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- groups:
- Donator++:
- permissions:
- mobdisguise.*: true
- true
- niftywarp.use.*: true
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- simpleprefix.Donator++: true
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- multiverse.portal.access.creative1: true
- multiverse.portal.access.creative2: true
- multiverse.access.creative: true
- backup.backup: false
- bukkit.command.list: true
-*: false
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-*: true
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- inheritance:
- - user
- Donator+:
- permissions:
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- true
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- true
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-*: false
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-*: true
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- inheritance:
- - user
- Donator:
- permissions:
- mobdisguise.*: false
- true
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- true
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-*: false
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- md: true
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-*: true
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- inheritance:
- - user
- default:
- permissions:
- false
- true
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-*: false
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- trusted:
- permissions:
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- true
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- true
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- multiverse.portal.access.creative2: true
- multiverse.access.creative: true
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-*: false
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- true
-*: true
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- cenotaph.large: true
- admin:
- permissions:
- permissions.*: true
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- multiverse.portal.access.creative2: true
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-*: true
- hatme.*: true
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- vanish.standard: true
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- Troll.*: true
- slap.slap: true
- slap.megaslap: true
- simpleprefix.op: true
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- dynamiceconomy.*: true
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- bukkit.command.teleport: true
- true
- true
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- Troll.exile: true
- Troll.launch: true
- Troll.troll: true
- msg: true
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- inheritance:
- - user
- builder:
- permissions:
- true
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- true
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-*: false
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- false
-*: true
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- inheritance:
- - user
- user:
- permissions:
- true
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- true
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- multiverse.portal.access.creative2: false
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-*: false
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- false
-*: true
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- essentials.back.ondeath: true
- cenotaph.large: true
- worlds:
- creative:
- coolplugin.item: true
- inheritance:
- - default
- messages:
- build: '&cYou do not have permission to build here.'
- debug: false
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