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Dec 27th, 2014
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  1. AppleSotaiPod 30 GB
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  4. [–]from AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  5. Hey, so if you can just send me pics whenever you get the chance, that'd be awesome. I assume it doesn't have dents or major structural damage?
  6. What are you thinking on price?
  7. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  8. [–]to AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  9. Right just minor scratches on the back. Was thinking 45$ since I don't have the cable anymore
  10. permalink
  11. [–]from AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  12. I hope I still have a 30-pin connector, if not I can get one cheap... what about $40? Also, would you be able to ship tomorrow?
  13. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  14. [–]to AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  15. Could definitely ship tomorrow.
  16. permalink
  17. [–]to AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  18. Also I was more or less wanting 40$ for the ipod and then the rest for shipping =)
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  20. [–]from AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  21. Gah okay I can probably manage. Shipping is just the trickiest part for me since I go back home for Christmas on Thursday evening, so I'd love to have it by then.
  22. I can send some bucks via Paypal once I see the pics!
  23. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  24. [–]from AppleSota sent 13 days ago
  25. Hey - can you send some photos?
  26. Thanks!!
  27. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  28. [–]from AppleSota sent 12 days ago
  29. Any updates for me? Also, would you be interested in sending it to where I'm going rather than where I am (heh) - I'm worried that with everyone shipping everything, I'll be gone and it'll sit all winter. Plus, this way if you can't get it out Monday, that's not the end of the world.
  30. If so, please ship to:
  31. Warner Long 5207 Chaps Ct Columbus, OH 43221-5706
  32. If you want to shoot me an invoice, my PayPal email is
  33. Thanks!!
  34. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  35. [–]from AppleSota sent 12 days ago
  36. I'm gonna hit the hay - if you shoot me the invoice, I can pay as soon as I wake up tomorrow!
  37. Thanks again,
  38. Michael
  39. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  40. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  41. Still looking? I'd really appreciate it.
  42. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  43. [–]to AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  44. Found it earlier today. Uploading it and a bunch of things now
  45. permalink
  46. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  47. Thanks!!
  48. Michael
  49. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  50. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  51. I'm going to sleep again but realistically; I'll take it. Feel free to send me an invoice or just your PayPal address and I can hit you up first thing in the morning.
  52. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  53. [–]to AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  55. permalink
  56. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  57. Hey - honestly I'd buy 2 of them if you're willing, the first one is going to be a gift and I'd love one myself..
  58. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  59. [–]to AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  60. Of course I am willing. They're yours if you want them. I can knock 5$ off as a discount since I can ship them both in 1 box
  61. permalink
  62. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  63. Okay, yeah... Would you ship priority mail? I'm just trying to figure out where I'd be... I leave Baltimore on Thursday. I think Priority mail should be here, if you're able to ship today, and worst case I just give my gifts a little late (I have to come back the 26th anyway)
  64. Let's try that, if it's okay.
  65. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  66. [–]to AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  67. I can def. ship it out today. Got yours and several other things to ship. I like waiting and shipping things in batches
  68. permalink
  69. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  70. Yeah I understand - like I said, I just got burned by some scammer so suddenly I'm paranoid. Let's do both - $85 total? What's your paypal?
  71. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  72. [–]to AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  74. permalink
  75. [–]from AppleSota sent 11 days ago
  76. Sent! I appreciate it.
  77. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  78. [–]from AppleSota sent 10 days ago
  79. I put this exact thing in an email, but here you go...
  80. It looks like you didn't ship the iPods yesterday, which isn't the end of the world, but it does mean I wouldn't see them until Jan 5, too late for my use. Would you mind splitting them up and sending to 2 different places? I decided they're both going to be gifts ams this is the easiest way. I'll pay for additional shipping as needed.
  81. One I need to ship to Warner,
  82. Warner Long
  83. 5207 Chaps Ct
  84. Columbus, OH 43221-5706
  85. And the other to Uncle Greg,
  88. Chester, PA 19013-5218
  89. Again, just let me know how much more I owe you!
  90. Thanks,
  91. Michael
  92. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  93. [–]to AppleSota sent 10 days ago
  94. I won't make you owe me anything for my mistake. I simply got bogged down at work yesterday due to a server shitting the bed.
  95. Definitely getting it out today as I took vacation till the end of the year
  96. permalink
  97. [–]from AppleSota sent 10 days ago
  98. That's no problem - you can split the iPods? Honestly, if you want $5 extra, it's no problem to me. I hate shipping stuff around.
  99. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  100. [–]to AppleSota sent 10 days ago
  101. It's alright and I can do it. As I said, not making you pay for my screw ups =)
  102. permalink
  103. [–]from AppleSota sent 10 days ago
  104. Awesome! Just send me tracking numbers whenever you get them and if your wallet feels a little too empty... Just let me know.
  105. I really appreciate it.
  106. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
  107. [–]from AppleSota sent 9 days ago
  108. Hey, did you get them shipped out today?
  109. Thanks!
  110. permalinkreportblock usermark unreadreply
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