
Fiat Justicia 0: The Lonliest Telepath Part 5

Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. [10:31] Arkalest Sabina: You wake up to the sound of the wind raging outside- Howling like a hungry beast.
  2. [10:32] Sabina sits up and glances out the window
  3. [10:33] Arkalest Sabina: There are dollops of white clouds slowly moving across the fake horizon- As it appears that the complex is at the top of a hill overlooking a place that is half forest, half plain and judging by the grey stone monoliths raising from the midst of bent trees, all artificial.
  4. [10:35] Sabina takes a few more moments to watch the clouds before she gets dressed and heads outside the room.
  5. [10:37] Arkalest Sabina: Natah is sleeping on the couch, laying flat on their stomach- Most of the body covered by the blanket.
  6. [10:39] Sabina doesn't wake him as she heads into the kitchen, intent to find something to eat.
  7. [10:41] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 124 seconds)
  8. [10:44] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  9. [10:44] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  10. [10:46] Arkalest Sabina: There are at least a dozen tools and bits of machiner- Plastic-box-looking things, containers and trays- And they're all sitting neatly on the semi-circular fake marble counter. Someone has took the care of labeling them all in black eraser markings, and that someone has also added a small list of the contents of the fridge.
  11. [10:47] Arkalest Meat, soups, coffee, vegetables common across all of UD space- Even pasties.
  12. [10:49] Sabina puts together a cold breakfast, cereal and fruit.
  13. [10:55] Arkalest Sabina: Just as you finish, you spot Natah doing the equivalent of a Delphian stretch...
  14. [10:56] Sabina "Good morning Natah, sleep well?"
  15. [10:57] Arkalest .....Which appears to consist in arching your back to the point you draw an almost perfect circle- Head and tail touching. SHe yawans silently, jaw looking nearly unhinged- Teeth downright perfect-lookijg and knife-like
  16. [11:00] Arkalest "WOuld have slept worse in the..." Another silent yawn as they readjust themselves on the couch. "Apartment with a hole inside."
  17. [11:00] Sabina "That's true."
  18. [11:07] |<-- Yezare has left (Ping timeout: 124 seconds)
  19. [11:08] -->| Yezara (AndChat386@FD953A66.62481F5A.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  20. [11:08] Arkalest "So. What do you want to do today?"
  21. [11:15] Sabina "I'm not really sure, are there more, uhh, non-work related areas I take it?"
  22. [11:16] Arkalest "There are parks, there is a swimming pool right here, a commercial district, a cultural center, more parks.."
  23. [11:17] Sabina "Could we see the Cultural Center then? Maybe the Commercial district as well."
  24. [11:18] =-= WolfieBed is now known as Pale_Wolf
  25. [11:19] Arkalest Natah nods. "Sure. "
  26. [11:36] Sabina "Thank you. Let me know when you're ready to leave, and feel free to help yourself to the kitchen."
  27. [11:37] Arkalest ----------
  28. [11:39] Arkalest Sabina: Natah saunters into the bathroom, still swaddled in the blanket- And comes out ten minutes later wearing a simple long black dress that reaches to their bare ankles. No shoes, no ornaments save for a golden coronet around their forehead
  29. [11:45] Sabina "You look nice, I like the coronet."
  30. [11:50] Arkalest "Thank you." She casually brushes a stray bang out of his coronet.
  31. [11:51] Arkalest "Now, the centre is not far from here. Most Constables tend to congregate there during lazy days, or just hang around the commericial district. So, shall we?"
  32. [11:54] Sabina nods. "Lead the way."
  33. [11:55] Arkalest ------
  34. [11:56] Arkalest Sabina: Same hovercar as yesterday- Samde smell on it and Naah. This time, however, you manage to catch a better glimpse of the habitat.
  35. [11:56] Sabina peers out the window curiously
  36. [12:00] Arkalest Weirdly enough, it seems to be mostly forests and waterways- The largest conglomerates of buildings at the edges of the cylinder in the distance, with dozens of grey skyscrapers and squat haitation blocks. A single massive needle-like building emerges from one end of the cylinder, surrounded by what appears to be an ocean for all intents and purposes.
  37. [12:00] Sabina "I sort of expected this place to be more. . . urban."
  38. [12:48] =-= Scya is now known as Sarah
  39. [13:32] Arkalest Sabina: "It once was a bit more urbanized than this, but the years slowly ate away at the population- Up until it was rettoled as a Constable base."
  40. [13:37] Sabina nods
  41. [13:37] Sabina "I'll make a note to go see the city down on the planet in the next few weeks or so if I have time."
  42. [13:41] |<-- Arkalest has left (Ping timeout: 123 seconds)
  43. [13:45] -->| Arkalest (chatzilla@39D4DDA0.23774034.9C0D7C2E.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  44. [13:45] =-= Mode #AdEva3IC +qo Arkalest Arkalest by ChanServ
  45. [13:47] Arkalest They nod, and the hovercrar drifts away- Toows a building standing on a hill best described as a glass semisphere from which a grey monolith juts out. "Most people are going to be using the AR facilities or the gymn."
  46. [13:50] Arkalest "Do you have any specific facility preference?"
  47. [13:50] Sabina "Oh, what are theAR Facilities like? I've never been to one myself."
  48. [13:51] Arkalest "We got holodeck-style ones, others for viewing media, a few for group meetings. There are even suites to work with."
  49. [13:53] Sabina "And the gym?"
  50. [13:56] Arkalest "Sparring rings, a shooting range, a massive pool and even training courses with obstacles."
  51. [13:58] Sabina "The gym then, it would be good to get a sense of there first I think."
  52. [14:06] Arkalest ------
  53. [14:07] Arkalest Sabina: After parking the hovercar into yet another vaguely military hangar, Natah leads you down a corridor- Blue floor, white tile walls and fluorescent neon lights. The air is positively heavy with a dozen different types of sweat and the pungent odor of burnt rubber, and you hear the sound of things hitting other things coming from the end of the corridor- Past some double doors. "So,...
  54. [14:07] Arkalest ...sparring rings or pool first?"
  55. [14:08] Sabina "Rings, I want to see what it's like and my brother would be upset if I slacked on my training."
  56. [14:09] Arkalest The Delphian nod, thoughts light. "To our left, then. You first.."
  57. [14:12] Sabina heads to the left
  58. [14:13] Arkalest Sabina: You push the doors open and-
  59. [14:16] Arkalest Sabina: It's like a sledgehammer to the neck- A sharp one. Anger-like spikes, nabbing at your head as your nostrils flare at the sheer smell of blood, adrenaline and sweat- Your vision blurred by the sheer pressure of all the raw psionic screaming- Like metal creaking, a thousand times sped up
  60. [14:18] Arkalest Sabina: Under harsh neon lights, four blue circular mats are currently occupied in this cavernous, cold thing- Shouts, grunts and downright roars filling up the space.
  61. [14:18] Sabina takes a moment to clear her head and acclimate herself to the background "Noise" in her head
  62. [14:20] Arkalest Sabina: You see that one mat is filled by a...white and gold blur, accompanied by the hiss and smell of ozone- Your eyes hurt if you try to concentrate on the shapes.
  63. [14:22] Arkalest Another mat is filled with Phedrians- Or at least you think they are, judging by their bodies similar to EymeyrisAnd they are currently all ganging on a huddled form at the center of the mat.
  64. [14:22] Arkalest Sabina: A third is....A single android, standing still on the matt, arms crossed and casually tapping their foot.
  65. [14:23] Arkalest The fourth is the vaunted Vorak.
  66. [14:25] Arkalest The Vorak, which is on all four- Serrated black claws digging furrows into the blue material. Its skin looks to be covered by a film of something oozing- Something that gives the dull grey pseudoales a glittery sheen. There's not much that can be used to describe the beast that isn't "Draconic" - It even has a pair of curving black horns, and a forest of bone spurs jutting out of its spine...
  67. [14:25] Arkalest ...Tail tipped by a grove of bones and a black stinger. Weirdly enough, it appears to be wearing black cargo pants.
  68. [14:25] Sabina steps from out of the door, keeping to the sidelines.
  69. [14:29] Arkalest Sabina: The vorak is busy trying to get the better out of someone- Someone who had the misfortune of sliding under them. Meanwhile, the Phedriansseem to be doing less of a gorup exercise and more of a mass beating.
  70. [14:29] Arkalest Natah sighs and rubs his muzzletip. "Beasts, all of them
  71. [14:31] Sabina "It's more chaotic than what I am used to. . ."
  72. [14:33] Arkalest Then the Vorak lets out a very high-pitched shriek and rolls off the matt, curled up in a foetal position. It exhudes not much as anger as...Shreer outrage.
  73. [14:33] Arkalest Pain.
  74. [14:33] Arkalest Humiliation.
  75. [14:37] Sabina blinks and speaks quietly to Natah "Who just did that?" She gives a small nod in the direction of the Vorak's opponent.
  76. [14:37] Arkalest Natah actually flinches and covers their legs in sympathy- Right as the one that delivered the kick casually dusts herself off- Some sort of big cat, looking incredibly unconcerned by the fact that she had just sent an liean screaming.
  77. [14:37] Arkalest Sabina: "Kill team member. Alex Waldemar."
  78. [14:38] Sabina "They must be very skilled then. Not to say anyone here isn't. ."
  79. [14:42] Arkalest Sabina: Waldemar glances up towards the two of you. She is a bit taller than you, on the muscular side- Her fur sandy- Perhaps a mountain lion. Her ears are parallel to her skull, eyes half-lidded and whiskers twitching in something approaching a mixture of feline disdain and disinterest. Weirdly enough, her hair seems to be a sort of turquoise shade- A bit too varied to be just a dye.
  80. [14:44] Arkalest Natah raises a hand in a wave- Ignoring the howls of the Vorak.
  81. [14:45] Sabina gives a small wave after Natah does so
  82. [14:45] Arkalest Which manages to prop itself on an elbow. "Not...Fair." It growls, tears streaking down their cheeks.
  83. [14:45] Arkalest Alex simply waves dismissively at the alien.
  84. [14:47] Arkalest Sabina: the feline morph saunters up to the two of you, massaging her veiny knuckles. "So lesson number one." Her voice is..Actually warm, definitively motherly if coarse in her inflection.
  85. [14:48] Arkalest "Always, always wear your padding." Natha simply flinches again, nodding reclutantly.
  86. [14:48] Arkalest Sabina: The catmorph's thoughts are....
  87. [14:48] Sabina nods in agreement
  88. [14:48] Arkalest ......Rather not so weirdly catlike. A soft shroud of disinterest, streaked with boredom.
  89. [14:50] Sabina "Hello Agent Waldemar, I'm Sabina Norland," She bows her head as she introduces herself.
  90. [14:50] Arkalest "I am Alex. " She cracks her knuckles. "And sorry for kicking your friend's ass, Nat."
  91. [14:51] Arkalest " Oh come on it was only /once/ " Natah hisses, raising a bony finger. " /Once./ "
  92. [14:53] Arkalest Alex raises a white eyebrow, whiskers twitching. "Not in front of the kid, Nat."
  93. [14:53] Sabina blinks and gives Natah a confused look
  94. [14:54] Arkalest Sabina: Her thoughts screech to a halt as she side-whispers "Later." to you.
  95. [14:54] Sabina "You don't need to, I won't pry."
  96. [14:55] Arkalest "Well, it's not as much as prying as all the psionics know about it, and so do the kill-teams."
  97. [14:55] Sabina "Ok then. . ." She still sounds a tad unsure
  98. [14:57] Arkalest Natah slowly turns to look at her. "One more word, and I am kicking your ass."
  99. [14:57] Arkalest "Try it?"
  100. [14:58] Arkalest The Delphian opens their mouth, then closes it. ":...Nevermind. I am going to change into something more appropiate. Mind talking to Alex a bit, Sabina?"
  101. [14:58] Sabina "Not at all."
  102. [15:00] Arkalest THey saunter off, and Alex speaks up only after the Delphian has exited the gymn. "So, you're the new blood. Sorry for the unduly level of violence, but Ikris needed a lesson."
  103. [15:00] Arkalest "Fuck...You..."
  104. [15:01] Arkalest "She's already recovered enough to sass, see?" Alex clasps her hands in delight.
  105. [15:01] Sabina "I am and it's. . . different from the dojo back home, but this isn't home either. Different needs and all that."
  106. [15:04] Arkalest "I assume you never had to beat up a Vorak or similar either back there as well."
  107. [15:04] Sabina "No, I've only spared with other members of my clan."
  108. [15:05] Sabina *Sparred
  109. [15:07] Arkalest Sabina: You hear a thundercrack, follow by a girly shriek- Followed by a loud crash.
  110. [15:07] Sabina looks to the noise
  111. [15:07] Arkalest Alex's ears twitch, and she frowns- Revealing incisors meant to rip through flesh.
  112. [15:08] Arkalest Sabina: The blur has turned into a white-shelled humanoid with one fist put forward, standing utterly still. Following the fist's trajectory you see a heap of orange, fluffy fur laying in one angle of the gymn.
  113. [15:08] Arkalest "......She'll get over it, I am sure" mutters the Constable.
  114. [15:09] Sabina "Are things rather self-directed in terms of training here?"
  115. [15:09] Arkalest "No fatal blows, nothing that is permanent. If someone says top, you stop. That's about the amount of self-direction here."
  116. [15:10] -->| ckk1857 (AndChat294@CE47FD1F.7BC8BA85.8C0EBC76.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  117. [15:10] Arkalest A pathetic groan raises from the fur-pile, and you see that the Vorak has given up on trying to do anything but be curled up.
  118. [15:11] Sabina nods
  119. [15:11] Arkalest "As an aside- Any questins you wanna answered?"
  120. [15:11] Arkalest She taps her own shoulder. "I am a member of the, ah, the ki-teams."
  121. [15:13] Sabina "What exactly do the kill-teams do? Based on the name I would say they are the direct arm of the Constables, is there more to it than that?"
  122. [15:16] Arkalest "We actually don't do that /much/ killing." Her sweat is filled with the afterscents of nanomachines. "Mostly we are the ones who explore dangerous spots, move in to secure samples, provbide bogyduards..The name is a bit, ah, of a misnomer."
  123. [15:16] Sabina nods
  124. [15:18] Arkalest "So, how are you finding the Precinct so far? " She crosses her arms, frowning- Tail slowly swinging
  125. [15:20] Sabina "I'm finding it well, everyone has been quite friendly which is a relief. It's rather lively as well."
  126. [15:21] Arkalest Sabina: "Has the chief been bothering you, perchance?"
  127. [15:22] Sabina "We spoke the other day, but I would hardly call it bothering me."
  128. [15:26] Arkalest "She did the whole "I can make you stronger" thing, neh?"
  129. [15:26] Sabina nods with somewhat guilty look
  130. [15:27] Arkalest "Meeeshsssh. " SHe hisses, rolling her eyes with a feline snort as the follow-up. "Good grief, between her and Natah they just can't keep it in their pants." Silvers of amusement and boredom resurface.
  131. [15:28] Sabina "Well, it's certain. . .ly. . ." She trails off, a bit of a blush creeping along her face
  132. [15:29] Arkalest Feline mothely frowning intensifies. "Ah, uh, sorry- Teeh-he." She sheepishly rubs her neck with some pretty wicked-looking claws. "I; uh, yes."
  133. [15:30] Arkalest "Natah has, ah, an, reptuation, yes. They're a really good person still! But, uh, any other questions?!"
  134. [15:30] Sabina "Reputation?. . Wait and the Vorak. . . . oh my. . ." The blush intensifies
  135. [15:31] Arkalest "THEY WANT THE V." Screeches the white-shelled android as it streaks past- His voice pegging him as the "Toole" who was in Natah's apartment yesterday
  136. [15:31] Arkalest "Yeeeah I wouldn't stick- I mean free love qand all, buuut let's change subject?"
  137. [15:31] Sabina "Yespleasethankyou!"
  138. [15:33] Arkalest Sabina: At the corner of your vision, the Vorak raises a hand. "It's not my fault if I am this much of an impulse-driven being!"
  139. [15:34] Arkalest "Yeah, sure, darling." Alex snorts before quickly and quietly turning towards you. "SO, any questions?"
  140. [15:35] Sabina "Is there anyone who's skilled with a glaive or something of that nature? I would like someone to help me train."
  141. [15:36] Arkalest "The Phedrians do that, and I am sure Ikris actually knows a thing or two about stave-fighting."
  142. [15:36] Arkalest "I actually do!" Yells the Vorak- Rather...Happily?
  143. [15:36] Sabina nods and notes down the names via the AR, including the Vorak. "Thank you, I'll follow up on that once I get settled more."
  144. [15:47] Arkalest "And...Mmh, actually we have a whole drone grammed for staves, I think?"
  145. [15:52] Sabina nods again
  146. [15:57] Arkalest "Anything else I can help you with? Groceries? AR?"
  147. [16:00] Sabina "Thank you for the offer but I have things in hand so far."
  148. [16:06] Arkalest "Anyone you'd want to spar against?"
  149. [16:07] Sabina "I didn't bring my Gi or work-out clothing with me, if you have some available I'd be happy to spare."
  150. [16:08] Arkalest "We can have these dliered here- Perks of being a Constable."
  151. [16:10] Sabina "I see. Do I send the request to a drone then?"
  152. [16:12] Arkalest "Yeah.."
  153. [16:13] Sabina takes a moment to send the request.
  154. [16:15] Arkalest ----
  155. [16:16] Arkalest Sabina: A quick change in the gym's changing room, and you're ready. The gym has cleared up a bit, and you spot Toole and Ikris sitting on a bench- The latter having finally put on a grey shirt.
  156. [16:18] Arkalest Sabina: Alex flags you. "Sooo any preferred partner?"
  157. [16:19] Sabina "No, I'll spar with whoever would like to spar with me."
  158. [16:21] Arkalest Ikris raises an arm, waving it slightly.
  159. [16:22] Sabina waves back and nods to Ikris
  160. [16:26] Arkalest She stands up and you realize that she's /tall/ and her shoulders are wide and her tail is big and her psionic screaming is dialed down to a whisper- A grey hue. Then she casually unfurl a staff- Smooth grey, tipped by weights- And slowly saunters to the mat without any trouble.
  161. [16:26] Arkalest "So." She says, rather cordially. "May I?"
  162. [16:27] Sabina "Yes." She bows to her partner before slipping into a ready poistion
  163. [16:28] Arkalest Sabina: And the first hit simply sends you flying- Breath knocked out of your lungs as your vision blurs.
  164. [16:31] Sabina reorients in mid-air in a surprisingly cat-like fashion and touches down softly.
  165. [16:40] Sabina springs forward a moment later, lashing out with a kick stronger than her size would normally allow.
  166. [16:41] Arkalest Sabina: It meets the soft pam of Ikris' hand as she deflects it, letting you bounce back.
  167. [16:42] Arkalest SHe bounds forward- Swinging her staff horizontally in a wide arc aimed at your torso
  168. [16:43] Sabina brings up one arm, stopping the staff dead in its tracks as she steps forward and aims a palm-strike against Irkis' torso.
  169. [16:48] Arkalest The staff flies off- Tumbling over the mat-And your palm buries itself into Ikris' torso
  170. [16:50] Arkalest Sabina: .............And she turns out to be...Kinda pudgy? Your fist sinks into her, and /stops./ She blinks.
  171. [16:50] Sabina had just enough time to realize this is bad
  172. [16:51] Arkalest Sabina: And she quietly, simply and effectively kneels you.
  173. [16:54] Sabina rolls with the blow and slides back several paces, grabing the staff from the ground and leveling at the Vorak.
  174. [16:56] Arkalest Sabina: The Vorak quite literally drops on all fours and /lounges/ at you-
  175. [16:57] Arkalest You hear Toole whop and holler, followed by the Phedrians emitting what appear to be shrieks of assent and encouragement
  176. [16:57] Sabina brings the point of the staff up, reinforcing it and her footing to drop her on her back.
  177. [16:59] Arkalest Sabina: She's heavy and ohod you /think/ you strained your feet as you hit her right between the neck and torso and for a split moment she is above you and then your ears flat-out ring from the impact.
  178. [17:02] Arkalest Sabina: Then something slippery touches your foot, and Ikris uses her tail as hooksending you careering towards her-
  179. [17:03] Sabina steps into the motion dropping the staff as she does so, and slams into the Vorak with a two-fist punch
  180. [17:04] Arkalest Sabina: Your hit is blocked by somthing squishy and soft- And you hear Ikris make something that sounds li"Erhrthghgl-" Tongue shooting out. You hear the Phedrians howl victoriously
  181. [17:05] Arkalest And see Alex cover her chest, flinching rather strongly- A motion Natah copies.
  182. [17:05] Arkalest The Vorak goes limp, breathing out heavily, and her breath smells of acid and mimosas.
  183. [17:07] -->| ckk185 (ckk1854@4CC8A2AB.18B4F95A.8CBA7782.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  184. [17:10] Sabina takes a step back, sensing that the spar is over. She bows deeply to Irkris and offers her a hand up.
  185. [17:12] Arkalest Sabina: She blinks- Large golden eyes that widen- And then hesitantly takes yours, slowly pulling herself up. "...Thank you."
  186. [17:13] Sabina "And thank you as well. You're very skilled."
  187. [17:14] Arkalest She lowers her snout. "..But you're better."
  188. [17:14] Arkalest "Though, I assume you are not versed in Vorak customs." She taps her hands together, tail curled around her legs.
  189. [17:15] Sabina "No, I'm not I'm afraid."
  190. [17:15] Arkalest "Generally the victor asks a trophy of the loser- Or their fealty. Orrrr other things
  191. [17:15] Sabina blinks. . . "Other things?" She sounds deeply unsure if she wants to know the answer to this
  192. [17:16] Arkalest "SHE IS SIXTEEN", hollers Toole."
  193. [17:16] Sabina blinks
  194. [17:16] Arkalest Ikris just looks down, still tapping her hands together.
  195. [17:17] Arkalest "Well, I am 19 sooo.."
  196. [17:17] Sabina "Oh. . . oh. . ." She ducks her head, poorly hiding the blush. "That's uh. . . I mean. . . ." A sound resembling a teakettle creeps from the back of her throat.
  197. [17:18] Arkalest Natah and Alex saunters by. "Ssssso nice performance, Sabina." The catmorph claps you on the shoulder as Natah does the same. "Nat? Take Ikris to Popjoy to see."
  198. [17:18] Arkalest " 'M fine."
  199. [17:18] Sabina finds her feet deeply fascinating
  200. [17:20] Arkalest Sabina: Your AR rings with a emssage from one Dr. Eymeris Micatchalna
  201. [17:21] Sabina latches onto the distraction greedily
  202. [17:21] Arkalest Sabina: [Hi I just saw you beat up a very insecure Vorak. She will probably try to get your attention by bringing you presents and challenging you every now and then]
  203. [17:21] Arkalest [Murder presents]
  204. [17:22] Sabina [Murder Presents? And what's this about getting my attention?]
  205. [17:23] Arkalest [Vorak love physical hierarches, and beating someone up is a wya of ascending it. Also they're very touchy feely]
  206. [17:23] Sabina [Murder Presnts?!]
  207. [17:24] Arkalest [animals she hunted down herself trophies that kinda thing sometimes the head of your enemies]
  208. [17:24] Sabina [I don't have enemies though. And the animals don't need to be killed!]
  209. [17:25] Sabina makes her way to the sidelines, and to a bottle of water
  210. [17:25] Arkalest [natah had to put her down because she was untratable when they shiped here her so she puppy crushed hard on them]
  211. [17:25] Arkalest Sabina: Toole is there- And he silently point at you with both index fingers.
  212. [17:26] Arkalest He is...Something. Humanoid, head a smooth blue helmet with a faceplate made of rippling material- Orange and yellow muscle fiber between sleek white plating. "Top of the game."
  213. [17:26] Sabina chokes on her drink. [She has a crush on me?!]. She takes a moment to cough the water out of her lungs. "Thank you? I think?"
  214. [17:27] Arkalest "That /was/ a compliment. Flooring the heavy hitter on Day 2?Takes some skill." He thumps his chestplate. "And I am toole."
  215. [17:27] Arkalest "Spartoi-class Sophontweapon at your service."
  216. [17:27] Arkalest Sabina: [Well sorta maybe? Try asking her directly?]
  217. [17:28] Sabina "Ah, hello Toole. Sabina Norland, Instrumentalist. At your Service as well." [Ok, any advice? if she does?]
  218. [17:28] Arkalest [Try to be blunt her voraks love blunt]
  219. [17:29] Sabina [Ok, blunt. . . She won't take take rejection too badly I hope?]
  220. [17:29] Arkalest [naaaaah she will smsh something or go drink but thats voraks for you]
  221. [17:29] Arkalest [also sorry for teh spelling bit busy weighing down somone]
  222. [17:30] Sabina [It's not a problem. Thank you for your assistance in this matter.]
  223. [17:30] Arkalest Sabina: Toole gestures behind you as he slowly slides backwards on his heels.
  224. [17:31] Sabina steps out of the way, casting a glance over her shoulder.
  225. [17:31] Arkalest Ikris is there. "So." She says out loud before slowly dropping onto the bench- Causing it to creak precariously.
  226. [17:32] Sabina "Hello Ikris."
  227. [17:33] Arkalest "I am sorry for yesterday. And I am sure you have some questions with regards the fluster and whatnot."
  228. [17:33] Arkalest Her tone is low, and you see her eyes half-lidded as she looks down.
  229. [17:36] Sabina "A few, Eymeris gave my some context, but if you would like to add anything yourself I will listen."
  230. [17:36] Arkalest She closes her eyes. "...Can we go somewhere else? it may take some time to fully go through."
  231. [17:37] Sabina "Of course, lead the way."
  232. [17:37] Arkalest -----
  233. [17:38] Arkalest There is a small hill not far from the CC- Five large trees ringing it- And she makes her way to it, dropping in the middle. The Vorak pats the grass next to her.
  234. [17:38] Sabina takes a seat, folding her legs under herself.
  235. [17:39] Arkalest Ikris looks out to the horizon, scaly hands folded in her lap. "The universe has structure."
  236. [17:40] Sabina listens
  237. [17:41] Arkalest "That structure is built around equilibium. Atoms are in a state of harmony brought by the equilibirum of their strenght. Matter exists because of the force of gravity and because of dark matter."
  238. [17:41] Sabina nods
  239. [17:41] Arkalest She closes her eyes. "Evolution is this equilibirum. Living beings exist within this balance, and our whole existence is nothing but the act of clinging to it."
  240. [17:44] Arkalest "Society itself is a balancing act. Indulge too much in your desires, andyou fail your roles. Negate the self, and you become a hollow shell."
  241. [17:44] Sabina nods again. "I do not disagree with that."
  242. [17:45] Arkalest Sabina: Her hands slowly balls into fists, and you see the spiderwebs of muscles beneath tense. "One most recognize their desires, and act out to balance them with their duties. And if they fial in the balance, they must look out for someone- An example."
  243. [17:45] Arkalest "And today you were...Very examplar."
  244. [17:47] Arkalest "My sire and dam never really explained in depth the doctrine of our ancestors, but the gist of it is...If you're strong enough, lead. "
  245. [17:47] Arkalest "If you are not." She punches her fists together. "Follow."
  246. [17:48] Arkalest "And this is more than a lesson. It's something hardcoded within, something that is more me than the hissing you ear in your hindbrain when you concentrate on me."
  247. [17:49] Arkalest "I believe in equilibirum. My birthers did the same, and theirs before them, and so on- Up until the first generation. So..."
  248. [17:50] Arkalest "The gist of it-" Ikris opens her eyes. "Is that I don't mind a good asskicking, and that I like you. You are...Balanced. You are you, yet I can hear the voices whispering to you."
  249. [17:53] Sabina "Thank you, I'm flattered you think so highly of me, and I appreciate speaking so clearly and honestly, I shall repay you in kind." She leans back "I'm not interested in a. . . romantic relationship, and if that was what you wanted I am sorry, but I hope that we can be friends if you would like."
  250. [17:54] Arkalest "Well, I was not expecting the romantic part, actually? I mean, you are tall, but you lack a tail and a snout and your muscles look flimsy. I was expecting more.." She makes a circular gesture with both hands. "That you can lead me into battle properly"
  251. [17:56] Arkalest "Natah just is not cut for active combat, and they are always one step behind. I want someone whose visage I can look upon in the throes of rage- Someone to calm me down."
  252. [17:56] Arkalest "And in exchange we can- Well, do friend stuff? Comrade stuff? Go swimming together? Go buy things and hunt if you want to? "
  253. [17:57] Sabina "I have no experience in this matter, how would I do that? And why do you think I can?"
  254. [17:57] Arkalest "Because you are not the others."
  255. [17:59] Arkalest "Warbody Toole cheats, because he can regulate his adrenaline rush. Alex? She's /good/ but she's just repressing all this rage all the time. Natah? I don't know what's wrong with them but.." Her black tongue slips out. "Just holding themselves back? And the Phedrians /cheat/ " A snort escapes her- Warm and aggressive. "Ellen does the same, holding it down with pills and booze and blades....
  256. [17:59] Arkalest ...Mirkov can not feel rage at all."
  257. [18:00] Arkalest "But you? I can sense it. Your wrist, it strains- It's a weapon, and weapons are meant to be used."
  258. [18:01] Arkalest She clicks her teeth together. "You had to come into this balance."
  259. [18:06] Sabina "We all do," She closes her eyes "I have never been a leader, nor has that ever been my place. I serve the clan, I speak for the ancestors, listen to their guidance and advice the clan, but never command."
  260. [18:06] Sabina *Advise
  261. [18:07] Arkalest "Not all form of command are overt. Does your judgement still not influence the others? Does the path you thread not send waves?"
  262. [18:09] Sabina "That is true as well, I speak from a position of authority, but. . . What would you have me do if I accepted this? What would be expected of me and how would I accomplish it, and would that arrangement be respected by the Constables? A unclear chain of command is not something that they would want."
  263. [18:11] Arkalest "We'd train together, and I would teach you the psionic capabilities of us Voraks- And my clade in particular. I'd show you how to tap into the more..Primal part of you as well."
  264. [18:13] Arkalest "And have you seen what the Constables let me do? What the others do? Do you really think they'll take umbrage?"
  265. [18:14] Sabina "I have been here less than a day, and I am unfamiliar with the dynamics of this group, I want to make sure I am not stepping on any toes."
  266. [18:15] Arkalest She closes her eyes. "And another advantage you'll get out of this is that, well. A vorak by your side."
  267. [18:15] Arkalest "And you already are friends with the overmind."
  268. [18:19] Sabina "That is true." She sighs "Should any of my successors make the mistake of thinking your people are strong of body only, woe be to them." She smiles and opens her eyes "I agree then, you make good points and," She hesitates for a moment "well, I'd like to have another friend."
  269. [18:21] Arkalest She slowly and gratefully nods- And then opens her eyes. "Thank you. Now.." Ikris yawns, turning her haed away to hide her maw. "Gonna take a nap here. Feel free yo join."
  270. [18:21] Arkalest Then she casually drops her back on the ground and curls up.
  271. [18:22] Sabina "Another time, I should get back to Natah and the others. I'll see you around though."
  272. [18:23] Arkalest She nods, head against the grass. "See ya.."
  273. [18:23] Sabina heads back to the gym with a smile
  274. [18:23] Arkalest -
  275. [18:24] Arkalest Sabina: You catch Alex on the benches of the sparring area- and she stands up, blinking her eyes. "How did the talk go?"
  276. [18:25] Sabina "It went well, she wanted me to, uh well, lead her in battle basically? I don't fully understand it exactly, but that's the essence of it."
  277. [18:27] Arkalest "Ah, that. She wasn't pushy or anything, right?" Her tone is concerned, and she folds ehr arms.
  278. [18:27] Sabina "No, not at all."
  279. [18:31] Arkalest "Good. Would have hated to beat her more. Now...Nice fighting style. Really flowing, like the telekinesis use, but..." She holds up a hand. "It's clearly for self-defense and disabling."
  280. [18:32] Sabina nods
  281. [18:33] Sabina "Were I more skilled I could further augment my blows, cuase internal damage telekineticly, or even use it to create cutting blades, but my skills are not that advanced in that art."
  282. [18:36] Arkalest A slow nod. "We got a few people doing that already. Honestly? I think we have enough killers. You could learn how to do long-distance disabling, methinks."
  283. [18:38] Sabina "I am already capable of disabling people with my telepathy, how far do you consider long-distance?"
  284. [18:39] Arkalest "! hundred meters, maybe more.."
  285. [18:44] Sabina "Yes, however it would require the entity of my concentration to do so. Much farther than that and it becomes harder to leverage enough power and I would need to tap into the Instrament. Something I have no intention of doing outside of the truly dire."
  286. [18:54] =-= YOU are now known as IcePickLobotom
  287. [18:54] =-= YOU are now known as IcePickLobotomy
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  318. [10:44] =-= scya is now known as Sarah
  319. [10:55] Arkalest Sabina: While Alex is busy extolling to you the virtues of tazers, you catch with the corner of your eyes the doors of the gym opening..
  320. [10:58] Arkalest Sarah: "-And this is the biggest of our training facilities." The spider-drones prattle on, right as your symbiont switches to a defensive posture, hissing hurriedly and unspooling two large feelers- Tipped with needles. The air is just overloaded with the scent of rpedators: Musky, brash and filled with the ferrous taste of blood. You can smell spilled bone marrow, blood- Ripped tendons...
  321. [10:58] Arkalest ...eaten at by lactic acid and bones slowly overclocked. Your ears perk at the thumps and twists of muscles and bones- Snapping sounds, clawing sound with a chatoic ryhm.
  322. [10:59] Sarah opens her mouth, and takes in a deep breath, her head sinking down a bit, her eyes still seeing around her , but her horns ready to take someone on while her tail swishes up and down behind her , the runes on them starting to glow softly as she pulls energy into herself.
  323. [10:59] Arkalest The gym is full of killers, you realize. Mirah's nostrils flare at the sight of the nearest one- A feline morph of sorts, catlike. The stench of enhancile fluids, metals, testosterone and adrenaline cling to the morph's muscles- And you can see their eyes zero on you, narrowing in that split-second recognition typical of big cats. You can see thin silver threads at the edge of the morph's...
  324. [11:00] Arkalest ...eyeballs, and their shoulders bear the almost invisble scars of myomer upgrades.
  325. [11:01] Arkalest Sabina: the two...Aliens? Morphs? That walk in the gym have their thoughts twinned- Blue swirling cloaks of anxiety and fear, threaded with alien spikes of greyness. They're...Big. Big as Ikirs, and even more armored.
  326. [11:02] Arkalest There's something of the antelope in them, but any semblance of herbivore quietness and approachability has been taken out of them and replaced with bone spurs jutting out of short fur. Their skin is covered in soemthing not unlike Natah's tattos, except even more oozy-looking.
  327. [11:03] Arkalest Sabina: Their muscles- Thick, ropey, twitching under the flesh and what appears to be ooze- Are accentuated by the absolute lack of clothes, except for a handful of grey belts covered in tools hanging off their hips. Their hands end in rending claws- Knuckles covered by bone scars.
  328. [11:03] Arkalest *scarred bones
  329. [11:04] Sabina bows head head to the newcomers.
  330. [11:04] Arkalest The tallest one has literal in-built armor- Elbow and knees and neck covered in dull white and grey bones- Sweeping knife-like protusions jutting out of her wrists
  331. [11:04] Sabina "Hello."
  332. [11:06] Arkalest Sarah: Grey skin, tall- A zero-g or low-g humanoid, wearing work-clothes. Female, fingers slender and built for combat. She smells of distant dust, and her sweat is tinged with the afterscent of a fight.
  333. [11:09] Sarah only has fur at some places of her body, the other is replaced with the naked somewhat oozy skin, and well, her horns are asymetrical, 2 big ones that go out from her head like a antelope, and a irregular third one, more cowlike at the side, while the ears are humanlike, even if they are blue and greyish wiith stark blue and white signs on them.
  334. [11:10] Sarah "Hello" She nods at the less weightfull one that greeted her, and raises a hand to put it on Mirahs wrist, to calm her down if there is the need for it .
  335. [11:10] Arkalest The other antelope's skin is a dark orange, with a similar pair of horns- Hers even longer, and even more pointy. She lets out a snort as the smaller one calms down, eyes still fixed on the catmorph.
  336. [11:11] Arkalest The other fighting mats are surrounded by plastic privacy bubbles- Shielding the occupants from sight- But Mirah can feel the thumping of the walls caused by bodies thrown about.
  337. [11:11] Sabina "Sabina Norland, at your service." A pair of large, cat like eyes look back the newcomer
  338. [11:12] Arkalest "Alex Waldemar, constable."
  339. [11:13] Arkalest The catmorph slowly crosses her arms, shoulder muscles tensing and tail swishing.
  340. [11:15] Sarah "Mirah, "She nods at the taller one, "and Sarah" she points with her free hand at herself Civilian, prospective constable, and Constable in training."
  341. [11:15] Arkalest "Moooooooomm."
  342. [11:15] Sabina nods
  343. [11:16] Arkalest Mirah rolls her eyes in an incredibly teenager fashion, crossing her arms as she whips Sarah 's back with her tails. "I am already nearly there."
  344. [11:16] |<-- Sabina has left (Client exited)
  345. [11:17] -->| Sabina (androirc@DE1DCEE8.AFE7F406.F0562AFA.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
  346. [11:18] Arkalest Alex lets out a dangerously low chuckle- Right as the spider drone makes itself scarce. "You are Otsuda Myazi's trainee?"
  347. [11:19] Sabina "I see. I've only just started myself."
  348. [11:21] Sarah "You are not there yet, just because you are acing the pyscial scores so well, and yes, /we/ " a moment of vocal cadence " are the Trainee."
  349. [11:25] Arkalest The antelope lets out a derisive, soft snort- And then her eyes shift towards Sabina. "A trainee as well, then?"
  350. [11:27] Sabina "I'm not actually sure of my exact position. I am being evaluated still. I only arrived yesterday."
  351. [11:31] Arkalest "After the asskicking you gave the Vorak I am sure we can spare a few advancements- Now- Do you mind playing nice for a while while I go over a few things?" alex eyes the exit of the gym.
  352. [11:32] Sarah "I will make sure neither of them breaks anything exept each other"
  353. [11:33] Sabina "Not at all."
  354. [11:33] Arkalest Sarah: the morph raises an eyebrow. "Interesting." And then she's off, striding with an extreme amount of swagger- As if to remind you who's in charge.
  355. [11:36] Arkalest Mirah watches her move out of the gym and then turns her attention to Sabina - One feeler reaching out for Sarah 's back. |She is soooo tiny.|
  356. [11:39] Sarah [And yet she is here, what does this tell you?] She returns, her skin shivering slightly under the touch
  357. [11:40] Arkalest Sarah: |Fearless- Perhaps biologicall so. Strong. Perhaps dutiful?|
  358. [11:43] Sabina takes another drink of water, slowly stretching out to loosen herself post-spar and aide recovery
  359. [11:48] Sabina "So, how are you finding the constables thus far?"
  360. [11:49] Sarah [Or at least beign smarter then you , who only assumes that size make the danger ]
  361. [11:49] Sarah scoffs at her daughter and showcases the image of giving her a playfull teaching hit.
  362. [11:49] Arkalest Sarah: |Hey, have you seen the size of that cat? it had a killer look to it.|
  363. [11:50] Sarah "They are , well they are themself even if I already got some time to deal with them they are yet strange as others , but in there strangeness they are also different from those around them
  364. [11:50] Arkalest Sabina: "So far, so good. " Her voice is...Strangely accented. Rough Rs, slithering Ss- Unpleacable origin point. "Definitively better than what we had before."
  365. [11:51] Sabina "Their individuality is a strength. And I am glad that your situation has improved then."
  366. [11:52] Arkalest Sabina: Mirah's symbiont extends a long oozy grey feeler. "No." She hisses, swatting at it. "Bad."
  367. [11:52] Arkalest "Aw, sorry. It is not used to, mmh, perople like you."
  368. [11:53] Sabina "It's fine, what was it trying to do?"
  369. [11:56] Arkalest "Taste you. I mean, not like." The antelope puts a foot backwards, tail swishing. "Eat you. "
  370. [11:56] Arkalest "But get a surface sample."
  371. [11:58] Sabina "Ahh. Do you mind if I ask stay they do? This is only the 2nd time I've seen a symbiote, and the first was yesterday."
  372. [11:59] Sarah "And I wish to excuse the behaviour of our Offspings, they are , still young"
  373. [12:00] Sabina "No offense was taken."
  374. [12:02] Arkalest Sabina: The taller one takes umbrage at her mother- Thought shimmering offensively- But then calms herself down. "So."
  375. [12:02] Arkalest "What's your powers?"
  376. [12:03] Sabina "Telepathy primarly, what of yourself?"
  377. [12:04] Arkalest "Metal stuff, also flesh-bending."
  378. [12:05] Sabina "Metal stuff? What does that entail?"
  379. [12:09] Sarah "She is doing Ferrokinese, like the people that use a variable molecular metal mass as weapon and or armor.
  380. [12:12] Sabina "Ah, that sounds intersting, I'd love to spar with you at a later date."
  381. [12:12] Arkalest "You already fought?"
  382. [12:13] Sabina "Ikris and I finished a spar shortly before you arrived, it was rather intense."
  383. [12:15] Sarah "Are you shutting people down, or is your style more abot using fake immages and pain to deal with your opponent?"
  384. [12:18] Sabina "Both, at least in regards with telepathy. In a straight fight I use my clan's stlye, telekinesis augmented fighting, mostly used to enhance blows and blocks, though the true masters can deal internal damage or make cutting blades. I am not that skilled."
  385. [12:23] Sarah nods
  386. [12:23] Arkalest "Guns, bows, baldes and whatnot? Ever used them?"
  387. [12:25] Sabina "I trained with short-swords and batons. I have also started training with the glaive. No training with firearms or bows."
  388. [12:35] Sarah "It is always better to have a ranged option avaible, especialyl if you run into a robot , or is your Telekineses long ranged enough"?"
  389. [12:37] Sabina "Point blank only, though my telepathy extends far enough. I was never expected to leave the clan grounds, as the keeper of the instrument, my place was there, and should I have needed to defend myself than I would need to draw on its power."
  390. [12:46] Sarah "What is an Instrument?"
  391. [12:48] Sabina ". . ." Sabina blinks, not expecting that response. "It is a. . . Psionic amplifier, it vastly boosts the user's power when used, but it tolls heavily on the user's mind as well."
  392. [12:50] Sabina "My clan was tasked to guard one, and I was selected as the keeper of it. I use it to commune with our ancestors, and if need be defend the clan with its power."
  393. [13:02] Arkalest "...Ancestors?" The antelope raises an eyebrow quizzically.
  394. [13:05] Sabina nods "The previous keepers remain with the instrument after their mortal frame passes on. They. . . Communicate with me, I listen to their wisdom on matters that concern the clan and speak for them. I also keep their memory and help my clan pay our respects to them."
  395. [13:06] Sarah raises her head a bit questiongly
  396. [13:07] Arkalest Mirah raises her other eyebrow. "That's...Do they always speak in your ears?"
  397. [13:09] Sabina "They are always with me, but unless roused or saught they remain. . . Unintrusive? Like having someone stand over your shoulder without speaking."
  398. [13:16] Arkalest "That sounds...Slightly creepy? I mean no offrense but I'd fret a bit if mom over there'd be hovering over my shoulder constantly- Commenting on verything I do."
  399. [13:17] Sarah "That was not a very nice thing to say " She say mock hurt
  400. [13:19] Sabina "It's not so clear, more. . . Thoughts and impressions, feelings, than a true exchange of words. But I can understand how it would be a unappealing idea to others."she tilts her head "I find it reassuring, to know my for bearers watch over me."
  401. [13:24] -->| IPM (androirc@E4571ACC.163D2B51.CFFAA26B.IP) has joined #Adeva3IC
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  405. [13:26] Sarah "On the other hand, if I think about a certain shaman.. , but then I assume child and herd. I mean family are different for you?"
  406. [13:29] IPM "In what sense do you mean that?"
  407. [13:38] Sarah "In the sense that a different connotation of them means that you behave different then we would do?
  408. [14:08] =-= WolfieBed is now known as Pale_Wolf
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  410. [15:07] =-= Sarah is now known as NapsCya
  411. [15:12] =-= YOU are now known as Sabina
  412. [15:15] Arkalest Sabina: Mirah bends down a bit. "Your family is not your herd is not your...Mmh."
  413. [15:26] Sabina "It doesn't translate very well, what herd means to you, and what clan and family mean to me. There are similarities, parallels, but one is not another."
  414. [15:26] Arkalest A slow nod, her tail making a slow arch behind her. "Okay!"
  415. [15:29] Arkalest "So what-" Mirah looks at the domes, nostrils flaring. "What do you all do for fun around these parts?"
  416. [15:30] Sabina "I like painting."
  417. [15:31] Arkalest "Oooh- What kind of paintings?"
  418. [15:33] Sabina "Oil paints, and some water color as well. Landscapes mostly."
  419. [15:33] Arkalest "Water colors?"
  420. [15:35] Arkalest "I mean, I know how these work, but I have no idea- I mean I haven't seen any kind.."
  421. [15:35] Sabina "I took a few with me, if you'd like to see them I'd be happy to show you when we have a chance."
  422. [15:36] Arkalest Mirah blinks her large eyes. "Why not, I guess?"
  423. [15:37] Arkalest "I, ah, flesh-sculpt. Also dance, sometimes. Plus there's tattoos."
  424. [15:38] Sabina passes her address and AR contact info to Mirah. "What does the flesh-sculpting entail? And what sort of dancing?"
  425. [15:38] Arkalest Sabina: "Well, dancing in general- Sort of freeform? I mean there are some group dances.."
  426. [15:39] Sabina nods
  427. [15:40] Arkalest "Then there's the more explicit stuff, and flesh-carving-assisted dancing, which is also under explcit I guess'"
  428. [15:40] Sabina "That sounds rather, ahh, intense."
  429. [15:42] Arkalest "Compared to getting nearly gutted while hunting?" She casually lets her tail twirl around a finger- And her tailtip seems to be a stinger of sort.
  430. [15:44] Sabina "That would put things in perspective."
  431. [15:46] Arkalest "Yep! And trust me, I've been gutted a fair few times. So- Do you hunt for your family?"
  432. [15:52] Sabina "No, not really. Part of my training involved practicing on animals for the more, ah, destructive telepathic abilities, but I think that does not constitute hunting the sense you would mean. My older brother does, or at least something akin to it."
  433. [15:54] Arkalest "And what did you do with the corpses afterward?"
  434. [15:57] Sabina "We cremated them, as is our tradition."
  435. [15:58] Arkalest Her large ears twitch. "...That sounds like a waste."
  436. [16:00] Sabina "I suppose it does, but to use it is a way to cleanse their spirits of the violent death they suffered so that they can reincarnate in peace."
  437. [16:03] Arkalest "Well, would it not make sense for the spirits to be appeased if you show them that you are using their bodies? Giving their deaths meaning."
  438. [16:08] Sabina "Their deaths already had meaning, and while there is something to be said on not being wasteful, there was little meat on them, moreover the clan would have been uneasy consuming something killed with the instrument. We do not like reminders of what it is that we guard."
  439. [16:09] Arkalest "Ew- No, I mean using their bones and tendrils to fashion something useful! Why would you want to /eat/ the poor critters!"
  440. [16:09] Arkalest She crosses her arms slowly, shaking her head. "It'd be....Weird."
  441. [16:10] Sabina "Ah, that would have been a grave disrespect, to bind the spirit to the earth. Burning the body cuts the last earthly bonds it has, allowing it to most easily and cleanly be reborn."
  442. [16:20] Arkalest The antelope lowers her neck. "That's a way of putting it, I guess? Not too sold on it.."
  443. [16:21] Sabina "It's heavily rooted in my clan's beliefs. Not everyone would agree with those, and I respect that."
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