
FoE PNP Group Unlucky 13 Session 58

Jan 5th, 2014
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  1. [13:07] <TenMihara|GM> *****PnP Group 13, Hoofington Sucks: Session 58*****
  2. [13:08] <TenMihara|GM> Change
  3. [13:08] <TenMihara|GM> Over time, everything changes.
  4. [13:09] <TenMihara|GM> People grow as their experiences shape them.
  5. [13:09] <TenMihara|GM> Not always for the better though.
  6. [13:09] <TenMihara|GM> Just as adversity can bring out the best in some
  7. [13:09] <TenMihara|GM> In others, it can bring out the worst
  8. [13:11] <TenMihara|GM> Raiders, slavers, cannibals, and other horrors of the wasteland are examples of the worst of ponykind
  9. [13:11] <TenMihara|GM> In many places, they vastly outnumbed the good, and often even the sane
  10. [13:12] <TenMihara|GM> However, those that change things for the good are far more often farther reaching
  11. [13:13] <TenMihara|GM> The recognize that they can change things and themselves as much as things can change them
  12. [13:14] <TenMihara|GM> How will our wastelanders change the world around them?
  13. [13:14] <TenMihara|GM> How will it change them?
  14. [13:14] <TenMihara|GM> I guess we'll find out...
  15. [13:14] <TenMihara|GM> *****Session Begins*****
  16. [13:15] <TenMihara|GM> Green_Field, Daisy, and Missile are still in Flank. Harmony is at Logic's room in the Collegiate Dorm, while Proverb was discussing her treatment with Triage
  17. [13:16] <TenMihara|GM> Razor, Rime, and Logic were on the snooze still (I think).
  18. [13:17] * Rime|P lies awake with her back pressed up into Logic's belly, enjoying the warmth oh how they tangled up in their sleep after movie night.
  19. [13:25] <TenMihara|GM> Triage had just finished checking with Proverb about her eyepatch hygiene. "Any idea when you're planning on coming back with that doctor friend of yours?"
  20. [13:25] * Proverb shakes her head at Triage. "Not sure yet... soon I hope though."
  21. [13:27] <TenMihara|GM> Triage nods, "Well, try not to die I guess." She smirks, "Can't get paid for fixing you if you don't come back to be fixed."
  22. [13:28] * Razor is in her room, making sure everything is ready for her return to the Stadium... well, except for the armor. Rime ran off without working on it last night, so she'll need to track her down today...
  23. [13:31] * Proverb nods to Triage. "I'll come back."
  24. [13:31] * Logic snores lightly, having fallen into a deep sleep. He liked movies, most of the fun for him is telling ponies trivia on the production of them. This made him annoying to most other ponies when they watched movies, which seemed ungrateful since he's usually the one that finds them.
  25. [13:34] * Rime|P squirms up more into the unintentional embrace of her colt friend. It was nice to spend a night with just Logic.
  26. [13:38] * Logic felt warm. Warmer than usual. He wasn't used to hugs. Usually, he was a bit of a loner, and kind of had to be since it was a rare occasion where somepony could put up with his eccentricities. Even if he was very deeply asleep, unconsciously he knew it was nice and he nuzzled into the warm.
  27. [13:40] * Rime|P gives a contented sigh. It's a good morning.
  28. [13:51] * Rime|P pulls his foreleg more over her as she scoots against his stomach even more.
  29. [13:56] * Logic sharply snores, and then leans his head down onto hers.
  30. [13:58] * Rime|P flattens her ears a bit, that was a bit loud right there. She nuzzles her head up against his chin.
  31. [14:05] * Logic dreams that he's hugging a giant teddy ursa. He never had a teddy ursa. He'd never really even seen one up close until recently. But this was a dream, so he had one.
  32. [14:07] * Rime|P gives another contented sigh. She wants the moment to last, but she also can't wait to tell him good morning. She elbows him hard in the stomach, totally on accident.
  33. [14:17] * Logic was about to eat the ursa's head for some reason when something elbowed him in the ribs. He awoke with a sharp snoring sound and noticed first the drone of a movie on the display. And then he realized how close he was to Rime. "... Ow." He noted.
  34. [14:17] * Razor finishes making sure everything is in order, then heads out to find Rime.
  35. [14:18] * Rime|P feigns waking up, hugging the foreleg draped over her. "G'morning..."
  36. [14:21] * Logic 's eyes flutter unevenly as his brain boots up. Movie. Rime. Machine. Wow, he was close. When did that happen? "... You're not going to get me to feel embarrassed for this." He sleepily play-sniped, moving his bony limbs to see if they still work.
  37. [14:22] * Rime|P doesn't let go of the foreleg over her. "Why would you be embarrassed? Last night was great, you were /great/."
  38. [14:23] * Logic put on a brave face. "Behave." He responded.
  39. [14:24] * Rime|P smirks. "Who? Me?"
  40. [14:27] * Logic giggles weakly, groans, and then proceeds to try to detangle himself from her. "Yes."
  41. [14:27] * Rime|P holds firm. "Gonna cost you to get this back." Squeezes the captive foreleg.
  42. [14:32] * Logic wiggles it a little and sighs whenever he realized that he wasn't going to wrestle it out. "What are your terms?" He was already thinking for ways to get out of whatever they might be. Unconsciously of course, but you can't be a Crusader and not be in this situation in a much more harsh situation.
  43. [14:33] * Rime|P rolls to her belly, dragging the leg a bit with her. "I didn't get to go to the spa, I want a massage."
  44. [14:36] * Missile_Rush stands outside the general store, scuffing a hoof along the ground, a scowl furrowing his brow. He isn't sure what to do with the time he had now...what to do?
  45. [14:38] * Logic pauses. Even he could sense the awkwardness of this situation. "Do I have to go?"
  46. [14:39] * Rime|P rolls her eyes. "No, you're giving it If you want your leg back." She looks back over her shoulder and grins mischievously.
  47. [14:51] * Logic contemplates this. "Stipulation. You have to be subject to an experimental spell I found that will assist in this endeavor."
  48. [14:55] * Razor makes her way along the shops, keeping an eye out for that elusive filly. Or at least somepony that might know where she went.
  49. [15:01] * Rime lets go of Logic's leg. "Sure, I guess." She lays her head down on her forelegs and waits to be pampered
  50. [15:11] * Missile_Rush sighs softly to himself, finishing up his little game of tracing circles in the dirt with a hoof. He decides to head to the Trough. He could use something to eat.
  51. [15:11] * Rime closes her eyes as Logic does whatever he's doing beside her to get ready. "So, a massage spell?"
  52. [15:12] * Logic pops his neck and shakes out. Alright. Magic time. Alright. He sidled up closely to Rime, within the span of his leg, and then his horn bloomed with a green light. And then as he was touching Rime's back, he also felt as if he was touching his own. "Nah. Shared sense spell." It felt kinda freaky.
  53. [15:14] * Rime giggles, enjoying the start of the massage. "Sounds fun." She gives a relaxed sigh. This was the best morning ever. A thought rattles around in her brain and falls out her mouth. "Say, what do you know about happy ending massages?" Harmony gave a rather vague explanation, after all.'
  54. [15:15] * Missile_Rush trottrottrots towards the Trough!
  55. [15:17] * Logic seems very hesitant at the beginning of it, mostly because holy shit that felt so weird to be touching not your back, but your own back as someone else seems to perceive you touching their own back. It was freaky, and it took him a little while to get into the swing of it. "I have sixteen porn movies where they go for that direction."
  56. [15:18] * Rime snuggles down into her forelegs. "Color me curious."
  57. [15:21] * Logic tries to ignore his own sensation of touch and tries to bury himself in her sensation. "What do you wanna know?"
  58. [15:23] * Rime opens and eye, looking back. "What it is and can I have one? Harmony wouldn't let me get one in Flank."
  59. [15:26] * Missile_Rush trots in and takes a look at the menu.
  60. [15:27] * Logic frowns and trips up a little. Well, he never stopped being blunt and he's not going to start being anything else now. "A happy ending's whenever after a massage, the massage mare sucks off the dude or the dude jills off the mare. And no, Harmony asked me not to do sex stuff until I'm older."
  61. [15:30] * Rime eye's flutter. "Seriously?! Fuck... they need to be more clear in their signage..." She settles back down. "/That/ would have been embarassing." Her eyes wonder over to her saddlebag and to Razor's armor that she kinda forgot about last night... double fuck... "Shitcakes... I forgot to mend Razor's armor... going to need to knock that out..."
  62. [15:32] * Logic kneads the muscle on her lower back a little. Ooh, that was nice. "Who's signage?"
  63. [15:33] * Missile_Rush presumably orders something and eats it. Woohoo.
  64. [15:34] * Rime melts like snow under Logic's hooves. "Just... their signs. They need to be clear. I was going to get one, ya know? Didn't know I'd be signing up to get tongue banged by the masseuse."
  65. [15:34] <TenMihara|GM> Missile_Rush is treated to the usual mix of recooked pre-war foods, and the only fresh thing being meat.
  66. [15:35] * Missile_Rush eats his meal quietly, after paying his tab.
  67. [15:40] * Rime "I should really get to work on that armor... and we should probably find the others and get moving..." She isn't, however, moving from her spot yet.
  68. [15:47] * Rime is really enjoying Logic's work... but there's stuff to do... "Can I get an IOU for the rest, really should get to work..."
  69. [15:48] * Logic blinks as the spell fades off. "Probably for the best, anyway. It wore off."
  70. [15:50] * Rime stretches, catlick, her forelegs out straight in front of her and her rump in the air. She rolls her center of mass forward, stretching out her hind legs next. She turns with a smile. "Thanks." She gives Logic a peck on the lips before hopping down to the workbench to work on the armor. "Can you find Razor and breakfast? Shouldn't take me more than half an hour to get this ready."
  71. [15:52] * Missile_Rush finishes his meal as he decides to take a stroll about town, watching the ponies in Flank about their daily business.
  72. [15:53] * Logic shrugs. "'Kay." So he tucks his things away and leaves.
  73. [16:00] <TenMihara|GM> Triage shoos Proverb out so she can take a nap
  74. [16:01] * Proverb goes and sits on a bench near the main entrance.
  75. [16:14] * Razor is looking throughout the shops for any sign of mischievous fillies.
  76. [16:16] * Logic is looking around for overly violent mares. He possibly finds several.
  77. [16:19] <TenMihara|GM> Logic does find a few, but only one of them is Razor.
  78. [16:20] * Logic frowns. "Hey. Rime wanted to talk to you. She's in the security room."
  79. [16:21] <TenMihara|GM> As Missile_Rush strolls down the street, he passes by an alley and hears a bit of a commotion away from the main street, which is where the guards seem to focus their attention. And only there.
  80. [16:24] * Missile_Rush was about to sink into a nap. Pegasi seem to like their naps, don't they? But his ear flicks as he hears the noise, and he trots silently over to investigate. He tries to be as quiet as possible.
  81. [16:24] * Razor scowls as Logic. She contemplates saying something a little nasty, but she doesn't really want to deal with angry Rime again. So instead she says nothing, and goes off to the security room.
  82. [16:28] <TenMihara|GM> The commotion Missile_Rush sees, at face value at least, is a couple of slum dwellers. Two mares are having a scuffle while a stallion lays unconscious nearby, a broken beer bottle laying by his head, with a bit of blood on his face.
  83. [16:29] <TenMihara|GM> In their scrapping, they don't notice MIssile at all
  84. [16:32] * Missile_Rush gives a brief glance at the stallion, frowning, before he looks about and tries to see who else has noticed this commotion.
  85. [16:32] <TenMihara|GM> If there is anyone else around, they're giving the scrap a wide berth. Not their problem.
  86. [16:34] * Missile_Rush somehow can't seem to bring his head out of it. He hesitates briefly...was he making another mistake? Another simple mistake that would prove to be fatal? As it had so, so many times? He steels himself. He couldn't just stay out of this one. He faces the mares and speaks to them, voice loud and clear. "What's going on here?"
  87. [16:35] * Rime is putting the finishing touches on the rework of Razor's armor when she arrives.
  88. [16:37] <TenMihara|GM> The two mares are rolling around, grappling with each other at the moment. She both stop for just a moment and look at the pegasus stallion. He was wearing a saddle, did that make him a guard? The mare on top of the other, an olive coated, teal maned thing, pins her adversary and snorts. "This bitch just bottled my coltfriend."
  89. [16:37] <TenMihara|GM> The mare underneath chokes out, "Yeah well this cunt's coltfriend tried to cut my purse!"
  90. [16:41] * Missile_Rush is notably wearing a duster and a hat too! What impression that gives the two mares, even he doesn't know. Frowning, he looks to the mare on top, the one whose coltfriend had gotten bashed in. His voice is level, sober and relatively calm. "Miss, please release this mare. Hitting her won't do any good to your coltfriend." To the other, he speaks. "Please explain yourself. You say he tried to steal from you
  91. [16:43] <Missile_Rush> from you?"
  92. [16:43] * Logic keeps that frown ongoing and decides that, screw her, he was going to enjoy this day as he heads back to the security room.
  93. [16:44] <TenMihara|GM> The Olive coated mare eases her grip, but doesn't let the other mare up. "So she says. My coltfriend is a saint!"
  94. [16:45] * Rime has left the door cracked so Razor can just walk on in.
  95. [16:46] <TenMihara|GM> The mare undeneath, blue with a black mane, retorts: "Yeah, and I'm a cockatrice." She wiggles a hoof free and points to a pair of loose saddlebags. "Those are mine. His knife is probably still stuck in the left one from when he 'bumped' into me."
  96. [16:48] * Razor directs her annoyance toward Rime once she finds her way there. "Where have you been? There's important things we need to get done before we can even think of leaving!"
  97. [16:48] * Missile_Rush turns his attention to the saddlebags. What does he see?
  98. [16:49] * Rime looks up with a quirked brow. "I thought I told you I had to make Logic's gizmo? Your armor is done by the way." She hoofs Razor the mended Reaper Armor and hops up, stowing her tools.
  99. [16:49] <TenMihara|GM> Missile can see the hilt of a crude dagger sticking out from under the left saddlebag.
  100. [16:49] * Rime hops into line behind Razor, following here to do what they still need to do before meeting up with everyone.
  101. [16:51] * Missile_Rush steps over to the bags, and yanks the dagger out of the bags. Facing the first mare, he holds it up and asks, "Is this your coltfriend's knife?"
  102. [16:55] <TenMihara|GM> The Olive mare frowns, "Never seen it before in my life. Cunt's lying."
  103. [16:57] <TenMihara|GM> The blue mare growls. "I finally managed to hold down a job long enough to make some income and these fuckers tried to rob me!"
  104. [16:58] * Missile_Rush turns to the olive mare. "And what's your side of the story?"
  105. [16:58] * Razor gives Rime a little scowl, and puts her mended armor back on before heading out. Before they go, she wants to have a look at the bounties, to see if there's anything worth looking into while they're gone.
  106. [17:01] <TenMihara|GM> The olive mare frowns,"Ain't no story. She bottled my coltfriend, I beat the stuffing out of her? WHo the hell are you anyways?"
  107. [17:06] <Missile_Rush> "Either your best friend or your worst nightmare, depending on how you choose to act. So please calm down." He looks to the blue mare. "How, exactly, do you know it was this stallion here? Flank is a crowded town. Could it not have been someone else?"
  108. [17:07] <TenMihara|GM> The blue mare seems unimpressed, "Considering we're the only ones in this alley? I'd say my odds of being right are fifty-fifty."
  109. [17:09] * Missile_Rush ponders that...he glances around the alley. Was somepony hiding?
  110. [17:10] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy stirs and wakes up next to Green_Field after a night of... lots of stuff
  111. [17:10] <TenMihara|GM> Missile_Rush doesn't see anyone
  112. [17:13] * Green_Field is still fast asleep with his hooves around Daisy. Teleporting them for 4 jumps in a row really wore him out.
  113. [17:14] <TenMihara|GM> Green_Field really wore daisy out after that.
  114. [17:14] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy snores cutely and nuzzles up close to him
  115. [17:14] * Missile_Rush somehow gets the feeling that something isn't right. He turns to the mares and the stallion. "Don't move from where you are. Either of you. I'm watching." He turns his head back to the alley, speaking into the emptiness as he trots deeper in. Taking the chance that somepony /might/ be there...might...he shapes his words accordingly, cold and menacing. "Aren't you smart enough to get out of the dark? These
  116. [17:16] <Missile_Rush> wings aren't just for show. If there is indeed a thief in the dark, there is no safe haven for you from the likes of me. Best to come out now."
  117. [17:16] <TenMihara|GM> There's no response or movement.
  118. [17:19] * Missile_Rush clops a hoof along the ground at that, turning back to the olive mare. "Tell me about your coltfriend. Who is he, and what does he do?"
  119. [17:20] <TenMihara|GM> The blue mare frowns, "I told you, there's nopony else here. Just these two-bit thieves!" The Olive mare snorts, "And this cunt. If you hadn't bottled my buck, I wouldn't have had to get rough on you." She looks to Missile_Rush, "The fuck business is it of yours?"
  120. [17:22] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy yawns and sits up, stretching. She winces a bit and shifts herself to keep her aching nethers from rubbing the rough bedding.
  121. [17:23] * Rime hops up on Razor's back as they head to the job board. She admires her work on the armor, she'd adjusted the fit a bit. Those ponies at the Arena couldn't match her skill! It's perfect.
  122. [17:23] * Missile_Rush gives the smallest of smirks. "Knowing others' business /is/ my business, miss. That, and lending a hoof where I can. But in this case, I can't do the latter without the former. Is it really so much to ask for?"
  123. [17:24] <TenMihara|GM> The olive mare rolls her eyes, "You wanna help? Fine, take this cunt in and let me take my coltfriend home and bandage that gash."
  124. [17:25] * Missile_Rush turns back to the blue mare. "It's her word against yours. Have you anything left to say?"
  125. [17:26] <TenMihara|GM> The blue mare frowns, "I was just defending my hard earned caps from that cutpurse. I shouldn't have to say anything else at all."
  126. [17:27] * Missile_Rush nods. Then that left but one pony to talk to. He looks to the downed stallion, and he bends down to gently shake him. "You. Wake up."
  127. [17:28] <TenMihara|GM> The Stallion groans, "Buh?"
  128. [17:29] * Green_Field stirs feeling Daisy move. His eyes blink a few times, he feels extremely refreshed! He smiles at Daisy as he gets up and stretches.
  129. [17:30] * Rime isn't actually so sure on that... spotting a bit of weakness she missed. "Hmmm... I think I need to do more work on this Razor... I don't like this weak section along your spine... Need to buy another leather armor to cannibal."
  130. [17:30] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy smiles and gives him a peck on the lips. She opens her mouth to speak, only to catch herself this time. She pouts a bit. It felt wierd to keep going back and forth.
  131. [17:30] * Logic blinks. "Huh."
  132. [17:31] * Missile_Rush faces down at the stallion. "Stand up. You're a buck. Act like one."
  133. [17:32] <TenMihara|GM> The stallion gets to his hooves a bit shakily. "Who the hell are you?"
  134. [17:33] * Missile_Rush looks to the stallion. "First things first. Is your head alright?"
  135. [17:35] * Rime keeps her head on a swivel, she needs more donor leather.
  136. [17:37] <TenMihara|GM> The stallion shakes his head a bit, "Not too fantastic, but I'll live. You a guard? Mind arresting the bitch that bottled me?"
  137. [17:38] * Missile_Rush holds up a hoof to stop him. "She claims that you tried to steal from her. What have you to say to that?"
  138. [17:38] * Green_Field gives a sympathetic look and smiles. "Thanks for yesterday." His horn light and she can feel the now familiar sensation of her tongue growing mixed with the new strengthening sensation.
  139. [17:40] * Rime hops off Razor's back and heads over to the armor vendor. "Hey, I need a decent set of leather armor for material. What do you got?"
  140. [17:41] <TenMihara|GM> The stallion rolls his eyes, "I say she bottled me and I'm bleeding. Ya can see the proof, can't ya?"
  141. [17:41] <TenMihara|GM> The Blue mare barks in protest, "If you hadn't tried to cut my saddlebags I wouldn't have hit you!"
  142. [17:41] <TenMihara|GM> The merchant offers Rime a set of Leather Armour, and a set or reinforced leather. "Got these, will they do?"
  143. [17:42] * Rime puts a hoof on the leather armor, doesn't need much too it, so unless its scraps, it will work. "This will do, how much?"
  144. [17:43] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy smiles and says, "Thank you. I kinda needed that bit of strength too after... well, last night was exhauthing."
  145. [17:46] * Rime looks over at Razor. "Pay the guy and strip. Shouldn't take me /too/ long to get through round two."
  146. [17:48] * Missile_Rush is, honestly, getting worried. Two parties, both completely at odds, and nothing that actively incriminates one or the other....augh! He makes sure to keep a straight face, though, as he faces the stallion once again. "Just a few more questions. Tell me, what do you do when you aren't having your head bashed in? A job, or anything of the sort?"
  147. [17:48] * Green_Field chuckles and grin. "You're welcome. You had mor than earned all that. I'm glad you had fun, Daisy."
  148. [17:48] <TenMihara|GM> The stallion frowns, "Nunya fucking business."
  149. [17:52] * Missile_Rush gives the stallion that small smirk once again. "Come now, it's a simple question. And if you answer, it would clear up quite a few things and remove the last doubts."
  150. [17:52] <TenMihara|GM> The stallion frowns, "I don't gotta clear up shit. The bitch bottled me. Why the fuck you even here anyways?"
  151. [17:53] * Razor sighs a bit and complies.
  152. [17:55] * Rime folds up the armors the best she can for travel. "Ok, about half an hour and these will be done. If you bring me something to eat at the security room, it will get us out all the faster." She struggles a bit to get the bulky armors situated.
  153. [17:57] * Logic hovers around Rime while she works. He looks like he's watching an instructional video.
  154. [17:59] * Rime waits for Razor to bring her a damn sandwich. When she notices the attention Logic is giving her, she starts to narrate. He seems like the kind to like to learn stuff, even if it's not in his sphere of interests.
  155. [18:00] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy nuzzles him and stands up. She retrieves her panties and slips them and the nurse outfit away, changing into her saddle.
  156. [18:01] <Missile_Rush> "Very well." He turns his head away from the three. "If you would rather get your own hooves dirty in clearing this mess, be my guests. It seems friendship /is/ dead in the wasteland after all." He begins to trot away from the trio of ponies, but not before taking another glance down that alley.
  157. [18:03] <TenMihara|GM> Nothing there.
  158. [18:03] <TenMihara|GM> The Olive mare kicks the Blue mare's saddlebags and takes her coltfriend elsewhere. The Blue mare groans and takes her bags, trotting off to find a guard who would actually do something.
  159. [18:03] * Missile_Rush then turns his head away and trots off without another word. Inwardly, he cringes. Why, oh why did he have to stick his muzzle into this mess?
  160. [18:07] * Green_Field smiles at Daisy once she's dressed. "Pretty as ever."
  161. [18:08] * Missile_Rush takes something from this...he reflects upon all of this as he takes a seat at the Trough again, watching the morning bleed off into the afternoon.
  162. [18:08] * Proverb sits on the bench still, now using the hoofrest as a makeshift pillow as she dozed quietly.
  163. [18:09] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy smiles and nuzzles him. "So... dancing?" She blushes ab it
  164. [18:10] * Rime pulls out some noodles to munch on. She supposes it was too much to think Razor would bring her food. She continues her explanation right up until she's finished. It's as good as new, and fitted a bit better, so better than new. "There, all done."
  165. [18:12] * Green_Field checks the clock. "Yes. We should head there now, just in case." He leads her out the door, locking it behind and returning the key to the mare at the counter.
  166. [18:12] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy follows!
  167. [18:16] * Green_Field leads! He heads for the atrium to meet Sweet Heart by 11. "It's nice of you to want to do this for me."
  168. [18:16] * Rime hops off the short stool she'd brought up to the bench and stretches. After a good roll of her neck she smiles at Logic. She steps forward and puts a hoof under his chin, pulling him closer.
  169. [18:16] <TenMihara|GM> Daisy giggles. "You do so much nice for me, I want to have thomething to give back, athide from what little medithine I've learned."
  170. [18:22] * Proverb gets up off the bench, starting to wander through the halls of the Colligate, hoping she'd run into someone she could chat with for a bit.
  171. [18:24] * Green_Field and Daisy arrive at the atrium and he looks around for Sweet Heart. "I'm still very grateful."
  172. [18:24] * Logic gets a little closer. "Can I help?"
  173. [18:25] * Rime shakes her head. "Nope, all done." She pulls down lightly on his chin, encouraging him to tilt his head down. She appears to be scrutinizing his horn.
  174. [18:26] * Razor mostly uses the time to check out the jobs and bounties! She'll take care of Rime after she's checked them over.
  175. [18:29] * Rime keeps looking at Logic's horn intently. "We should be able to go here in just a bit..."
  176. [18:29] * Logic tilts his head down for her. "What's up?"
  177. [18:30] * Rime smiles. "I was just thinking it does so much work..." She leans her head forward and places a kiss on his horn. "It should get some appreciation."
  178. [18:41] * Rime suppresses a giggle long enough lick Logic's horn from base to tip before she has to pull away to giggle.
  179. [18:43] * Logic blushes heavily, and then his horn sparks up with strange geometric shapes.
  180. [18:44] * Logic scrunchfaces. "Please don't do that. It could explode on you."
  181. [18:45] * Rime giggles. "I bet you say that to all the fillies." She turns to start packing her things, a merry little wiggle to her rump as she stows her stuff and gets Razor's armor folded up.
  182. [18:52] * Logic shakes his head. "No. You're the only one to want to get near it." He mumbled quietly.
  183. [18:53] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart is coming down the hall in a silk dressing gown, "Good morning dearies. Did you have a good night." She winks.
  184. [18:53] * Rime turns, ready to leave. She sidles up next to him. "I'll tell you a secret. Other fillies are stupid, don't pay them any mind." With a kiss on the cheek she starts out to find Razor. It's time to get to the others!
  185. [18:56] * Green_Field chuckles and smiles at Daisy. "We sure did."
  186. [19:02] <TenMihara> Razor can't see any bounties really worth their time, either too petty or too small a reward. She could probably make better caps prize fighting at the Arena
  187. [19:06] * Rime finds Razor at the bounty board. "Hey! It's all reinforced. You're good to go and so are we!" She smiles.
  188. [19:06] * Razor is very disappointed. What does it take to get some ponies to piss somepony off enough to want to pay big caps to have them dead!? She sighs and turns to go find Ri-- Oh. there she is. "I was about to come find you! You wanted to get something to eat, right?"
  189. [19:07] * Rime had nibbled on some noodles... but she's not about to turn away a meal from Razor. "What do you have in mind?"
  190. [19:08] * Razor shrugs in response. "Well, there's got to be some decent place to get something around here..."
  191. [19:10] * Rime shrugs. Nothing special then. She decides to increase Razor's mood by being ready. "I ate a little bit while I worked, we should be ready to go." She beams up at her idol.
  192. [19:13] * Logic follows behind Rime, looking quite smitten.
  193. [19:18] * Rime tilts her head as she looks up at Razor, a question bubbling up in her mind. "Hey... If I licked your horn, would it go all nutty and shot colors?"
  194. [19:19] * Razor is about to respond when Rime asks this... weird question. She gives a blank look. She simply says, "Don't even think about trying."
  195. [19:21] * Rime is thinking about it, thinking about it hard. Now is not the time, though. She looks back to Logic. "Get us the fuck out of here, Logic." She smiles.
  196. [19:21] * Logic rolls his eyes, looking at Rime. "Have the machine?"
  197. [19:22] * Rime nods. "It's in my bag." Her saddlebag bulges appropriately.
  198. [19:22] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart gives Daisy a playful flick with her tail, "Glad you enjoyed what my establishment has to offer. Let's see how you take to another one of its delights." She turns and leads them back to the Overmare's wing. "They're working on the lighting on the stage, so we'll have to use my pole."
  199. [19:23] * Logic "We'll stop by the Collegiate to drop it off and hook it up. Is anyone else going?"
  200. [19:24] * Logic lowers his eyelids. "After we go to the stadium, of course."
  201. [19:25] * Green_Field chuckles again and follows her.
  202. [19:26] <TenMihara> Daisy blushes and follows as well.
  203. [19:27] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart takes them to the Overmare's office and lets them inside. She hits a switch on the desk and a pole slides up from the floor to the ceiling.
  204. [19:30] * Razor needs to put on the armor again, then she'll be ready to go.
  205. [19:31] * Green_Field can't suppress his laugh at the symbolism.
  206. [19:32] <TenMihara> Daisy blinks. That seemed like an odd place for that.
  207. [19:33] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart smiles and slips out of her dressing gown, revealing a pair of lacy garters holding up stockings, with matching panties. "Now, they key to any form of dancing is to enjoy yourself of course, but the trick to stage or pole dancing is to know how to move in just the right way." The mare radiates sex appeal. Her cutie mark is actually a spotlight
  208. [19:33] * Rime sidles up next to Logic as Razor finishes doning her armor. "Take us, Logic."
  209. [19:34] * Logic shakes his head. "This is your warning." Poink.
  210. [19:38] <TenMihara> Logic, Rime, and Razor rematerialize right in front of the Reaper arena
  211. [19:39] * Green_Field 's eyes dart to her cutie mark, but not to see what the design is, he quickly peels his eyes off of her and smiles at Daisy.
  212. [19:41] <TenMihara> Daisy is just staring, her jaw down.
  213. [19:41] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart gives a wink. "I do have that effect sometimes."
  214. [19:42] * Razor still doesn't like teleporting. She has a manic sort of grin as she looks toward the Stadium! "It's about time I came back for more..."
  215. [19:42] * Rime blinks away the aftereffects of the teleport. She looks around.
  216. [19:44] <TenMihara> As usual there are guards on duty, but once they get over the suddenness of teleport ins, then look at Razors armour. "Oh hey, it's the new mare." "Told you she'd beat toxicity." "Shut up, I lost good caps on that match."
  217. [19:45] * Rime looks up at Razor, she motions for her to lower her head. "Hey... We're going to go do science shit for a while... You'll be careful, right?"
  218. [19:52] * Green_Field chuckles again. His smile turns into a grin. "Now you know how I feel when you let me look at you."
  219. [19:57] * Razor smirks. She looks at Rime. "There's nothing at all to worry about!"
  220. [19:57] <TenMihara> Daisy blushes hotly. She hadn't even looked at a mare like that but... damn if this Mare wasn't an attention puller
  221. [19:57] * Rime looks back at Logic. "Then... I guess it's time for us to go..." She looks back up to Razor, sitting up and raising her forelegs up toward her head. She gives a sad little look.
  222. [19:58] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart seems to like the attention. "Just means I'm good at what I do. Now, watch closely, because I'm gonna do this slowly for your benefit. Just try not to get too worked up."
  223. [20:00] * Green_Field looks back at Sweet Heart. He still does want to watch.
  224. [20:04] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart spends the first fifteen minutes putting on quite a show, starting slow for Daisy to follow but eventually getting caught up in her own enjoyment of the attention and picking up the pace
  225. [20:05] * Razor rolls her eyes a little bit, but acquiesces, giving Rime the hug she wants.
  226. [20:08] * Green_Field watches intently. She's really good. He smiles at Daisy partway through, imagining her dancing like that for him.
  227. [20:08] * Rime takes her hug, squeezing tight. She releases and rears back a bit more so she can grab her head in a hug too. "Don't do anything stupid and say 'Hi' for me." She holds on to the bigger mares head, hugging it to her chest.
  228. [20:11] <TenMihara> Daisy is blushing hotly by the end of the routine, looking more than a little flustered
  229. [20:15] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart smiles at the result. "Your turn dearie." She, sweating a fair bit, moves away from the pole and motions for Daisy to try it out
  230. [20:16] * Green_Field 's smile widens, wanting to see Daisy learn.
  231. [20:17] * Rime gives Razor a smile before darting her head forward and licking her horn base to tip! She giggles wildly as she immediately starts to flee. "TIme to go!" She runs for Logic and the safety of teleportation.
  232. [20:17] <TenMihara> Daisy gives it her best. She starts slow, trying to mimic the motions. While Sweet Heart was leagues above Daisy in experience and technique, Daisy seems to not be half bad. She smiles at Green_Field as she gyrates around the pole
  233. [20:19] * Razor is taken by surprise. She calls out angrily. "HEY!"
  234. [20:21] * Rime is laughing maniacally as she runs for the safety of Logic.
  235. [20:22] * Green_Field watches Daisy happily. With polish she could be amazing like Sweet Heart.
  236. [20:23] * Rime ears can't help but swivel back, hoping the shock has stalled any immediate pursuit.
  237. [20:23] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart Smiles. "Wonderful Daisy, most wonderful. Especially for a beginner."
  238. [20:23] * Logic looks very confused at that. Huh. Alright, well. Fine. Pflump.
  239. [20:24] * Rime rolls to her back laughing when they pop back into existance, wherever that place is.
  240. [20:26] * Logic goes back to the Collegiate, particularly the Taintling lab.
  241. [20:26] <TenMihara> The scientist therein jumps with a start and drops a petri dish containing a sample of the Taintling's resin
  242. [20:26] * Proverb is curled up on a bench in the main entrance foyer of the Collegiate!
  243. [20:29] * Green_Field nods. "It certainly was. You're a natural."
  244. [20:30] * Rime continues to laugh, her mind making note of the clean ceiling she is looking up at. "Did you see the look on her face!" Another giggling fit.
  245. [20:34] <TenMihara> Daisy blushes and smiles, then trots over to Green and nuzzles him.
  246. [20:35] * Razor scowls as Logic and Rime teleport away. She'll get her back later. She'll get her back big time. For now... she heads inside, to get settled in before she tries to set up a fight.
  247. [20:38] * Green_Field smiles and nuzzles her back. "Did you enjoy yourself?"
  248. [20:41] <TenMihara> Razor's room is still Toxicity's old room. Nothing has been touched since she was last here.
  249. [20:41] * Rime kicks at the air. She snorts. "Hahaha.... oh... no sparks though. Going to need to do more research if I want the experiment to be worth anything."
  250. [20:41] * Logic smiles. "'Sup?"
  251. [20:41] <TenMihara> Daisy smiles and gives a nod. "It was fun. The way Thweeth Heart drew both our attention... would be nice if I could do that."
  252. [20:44] * Green_Field grins. "I was too busy enjoying the show to look, but I don't imagine that she wasn't enjoying it too."
  253. [20:45] <TenMihara> Sweet HEart winks, "I enjoy most good shows dearies."
  254. [20:46] <TenMihara> The science mare blinks, "Oh, it's you. Um... well, I was analyzing a freshly secreted sample of the resin and comparing it to an older one to see if the composition changed as it solidified."
  255. [20:52] * Logic 's expression takes on a sort of cocky accountance. "We have a thing to fix it's head. Find anything else about it?"
  256. [20:52] <Green_Field> "As do I. And, yours was a good one."
  257. [20:59] <TenMihara> The mare blinks, "Fix its head? How so?"
  258. [21:00] * Logic just sort of smiles. "Memory defragmentation and reconstruction thing rigged from a terminal and a jury-rigged recollector."
  259. [21:00] <TenMihara> The mare tilts her head, "Okay... did you get it approved?"
  260. [21:04] * Logic blinks. "What?"
  261. [21:11] <TenMihara> The mare nods, "Well, I know you brought this specimen in, but you should probably get any untested technology or invention inspected to make sure it works properly."
  262. [21:14] * Logic blinks and then smirks again. "Oh. Alright, where do I go to do that?"
  263. [21:18] * Rime rolls to her hooves. She's still fighting the giggles, but it's starting to fade.
  264. [21:22] <TenMihara> The mare nods, "Third Floor Engineering Lab."
  265. [21:27] * Logic nods. "Then I'll see what's up there." He started up there, nuzzling Rime a little. Anxiety made his footsteps light and brief. "We might finally fix it." He finally mentions. "We might finally fix the bug and make it into something civil."
  266. [21:28] * Rime trots after him, letting her tighty bound bun of a tail bat him on the side occasionally. "That would be fucking awesome. Quite the win for you."
  267. [21:29] <TenMihara> Daisy smiles and hugs Green_Field, then looks to Sweet Heart, "Well... if I wanted to take the job, how often would I need to be here?" She looks to Green, "As much as it's fun, I wouldn't want to be stuck away from you too long."
  268. [21:32] * Green_Field grins. "Well, with my new ability to teleport us around, I could bring you here, stay while you work, assuming it's not too long, maybe even watch, and then take you back when you're done."
  269. [21:33] * Logic smirks. "I don't care about winning. As possessive and as... Well, stupid as it sounds, I care about getting what's mine."
  270. [21:35] * Rime smiles. "You always fight so hard for what's yours?"
  271. [21:38] * Logic keeps walking. "Yup." He said simply. "It's the only way that the world will let you have it."
  272. [21:38] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart smiles, "I do so love young love. It always makes for the sweetest passions. What would you say to a couple shifts a week? I'll even forgo the cost of the dancing lessons until you get paid first."
  273. [21:39] * Rime bumps into his side. "A filly could find that /awful/ romantic." She bats her eyes over her red-lensed glasses.
  274. [21:42] * Green_Field likes the sound of not having to pay, but looks at Daisy. "It's up to you."
  275. [21:43] * Razor heads out to look into setting up an arena match, once she's finished settling into her room. On the way, she checks to see if her mom is around... She has to check in with her first.
  276. [21:43] * Logic blushes. "A filly could make a colt very embarrassed."
  277. [21:43] <TenMihara> X's door is closed and locked
  278. [21:45] * Rime taps her chin in mock thought. "Probably, but I would guess a filly would be doing it just because the colt looks so cute when he's blushing." She takes a step closer and presses her side to his.
  279. [21:48] * Razor is a little disappointed. But... her mom has things she has to go out and do, too. So she heads over to set up the match.
  280. [21:51] <TenMihara> As Razor meanders through the halls of the arena, she spies a familiar barbed wire wrapped red and white striped tail going around the corner.
  281. [21:55] <TenMihara> Logic eventually reaches the third floor engineering lab. Contained within are a few scattered tables, each with various part or half-finished projects laying atop them. Presently the only occupants of the room are Aries Zodiac, a suit of power on the table in front of her, and a pony wearing welding goggles working on it
  282. [21:56] * Razor is definitely a little excited... She follows behind to see where she's going... maybe she'll get to talk again. It's been a while... Maybe she could learn more!
  283. [21:56] <TenMihara> Daisy thinks about it, then smiles at Green_Field, "I think I can do that."
  284. [21:56] <TenMihara> Rampage stops in front of the ticket office. With her are Big Daddy and Psychoshy.
  285. [21:57] <TenMihara> There's also a notary there jotting a few things down
  286. [21:59] * Rime looks at the armor as she enters, her keen mechanic's eyes taking it in and looking for the reason its been brought in and kinda looking to see what the tech is doing.
  287. [21:59] * Logic puts down, gently, the hard storage partition off of the computer terminal system back at the Megamart. "This has the coding for me and Rime's memory defragmentation and reconstitution device. It also has all the porn in Hoofington."
  288. [22:00] * Green_Field looks at Sweet Heart. "Sounds like we have a deal then. How much will she be earning?"
  289. [22:01] * Rime tilts her head as she looks over at the work. That seems odd... "What's with the welding? Repair matrix fried?"
  290. [22:03] <TenMihara> The tech blinks, setting down the welding torch. "There you go Aries, good as new." She looks to Logic, "Sorry, can I help you?"
  291. [22:03] * Logic is undaunted. "This is the place where you test things. Test."
  292. [22:03] * Razor is a bit more hesitant now. Rampage alone is one thing. But these three together is another thing entirely... She steels her resolve, and trots over toward them.
  293. [22:03] * Rime chuckles. "Oh, you said good as new, and that confused me cause it's obviously still damaged or you wouldn't have to apply a patch job."
  294. [22:07] <TenMihara> Aries looks to Rime, blinking. "Sass aside, you've got a keen eye kid. Doesn't actually have a spell matrix. This is a salvage job; none of the fancy stuff works except the saddle bit in the Helmet."
  295. [22:09] <TenMihara> Psychoshy looks at Razor and raises an eyebrow, "Check it out; the fresh meat is here." She giggles malevolently
  296. [22:10] <TenMihara> Rampage turns and looks at Razor, as does Big Daddy. "Hey kid," says the latter. "Was wondering when we'd see you again."
  297. [22:10] * Rime trots up and looks at it closer. After shucking off her saddlebags, of course. Logic will need his gizmo after all. She scrutinizes it, searching for answers before she even voices the questions. "That sucks stallionsauce, Just fried or missing or..."
  298. [22:12] <TenMihara> Aries shakes her head, "Had to strip it all out just to make use of it. But I figured that would be better than just letting the Ranger Saggitarius iced go to waste."
  299. [22:13] <TenMihara> The tech mare looks at Logic, "Sorry, could you go into a little more detail about this contraption?"
  300. [22:16] * Razor tries her best to keep her cool! "I had some business to take care of. Took longer than I thought it would." She glances between them. "But I'm back now."
  301. [22:19] * Rime frowns. "Fuck yeah, it's stripped out... Shit... You'd have to raid an unopened stable just to get it running again. Might as well be wearing metal plate... well... I guess the musculature is still powered..." She mumbles as she continues to poke around the armor.
  302. [22:21] * Logic sighs. "Okay, so." He points at Rime. "That's mare has a jury-rigged recollector modified a bit. I have a terminal program that will code the defragmentation and reconstruction of something's memories to remove all corruption and unwanted defense mechanisms from something's memory."
  303. [22:21] * Rime is up on the table at this point. "If you had the bits and bobs though? Shit... That would be /fucking awesome/."
  304. [22:23] <TenMihara> Aries chuckles, "I suspect so. You happen to have a Stable in your pocket kid?"
  305. [22:24] * Provy shifts on her bench.
  306. [22:25] * Missile_Rush sits back wherever he might be, just looking out.
  307. [22:27] * Rime shakes her head. "Nope, know a stud they call 'The Stable' cause he's let hundreds of ponies come in his back door, but that's as close as I can get." She laughs, looking over the armor. "Still... everything's been yanked, so somepony has it, right?"
  308. [22:27] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart consides. "Well, how about a hundred caps a night plus tips?"
  309. [22:28] <TenMihara> Daisy looks to Green_Field to see if that offer was a good one
  310. [22:29] <TenMihara> Aries nods, "Yeah I think I passed most of it around to repair stuff around here. Wouldn't matter anyways; moving in that stuff when it's not powered without proper training just doesn't work."
  311. [22:30] <TenMihara> Aries ignores the backdoor joke
  312. [22:30] * Green_Field thinks that's not too bad. "Hmm, will she start to make more, if she improves?"
  313. [22:30] <TenMihara> Psychoshy wanders off, snickering
  314. [22:30] * Rime frowns. "Well, if you don't got the parts, you don't have them. Shame though, seems like something ya could learn and make real useful."
  315. [22:32] <TenMihara> Rampage nods to Razor, "Heya rookie. Finally looking for a prize fight?"
  316. [22:33] * Razor eyes Psychoshy as she leaves. After a moment, she responds, "Yeah. It's been a while since I've been in the arena!"
  317. [22:34] <TenMihara> Big Daddy looks to Rampage, "You sure about the woodchipper thing?"
  318. [22:35] * Rime looks over her shoulder to Logic. "Hey, you need my amazing technical skills for this test stuff or can I wander around?"
  319. [22:36] * Logic stares at the poor techie.
  320. [22:37] <TenMihara> Rampage smirks, "Of course, you know damn well I'm gonna win that bet." She looks to Razor again, "Well, what do you wanna set up then?"
  321. [22:38] <TenMihara> The techie nods to Logic, "Okay, so it's a memory modification device. What purpose are you intending it for primarily?"
  322. [22:38] * Logic shrugs. "You know the bug monster two floors down?"
  323. [22:40] * Rime takes that as a 'not needed.' She offers her hoof to the big mare. "Rime, by the way, nice to meet you."
  324. [22:41] * Logic "I'm going to fix it's brain."
  325. [22:42] <TenMihara> The Techie nods, "Yeah actally. A lot of people are talking about it. It's a unique specimen."
  326. [22:43] * Logic smiles. "Me and my friends and some other ponies brought it in.
  327. [22:46] <TenMihara> The techie blinks, "Okay, so how do you want to go about testing it?"
  328. [22:51] * Logic shrugs. "I dunno."
  329. [22:54] * Razor hesitates. "Well... this is my first one, aside from the fight that got me in! So... I'm not sure what's to choose from." She pauses. "I kinda thought a fight was a fight?"
  330. [22:56] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart smiles, "Certainly." She gives Daisy a friendly nuzzle. Green_Field too. "And of course, I'm sure the skills she develops under my tutelage will pay off for you too."
  331. [22:58] <TenMihara> The Reapers nods to Razor, "Basically it just depends on how you want the fight to go. There's standard matches, cage matches like you fought Toxicity in, or skill competitions."
  332. [22:59] * Green_Field nods. "Alright, how long will each 'day' be?"
  333. [22:59] * Razor thinks for a moment. "How do the others work?"
  334. [23:01] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart raises a hoof to her chin, then looks to Daisy, "How good is your stamina?"
  335. [23:01] <TenMihara> Daisy looks to Green_Field, wondering if she should note that with or without his spell's assistance.
  336. [23:04] * Green_Field sees no reason to withhold that information esspecially since it might be relevant. "Much improved since I've started using my magic to enhance it."
  337. [23:08] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart blinks, "Oh hoho," she gives him a wink. "THat must be handy. In that case, we normally do Four Hour Shifts. Each mare does a dance, then rotates out for the next group to catch their breath. They do their next routine after half an hour."
  338. [23:08] <TenMihara> Aries shakes Rime's hoof, "Seeya round kid. I'm Aries Zodiac."
  339. [23:10] * Rime smiles. "Neat! I made fireworks with Virgo!" She hops off the table. "I'm going to take a look around, find me if you need me!"
  340. [23:11] <TenMihara> The Techie nods, "Alright. Well if I might make a suggestion, you should find a volunteer. I'm not certain I want to be a guinea pig if you don't even know what you're doing with this thing."
  341. [23:15] * Rime is about to the door and not really listening when the tech is calling for volunteers.
  342. [23:20] * Green_Field nods again. "That doesn't sound too bad. What do you think, Daisy? Sound good to you?"
  343. [23:22] <TenMihara> Daisy nods. "I'd like to give it a try." She nuzzles Green_Field, "If you don't object."
  344. [23:25] * Green_Field smiles. "You wanted a way to make caps so I didn't have to pay for everything. This is a decent way."
  345. [23:25] <TenMihara> Daisy smiles, "Okay, I'll give it a try."
  346. [23:26] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart smiles coyly, "And getting all worked up like that, I'm sure she'll need some strapping young stallion to provide some relief." She winks.
  347. [23:26] * Rime slips out the door. Harmony and Proverb are somewhere here! She's on a stealth mission to find them!
  348. [23:27] * Proverb is in the main foyer, curled up on a bench.
  349. [23:28] * Green_Field chuckles and grins at Daisy. "If I get to watch, I'll be needing the cutest dancer up there to take me someplace private for my own relief."
  350. [23:29] <TenMihara> The Techie notes to Logic, "You can set it up here, but I ain't sitting in it unless you actually have an idea of how it'll work."
  351. [23:29] <TenMihara> Daisy blushes
  352. [23:29] * Rime smiles to herself when she spies Proverb on the bench. What better way to cheer her up than with a practical joke? Step one, sneak up behind the bench and tie a length of tripwire to the bench and to her armor.
  353. [23:30] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart giggles encouragingly. "Well aren't you two just the living end."
  354. [23:33] * Rime finishes tying her back to the bench. Step two: Cherry Bombs under the bench, two should be enough.
  355. [23:35] * Rime digs out two cherry bombs and places them under the bench, their fuses touching. She pulls out her lighter. Step three: Light them and duck back in the corner where she can tackle Proverb after. Razor says she should practice wrestling with somepony her size.
  356. [23:37] * Rime lights the cherry bombs and slides into a dark corner to watch and bide her time!
  357. [23:38] <Green_Field> "So, how will we know what her schedule is and when does she start?"
  358. [23:41] * Proverb yipes as the cherry bombs go off, leaping to her hooves, yelping again as she finds that her armor is attatched to the bench! She yipes, slamming back down onto the bench and scrambling to get her armor off!
  359. [23:42] * Rime charges from her hiding place as Proverb is distracted. She takes a flying leap to tackle the her-sized mare!
  360. [23:44] * Proverb juuust manages to get her armor off in time to be tackled by a flying Rime! She yelps, being knocked sideways off the bench, flailing her hooves!
  361. [23:47] * Rime uses the cascade of surprises to get an advantageous position! She's on top! "Ha! Pinned you!"
  362. [23:47] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart considers Daisy, "Well, she's a quick study it seems, so how about two days next week? You can come the day of the shift for lessons, or the day before if I can find time."
  363. [23:49] * Proverb smirks up at Rime, giggling. "Well, you certainly have the upper hoof in this situation Rime."
  364. [23:50] * Rime settles herself down on top of Proverb, reveling a bit in the victory, but mostly just getting comfortable. It might not be horribly comfortable for Proverb, all on her back with her hooves in the air, but that's not really her concern. "You bet! Sneak attack's are my thing, ya know."
  365. [23:52] * Missile_Rush continues to watch the town from his seat at the Trough.
  366. [23:53] * Proverb wriggles underneath Rime. "Though, I recently had a heart attack upon teleporting here, so no more surprises okay?"
  367. [23:55] * Rime keeps her weight on her in a semi-embrace. It might look a bit intimate or lewd from the outside. "No shit?"
  368. [23:58] <TenMihara> Rampage answers, "Well, skill challenges test your mettle against the other reapers indirectly, and a regular match ditches the cage and you get to keep your own shit."
  369. [23:58] * Proverb nods, biting her lip. "Yeah..." She says to Rime.
  370. [00:00] * Rime dips her head and nuzzles into the nape of Proverb's neck. "I'm sorry... I didn't know... I wouldn't play a joke like that if I knew..."
  371. [00:01] * Proverb smiles, hugging Rime. "It's alright Rime."
  372. [00:02] * Rime lays on Proverb in the lobby, getting a big hug which she returns. She felt pretty bad over the whole thing...
  373. [00:02] * Razor gives a little grin. "Skill challenge sounds... kinda fun. I'll get the chance to show somepony up? I wanna try it!"
  374. [00:03] <TenMihara> Rampage nods, "So, basically how it works is, when you participate in a fight, and win, you get a payout based on how much we pulled in on the bets."
  375. [00:03] * Proverb nuzzles Rime. "Triage says she wants to do surgery on me once Green gets here. I... don't know if I'll make ith through though."
  376. [00:04] * Rime gives the her-sized mare a squeeze. "You'll make it."
  377. [00:04] * Green_Field puts a hoof on Daisy's withers. "That sounds good. She'll be able to get some practice in with me before then too." He chuckles.
  378. [00:05] <TenMihara> Daisy blushes
  379. [00:05] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart winks, "I expect good things."
  380. [00:10] * Rime gives Proverb another big squeeze. "You're not going to go out like a bitch on some operating table, I know it."
  381. [00:10] * Proverb sighs, nodding to Rime. "I hope I won't Rime, I hope I won't." She smiles at the filly.
  382. [00:10] * Razor nods. "How much is normal? What should I expect?"
  383. [00:10] <Green_Field> "So, any more points of order or will that pretty much cover everything?"
  384. [00:11] * Rime lifts her head up a bit. "How are the other things? Need to talk?"
  385. [00:11] <TenMihara> Rampage looks Razor over, "Well, at your middleish rank, I'd say maybe a couple grand."
  386. [00:12] * Razor grins. "Alright, I'm signing up! Not waiting any more!"
  387. [00:12] * Proverb sighs softly. "Hear ache hurts so much more than a heart attack, Rime."
  388. [00:15] * Rime lowers her head back into Proverb's neck and gives her another reassuring hug. "It's good... that it hurts... It validates your feelings. She's hurting too... but she just doesn't know for sure why. It'll work out, or it won't, but you'll always know you did right by her by giving her the chance to figure it out."
  389. [00:15] <TenMihara> Sweet Heart shakes her head, "No, I think that will do for now. You two enjoy each other's company as much as you're able." She gives each of them a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you," she points to Daisy, "Next week."
  390. [00:16] <TenMihara> Rampage nods, "Good. What kinda challenge you wanna run? We can set up pretty much anything here."
  391. [00:18] * Proverb nods to Rime, sighing. "Yeah... but I hope that it works out in the end, because... I don't think I could take loosing another pony I care about."
  392. [00:21] * Rime raises her head and looks down at Proverb. "Don't you give me that pussy-way-out talk. That's shit. When something gets fucked up, you fight. Don't you dare even think of giving up, you hear me!" She gives her best angry face.
  393. [00:21] <Green_Field> "Fortunatly, I get to see you before then. Let's head out of here and leave her to her other business. We should track down Missile_Rush and see if he's don't with his. I did tell Harmony that we'd be going back to the Collegiate today."
  394. [00:21] * Proverb smiles at Rime. "I'm not going to give up Rime, not ever."
  395. [00:25] * Razor doesn't even have to think. "I want the skill challenge, so it should be something I'm good at! Ha, and you know the kind of mare I am already! So you can guess that it should be something with a blade."
  396. [00:24] <TenMihara> -End Session-
  397. [00:24] <TenMihara> Rewards: 1500 Experience
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