadmin.pas...
  6. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] addadmin -> [Hint] (1:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  7. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] addadmin compiled
  8. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling adminfun -> admin.pas...
  9. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] adminfun -> [Hint] (42:5): Variable 'XDELTA' never used
  10. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] adminfun -> [Hint] (91:1): Variable 'I' never used
  11. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] adminfun compiled
  12. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling anti-damage -> core.pas...
  13. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] anti-damage compiled
  14. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling AntiFakeHWID -> AntiFake.pas...
  15. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] AntiFakeHWID compiled
  16. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] antiTaunt-OFF compiled
  17. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling antiteam -> antiteam.pas...
  18. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] antiteam -> [Hint] (82:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  19. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] antiteam compiled
  20. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling antiweapon -> aw.pas...
  21. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] antiweapon compiled
  22. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling basicClimb -> basic2.pas...
  23. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] basicClimb compiled
  24. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling bookmark -> bookmark.pas...
  25. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] bookmark -> [Hint] (70:2): Variable 'I' never used
  26. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] bookmark -> [Hint] (87:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  27. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] bookmark compiled
  28. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling caps_stats -> caps_stats.pas...
  29. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] caps_stats -> [Hint] (83:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  30. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] caps_stats compiled
  31. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] color-OFF compiled
  32. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling ColorChat -> ColorChat.pas...
  33. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ColorChat -> [Hint] (149:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  34. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ColorChat -> [Hint] (166:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  35. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ColorChat -> [Hint] (183:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  36. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ColorChat -> [Hint] (195:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  37. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ColorChat compiled
  38. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling Comment -> script.pas...
  39. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Comment -> [Hint] (10:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  40. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Comment compiled
  41. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling gold -> gold.pas...
  42. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (109:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  43. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (136:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  44. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (167:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  45. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (205:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  46. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (254:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  47. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold -> [Hint] (13:2): Variable 'WRITESTRING' never used
  48. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] gold compiled
  49. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling info -> info.pas...
  50. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] info -> [Hint] (31:2): Variable 'I' never used
  51. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] info compiled
  52. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling ircbomb -> ircbomb.pas...
  53. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] ircbomb compiled
  54. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling kici -> kici.pas...
  55. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] kici -> [Hint] (42:2): Variable 'SAVEDREDFLAGX' never used
  56. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] kici -> [Hint] (42:2): Variable 'SAVEDREDFLAGY' never used
  57. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] kici -> [Hint] (35:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  58. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] kici compiled
  59. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling linemap -> linemap.pas...
  60. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] linemap -> [Hint] (54:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  61. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] linemap compiled
  62. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling maprandomizer -> randomizer.pas...
  63. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] maprandomizer compiled
  64. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling maprandomizercmd -> randomizercmd.pas...
  65. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] maprandomizercmd -> [Hint] (46:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  66. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] maprandomizercmd compiled
  67. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling maxplayer -> maxplayer.pas...
  68. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] maxplayer -> [Hint] (6:43): Variable 'L' never used
  69. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] maxplayer compiled
  70. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] MoveTeam compiled
  71. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling NadeMaps -> NadeMaps.pas...
  72. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] NadeMaps compiled
  73. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling newmaps -> newmaps.pas...
  74. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] newmaps -> [Hint] (33:2): Variable 'IDENTIFIER' never used
  75. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] newmaps -> [Hint] (115:2): Variable 'I' never used
  76. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] newmaps -> [Hint] (112:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  77. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] newmaps -> [Hint] (129:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  78. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] newmaps compiled
  79. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling Nextmap2 -> core.pas...
  80. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Nextmap2 -> [Hint] (99:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  81. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Nextmap2 compiled
  82. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling nick -> nick.pas...
  83. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] nick compiled
  84. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] race compiled
  85. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling sd -> admin.pas...
  86. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] sd compiled
  87. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling Timer_Stats -> Timer.pas...
  88. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (305:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  89. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (389:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  90. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (433:1): Variable 'FOUND' never used
  91. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (632:2): Variable 'GOLDSTAT' never used
  92. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (778:2): Variable 'FINSCORES' never used
  93. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1603:2): Variable 'ARRAYSCORES' never used
  94. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1604:2): Variable 'CZAS' never used
  95. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1604:2): Variable 'PLAYERTOPONE' never used
  96. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1604:2): Variable 'PLAYERTOPTWO' never used
  97. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1604:2): Variable 'PLAYERTOPTHREE' never used
  98. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1604:2): Variable 'PLAYERTOPFOUR' never used
  99. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1598:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  100. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats -> [Hint] (1687:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  101. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Timer_Stats compiled
  102. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xanti -> xanti.pas...
  103. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xanti -> [Hint] (8:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  104. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xanti compiled
  105. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xPingRate -> Light.pas...
  106. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xPingRate compiled
  107. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xredirect -> xredirect.pas...
  108. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xredirect -> [Hint] (1:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  109. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xredirect compiled
  110. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xShowMap -> showmap.pas...
  111. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xShowMap compiled
  112. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xspeak -> speak.pas...
  113. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xspeak -> [Hint] (17:10): Variable 'Result' never used
  114. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xspeak compiled
  115. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling xtracker -> Tracker.pas...
  116. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xtracker -> [Hint] (153:24): Variable 'TID' never used
  117. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] xtracker compiled
  118. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Compiling XtraCommands -> XtraCommands.pas...
  119. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] XtraCommands -> [Warning] (234:10): "True and" is not needed
  120. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] XtraCommands -> [Warning] (283:10): "True and" is not needed
  121. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] XtraCommands -> [Warning] (284:10): "True and" is not needed
  122. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] XtraCommands compiled
  123. 13-07-26 14:06:26 [*] Done
  124. 13-07-26 14:06:26 Max players changed to 14
  125. 13-07-26 14:06:27 BY YAR000
  126. 13-07-26 14:06:27 ASE Port: 23199
  127. 13-07-26 14:06:27 Connection for file server started. Port: 23086
  128. 13-07-26 14:06:27 Registering server @ ASE Master Server
  129. 13-07-26 14:06:27 Registering server @
  130. 13-07-26 14:06:28 [*] Map Randomizer: Finished Randomizing.
  131. 13-07-26 14:06:28 Mapslist loaded mapslist
  132. 13-07-26 14:06:28 [*] Map Randomizer: Disabled the script.
  133. 13-07-26 14:06:29 requesting game...
  134. 13-07-26 14:06:32 Cieply Bigos joining game ( HWID:73F6072A24D
  135. 13-07-26 14:06:32 Cieply Bigos has joined alpha team.
  136. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Admin connected (
  137. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /friendlyfire (
  138. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Friendly Fire is 0
  139. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /bonus (
  140. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Current bonus frequency is 1
  141. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /vote% (
  142. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Voting percent is 80
  143. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /respawntime (
  144. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Respawn time is 0 seconds
  145. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /maxrespawntime (
  146. 13-07-26 14:06:35 Maximum Respawn time is 1 seconds
  147. 13-07-26 14:06:35 /clientlist (
  148. 13-07-26 14:06:37 [Ş] kicikici: ARSSE dev (
  149. 13-07-26 14:06:42 requesting game...
  150. 13-07-26 14:06:46 )( joining game ( HWID:214149E667B
  151. 13-07-26 14:06:46 )( has joined alpha team.
  152. 13-07-26 14:07:00 requesting game...
  153. 13-07-26 14:07:05 requesting game...
  154. 13-07-26 14:07:05 White Bear joining game ( HWID:336DC7C454A
  155. 13-07-26 14:07:05 White Bear has joined alpha team.
  156. 13-07-26 14:07:08 *Kapitan* joining game ( HWID:151FF0CA202
  157. 13-07-26 14:07:08 *Kapitan* has joined alpha team.
  158. 13-07-26 14:07:39 [*Kapitan*] Die!
  159. 13-07-26 14:08:10 Cieply Bigos has left alpha team.
  160. 13-07-26 14:08:12 )( has left alpha team.
  161. 13-07-26 14:09:04 [White Bear] !5
  162. 13-07-26 14:09:04 White Bear has joined spectators.
  163. 13-07-26 14:09:17 [*Kapitan*] x
  164. 13-07-26 14:09:20 White Bear has joined alpha team.
  165. 13-07-26 14:09:21 [*Kapitan*] zjebana podloga
  166. 13-07-26 14:09:35 [*Kapitan*] !medals
  167. 13-07-26 14:09:43 requesting game...
  168. 13-07-26 14:09:44 Pavilion joining game ( HWID:1B88E37791A
  169. 13-07-26 14:09:44 Pavilion has joined alpha team.
  170. 13-07-26 14:09:54 Pavilion has joined bravo team.
  171. 13-07-26 14:09:57 *Kapitan* has joined bravo team.
  172. 13-07-26 14:10:02 White Bear has joined bravo team.
  173. 13-07-26 14:10:03 *Kapitan* has joined spectators.
  174. 13-07-26 14:10:09 Pavilion has joined alpha team.
  175. 13-07-26 14:10:13 White Bear has joined alpha team.
  176. 13-07-26 14:10:14 *Kapitan* has joined alpha team.
  177. 13-07-26 14:10:28 [White Bear] !medals
  178. 13-07-26 14:10:34 [White Bear] Yeah
  179. 13-07-26 14:10:38 [Pavilion] !medals
  180. 13-07-26 14:11:08 [Pavilion] !vote
  181. 13-07-26 14:11:21 [White Bear] !vote
  182. 13-07-26 14:11:24 Pavilion has joined spectators.
  183. 13-07-26 14:11:27 IP number (Chat Flood) unbanned
  184. 13-07-26 14:11:27 Hardware ID D97037D20D8 (Chat Flood) unbanned
  185. 13-07-26 14:11:27 Time Left: 15 minutes
  186. 13-07-26 14:11:33 [Pavilion] !stats
  187. 13-07-26 14:11:33 requesting game...
  188. 13-07-26 14:11:38 Pavilion has joined alpha team.
  189. 13-07-26 14:11:46 IpMan joining game ( HWID:8DC6714B9B7
  190. 13-07-26 14:11:46 IpMan has joined bravo team.
  191. 13-07-26 14:11:52 [White Bear] !stats
  192. 13-07-26 14:12:13 [Pavilion] !topunique
  193. 13-07-26 14:12:15 [*Kapitan*] kurwa
  194. 13-07-26 14:12:25 IpMan has left bravo team.
  195. 13-07-26 14:12:31 requesting game...
  196. 13-07-26 14:12:34 IpMan joining game ( HWID:8DC6714B9B7
  197. 13-07-26 14:12:34 IpMan has joined bravo team.
  198. 13-07-26 14:12:38 IpMan gets a ping warning
  199. 13-07-26 14:12:38 IpMan has left bravo team.
  200. 13-07-26 14:13:01 Pavilion has left alpha team.
  201. 13-07-26 14:13:06 [White Bear] !vote
  202. 13-07-26 14:13:15 requesting game...
  203. 13-07-26 14:13:17 [White Bear] !5
  204. 13-07-26 14:13:17 White Bear has joined spectators.
  205. 13-07-26 14:13:18 LordEzec joining game ( HWID:2BD2F9F27F0
  206. 13-07-26 14:13:18 LordEzec has joined bravo team.
  207. 13-07-26 14:13:20 requesting game...
  208. 13-07-26 14:13:22 LordEzec has left bravo team.
  209. 13-07-26 14:13:32 Greggggor joining game ( HWID:22ACE95210E
  210. 13-07-26 14:13:32 Greggggor has joined alpha team.
  211. 13-07-26 14:13:33 requesting game...
  212. 13-07-26 14:13:38 marzocchi joining game ( HWID:198038FE245
  213. 13-07-26 14:13:38 marzocchi has joined alpha team.
  214. 13-07-26 14:13:39 [*Kapitan*] xD
  215. 13-07-26 14:13:40 requesting game...
  216. 13-07-26 14:13:41 Darslo joining game ( HWID:5F25CAAC11E
  217. 13-07-26 14:13:41 Darslo has joined alpha team.
  218. 13-07-26 14:13:44 requesting game...
  219. 13-07-26 14:13:52 requesting game (Banned by an admin)...
  220. 13-07-26 14:13:52 Darslo has joined bravo team.
  221. 13-07-26 14:14:04 Greggggor has left alpha team.
  222. 13-07-26 14:14:15 Darslo has left bravo team.
  223. 13-07-26 14:15:09 [White Bear] <--?
  224. 13-07-26 14:15:10 [*Kapitan*] kurwa mac
  225. 13-07-26 14:15:45 marzocchi could not respond
  226. 13-07-26 14:16:07 requesting game...
  227. 13-07-26 14:16:09 Nub joining game ( HWID:141DF41E0A4
  228. 13-07-26 14:16:09 Nub has joined alpha team.
  229. 13-07-26 14:16:19 Nub has left alpha team.
  230. 13-07-26 14:16:27 Time Left: 10 minutes
  231. 13-07-26 14:16:39 [*Kapitan*] ja jebie
  232. 13-07-26 14:16:53 requesting game...
  233. 13-07-26 14:16:55 )( joining game ( HWID:214149E667B
  234. 13-07-26 14:16:55 )( has joined as spectator.
  235. 13-07-26 14:17:33 [)(] !top
  236. 13-07-26 14:17:48 requesting game...
  237. 13-07-26 14:17:51 I4L\-=[x]=- joining game ( HWID:14E5A9E1D2E
  238. 13-07-26 14:17:51 I4L\-=[x]=- has joined alpha team.
  239. 13-07-26 14:17:51 I4L\-=[x]=- has joined spectators.
  240. 13-07-26 14:18:01 I4L\-=[x]=- has left spectators
  241. 13-07-26 14:18:03 requesting game...
  242. 13-07-26 14:18:05 I4L\-=[x]=- joining game ( HWID:14E5A9E1D2E
  243. 13-07-26 14:18:05 I4L\-=[x]=- has joined bravo team.
  244. 13-07-26 14:18:05 I4L\-=[x]=- has joined spectators.
  245. 13-07-26 14:18:12 [I4L\-=[x]=-] !cmd
  246. 13-07-26 14:18:17 requesting game...
  247. 13-07-26 14:18:18 Pavilion joining game ( HWID:1B88E37791A
  248. 13-07-26 14:18:18 Pavilion has joined alpha team.
  249. 13-07-26 14:18:28 I4L\-=[x]=- has left spectators
  250. 13-07-26 14:18:29 White Bear has joined alpha team.
  251. 13-07-26 14:18:32 requesting game...
  252. 13-07-26 14:18:33 Pavilion has left alpha team.
  253. 13-07-26 14:18:34 helloer joining game ( HWID:14B2381B233
  254. 13-07-26 14:18:34 helloer has joined alpha team.
  255. 13-07-26 14:18:34 requesting game...
  256. 13-07-26 14:18:58 Dzony joining game ( HWID:78428B41882
  257. 13-07-26 14:18:58 Dzony has joined alpha team.
  258. 13-07-26 14:19:03 [Dzony] tego nie da sie capnac
  259. 13-07-26 14:19:04 [*Kapitan*] pojebaneee
  260. 13-07-26 14:19:04 [Dzony] !vote
  261. 13-07-26 14:19:06 [Dzony] !top
  262. 13-07-26 14:19:11 [*Kapitan*] musi
  263. 13-07-26 14:19:16 [Dzony] ale trudno
  264. 13-07-26 14:19:18 [Dzony] !whois
  265. 13-07-26 14:19:19 /say kicikici is online. !kici / !miau to request (
  266. 13-07-26 14:19:20 [Dzony] !miau
  267. 13-07-26 14:19:20 /say An admin [kicikici] was requested (
  268. 13-07-26 14:19:21 requesting game...
  269. 13-07-26 14:19:23 Hardcore joining game ( HWID:44AC9EF49E4
  270. 13-07-26 14:19:23 Hardcore has joined as spectator.
  271. 13-07-26 14:19:26 Hardcore has joined alpha team.
  272. 13-07-26 14:19:26 requesting game...
  273. 13-07-26 14:19:29 JustLike (crokani) joining game ( HWID:5044D6B49A7
  274. 13-07-26 14:19:29 JustLike (crokani) has joined alpha team.
  275. 13-07-26 14:19:33 [White Bear] !5
  276. 13-07-26 14:19:33 White Bear has joined spectators.
  277. 13-07-26 14:19:34 /say [kicikici] ? (
  278. 13-07-26 14:19:36 [helloer] !vote
  279. 13-07-26 14:19:41 [Dzony] Dowiedziales sie cos o tej mojej mapie ?
  280. 13-07-26 14:19:54 [*Kapitan*] kici wiesz moze gdzie sie tu didzie ?
  281. 13-07-26 14:20:03 /say [kicikici] nie doweidzialem sie (
  282. 13-07-26 14:20:05 [Hardcore] ,_,
  283. 13-07-26 14:20:06 /say [kicikici] nie wiem gdzie sie idzie (
  284. 13-07-26 14:20:14 [*Kapitan*] Son of a bitch!
  285. 13-07-26 14:20:24 requesting game...
  286. 13-07-26 14:20:26 Hardcore has left alpha team.
  287. 13-07-26 14:20:29 JustLike (crokani) has left alpha team.
  288. 13-07-26 14:20:35 [*Kapitan*] asdkaishdaosd
  289. 13-07-26 14:20:36 White Bear has joined alpha team.
  290. 13-07-26 14:20:46 requesting game (Banned by an admin)...
  291. 13-07-26 14:20:46 [Dzony] aa wiem gdzie tu sie idzie
  292. 13-07-26 14:20:46 [Dzony] juz
  293. 13-07-26 14:20:50 >|SwagReaper|< joining game ( HWID:5157FBCAAEF
  294. 13-07-26 14:20:50 >|SwagReaper|< has joined alpha team.
  295. 13-07-26 14:20:53 [*Kapitan*] gdzie?
  296. 13-07-26 14:21:24 [White Bear] !5
  297. 13-07-26 14:21:24 White Bear has joined spectators.
  298. 13-07-26 14:21:25 [Dzony] jak tam wejsc ?
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