
Spoonlicker Anon Pt. 24

Mar 12th, 2015
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  1. ===================================================================================================================
  2. Summary: Anonymous is a child that no one can understand, not even Flutters. However, Twilight has been steadily making steps to develop a new system of language based on gestures and mannerisms. The creature she once discredited and then feared has become something of a special interest now that she understands a little more on what, or rather who, Anonymous is.
  4. Last Chapter: Anonymous has run off with Fluttershy following and Rainbow going to get Twilight. Spike tags and the three take to the sky. Once the two groups meet up Fluttershy explains that Anonymous ran off and would not stop for anything. Rainbow suggests simply finding what Anonymous wants and bringing it back to the farm, but when Twilight blurts out that Anon wants their parents Rainbow is caught off guard. She quickly recovers and dives into the forest to search.
  5. Fluttershy then reveals that Anonymous asked her questions about the local animals and the nearby forests via drawings; specifically the bandersnatch one. Twilight connects the dots and realizes that Anonymous has gone into ‘Passive Stage A.’ Anon is scared, not only of possible predators but of having to rely on ponies forever, and is unwilling to stop until they find their parents. Twilight goes to console them, but is twice rejected. When Anonymous tries to run away Spike grabs their hand with his claw, and only then does Anonymous stop.
  6. Spike talks about how he sympathizes with Anon, and offers to be a friend during the tough times. He then holds out his claw in an offer for a handshake which Anonymous quickly takes, and then forces Spike into a hug before breaking down.
  8. Posted in Thread 1046
  9. ===================================================================================================================
  11. >Two ponies lay side by side in the grass, taking the much needed time to recover their bodies.
  12. >Just ahead, Ponyville’s only dragon supports the lone hominem weeping with stuttered breaths.
  13. >Familiar with the ordeal, yet not immune, the scaled body heaves with its own anguish before straightening up.
  14. >The ponies, though separate from the instant, are ever close in spirit and watch with hallowed empathy.
  15. >The kind Fluttershy, saddened by the scene yet satisfied in having done her duty; turns her attention to her equally quiet companion.
  16. >Failing to notice her, your focus stays on the pair as you rest. Fleeting memories of yesteryear where you found yourself with Spike in the castle garden crawl to the surface.
  18. >He’s grown so much, and come so far. And now it was his turn to play the role.
  19. >But, although you know to stay back, the pain of understanding cuts at you.
  20. >Anonymous is in the darkest moment of separation. The idea of ‘never’ has set in, and it is a difficult beast to uproot.
  21. >However, painful as it is, you must remain the spectator.
  23. >Faint and considerate words whisper in your ear.
  24. >”Should we really try to take Anonymous back or…”
  25. >Unable to finish the sentence her voice hangs in the air.
  26. >You take a second to rub the wetness from your eyes.
  27. “I wish we could let Anonymous wander until they found their guardians, but Anon’s safety is the highest priority. We’ll try again when we are a bit more organized.”
  28. >Fluttershy nods and goes back to watching the other two.
  30. >Nature blows its own symphony carried by the meandering wind; a mellow song easing the stress of the day.
  31. >Any other time this would have made a beautiful picnic; a calm journey to revitalize the body and soul.
  32. >Instead, exhaustion as if having run a double marathon occupies your senses and likely those of your friends.
  35. >It has been a rollercoaster of emotions, going from one extreme to the other in mere hours, and the chance to clear your head would be most welcome.
  36. >Everyone else would probably appreciate the opportunity too.
  38. >Following Fluttershy’s gaze, you see the intense grief of the wayward party begin to mellow.
  39. >The sharp heartrending wails have faded into listless breaths with sniffles replacing the sobs. Tired red eyes linger on the ground, vacant yet aware.
  40. >Spike has gone from firm to lax; a flexible support ready for any change. With everyone winding down it should be safe to return to the farm.
  41. >As you try to work up the energy to move songbirds sing a lullaby from the nearby canopy.
  42. >Maybe you can wait a few more minutes…
  44. >The noon sun shortly passes its mark and travels along its intended course to midday where you make the effort again.
  45. >Successfully rising to your hooves, Fluttershy takes the cue and stands on her own with slight trouble.
  46. >Not a word is exchanged as you go to Spike and Anonymous. They break apart and, though delayed, Spike takes position at your side. Anonymous joins Fluttershy, mindlessly following from the rear.
  47. >With a slow pace the four of you head back to Sweet Apple Acres.
  49. >When you reach the farm the outline of two hardworking ponies waves in response. One hurriedly bounces forth, closing the distance with curly mane wiggling in the wind. The other stalwart shadow lacking the wild rush trails behind in due diligence.
  50. >Though quick to greet you, the first pony’s usual good-natured spirit is checked by an apprehensive smile and her bubbling enthusiasm is held at bay as if by a cork.
  51. >”Hey, there you are. We were just about to send a search party for you.”
  52. >Her notes play a high pitch coated in sweet warmth. Even when restrained her innocent teasing cannot help but escape.
  53. >And it does its job of causing a smile.
  54. “We took a short break. Big day.”
  57. >Your smooth tone erases the visible yet unspoken concern, and the cork pops off spewing her fizzy behavior.
  58. >”You’re telling me. First you leave, then Nony and Fluttershy leave, then Dash leaves to find you, then you and her fly overhead bringing Spike only to leave again, and then I wanted to leave too but Applejack said you’d be fine so I stayed here, but if you didn’t come back soon I would have.
  59. >Another event like that and there will be no one left on the farm.”
  60. >The second pony moseys to the group wiping the sweat from her brow.
  61. >”That ain’t much of a worry; we’re near done anyhow thanks to all the extra hooves. Speaking of, how come Rainbow’s not with you?”
  62. >Fluttershy steps up and cuts off your answer.
  63. >”She wanted to check the forest first. She’ll be back for dinner.”
  64. >Mmmmm. “I figured she would. Well, it’s passed lunch but there’s plenty left in the kitchen if’n ya’ll are hungry.”
  66. >Remembering your stomach, your own appetite replies with an apathetic hole. In the rational sense you should eat for the mere sustenance of it, but at the same time you do not feel like it.
  67. >Given Fluttershy’s trial she could definitely use some food, and Spike is always eager to eat.
  68. >Leaving one more…
  70. >You take a peek at Anonymous only to see the heavy signs of ‘Passive Stage A’ weighing them down.
  71. >A great need swells within despite having relegated yourself moments earlier.
  72. >Currents of thought violently arc on the surface of your brain searching for a way to meet both criteria. The forked lightening strikes grasp for any charge they can harness from your weary state, but you limit them to the reserves.
  73. >Before, you were able to comfort Anon at least to an extent. However, this time those far more capable are here.
  74. >Leave it to the professionals. You have other talents to attend to.
  77. “Thanks. By the way, where is Rarity?”
  78. >”She should be reseeding the carrot patch; no doubt ready to flip out. The girls gave her the slip and went to help Granny and Big Mac without telling her.”
  79. >”Oh, dear.”
  80. >MmmHmm. “Gave her the reseedin’ bit since it ain’t that down in the mud. We’ll see how it goes.”
  81. >Good to see Applejack is already accounting for these things. Guess you will have to leave Rarity to the farm.
  82. “Sounds like there is still a lot to do. We’ll let you get back to work. See you at dinner.”
  83. >Applejack nods and your party of four leaves for the house.
  84. >In the midst of the two left behind a curious voice softly approaches your tireless friend.
  85. >”Applejack, is it okay if I—“
  86. >”Sure.”
  89. >From mute to max, the offending pony whizzes with all the wazz to the front of the pack.
  90. >”Thank you, thank you, thank you! Come on you guys, move those haunches! I’ll whip us up the bestest, most sweet tasting pastries you’ve ever tasted!”
  91. >Spike is wholly taken by the performance and departs from your side to march in step; caught by the pied piper.
  92. >While not entirely immune to her antics, you and Fluttershy continue on at a steady pace escorting the lone hominem.
  93. >Applejack turns towards her own task, muttering to herself as her hooves give her motion.
  94. >”S’pose I should go save Rarity from herself.”
  96. >Arriving at the modest country home the clatter of pots and pans is already well underway. Cabinets open and close, milk meets egg and flour, the mixer whirls through the partial soup; the various sounds threatening to break into song before you make it passed the front door.
  97. >Enticed by the noise, you and Fluttershy steer for the kitchen, but the straggling third wheel makes for the blanket by the couch.
  100. >Since Anonymous is in ‘Passive Stage A’ you could gently guide them to the kitchen or you can join them by the couch.
  101. >Fluttershy also stops, inching to accompany Anonymous before pulling herself back. Her questioning expression then falls on you.
  102. >As you begin to step to Anonymous an abrupt force barrels from the kitchen and grabs one of Anon’s hands.
  103. >”You don’t wanna go that way, Nony. Treats are their tastiest right out of the oven, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on the best part.”
  104. >Offering nothing of a reaction, Anonymous mechanically goes along with the pink tug; her intervention sealing the decision.
  106. >Pinkie leads Anonymous to the table with Spike, and Fluttershy joins their side. Once seated Anonymous bows their head and stays pointed at the spot directly in front of them.
  107. >Ignoring the display, Pinkie sets out creating a one pony baking storm. From every corner the numerous burdened appliances tremble, but she finds a way to control the fiasco; her divine skills managing the impossible.
  108. >Normally this is where random lyrics would add harmony to the scene, and you await their inclusion. A cursory humming from the conductor marks the next phase yet the primitive tune goes no further; serving more as a mere metronome for her orchestra.
  109. >The table of spectators is quiet amidst the chaos, each for their own reasons. As for yourself, you stand far and away in an effort to disappear into the background.
  110. >You need to think; you need to take in absolutely everything that happened today.
  111. >Categorizing data, observing patterns, hypothesizing correlations and formulating unbiased tests; these are what you are good at and what you will use.
  112. > At the very least your reorganization will remove some of yourself from the earlier argument, dulling the pain as you apply the lens of an outsider.
  115. >The ringing of a sudden buzzer pulls you to the oven where Pinkie triumphantly produces a pastry packed tray.
  116. >Cupcakes, of course. Vanilla.
  117. >Dabbing a healthy dose of frosting on top, she presents three plates with a massive grin and giddy fanfare.
  118. >Spike takes a large bite and melts in his seat complete with his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Fluttershy nibbles on hers and the sugar rush kicks her huddled posture, though her focus sticks to Anonymous.
  119. >Less pensive than Fluttershy yet just as anxious, Pinkie watches without a breath.
  120. >Neither flinch nor shock removes the deserted stare of Anonymous from the table nor does the scent of freshly baked cake.
  121. >Pinkie pokes the plate scooting it forward.
  122. >“This one is yours.”
  123. >Her gesture goes unheeded and she pokes it again.
  124. >”Here.”
  126. >Try as she might, Anonymous shows no interest in the intruding white pastry.
  127. >Leaving the plate behind, Pinkie trots back to the mixer.
  128. >”Guess you’re not feeling like cupcakes, huh? That’s okay, you liked pudding right?”
  129. >Fluttershy puts down her own morsel and rubs Anon’s leg with her hoof. Spike in turn subdues his own enthusiasm while still eating.
  130. >If only you knew some magic word to make everything better.
  131. >Stay strong, Twilight. You have a job to do.
  133. >You set about your tasks, and reorganizing the morning’s argument with the past takes little time thanks to your then hectic mind already having lined up the events when you were running home.
  134. >Filing the mental folder in your database for later, you then covered the episode near the woods before concentrating on the immediate issue.
  135. >What to do with Anonymous?
  136. >Anonymous is getting desperate, and the guardians are still missing. You…can’t, at least not long term. Applebloom did suggest letting Anonymous live at the farm, but honestly…
  139. >You look over to the table now stacked with a variety of foods, all untouched by Anonymous.
  140. >Fluttershy’s hoof remains tenderly placed on the sulking biped while Pinkie feigns the best smile she can.
  141. >”Don’t want raisin bread either? How about an apple pie? Doesn’t that sound yummy? But I’m warning you, I’m only letting you skip to dessert just this once.”
  143. >Your gut already speaks of an answer to your question. More-so a profound wish at this stage, but that is not how you operate.
  144. >Inside your head sits an imposing fortress atop a steep hill laden with obstacles. Stakes, trenches, and arrows defend the mighty walls where your conclusion is held hostage.
  145. >At the base of the hill gather imaginary bodies, representing each hypothesis, fighting with one another for the right to test their mettle. The turbulent mass sways with the tide as the groups slam against each other like a barnyard brawl underneath the fort’s oppressive shadow.
  146. >Having to slog through the swamp of your uncertainty made muddy by fatigue the will of the soldiers is drained before a victor can be found. With no end in sight you push yourself to the table and sit on the opposite end.
  147. >Slipping a small muffin from the pile, you squirrel away solely to pacify your empty stomach.
  148. >There is no ‘open sesame’ here.
  150. >From the back door a green hoof slips into view allowing the deep orange of the setting summer sun to slither its way in and coat the uneasy silence of the room.
  151. >The attached aged mare cannot help but spot the dominating mountain of food acting as the centerpiece. Her immediate awe then changes a crooked grin.
  152. >”Would ya look at all that food. We just brought in half that stuff yesterday. Eh, nothing to fret over. Saves me the trouble of cookin’.”
  153. >Turning round and putting a hoof to her mouth, Granny Smith yells out the door.
  154. >”Kids! Supper’s ready!”
  157. >A dozen or so clattering hooves can be heard in the distance, beating at different paces yet unified in lethargic step. The one exception rushes through the door on four tiny paws bringing Winona in first.
  158. >Big Mac comes in next, showcasing his general indifferent demeanor. Behind him follow the three fillies: Applebloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, practically dragging themselves along the floor.
  159. >Finally, Applejack and Rarity arrive together with soft spoken banter. Split ends too tenacious to be tied down soil Rarity’s mane though she pretends to be aloof while Applejack, with the years of practice, holds herself tried and true.
  160. >The door shuts at the end of the precession and remains that way as everyone cleans up; finalizing the guest list.
  161. >No Rainbow Dash.
  163. >Dinner is relatively quiet despite the crowd; the sunken atmosphere continuing to press down as the hungry mouths seek to feast.
  164. >Spike moves to the seat beside you, having given up his for Pinkie who has stopped cooking and rather tries convincing Anonymous to eat while leaning against them; futile as it may be.
  165. >In response, Anonymous brings up their arms in a crossed fashion and huddles into the center fold. Fluttershy also leans against Anonymous, offering soothing whispers.
  166. >Granny Smith, Applejack and Rarity make light conversation about the usual subjects adding some cheeriness to the table. Spike chimes in as well, mostly after Rarity, however, the conversations are always short-lived and quiet returns until another subject is found.
  167. >Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo eat in peace, far from fooled by their counterpart’s faux enthusiasm. They avoid commenting on the few low balls pitched in their direction seeking to bait them in, and keep their replies concise.
  168. >As if caught in the middle, Big Mac makes a few attempts to get something going during the pauses, but he is quick to retreat after a comment or two.
  171. >Meanwhile, you keep to your empty plate; more keen on observing the scene. The idea of assisting with the small talk does play at your mind, but, just like with the food, there are bigger things on your mind.
  172. >If only Rainbow Dash was here. Even when beaten by hard labor she has this relentless sense of rambunctious to her that really draws attention. Having her around, as self-centered as she may be, would liven the place especially with Pinkie Pie out of commission. In fact, Rainbow’s self-centeredness would be perfect for easing the tension right now.
  173. >It is not like her to miss a meal. Maybe you should signal her? She may not have heard Granny, but given how she reacted this afternoon she may simply be ignoring it.
  174. >She’ll come if she gets hungry; she always does. Until then the others will have to fend for themselves.
  175. >Instead you rally the mental soldiers from their camps and unite the independent factions into one force. You leer at the defiant citadel that has gone unscathed, confident that it shall fall. Acting as general in command of the horde, you surround the base and remind yourself what you are fighting for.
  176. >This is to help Anonymous. No matter the outcome they must have everything they need: food, shelter, friendship, and the absolute best chance of a happy life. Whether their parents are found or not.
  177. >You order the charge. There shall be no surrender.
  179. >As the burning orange sky recedes for the violet of evening, crumbled stone spills from the gaps made in the outer walls. It cost a heavy toll to win the breach with most of your theories pressing till their last.
  180. >Only two distinct options remain to siege the keep, yet they are your proud elites; those passionate wishes cradled tightly to your heart. You will see them push through; even if you have to put yourself on the front lines!
  183. >But the next assault will be the deciding moment, and you must stack every odd in your favor. For now the keep shall stand a little longer so that your troops can rest.
  184. >Returning to the physical realm, you notice several empty chairs around the table.
  185. >Having excused themselves early, the three crusaders have gone to Applebloom’s room while Applejack, Rarity, Spike and Big Mac tend to cleaning up. Granny Smith naps in her chair with Winona also sleeping underneath.
  186. >Anonymous remains pinned between your friends; Pinkie a dull copy of herself with her face buried in Anon’s shoulder and Fluttershy as somber as ever, though her gaze repeatedly looks for yours before falling back to the table.
  187. >Soon; soon you’ll have a cure or at least a treatment for the wound they are trying to cover.
  189. >Rainbow Dash has still not shown up, and it is getting late. Who knows how far she has run off? You should call for her.
  190. >Leaving through the front door to be less of a distraction, you shoot off a flare. It dances into the silky grey clouds, periodically dipping before flying higher creating a lightning bolt with the trail.
  191. >Shortly thereafter the figure of a winged pony sails above the tree line; a faint echo shouting something to the passing guards.
  192. >Setting off like a rocket, she closes the distance faster than anticipated and would stumble her landing if not for her immense skill. You let out a tiny yelp, but she fails to notice and greets you with her usual flippant, yet this time hurried, self.
  193. >”Yo, what’s up? Find anything?”
  194. >You quickly shake the surprise and get a hold of yourself
  195. “You missed dinner. I figured you might be hungry.”
  196. >”Nah, I’m good. If that’s all, I’ll catch ya later.”
  197. >Fluffing her wings she makes ready to go.
  198. “It’s getting dark. Shouldn’t you wait until morning when it will be easier to see?”
  199. >”There’s plenty of light left. Besides, it won’t be the first time I went searching by moonlight.”
  202. “I understand you want to find Anonymous’ guardians, but you can’t stay out all night. You’ll do better with some sleep.”
  203. >Rainbow Dash reluctantly folds her wings.
  204. >”Look, Twilight, I said I’d find them and I will. We’ve dilly dallied too much already. We need to be out here looking, not worrying about the harvest or playing party games. Anonymous doesn’t even have someone to talk to for cripes sake. I mean, shouldn’t we be doing everything we can to find their parents ASAP?”
  205. “Well, yes, and that is why we have the guards running patrols around the clock. They have the numbers, the training, and the organization to cover much more ground than we could. Plus, Princess Luna’s Night Guard specializes in operating at night. We can leave this to them.
  206. Besides, the harvest is important too. The more food we have for winter the better, especially considering that we may still have Anonymous.”
  207. >”That’s not good enough for me. I don’t care if they are an alien, part of some lost tribe or somepony’s pet; they should be able to see their family whenever they want. Seeing anyone want their parents that bad and not be able to…just bothers me.”
  208. >You cannot argue with that. Even if you could you do not want to.
  209. >Left speechless, you stand there picking at your next words.
  210. >A light blue aura carrying a small plate and cup sneaks into the stalled conversation, stopping before Rainbow Dash. Turning to the origin, you find Rarity at the door wearing her natural grace.
  211. >”If you are going to up all night then you will need your energy.”
  212. >Rainbow’s eyes freeze on Rarity as you watch her process the meaning. She springs back to life after a second, and half of her smile hooks upwards revealing a glimmer of her shiny teeth.
  213. >She then plunges her muzzle into the plate and digs in.
  214. >Once both cheeks are near bursting she pulls back up. Crumbles litter her face as her lips quiver.
  215. >”Ohhhh, that’s the stuff.”
  218. >The food does not last long, and she just as quickly guzzles down the drink.
  219. >With everything gone she again prepares to take off.
  220. >”Thanks, Rare.”
  221. >”Oh, and Rainbow Dash. You may choose to not accompany me tomorrow morning, but I still expect you here before lunch.”
  222. >Rainbow flashes her trademark grin.
  223. >”You got it.”
  224. >And then she was gone.
  226. >Now with just you and Rarity, she turns to you with a crestfallen smile.
  227. >”Don’t worry about it, dear. There was nothing in the world you could say to convince her otherwise. At times like these, the best we can do is support her and be there for her when she falls.”
  228. >Submission laces her words as she gathers the dishes, but when she readies to leave the harp of compassion elevates her tune.
  229. >”She’ll come around eventually.”
  231. >You and Rarity head for the kitchen, catching the sound of whispers from Applebloom’s room along the way.
  232. >Applejack notes your return, casually staring at the both of you. She and Rarity lock on to each other for but an instant, though Applejack’s features wane from the silent exchange.
  233. >”No Rainbow, huh?”
  234. >”She wanted to do one more pass. She will also be late tomorrow.”
  235. >”Can’t say I’m surprised. I’m gonna go out and take care of some chores while there’s still some day left. I know I’m repeatin’ myself, but yer all free to stay the night if ya want.”
  236. >”Perhaps another time. I’m going to take Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo home. We will see you tomorrow.”
  237. >Applejack nods and goes outside along with Big Mac while Rarity gathers the girls and everyone says their goodbyes.
  238. >Leaving Anonymous to Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, you climb onto the loveseat in the living room led by the temptress of sleep who cites the benefits of a fresh mind over a tired one.
  241. >You merely intend to relax until you can confirm Anonymous has moved to the couch, but you fell for the obvious trap.
  242. >Your eyelids grow heavier and heavier as you attempt to stay awake, with the dark period between blinks becoming longer and longer.
  243. >The touch of scaly body brushes your midsection body and curls itself, a sensation you are very familiar with. During the last struggles of consciousness you look towards your stomach and spot the green culprit.
  244. >Your lips involuntarily contort every slightly, and you nuzzle your head around his.
  245. >With your last peek you examine the couch across the room. A blend of colors lay along the cushions occupying nearly the entirety. Though hazy, the definite tone of pink and yellow dots one end while different shades of pink dot the other; the two encircling the center figure.
  246. >Tomorrow. Tomorrow for sure.
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