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May 27th, 2016
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  1. First of all, I think this past patch has many necessary changes and overall brings more skill based stability to the game that was very necessary. I think it is one of the most stable patches to come live with very few problems, but still many fixes needed on items that were not addressed in this patch (thought I know the devs know this because one patch is not meant to fix everything). I think a lot of the hate the devs are getting is unjustified. However, I think devs are misinterpreting the passion of dedicated players for hate in some cases. For example the common "Arc, fix your game" has been used with negative connotation, however most players saying it just want to see these fixes to see the game progress more so than wanting the devs to feel bad about them.
  3. That being said it definitely seems like there is a semi-large gap between the players and the devs. We need a better way to communicate more efficiently and know we are being heard. Ideally some of the most active/highest caliber players can do some kind of video conference with some of the devs and give feedback in a non-hostile and direct way, though I know this is asking a lot. In terms of reddit and tweets, I know its not possible to respond to everyone 24/7, but acknowledgement publicly of known issues may help. Just an option, don't know if this is possible; but maybe a private server/ test server specifically for those that have clocked a certain amount of hours in the game. No offense to newer players, but more experienced players tend to know the mechanics/advanced mechanics at a level that bug finding would be significantly quicker than when others are looking. This would also limit the response of bugs/reports from people who think something is unjust when it is actually just a skilled technique. The open live server would still be an option however for those that want to test new game modes and provide high quantity reports (such as crash logs with the recent ignition fix). I would like to give credit to the devs for pushing back the patch to fix this issue without pushing it live and addressing it later. Though having the patch on time would have been nice also, having a working product is significantly more worthwhile.
  5. Hit registration is definitely still an issue, however in my personal opinion I see a significantly better registration with the new patch. I think the recoil is working better also. It seems like skill (fast trigger finger, precise aiming, etc) are paying off more so than ever before and players are rewarded for working to achieve these talents. I'm going to link a video here that you can interpret to see the issue. I had a kill that I personally felt like I should have had, and I did not get the kill. I slowed it down 5x slower than normal. If you pay close attention to the crosshair every single hitmarker was a headshot (on the head) when I shot and got the hit, however it registered as body shots every time except the very last bullet before my death even though my crosshair was in the same place as the first 4 hits. You can interpret it how you want or give opinions, but it seems to me that the chest is getting hit when you are actually aiming at the head sometimes.
  6. Link: ( )
  8. There is definitely room for improvement on hit registration/boxes, however this was most definitely a step in the right direction. Shooting over objects that you are close to seems significantly more fluid (Minus the crosshair bug when you are close to an object and your crosshair does not work properly or disappears). However, shooting someone behind and object (ie rocks) could still use some adjustment. There are times you can see someone's head, but not be able to hit it. This is also applicable to those on the sides of trees, the hitbox of the tree is wider than the physical tree itself and will block bullets of those behind them even if you can see part of their arm.
  10. It seems that somewhere along the line in one of the previous patch, uphill bullet drop has been affected in a way that makes it very inconsistent (especially in relation to normal bullet drop). It has become significantly easier to win shooting downhill (which I feel should be a thing since higher ground typically used as a better strategy in many situations). However, the uphill inconsistency doesn't seem entirely fair. It is possible that this inconsistency could be caused by other bugs (such as the black stick figure render issue that the devs are aware of, or the dust kick back from your bullets not rendering properly in the right spot to know how to adjust). It could also just be an inconsistency with something else. A tip I gave before that hasn't gone anywhere could fix this if it somehow becomes possible. A training course with different terrains and targets to get accustomed to bullet drop/lead/accuracy. It could be something similar to CS:GO workshop maps. Even some kind of death match just in PV would be interesting to help adjust to H1Z1 combat mechanics.
  12. A common topic of interest is the idea of movement and how it has become limited. From the removal of prone spam and jump spam, to the inability to swap seats, people disagree on where the line lies between skillful techniques and unfair advantages. I agree that this is an interesting concern and could be looked into, but the discretion to do what is necessary with this is in the hands of the devs and what they see for the game. In my personal opinion, I respect the ability to do these techniques as they do take some technical skill. However, there is a low skill gap for these techniques in many situations. For example, the ability to hit the z key, or rebind it to a mouse button or something easier is very easy to do and gives you a high mobility for no high skill cost. Similarly with seat swapping as it is also remappable. After the first patch to end prone spam, a workaround was found to be able to prone spam that took a certain button combination that was more skilled based. Something like this would be more justifiable, especially since if you mess up you are punished by the slow stand up time. Something like this is similar to CS:GO bunny hopping, where you have to hop at certain set of frames to gain a speed boost, but if you mess up then you lose speed. So it is a risk/reward trade off that is more skill based than a simple one push button. Again, this is up to the devs and I'm just trying to find some common ground. However, in terms of seat swapping, it does at the current stage provide unfair cover, the ability to shoot out when you are at a place that cannot be shot in, and creates desync (as does prone spam). These issues would need to be addressed to allow them to be usable techniques (the new hit reg patch and the coming combat mechanic update may fix this).
  14. The new team outlines seem to have a rather short proximity that could use a decent extension. If you are not within two or three buildings of someone you can't see that they are your teammate, and since in city areas combat can be long range, you can still accidentally friendLY fire through windows since the arrow does not show up through these objects.
  16. In terms of growing this game competitively (which I assume is the intent with the community backed events as well as all the talk with Echo Fox), a more competitive mode may be something to consider. I know copying these standards modes may seem cheesy, but its a new game so the take on the mode can be something completely different plus the environment is different. A SnD 5v5 in only big residential, or Capture the flag from Warehouses in PV to Fire Station in PV. This is just my opinion, maybe being someone who has played many competitive FPS games, this is biased. But I don't feel like game modes like Ignition can satisfy this type of game play.
  18. Another major issue that has not been addressed that needs to be is combat logging. A system that is already used (in survival) needs to be added to BR. I can't say for sure, but since this system is used in Survival, is should be reproducable in Battle Royale. It is becomming all too common to have people combat log, which is especially bad when you lack loot and use what little you have to try and kill someone just to have basically gotten the kill but not actually get the bag. This is also not good for those going for the leaderboards (specifically the EchoFox TGL leaderboards) since they cannot count combat logs as kills.
  20. For the sake of it I will also talk about Igition and the feedback I have heard in case there are any changes the devs want to make if this mode is intended to be permanent (which I do not know if it will go away like Green Dawn did). First off the helicopters not showing and the falling to death bugs as well as the flipped ATV are known and will be fixed. Regardless of those, there are some overall playstyle changes that need to be made. From what I have heard and seen, the gameplay does not deliver exactly what was intended. The spawn locations are irregular and weird. I have seen spawns like B7, G2, E2, and E10. This locations do not have many places to loot in the near vicinity. The argument could be made that forcing a group of people to literally race to one place to loot would encourage combat and have a fun/chaotic start. I could agree with this. However, the way spawns work in Ignition, some people get an unfair advantage. Whether it is spawning closer to the loot location or spawning on higher ground so that they can start driving their ATV before you touch the ground, you can be put at an RNG disadvantage. In addition to this, not all players follow this playstyle and will instead drive to a further loot spot. Though this may be more tactical, the nearest loot spot from these spawns could be far away which makes getting to the safe zone unfair because a bad RNG spawn put you both far from loot and far from the safe zones. I have had it personally as bad as spawning around H10 and driving to I9, but then having safe zones all north of PV. Giving me 8 minutes to drive to a loot spot, survive the initial fight with all the people that landed around me (which seems to be quite a bit), and then secure a vehicle (since the ATV lacks the fuel to drive this distance) and make it all the way to Zimms. Though this is not impossible, odds are stacked against it compared to the people who spawned in PV or north of PV. The ATV fuel situation is a problem. However, adding biofuel to the trunk may not be a great solution since this would literally cause the world to start with over 100 biofuels since every player would have one. Biofuel would be too easy to obtain. Maybe something like dropping a loot crate around the spawn location that contains a biofuel? I'm not certain. The ATV should probably at least start with 100% fuel capacity to allow a further distance to travel and reduce the need for hoping that you RNG on luck and get a car spawn near you. It seems like the spawn drop locations are very random, instead of being centralized around important areas (PV, cranberry, Racho, etc.). Spawns should focus more around these loot heavy areas unless there is a way to make it so that the current system spawns everyone equidistant from the loot location and/or make it so that if you spawn further away, that you spawn on higher ground so you would be equidistant by the time other players land. It also feels like the safe zone circles are not placed relevant to spawn locations. Using my previous example, those of us that spawned around I9 had an extremely long drive to make which put us at a significant disadvantage. It seems like a huge majority of players are dying to detonation early because a bad RNG spawn instead of making it to the small safe zones. The idea of ignition was to induce combat more often and create chaotic but fun gunfights that are not happening because players are ill equiped to make it that can commonly be caused by RNG. I know some of this is repetitive, but I'm trying to ensure all is cover. With some of these adjustments, I think Ignition could be significantly more enjoyable and reach the goal the devs wanted.
  24. I know I am not a dev, but I figured I would throw in this personal advice just to get it out there and hopefully it helps, but again I am not a professional or experienced so this is pure opinion. I have put several thousand hours into the game since release and hundreds of wins. I left the competitive COD scene to come and play H1Z1. I have fallen off and gotten discouraged at times and taken breaks because I didn't feel things were going down the right path. But I am trying my hardest to ride it out because I am truly passionate about the game. That being said, I appreciate all the devs are trying to do and their intentions and vision for the game. With that however, I feel like promises have been made that weren't lived up to (which happens, I get it). And things were announced that didn't happen on time or at all yet (team leaderboards, combat mechanic fixes, etc). These things do happen, which I fully understand. But if any doubt at all exists that something will not or may not happen, a prospective date would probaly be better than an announced date so people do not get their hopes up or get upset when these things do happen. In addition to this I will just add a favorite quote of mine. "If you start to get overwhelmed and start drowning in problems, step back and pick one problem and get it done, then choose another, and get it done. Sooner or later you will realize that you have less and less problems." This may not be exactly what is happening, but it feels to me that sometimes the devs are overwhelmed with several major tasks (Z2, releasing on console by summer, creating patches and stable updates, etc.) These may not always be able to happen simoultaneously, and we the gamers will understand that as long as we are not given the false hope that it will happen. Again, I have no dev experience nor do I know the inner workings of daybreak, but this is just an ouside looking in perspective. But I think lately you all have been doing a lot better than previously and we all appreciate that.
  29. Now I know this part gets a bit repetitive and other people have listed these out, but for the sake of it, I will also list some current/known bugs and maybe even some unknown bugs (I will attach video links for some of them to show examples).
  31. - At far render distances, people become a black stick figure that does not show exactly where they are or how they are moving and makes them rather hard to hit.
  33. - For those who go to lower render or change their render often, textures will glitch and make it such that they are smooth and unnatural so that you appear under the world at certain times and the game looks kind of ugly.
  35. - A situation occurs where the red hitmarker you get when hitting someone on your crosshair gets stuck and makes it so you now won't know if you are hitting or not. This is extremely hard to play with and the recent update made it more common. In my experience it happens when I break helmets or kevlars off of those that I hit since these make a stronger hitmarker than a normal body hit.
  37. - When you flip your ATV you can teleport back to the location you left from.
  39. - When laying down your camera looks down at the ground instead of where you are looking.
  41. - G9 error (cause unknown to me)
  43. - Gunshots are louder when you are in a building and the player shooting is outside (can be deceiving with distance between you and target)
  45. - A seemingly rare bug where if another player hits your car hard enough with their car, the collision passes through your car and causes you to die to their vehicle
  46. ( )
  48. - A seemingly rare bug where you cannot hear plane sounds for bombers or airdops. When I had this bug I also could not see the physical air drop coming down in the crate, but I don't know if these were related or two separate bugs.
  49. ( )
  51. - There is a one-way wall location in cranberry again that you can glitch into and shoot out at players but not get shot in to. It is not as good as the old roof glitch location in cranberry, but serves the same purpose
  52. ( )
  54. - A bug where the ignition zones stay in other games modes (solos, 5 mans, 2 mans, etc) which can be fixed by a game restart.
  55. ( )
  57. - If a door opens up against a wall so that the gap is smaller than the size of the player, a player can close themself between the door and the wall to teleport through the wall (or whatever object is against the door).
  59. - Voices can be heard in the loading screen after the Box of Destiny
  61. - The auto-fill button that was supposed to be in for 2 mans/5 man games is not in the game for us to use.
  63. - Sometimes buttons you aren't holding down are locked as being held down (typically Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or Windows buttons) which don't allow you to do some things (lobby mute, etc).
  65. - Falling to death at the start of ignition
  67. - The helicopters in ignition are invisible or have mysteriously flown the coop instead of showing the safe zone
  69. - Molotovs and nades were supposed to be fixed previously to not deal splash damage through walls, however it still does high damage through walls and burns through them (explosive arrows included)
  71. - Stun grenades are not always consistent or do not flash players. They also seem to be either a full flash or no flash effect with no partial flash effect which could be causing this. Also an added animation to know when a player is flashed might be a good thing to add so you know whether or not it did work.
  73. - I'm not sure whether this is actually a bug or just something that seems to happen that will be less prevalent when arm/leg damage become a thing. At long range it seems that laminated doesn't work or does not work often. With the chest being the center mass it should be hit more often, especially at long ranges, but this does not seem to be the case. Some say since players render as black figures at these long ranges, that the laminated does not render in either and therefore is passed through, I'm not sure whether this is a thing.
  75. - The "e" button sound as well as its lack of responsiveness.
  77. - If you switch from one weapon back to an AR (seems more common with the magnum to AR switch) your character's aim is pulled downwards when you ADS. So if you switch from a magnum to an AR then aim at a person, your crosshair gets dragged down to their legs or lower towards the ground which hinders your aim greatly and can cause you to lose the fight.
  79. - Weapon reload glitch where you clip does not contain a full clip of ammo still occurs, very common as a passenger shooting out of a car, though still possible in solos.
  81. - Not sure if this was intentional or a bug, but if your backpack has enough space to carry a second AR and you try to run double ARs, it puts one in your backpack instead of a hand slot. I know why this was implemented for nades, mollies, etc. but it doesn't seem to necessary for guns (however I do not know if the devs can separate the two entities).
  83. - Sometimes when you pick up a weapon and switch to it, it is already considered loaded even though it is not reloaded. This is typically only the first time when you pick it up and pull it out. To start the reload process you have to switch to another weapon (or hands) and then switch back to the gun to start the loading process.
  85. - Occasionally when you are ADS while shooting and your clip runs out of ammo or at certain times when you click reload, you cannot move efficiently while reloading. You get heavily slowed down while reloading when this happens which makes you an easier target to hit than a normal reload animation.
  87. - If you stand at the bottom of triple brick office stairs and look straight up, you can see through part of the floor.
  89. - If you stand on the counter of a double brick house, you can see through and shoot through the floor to kill another player (though it is hard to shoot through).
  91. - Some times fences do not break from shotgun shots (I have only seen this on the chain link fences). No matter how many times you shoot it with the shotgun it will not break or take any damage, but switch to an AR and shooting it can allow you to break it.
  93. - When aiming at somebody in a window at a higher elevation than you, your bullets will hit below them on the wall even though you are aiming higher than it. This also applies to shooting over walls since the new patch, even if your gun/crosshair is over the wall in first or third person, you can't shoot over some walls. When up against some of these objects, you crosshair disappears completely also.
  95. - Sometimes when you get in a car and push W or Shift+W to drive away quickly, the car will not respond and you are stuck until you let go and repush the buttons.
  97. - If you switch weapons while reloading you can get a bug where you crank your gun like it has something to wind on the side of it and it doesn't actually shoot.
  99. - If a player is ran over by a vehicle, regardless of how many people are left, the kill feed will say 22 remain.
  101. - Stairs occassionally become hard to go up. Your character will get stuck on one and start floating instead of walking up the stairs, ruining your escape method if you are running from someone or slowing down your loot process. This floating animation is also very common when circling around a rock or a tree, which can give away your position and cause you to be killed. In rare occassions I have seen high damage come from this floating animation and sometimes even instant death.
  103. - Some areas of curbs have higher hit boxes than others which can cause your car to randomly flip when going over them (the curb on the west side of the road South of the police station in PV is a good example).
  105. -
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