
Discord Kicks a Fluffy

Feb 9th, 2013
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  1. >The fluffy pony walks up to the draconiquis.
  2. >”Hewwo! New fwen? Wan pway?”
  3. >She stares up at him with bright eyes and smiling.
  4. >Discord looks down and sneers.
  5. >”Oh yes my little play thing! Play we will!”
  6. >Discord slaps the fluffy in the face sending her rolling across the room.
  7. >Tears fly away from her face as she rolls, “Waaahhhh! Why hewt fwuffy? Owies!”
  8. >He then pops across the room in front of her and snaps his fingers.
  9. >The fluffy ponies legs disappear leaving only stumps.
  10. >He then changes his face making his teeth grow into razor sharp fangs and flames shooting from his eye sockets.
  11. >He roars at the fluffy pony as she shits a huge pile while screaming, “WHAHHHHHHHH! MUNSTA GET FWFFY!!!”
  12. >Her stumps start to wriggle as she tries desperately to get away from this beast.
  13. >She looks like she is going into convulsions as she tries futilely to maneuver away.
  14. >She openly sobs as the draconiquis laughs evilly.
  15. >He leers at her as he walks up and kicks the legless creature across the room into the wall.
  16. >Discord changes into a ref outfit and screams, “GGooooooaaaaalllll!!!”
  17. >The fluffy lays on the ground crying, “Owchies… huu huuu huuu… why hewt fwuffy… wan weggies back… huuuuu….”
  18. >He then pops next to the fluffy only this time wearing a tuxedo and top hat.
  19. >He pick up the crying shambling ball of fluff and start to twirl it while singing ‘Putting on the Ritz’.
  20. >Between sobs the fluffy pony asks, “Why… huu huuu huuu… why daddy hewt fwuffy? Wahhhh…”
  21. >He lifts her up so he can look into her pathetic eyes.
  22. >He simply quips, “Because you are dumb, stupid, and ugly and no one will ever love you.”
  23. >”NUUUUUU!” She screams in protest.
  24. >”Am gud fwuffy! Pwease be nice to fwuffy!”
  25. >He slaps her viciously across the face.
  26. >A small amout of blood trickles from her mouth.
  27. >He tosses her across the room where she lands in the pile of her excrement.
  28. >”Nuuu! Fwuffy nuu smeww pwetty! Nuuuu! Wahhahhhhh!”
  29. >Discord then stand over top of her with a look of sheer malevolence as his fingers slowly grow into claws.
  30. >The door knob jiggles.
  31. >He quickly looks at the door, “Oh my, forgot the time.”
  32. >he snaps his fingers and the fluffy becomes clean and its legs are back.
  33. >He snaps again just as the door opens and the fluffy transforms into a purple unicorn.
  34. >She sits down and shakes her head, “Wha… whats going on?”
  35. >”Oh Twilight dear you were just telling me how great of a teacher Celestia is.” Discord says smiling.
  36. >Fluttershy walks through the door, “Strange, the door knob seemed stuck.”
  37. >”How have my two great friends been getting along?”
  38. >Twilight still looks confused as Discord turns and says, “Oh we have just been getting along smashingly!”
  39. >”Twilight has just been delightfully telling me about Celestia!”
  40. >Twilight looks at the draconiquis, “I have? It seems kind of fuzzy…”
  41. >The yellow pegasus smailes at her two friends getting along.
  42. >Discord goes into the kitchen, “Oh Fluttershy, just sit down. I’m going to make us some tea.”
  43. >”Oh thank you discord. See Twilight, he is completely reformed.”
  44. >”Oh no! We seem to be out of sugar. I’ll go to town and pick some up. Don’t worry yourself my dear.”
  45. >Fluttershy jumps up, “Oh no, you are my guest. I’ll go to town and get some. Will you be ok here with Twilight?”
  46. >”Oh yes my dear! Twilight can tell me all about Celestia and the goings on at Canterlot, can’t you Twilight.”
  47. >Twilight looks around still in a daze, “Umm yea… of course.”
  48. >”Ok then, you two have fun while I’m away.”
  49. >The yellow pegasus walks out the door closing it behind her.
  50. >Discord looks at Twilight and smiles as he snaps his fingers.
  51. >She gives a small whimper as her body begins to change.
  52. >Her eyes grow and her horn blunts.
  53. >She changes into a fluffy pony and stands in front of the grinning draconiquis.
  54. >The fluffy pony walks up to the draconiquis.
  55. >”Hewwo! New fwen? Wan pway?”
  56. >She stares up at him with bright eyes and smiling.
  57. >Discord looks down and sneers.
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