

Sep 23rd, 2015
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  1. [4:44:38 AM] Thief in the Night: So Zor is gunna ring the boss oh boy
  2. [4:44:49 AM] Zora Sexbang: oooh yeah
  3. [4:44:55 AM] Zora Sexbang: she feels like she has to
  4. [4:45:13 AM] Thief in the Night: wanna do that here?
  5. [4:46:11 AM] Zora Sexbang: May as well since we're on this scene.
  6. [4:50:48 AM] Zora Sexbang: *Slowly, in the quiet, after having filled her gob with cheesecake, Zor whips out her phone and stares at it for a long while. She's leaning on her sister, and has another wolf in her lap trying to comfort her. She can do this... right? Right. Slowly, she presses the speed-dial button and takes a deep breath.*
  7. [4:52:58 AM] Thief in the Night: [the phone rings a few times before it is answered with a click, followed by a groggy voice on the other end]
  8. " Yeah?"
  9. [4:53:44 AM] Zora Sexbang: "M-Mr. Lunos? I'm from the shelter... from the other day... th-there's been an incident..."
  10. [4:55:10 AM | Edited 4:55:24 AM] Thief in the Night: She can hear him trying to wake up more. "Oh? Did the animals make too much noise...wait this is my personal I'm not at work...Zora? Right?"
  11. [4:56:55 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Y-yes sir. It's... it's about the lady... she got a-attacked."
  12. [4:58:25 AM] Thief in the Night: She can hear him breath 'lady? before she hears a scamble of someone getting the fuck up. "Wait you mean Reva? Where! /Who/!" she can hear a clear growl at the last word
  13. [5:00:55 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I- I don't know! I didn't... get there in time... we ran into a guy that was chasing a fugitive... and he described her as having interrupted him, so- so I didn't know what else to do! I ran there, and... by the time I got there... there was another lady who found her. She said she was a doctor... She's stable, I guess... she'll live... but... her arm..."
  14. [5:03:22 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Fugit-- The child she brought to the shelter?! Did he does this to her
  15. [5:05:06 AM] Zora Sexbang: "That's what we think... or, well... something sure did..."
  16. [5:05:45 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: You said [he has to pull the phone away to take a breath] said her arm...
  17. [5:07:20 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...Gone. Had to say it was a bear attack, but who's honestly gonna believe that?"
  18. [5:08:12 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: [There is a choking sound]....left...left or right.
  19. [5:09:53 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Right, I think..."
  20. [5:11:19 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: ...okay...just...[he takes another breath, seeming to be trying to calm down] She's at the hospital, yeah?
  21. [5:12:39 AM] Zora Sexbang: "She's in surgery now... I'm so fucking sorry..."
  22. [5:15:17 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Its not your fault. I should have told her no when she asked if...I should have been there with her...I should have checked it out myself and now...
  23. [5:18:02 AM] Zora Sexbang: "No, it's my fault. I didn't move fast enough. I could have at least mauled him."
  24. [5:19:27 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: ...Being sorry for ourselves isn't going to help her. Im going to go to the hospital and wait.
  25. [5:24:22 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Alright, I guess... I guess I'm with her cousin now, we were already there... god, what a disaster."
  26. [5:24:59 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Take care...I'll see you late, mate.
  27. [5:25:28 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Yeah. I'll try to be there today, I guess..."
  28. [5:26:48 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Stay with the Cousin until they are called about her. I'll either be in the waiting room...or outside pacing in the bushes.
  29. [5:27:42 AM] Zora Sexbang: "...Alright, if you say so. I'm sorry you had to find out this way..."
  30. [5:29:03 AM] Thief in the Night: Din:...better than finding a scene back at work,..smelling her blood...
  31. [5:31:08 AM] Zora Sexbang: "It was bad... I guess I thought someone had to say something..."
  32. [5:32:30 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Damnit...just...[his breath is shaky]...I need to stay and make sure she's going to be alright...then...fuck I may need to go away for a few nights and...let off some steam.
  33. [5:33:50 AM] Zora Sexbang: "I understand. I'll just.. be here I guess."
  34. [5:34:22 AM] Thief in the Night: Din:...Zora?
  35. [5:38:25 AM] Zora Sexbang: "Yes sir?"
  36. [5:38:33 AM] Thief in the Night: Din: Thank you
  37. [5:41:42 AM] Zora Sexbang: "No problem, sir..."
  38. [5:42:20 AM] Thief in the Night: [He hangs up. What she doesn't hear after the click is a grown man crying into his hands, shaking]
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