
Carrie and Beth

Jul 26th, 2016
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  1. Carrie and Beth
  2. By
  3. A Cannibal
  4. M/ff M/F oral cannibalism
  6. Carrie and Beth were excited they were going to a dude ranch with their mother Mary for a week of horseback riding in Canada. The 13 and 14-year-old sisters had begged mom to go alone that they were old enough to go by themselves but she didn’t want two young teens to get any trouble and she was there to make sure of it
  7. . They got in the car for the long drive up to Canada. They arrive at my place the next day a big 10-room house for a week of horseback riding and lounging by the pool and just plain relaxing.
  8. Normally all the rooms would be full in the summer but this was the week I normally used for myself. But Mary was an old friend and said that this was the only week she had and her girls really want to go horseback riding. I explained that I would be the only one here and that the ranch hands had the week off so there wouldn’t be much to do.
  9. She said they could help with meals but mostly they just to relax. I relented and said they could come up and relax with me.
  10. Now they were here and looking at the scenery lounging around the pool I thought it might not be too bad to have some company. The girls were dark hair dark eyes Carrie was 13, 5’2” with hair down past her ass. Beth was 14, 5 feet tall and had shot hair only coming down to her shoulders. I also notice that they were both starting to curve in all the right places but were still small upstairs area.
  11. I let them pick their rooms so they could unpack and freshen up while I went to the kitchen for refreshments. The three of them came down and sat down with sodas for the girls and beer for Mary and me.
  12. Now we could chat about what we could do. The girls wanted to go horseback riding one or two days and the rest of the time they could swim and lay around the pool. “Ok” I said, “what you can do is swim today and we can go riding tomorrow and we can see what we can do the rest of the week”
  13. Mary looked at the girls” is that ok with you two?”
  14. Carrie and Beth nodded “can we go swimming now?” Carrie asked.
  15. Beth said, “I want to work on my tan.”
  16. Their mom nodded and the girls ran off to there rooms to get in their swimsuits. Mary and I sat on the couch and made small talk until the girls came down in their bikinis and bounced out the door to the pool area.
  17. “Mary” I said, “why don’t you go join the girls I get lunch together and bring it out.”
  18. She looked out the door seeing the girls lying on the towels sunbathing “Can I help you get it ready I really don’t want to lay in the sun” she said.
  19. I took her to the kitchen, as she looked around the first thing she saw a floor to ceiling oven 8ft long 8 ft high 8 feet wide.
  20. “Where did you get this oven, it so huge that you could put a person in it” She said laughing.
  21. I laughed too and asked, “It’s big enough for two would you like to try it out? I have a roasting pan just your size,”
  22. She grinned and laughed saying, “Some other time perhaps.”
  23. The counter in the center of the kitchen was 5 ft long but had a mirror above it. The walk in cooler was normal that it could hold 4 sides of beef. “This is one weird kitchen. Where did you get all this stuff? “She asked look at the oven again. I walk over to the oven and open it up so she could see the inside better.
  24. I said, “I pick these up from a bankrupt restaurant and it works great when the ranch is full with all the food that we need for the customers.” I walk over to the cooler and got a ham and we made sandwiches and grab some sodas and took them out to the pool area where the teens were sunning their selves.
  25. Carrie was laying face down top undone so see could get her back tan without strap marks. Beth laid face up and when she saw the food got up came over to see what it was.
  26. Carrie hearing us sat up forgetting that that her bikini top was undone her breasts were bare for a few seconds before she realized she had no top and putting her arm across her chest. Carrie’s face flushed bright red she turn her back to us put her top on and came over still blushing. I liked what I saw but it was to brief.
  27. Her sister teased her” you could leave it off I’m sure Tom wouldn’t mind” Beth laughed.
  28. Carrie looked at her sister and snarled back, “well he’ll like looking at my tits better than yours.”
  29. Mom step in and ended the argument by saying,
  30. “He’s not going to look at either of your bare chests. Now come eat your sandwiches.” As they ate I rook a closer look at them. They were close in size and shape dark hair and eyes Carrie had on a red flower bikini and Beth had on a pink one.
  31. Mary said, “These sandwiches are good but the ham tastes different.”
  32. “That’s because this is Canadian ham and all natural unlike US full of artificial ingredients” I said.
  33. It wasn’t a lie exactly the meat was Canadian and it was all natural the thing was it wasn’t pig it was a long pig. A 12 yr old girl who was running away from home made the mistake of getting in my truck about a week ago and that was what they were eating now.
  34. The runaway never knew she was meat until she woke up the next morning to find herself in the kitchen staring at the oven.
  35. When we were through I ask if they wanted to choose a horse for the ride tomorrow. As we walk to the stable the girls still in their bikinis I walked behind them admiring the view Mary stay beside me. At the stable there were 10 horses to choose form. They went up and petted their noses and looked them over and chose there mounts. That done the three of them went back to the pool and sunning them selves I stayed and gave the horses some hay then walked back to the pool area.
  36. Mary was telling the girls about the kitchen and they thought it was a weird kitchen and I told them they could see whenever they wanted. They were in no hurry and decided to go for a swim soon they were splashing around in the pool. I was watching them when Beth let out a yell Carrie had taken Beth’s top off so I had a quick peek at her tits. Carrie was waving it above her head and Beth was trying to hide her tits with one arm while grabbing for her top with the other.
  37. Mary told her to give it back or else no horse back riding I would have preferred that they both went topless but that’s was a guy thing.
  38. They got out and Carrie then ask the all important question, “so Tom whose tits are nicer mine or hers.” I didn‘t know what to say especially with mom right there and I just had a glance at them so I said, “I didn’t see them and your mother would kill me and you if you if you try it again.”
  39. Mary standing next to me said, “he’s right now you girls behave or there will be no riding tomorrow why don’t you go get dressed and Tom can show you the kitchen.”
  40. The girls went to there rooms and Mary apologized for her girls “I’m sorry about them flashing you. They’re not like that normally and you were very tactful with your response to Carrie” she smiled.
  41. “Well they young and just discovering their sexuality plus their hormones are going wild at that age” I said.
  42. We walk in the house and the girls came down from their rooms and we all went to the kitchen. Beth and Carrie eyes were big as they looked around and walk to the oven and looked in they started whispering to each other. When they saw us looking they stopped and continued look around. I walk over to the cooler went in the girls were right behind me looking around in there again whispering to each other.
  43. I took out some pork chops out and told the girls” let go out unless you want to be hung up in here like a side of meat.” The two of them giggled and walked out.
  44. They help with dinner by peeling potatoes and chopping carrots. After dinner we sat around talking about the trail ride and we decided on a half-day ride and then they could soak the pains away in the pool. I told them it would be best to go to bed now because we have to get up early.
  45. The 3 of them went to their rooms the teens grumbling that it was too early for bed. I follow shortly after locking up and turning out the lights as I passed the one of the girl rooms and heard the two of them talking. I stop to listen hearing the word “oven” and “roast” but couldn’t make out any details so I continued toward my room. As I went in I heard a door creak from down the hall it was the 2 teens sneaking out.
  46. I followed them down then to the kitchen I didn’t know what they were up to so I peeked in to see what they were up to. Carrie and Beth were standing in front of the oven talking about roasting something I couldn’t quite hear what they were saying.
  47. But then Carrie opened the oven door slipped out of her clothes and stepped in to the oven and laid down saying something to Beth who shook her head no. I was getting excited even though I new they were just playing I really like the idea of roasting Carrie, Beth or both.
  48. Then Beth closed the door to the oven I was surprised I didn’t hear any banging from Carrie inside the oven. After a few minuets Beth open the door and Carrie climb out a big grin on her face she push her sister toward the oven but Beth didn’t want anything to do with it. Instead she move off to the cooler where I couldn’t see her but my guess was she wanted to hang like a piece of meat.
  49. I decided to let them have fun and would have a chat with them on the ride tomorrow in the meantime I needed a cold shower.
  50. The next morning I went down to the kitchen and look around nothing appeared out of place I walk to the cooler in side was a stool in the center of the room above was a meat hook Beth must have hung form it. I was definitely going to have to talk to the two of them. I was beginning to form a plan but it would be up to the teens to decide.
  51. In the mean time I got out some bacon and eggs and started to cooking breakfast it would be a long day of horse back riding. The smell of the food cooking must have woken them up because they came down Carrie first she walk in and looked around and start to say something but before she could Beth came in she also look around. The two of them walk over to me and said, “We want to ask you some thing but were kid of embarrassed” Carrie said with a blush.
  52. But before they say what they wanted Mary walked in I whispered to the girls we talk later. She and the girls set the table and we ate with very little conversation. After clearing the table I went out to the stable to get the horses ready the three of them washed the dishes then came to the stable. After a quick lesson on how to handle the horse they were riding we were off.
  53. Carrie was riding up front with me Beth with her mother. I notice Beth and Mary were a little was behind I though maybe I could talk to Carrie, “so how’d you like the oven last night” I said watching her reaction.
  54. First there was a look of shock that I new about it then the red of embracement.
  55. She said, “How much did you see I didn’t hurt anything.” she quickly looked back to see if her mom and sister could here what was being said but they were looking at the scenery.
  56. I smiled and said “What I saw was you strip and climb in the oven and by the way you got a cute ass.” She turned even redder at the last comment but didn’t say a word. I continued, “Would you really want to be cooked, because I would do it if you wanted.” Carrie looked to see if I was making fun of her and when she saw I wasn’t her answer was, ”yes I think I like that, but mom would never go for it.”
  57. She was most likely right.
  58. On the return part of the trip Beth was with me up front and Carrie with her mom. I think the girls had plotted to keep their mother from hearing the talks up front because when I look back they were out of low voice range. “
  59. Beth I said “how was the cooler last night? Did you like pretending to be a piece of meat hanging in the cooler?” She looked astonished but then recovered “I don’t know what you’re talking about” she said.
  60. “I saw you and Carrie last night in the kitchen it ok I have no problem with a girl hanging in the cooler,” I said.
  61. She was embarrassed I could tell but she looked over and grinned saying, “it was so hot to be just a piece of meat hanging in the cooler. “It looked like she was ready to have an orgasm right there as she relived her time in the cooler.
  62. I said “you know Carrie wants to be cooked and you want to be meat hanging around in a cooler. I like the idea, now all we have to convince your mother it’s what you two want.”
  63. By the time we got back to the house everyone was sore after putting the horses up we all walk back to the house the two girls up front talking in low voices to each other. My guess was they were comparing notes as to what I had said to them.
  64. Mary looked tired and was ready for a drink with gave me an idea. Perhaps if she were drunk enough would she let the girls do what they wanted. Carrie and Beth ran in to the house to clean up Mary and I walk to the kitchen where I gave her a beer and got sodas for the rest of us. The girls came down after a while and came and got their sodas I noticed that they didn’t have bras on and I could just see their nipples though their shirts.
  65. I decided to have the girls help me get some meat out for sandwiches Mary sat there enjoying her second beer. In the cooler I told the girls my plan about getting their mother drunk and show them what was left of the girl. They looked in amazement at the meat her right beast pointed toward the ceiling they wanted to touch it to see if it was real. I told them they could but only if I could touch theirs and they agreed.
  66. I let them stand in front of the meat so the have a good view and could touch her I got behind them and grabbed a breast on each girl. But they soon pull away explaining that I stank witch was true since I hadn’t had a shower like them yet. I told them if they would get lunch ready I would take a shower they thought it would be a good idea.
  67. They also sent there mother to the shower when I came back Carrie was standing in the oven with her hand down her pants she saw me and grinned and said” I couldn’t help it. The oven was calling me it wants me in here.”
  68. I laughed and looked around no Beth in sight I had an idea where she’d be I opened the cooler door there she was naked and laying on a shelf I walked over to her and rubbed my hands across her body as it pass her crotch she let out a moan as she looked up at me. “We can’t due this yet” I said, “Your mom isn’t drunk enough to let me play with her teenage daughters get dressed and we can have something to eat.”
  69. She got dress and we came out Carrie was out of the oven sitting at the table with a soda. Now with the two of girls and no mom for the moment I decided to tell them the plan. “It’s too late to cook you today. What I want to do is get you mom drunk enough that she will come around to the idea of you two becoming meat. It might help if plead with her to let you become meat.”
  70. They nodded and just then we heard Mary come down from her shower. Handing her another beer we sat down to the sandwiches the girls had made. After eating we went out to the pool area the girls thought their mother might just be getting drunk enough so to test this theory they removed their shirts and walked over to me for inspection there breast were small probably on an A cup but that didn’t bother me. I glanced at Mary and she looked at her lovely young daughters, but said nothing. So I reach out and grab a tit on each of them and stated rubbing them.
  71. After a few minutes of this I look at Mary and she said, “go ahead I know you want to you have my permission to look them over but no fucking them.”
  72. I reach over and started to remove Carrie’s pants once they were at her ankles she stepped out them and then it was Beth’s turn she step up and I remove her pants, but unlike her sister she laid down so I had to pull them off. Neither girl wore any underwear so they were now both naked and since they were both naked I decide to inspect the meat girls.
  73. I starting with Carrie, for being a year younger she was a few inches taller than Beth.
  74. Her long black hair had to be pushed aside so I could look at her ass. It was round and felt nice and firm.
  75. I turn her around for a frontal inspection her toenails were painted hot pink. As I move up her pussy was covered by dark curly hair her stomach was still showing some baby fat her small breasts were point out and up. I lightly poke them and kidded her about having baby tits. Last I looked at her head. Carrie had ruby read lips, dark eyes and pierced ears.
  76. I said “you pass inspection with flying colors especially on your toes. Now for you Beth are you ready for inspection?”
  77. She step up and I went though the same procedure her toes were blue with little sparkles. Otherwise she was a close match to her younger sister.
  78. With that done the girls said they needed to inspect me and proceeded to undress me I ask them about their mother but Mary shook her head no. She just watched as they pulled my boxers down. They gasped at seeing my penis not having seen a man’s, only boys.
  79. Mary sat there looking at us not knowing what to say. I call the girls and whispered to them go and tell your mother what you want to do I’ll go get her another beer.
  80. When I came back they were talking to her and she was shaking her head no.
  81. I handed her the beer and she said to me, “do you know what these two want to do I can’t believe it they want to be meat.”
  82. I nodded “they told me and I said I could do that but only if you agree now before you say anything the meat you’ve been eating is not really from a pig it from a long pig that means human and this one was 12 yr old.”
  83. She sat there in silence thinking after a couple of minutes she then sighed, “It’s up to them if they really do want to do it they can.”
  84. Carrie and Beth ran over and hug their mother saying thank you then ran back to me. Go and sit in the hot tub it will soften your meat I’ll join you in a little while.”
  85. They went off and I sat there with Mary, “I’ll cook them slowly so they can back out if they want, but I don’t think they will they will their too excited” I said.
  86. Mary was a little bit drunk but not as drunk as she pretended, “what convinced me was that excellent meat we been eating. Are the girls going to taste that good?” she asked.
  87. I wink at her “I hope so their well nourished and willing that helps would you like to watch.”
  88. She nodded, “yes I want to do that and maybe even help a little, but mainly watch and you can play with them if you want now. I was worried about them getting pregnant but I guess I don’t anymore,” she laughed.
  89. Our chat done we walk over to them in the hot tub and they looked up. “We’re all set tell me when you want to do this?” I asked.
  90. “Tomorrow” they said in unison then laughing.
  91. I look over at Mary “you know I’m not sure I can wait until tomorrow. Why don’t we throw some veggies in with them now and make girl soup.”
  92. Mary catching on said, “Yes why wait girl soup sounds delicious” this immediately brought about a lot of noise form the hot tub.
  93. I finally admitted that I was joking and that tomorrow they would be in for a good roasting. I slid in to the tub with them and kiss each one telling them if they wanted play their mother would let them since they would cook tomorrow. They look at their mother who nodded.
  94. “What kind of games are we going to play?” Carrie asked.
  95. For a answer I slid my hands under the water then started caressing her thigh and worked my hand up between her legs she stiffen and let out a little yelp.
  96. She giggled saying, “oh those type of games.” Her sister wanted to now what was going on so I stated on her and she too soon realized what type of games were going to be playing.
  97. No matter how hard we tried we couldn’t get Mary to disrobe and join us she sat there with her eyes on her daughters. I thought I could almost see her drooling.
  98. Now we were ready for dinner the girls stated to get dressed when I told them meat doesn’t need clothes they grinned and pick them up and took them to up to their rooms to freshen up.
  99. They came down a few minuets later. Carrie started asking peppering me on how she was going to be cooked and what would it feel like? I told her she find out tomorrow she pouted but went about helping with the last meal she was going to eat.
  100. After dinner I said I was going to bed and anyone who wanted to could join me could. 5 minutes later in came Carrie.
  101. I found out they had flip a coin to see who was first. She had me for two hours then it would Beth’s turn. I said that was fine but we needed sleep to I don’t want you to fall asleep before your cooked.
  102. With that I laid her on the bed and stated kissing her she started kissing back then I moved down to her little breast and stated licking them. “You now you don’t taste half bad raw may be I just have a little snack now” I said.
  103. With that I sank my teeth into her nipple very lightly she scream in mock terror, “no no don’t eat me like this you nasty man.”
  104. We both started laughing and I moved down to her pussy and started licking her in no time at all she was wet. I entered her slowly and found someone had already broken her. I wasn’t surprised she was too cute to be a virgin. She had three times orgasms in the two hours but time passed quickly.
  105. There was a knock on the door it was Beth saying times up Carrie got out of bed and open the door letting her sister in she whispered something to Beth and left. She came over but after Carrie I was kind of limp.
  106. Beth said, “Feeling a little down are we well I can fix that.”
  107. She giggled and proceeded to put her mouth around my dick. Beth stated to lick and suck on me. It worked and several minutes later I was hard again. While she was busy in my groin I was returning the favor and licking her pussy. We both came at the same time.
  108. After I said, “you taste great and you’ll taste even better cooked, but don’t worry I hang you in the cooler before that”
  109. I massage her beasts before we went at it again then there was a knock on the door it was Carrie it had been two hours Beth open the door and Carrie came in. “I’m exhausted I can’t take either of you again but tell you what why don’t you two take a quick shower and then we’ll go down to the kitchen.”
  110. I let them use mine and I decided to conserve water so all three of us should squeezed in and washed each other. Once done we all walked down to the kitchen. I had them both sit on the counter while I went in the cooler I came out with a large jar and a paint brush. “It marinade what I want to do is coat you with it and let it soak in overnight.
  111. “Let start with Beth and while I’m coating her can you put your hair up Carrie. Lay down Beth and I’ll start coating you. You can watch in the mirror,” I said.
  112. I dribbled some on to her stating at her neck down between her breast and stop at her belly button. She gasped when the cold mixture hit her then all that said was “mmmm.” After brushing her front side I had her stand up it could dry in the mean time it was Carrie’s turn this time I worked on her backside brushing her down to her ass then spreading her cheeks coating the inside of her ass. She stood and walked over to Beth each took a finger and swiped each other and stuck a finger in their mouth “mmmm you taste good” they said to each other.
  113. I said sternly but almost laughing stop that I don’t want you to eat each other that’s my job.” After applying the rest of the marinade to them I decided it was time for sleep I said to the girl that they might as well sleep with me that way only one sheet would be stained.
  114. In the morning I had to wake the girls I decided the best way was to give them a last fuck. When I had finished we went down stairs and into the kitchen,
  115. Mary was waiting she saw the teens partially coated in a brown substance some have rubbed off in the night and this morning. “I didn’t want to miss out on anything “she said and walked over to the girls and kissed them on their heads. “Are you girls ready to be come meat?” I asked.
  116. The girls look at each gulped and then nodded. “First thing is for you to do empty yourselves.” when they ran off to the toilet I asked Mary, “how far should I go with this.” Her reply was as far as you and the girls want while I will miss them .but I think I will like their meat better. You’ve really tuned me in to a cannibal.”
  117. Carrie and Beth came back to the kitchen “Now Beth since you want to hang in the cooler I’m going to have to tie you up I don’t want to put a meat hook in you I’ll just slip it under the ropes” I said.
  118. Mary wanted to help tie Beth up so I got the rope and instructed them how to tie her one loop under the arms across chest above her tits bringing the rope down her back insert it in her ass then down the bottom of her feet then back up above her head and make a loop so it would go through the meat hook.
  119. When it was done it was my turn. I told Beth go limp like the piece of meat you are I pick her up and threw her over my shoulder her small tits rubbing on my back. And walk in to the cooler and hung Beth up. Her feet were 3 feet off the ground making her pussy almost eye level it had a nice gloss.
  120. I gave her a few licks and then said have fun meat I left your hands untied for a reason” I grin “I’ve got to start on your sister now but I’ll leave the door open so you can watch.” She nodded but was busy play with herself.
  121. Carrie if you’re ready hoped up on the counter and I will get you ready for the oven. She hoped up on the counter and laid down I washed the marinade off then bought over a electric razor over and stated shaving her pussy she giggled and said it tickles. After her shave I said “now you’re as smooth as the day you were born”
  122. I walk in to the cooler past Beth who was enjoying herself got some butter and walk back out then there a load screech from the cooler.
  123. “I think some one just had an orgasm” I said. We all laughed and I started applying butter. I stated at Carrier’s head and working my way down to her beasts applying ample butter to them. “I don’t want these to burn.”
  124. She replied, “I don’t want any of me to burn.”
  125. I continued down to her wet pussy put a stick of butter inside of her I had a feeling it would melt fast. Once Carrie was butter on the front side I had her turn over and started buttering her butt inside and out.
  126. Carrie was moaning as I butter her and the meat in the cooler was also making noise it was almost like stereo. I picked up some spices and sprinkled her ass then had her sit up so I finish spicing her up.
  127. I told her “look in the mirror and tell me what you think.”
  128. “Mmm I’m so shiny and so horny.”
  129. I laughed and said, “I wish I could help but I got to get your sister ready to join you otherwise dinner will be late.”
  130. I picked her up and put her in the roasting pan then walk to the cooler and Beth. There was a small puddle at her feet
  131. I said, “Sorry but it time for you to get ready for dinner” I unhooked Beth and took her to into kitchen sat her on the counter. I cut the rope off her and then shaved & butter and deposited her in the pan with Carrie.
  132. Mary came over and looked at her soon to be roasted daughters and asked, “You’re sure you want to do this? Tom says he’s going to cook you slowly so if you want out let us know.”
  133. They looked at us and shook their heads no. “This is what I wanted ever since I saw this oven” Carrie said.
  134. Beth nodded “I thought I just want to hang in the cooler but that got boring so I’m ready to roast.”
  135. With that settled I had describe the what I was going to do “the oven will be set at 125 degrees you shouldn’t actually start to cook for an hour, after that you won’t be able to leave. So you have up until then to bail understood?”
  136. They nodded so I pop them in to the oven. I asked Mary if she wanted to start the oven she shuddered with excitement and nodded yes reach up and turn the knob.
  137. From inside the oven the two teens watched as their mother reached up and did something then there was a orange glow and they felt the oven start to warm up.
  138. “Well I guess this is it but he did say we had an hour to back out Beth” gulped.
  139. Carrie leaned over and gave her sister a kiss on the lips “thank for coming with me it would have been lonely in here by myself.”
  140. Outside Mary and I were watching them as they talked we couldn’t make out many word but then Carrie and Beth stuck there fingers in each other’s cunts and started moving them in and out then a loud shout came form the oven as both girls had an orgasm.
  141. I open the door and pull them out they were both panting but not because of the heat in the oven. “Were ok, don’t take us out “Carrie said.
  142. I’m just going to baste you two with this melted butter I took a turkey baster and started to spray them with it then inserted it into Carrie’s fresh shaven cunt and push the liquid butter in to it. She let out a gasp as it splashed inside her. Beth seeing what was happing was I little more prepared but still surprised when the butter was squeezed inside her.
  143. “I don’t want you to burn down there or anywhere else,” I grinned and shoved them back in.
  144. I was hard but didn’t want to leave the show then Mary went down between my legs and relived me. as she was doing this the girls must have notice they were leaning out of the pan trying to see what there mother was doing when their mom stood up again they could see my cum on her face they laughed.
  145. I open the oven again and said just for laughing at me I’m going to give another basting. This time I squirted more butter on them then I said you must be getting thirsty.” when they nodded I put some wine in the turkey baser and put it in each of the girl’s mouths. Slipping them back in to the oven I said” you’re coming along fine only five more hours until you fully cooked if you stay that long “ looking at Carrie I knew she would. Beth I was not so sure of. The teens played with themselves and each other for another two more bastings they were starting to smell good and I knew that they ether came out now or Mary and I would have a fantastic dinner.
  146. “Ok girls this is it you have to come out know or in 4 hours I will be placing you on a platters for dinner. They look at each other then at me licking their lips Carrie said, “I’m staying I have request though. Could you put the apple in my mouth now like I was a roasting pig?”
  147. I nodded ok to her before asking, “what about you Beth do you want to cook all the way?”
  148. She looked at her sister then back at me swallowed hard and said one word “yes.” I picked up the baster suck up some juices and sprayed it on them then pushed them back into the oven.
  149. Mary had been stand next to me and she shrugged saying, “looks like I’m going home alone.”
  150. With that it was decided Carrie and Beth were now nothing more then meat. The girls were at it again finger fucking each other. I walked to the cooler and got an apple for Carrie I would put it in during the next basting. I also got some other ingredients for dinner. Some potatoes and carrots it looked like a good menu. I walk to the oven and pulled the girls out and stated basting them. I could see they were getting drowsy but pulling them out seemed to revive them a little. They might or might not last until another basting so I call Mary over.
  151. She kissed each one on the head and licked her lips after each one then said to them, “you taste good kids and your doing such a good job of cooking” she laughed.
  152. The girls smiled at their mother.
  153. I showed Carrie the apple she open her mouth to accept it, but I said “before I put this in do you want to say anything.” Carrie thought for a moment then said “I hope you like my meat mom.” Mary smiled at her then I pushed her back so she laid out straight and put the apple into her waiting mouth. Now it was Beth’s turn all she had to say was “bye mom I hope as good as cooked as Carrie is.” She opened her mouth for an apple I don’t have one you so you’re going to have to share Carries. It better this way you can still play with each other” I stretched her out placed her mouth next to the apple and she bit into it. Their fingers were already moving toward each other as I slid them back in.
  154. Carrie and Beth lost conscious about ten minutes later their fingers in each other’s pussy and a smile on their faces. Five minutes later they were meat.
  155. After they were roasted to a golden brown a slid Carrie on to a platter and face down arms at he sides jut like she was sun bathing I open her eyes so could see us. Beth was laid face up on a second platter arms at her side and eyes open.
  156. I knew they were dead, but it was nice to think they could see us as I carved a piece Beth’s right tit off for Mary and piece Carrie’s left butt for me. As we ate Mary commented on how good they were cook
  157. I told her she had delicious daughters. After dinner Beth got her wish she was hung up by her heels in the cooler and Carrie was place next to her I would carve them up the next day.
  158. When Mary left two day later she had 5 lbs of Carrie and 5 lbs of Beth in an ice chest. She hoped to come back next summer maybe with a friend’s girls.
  159. I figured I had enough of Carrie and Beth left to last the rest of the summer my guest wouldn’t be having any of their meat this was going to be my private stock
  160. The end
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