
Tales 4

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. Tales 4
  2. >Long car rides were never you're thing since you get car sick easily
  3. >Today you are Anonymous the brave and you are about to take a long journey to a city that you wished to take your marefriend
  4. >You came to this conclusion when you asked her "what things do you wanna see while you stay on earth with us?"
  5. >She just so happen to use the google earth app on your tablet to have a peek of what the world is like
  6. >...
  7. >...
  8. >...
  9. >It's been a good 6 hours that you've been on the road
  10. >Your marefriend is sound asleep on the passenger seat
  11. >You see that she kicks her hind leg a little and see her ears flop a little
  12. >Cute.
  13. >It's around 10pm and you're starting to feel a bit sleepy
  14. >You decide to pull off the road and park near a 7Eleven
  15. >...
  16. >...
  17. >...
  18. >It's the next day and you feel 85% ready to take on the road yet again
  19. >You want to say you slept well but you can't say you have
  20. >Buying a couple drinks and snacks from the convenient store
  21. >You think back to your situation back home
  22. "Why, why did this have to happen!", you say under your breath
  23. >This really is a pickle BUT
  24. >You do this all for her
  25. >She is now your reason to become a better person and have a new outlook on life
  26. >It sure is funny what a talking pony could do in a short few months
  27. >"Anney, are we there yet?"
  28. -------------------------
  29. >You were caught off guard and you jumped a little
  30. "N-no, not just yet.*heh heh* Just wait a little longer, we're almost there."
  31. >Just about 90 miles left
  32. >it's days like these you wish you can just have the power to teleport and allow others to come with you aswell
  33. >...
  34. >...
  35. >...
  36. >A sign reads "Welcome! We hope you brought money"
  37. >If that sign had a face you would punch it...
  38. >It's a Jewish wonderland for money or something
  39. "Hey, wake up. We're here!"
  40. >She wakes up from her small nap
  41. >her eyes open halfway
  42. >"hmmm? Huh?"
  43. "WE'RE HERE!"
  44. >"What? *gasps* Oh my..."
  45. >She looks out the car window tail wagging around and sees lights sprinkled around town and how fresh the air feels
  46. >"Oh, Anney, THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I'll never know how I'll ever repay you for this kindness!"
  47. >It's more like the other way around.
  48. "Heh, well, I had to do something special for my special pony."
  49. >You give her a sly wink and look back to the road
  50. >She curls hoofs around your arm
  51. >Having a smile that wouldn't die you almost forget everything that was about to plague your life soon
  52. >You're only hope is that you will still have enough strength to continue onward from this personal recession that you will eventually have to face
  53. >You can only hope, yes?
  54. ---------------------------
  55. >The sound of glass hits the floor
  56. >A dark figure growls in frustration
  57. >An eerie glow forms into two vicious red eyes
  58. -Time and patience for those silly humans and ponies
  59. >It's voice echoed throughout the dark muggy room
  60. ----
  61. Reporting in with disturbing news! Strange sightings of mythical creatures entering through what seems to be... a portal of some sort. The weather is changing every minute from: snow, hail, rain, and...
  62. >Green clouds suddenly boom from the blue sky
  63. Acid RAIN?!
  64. >The news crew run away into their white generic van
  65. >A large snake/lion/alligator/Golden Eagle hybrid snatches the van with it's talons
  66. >The creature's claws rip through the metal of the van like tissue then flew away to an unknown location.
  67. >A voice is heard throughout the city
  68. -Dark times are to come people of earth. No human arms and no type of technology will ever stop this new reign of horror. Sign allegiance under me and I will spare your short lived life. If you do not with to comply, the consequences will be dire.
  69. You have been warned.
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