
FoE RPG G0 - #033 The Chant

Oct 19th, 2013
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  1. [20:28]<SpiritOfFate> Group 0: *Epitaph* - Session #33: The Chant starts now
  2. [20:28]<SpiritOfFate> ===========================
  3. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat looks at Avaritia and clears her throat. "When your life's... uh, dizzy and your earring a frown
  4. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> " She seems to shrink as the wicked spirit stares at her with piercing eyes. "When world's all trouble and it's bringing you d-down." Liberty Dream stands by M'tat's side and the little zebra closes her eyes, singing loudly even as she shakes. "Just remember that things are, uh, not as bad as they seem / and dream a little… hopeful… dream?" She peeks at the crowd. The zebras seem confused. Tense. Even the clear eyed ones seem fearfull. M'tat
  5. [20:35]<SpiritOfFate> looks back at you in a silent plead.
  6. [20:40]? Firefly smiles at M'tat, and looks back at the spirit, defiant. "Six winds blow as one... they will turn the tide. We are marching on, standing side by side... and we'll carry on, until all the fire's gone. Blown away, away to lands beyond..." Firefly closes her eye as she sings. Her voice is soft, and mournful. Filled with the loss of homes, friends, family.
  7. [20:43]? Hawkeye pats M'tat on the shoulder, then slowly approaches the crowd of zebras and takes a deep breath. "Put your faith in what is most important: yourselves and your family. Lift your hearts, Don't be afraid. You will soon come to see..." she sings.
  8. [20:45]? Royal_Lace steps up and stand near M'tat, opening her mouth to sing out in her glorious rich voice. "Feels like the world works so hard to keep you down. Those who chain and bind await all around."
  9. [20:46]<Royal_Lace> "The weight of it all is enough to break bone. Feels like at time that your in it all alone"
  10. [20:46]<Royal_Lace> "But in this life there is still that one piece they can not claim. That deep inner flame which nopony can tame"
  11. [20:46]<Royal_Lace> "Your freedom of will, that one final choice. Let your heart sing it out, give that passion voice"
  12. [20:47]<Sotho> "The voice that frees your bonds and lifts that weight."
  13. [20:49]<Sotho> "It'll make you want to move around, take your actions and make haste!"
  14. [20:57]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia turns away from you shaking her head, facing the crowd. "You know the truth, deep in your hearts..." Her voice grows into song, and you can feel the sinister aura slithering towards the zebras. "Ponies and foals can’t understand / All that we have suffered / Living deep in this harsh land / Through the burden we have shouldered"
  15. [20:59]<SpiritOfFate> The braided councilzebra's eyes grow green and his conch cracks.
  16. [21:01]<SpiritOfFate> The long haired councilzebra meets his eyes with a clear, serene gaze from his eyes free of darkness.
  17. [21:08]? Wintergreen steps forward, center stage. Her eyes meet Avaritia's briefly and her lips curl into a smile before she turns, smile facing the zebras. "Here we are, and together we stay / We worked together to make it here this day…" Wintergreen sings slowly, quietly, making those listening stay silent to hear. She takes several steps forward, right in front of the asse
  18. [21:08]<Wintergreen> She takes several steps forward, right in front of the assembly, and waves her hoof. "Set harshness aside, let happiness through / Blue is blue, only if you let it be true…" Her voice begins to rise, louder and more energetic, carrying her energy over the crowd.
  19. [21:08]<Wintergreen> "So laugh with us, we will not shun / Stick together, for some fun! " She taps her hooves to the ground, shaking her hips and swishing her tail.
  20. [21:09]<Wintergreen> "Tap your hooves, hit the ground / Show us your moves, hear the sound / Curl your lips, show us your smile / It'll surely… be worth your while." She raises her hoof, gesturing for the zebras to follow, "So laugh with us, we will not shun / Stick together, for some fun!"
  21. [21:13]<SpiritOfFate> The eyes of another councilzebra clear, and some zebras on the back snap out of Avaritia's control.
  22. [21:18]<Ignis> "To send this evil greedy hag packing/ We'll sing and echo with our friends laughing/ Our strenght lies on our friendship/ It does much to bring us all togheter, fur and scale/ When we're togheter, every hardship pales." He accompanies for a brief line, not being much a singy dragon...but happy he could help
  23. [21:25]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia bites her lip for a moment as the eyes clear in the crowd one after another. Her golden horseshoes start to decay into sand. She holds her chest high and sings, staring right into the controlled councilpony, which starts to mouth her words as well. "It takes more than good wishes / To find your way out of misery / From the ancient ashes / Where your fate is buried"
  24. [21:29]? Royal_Lace eyes narrow into a serious glare as she steps to Sotho and turnst to face the zebras rather than the spirit.
  25. [21:30]? Sotho nods as he notices Royal_Lace stepping close
  26. [21:30]<Royal_Lace> "Push off those chains and show what you can do. With a bit of luck you just might make it through!"
  27. [21:32]<Sotho> "You have the power inside you, to defeat this evil spirit that binds you, and that's youre que!"
  28. [21:34]<Royal_Lace> "Even if you fail there is no reason to turn tail. Keep on trying and with a helping hoof one day your sure to prival!"
  29. [21:36]<Sotho> "If you fail, try try again, that's what they say. But trust us and fight these spirits and we will show you this isn't the way!"
  30. [21:37]? Hawkeye looks at Avaritia, her head low and her voice soft. "No words describe a mother's tears. So make them never need to cry. This dream is real, once you make it so..." She turns back to the zebras. "Right here, your family's calling for you. Stand up for your family! Shed the past, show them what's true, and live alive and free..." Hawkeye stops in front of the main group of zebra who are not...
  31. [21:37]? Hawkeye ...yet on their side. "Raise your head up. Lift high the load! Take strength from those that need you. Build high the walls, Build strong the beams. A new life is waiting, so cast out the stranger here!"
  32. [21:41]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can see F'zala's eyes clearing in the Flame crowd.
  33. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia looks in pity towards the crowd. "You seen your closest die /
  34. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> How fragile you now are
  35. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> / No more than a lie /
  36. [21:43]<SpiritOfFate> Gone so far from your star"
  37. [21:46]<SpiritOfFate> Buck steps forward, smiling at Hawkeye. "In our heart the memory remains / And guides us forward, free from the dark chains / I move on to make real the dream we believed / The warmth in our heart soothes all grief
  38. [21:46]<SpiritOfFate> "
  39. [21:49]? Firefly stares down the spirit, wings flaring as her voice fills with anger. "You try to oppress them. / Take the hope out of their lives. / Still they are the flame for hopeful fires. / You try to undermine us / night by night. / Now you're unmaked, you're full of lies!" Firefly points a hoof of accusation at the spirit as she ends her verse.
  40. [21:51]? Hawkeye turns back, a grin on her face. Firefly knew exactly what to say. She scoops M'tat up onto her back and faces the crowd. "So here's hope," she sings, nudging the filly. "Yeah, what everybody's looking for / Here's your chance to make a difference / Here's your chance to give a helping hoof! / There's room in your hearts for one more!"
  41. [22:01]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia's ritual robes grow worn, but she stares out to the crowd even more firmly. Her eyes stop at Tramwat, the only dark eyed Bearer of Icicle left. "My foals, you were hurt and abandoned / But who always watched over you? / Where was this wisp while you cried? / The vow must be made anew"
  42. [22:02]<SpiritOfFate> His eyes grow green, more slowly than the others before.
  43. [22:03]<Sotho> "Vow?" Sotho laughs. "What vow does a spirit of greed have to promise, one to steal life, in it's very premise!" He smiles. "We are strong, in all ways bonded, We are a family no matter how we are banded!"
  44. [22:06]<Royal_Lace> "Bonds formed in friendship ture and sure. Together we can show this tribe how to resist your alure!"
  45. [22:06]<Royal_Lace> "Hearts beating together as one we are beacons of hope. You promis them only lies, they wont give in anymore you big dope!"
  46. [22:10]<Hawkeye> "A vow to the darkness or a promise of light," Hawkeye sings, tapping her hoof in time with the song. She can almost hear accompaniment! "Give up and fade, or stand up and fight!"
  47. [22:10]? Firefly flies up, trying to break the stare Avaritia has on Tramwat. "You fed on laughter, took love and dreams. / And now that we are here, / We will show them hope beyond fear. / Yes we are your nightmare deep within, / You underestimate us, our hope alive, / for their freedom and their new life to begin!"
  48. [22:16]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia's gaze stays firm, transcending Firefly's interference. "Listen to the ancient plead / The voices of the suffering The echoes of the dead / Who have brought my awakening" The emerald glows and shadows cover them even under plain sunlight. From behind Avaritia, masses of spectral zebras appear
  49. [22:19]<SpiritOfFate> The ghosts mutter and their coarse voices grow into a choir. "Seize your destiny from the open chest of the heartless" They mouth some other words but you can't hear them
  50. [22:22]<Royal_Lace> "Learn from your past but dont let it bind you tight. Lessons learned can help you see wrong from right."
  51. [22:22]<Royal_Lace> "Look to the future now and use what you know. Is following this spirit really the way to grow?"
  52. [22:22]<Royal_Lace> "Open your muzzles and let it know. Tell it how you feel and deliver a mighty blow!"
  53. [22:24]? Hawkeye draws her shotgun. "If she's resortin' to violence, that means she's more afraid of y'all than y'all are of her!" she shouts, abandoning her own singing, as everyone is better at it than she is. "Show her how the tables have turned, y'all! Yeeeeehaw!" Hawkeye rears and kicks the air.
  54. [22:24]<SpiritOfFate> One of the ghosts slowly loses the green eyes and bows before vanishing. Avaritia looks back astounded.
  55. [22:25]<Sotho> "Sing it your feelings, of your great moments of happiness! Your zebra lives tell it you are no longer afraid of it's nastiness!" He smiles. "Sing to it of love, first or last. Sing of changes, let your voices blast!"
  56. [22:25]? Sotho signs this not only to the zebras, but the last parts to his teammates as well.
  57. [22:26]? Wintergreen huffs. "Her words are poison, but only if you give them value. See that she doesn't control you. Her power is your fear, and with hope, she is nothing!"
  58. [22:27]<SpiritOfFate> Hawkeye can see Tramwat moving in the crowd
  59. [22:27]? Firefly smiles as the spirit vanishes. "What might end you'll never start again / Their hope will never die! / They will be, a thunderstorm of life!" Firefly swings away from the losing spirit, and starts to flit amongst the crowd, getting them singing the song they all sang last night.
  60. [22:29]? Hawkeye approaches Tramwat in the crowd and gives her half-smile. "Y'all ready to be free, pardner?" she says, offering a hoof.
  61. [22:31]<SpiritOfFate> Tramwat's eyes stay a solid green, he ignores Hawkeye, moving away from the crowd.
  62. [22:33]? Hawkeye circles him and plants her hooves in his path. "No y'all don't. Avarice, or whatever y'all's name is... y'all don't make friends by makin' slaves. Y'all can't understand that real riches cain't be taken, only given. Y'all let go of Tramwat right now. Y'all have lost, and hurtin just this one won't do you no good at all."
  63. [22:33]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat and Liberty lead the crowd as they join the song. "Here's hope / Yeah what everybody's looking for! / Here's your chance to make a difference / Here's your chance to give a helping hoof! / There's room in your hearts for one more!"
  64. [22:37]<SpiritOfFate> "Never!" Tramwat hisses in Avarice's voice. The greed spirit withers and becomes scrawny as the ghosts disappear
  65. [22:37]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack sings along with the crowd shyly.
  66. [22:38]? Sotho joins in with the crowd in the song, stepping near Knick Knack and smiles, putting his hoof around her
  67. [22:38]? Hawkeye puts a hoof on Tramwat's shoulder. "Y'all only know jealousy. Ah'm sorry for that. There's so much more y'all could have if your entire existence weren't just greed." She shakes her head. "It's your nature, Ah know. But maybe if y'all just let go, y'all can become somethin' more."
  68. [22:39]? Royal_Lace stands at Nick Nacks other side and sings along with the old verse
  69. [22:41]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia grow silent for a moment. The green eyed councilzebra hesitates as she turns to dash towards the necklace.
  70. [22:44]? Sotho notices this and tries to go after the council zebra under Avaritia's control
  71. [22:44]<Sotho> "No!" He yells curtly
  72. [22:44]<Hawkeye> "No!" Hawkeye shouts, chasing after. "We can help you!"
  73. [22:46]? Firefly flies through the crowd when Sotho's and Hawkeye's shouts alert her to the council zebra. With a dash of speed, Firefly leaps on the council zebra, tackling it to the ground. "Ooooh. If I didn't already have my cutie mark, I'd check and see if I have it for zebra-sitting!"
  74. [22:48]<SpiritOfFate> The singing crowd grows as more and more zebras pick up on the lyrics. The eyes of Tramwat and the councilzebra clear out.
  75. [22:49]<SpiritOfFate> The ghosts are freed from the curse and start to vanish
  76. [22:49]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia starts to decay, her robes turning into dust and her body drying up until only a starved floating head is left.
  77. [22:50]? Firefly looks down at the councilzebra as the eyes clear. "All better?"
  78. [22:50]<Hawkeye> "Nice catch, half-pint," Hawkeye says to Firefly. She canters over to the fading spirit manifestation. "It's over, Verity. Y'all know the truth, and muh Pa always said that the truth sets y'all free. Be free with us, and maybe y'all can learn somethin' new." She offers an open hoof, holding it up to the sad and miserable apparition.
  79. [22:51]? Sotho trots up to Hawkeye and nods. "There's always a second chance." He says softly
  80. [22:51]? Wintergreen breathes a sigh of relief, seeing that they won.
  81. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> "I could have had it all..." The little spirit laments
  82. [22:52]? Royal_Lace beams with a massive smile
  83. [22:52]<Sotho> "No, you couldn't." He says. "You wouldn't have had friends."
  84. [22:52]<SpiritOfFate> The crowd cheers as the spiral stripes draw away from their chests.
  85. [22:53]<Hawkeye> "Y'all still can still have friends," Hawkeye says kindly. "You just have to learn a little patience and kindness. Ah know that more than most." She gestures at her friends and the cheering zebras. "Make folks like you enough to want to give you things, and y'all won't never need to take unwillingly again."
  86. [22:54]? Firefly flits up off the zebra, offering a hoof to him. Firefly looks over at the little head. "Yeah. If you can't share, then you don't really have anything. Just...stuff. And stuff is boring."
  87. [22:55]<SpiritOfFate> "...won't you banish me?" The spirit looks at the group, puzzles.
  88. [22:55]? Ignis nickers a bit, releasing a breath he didn't noticed till now he was holding.
  89. [22:56]<Sotho> "I think all of us beilieve in second chances."
  90. [22:56]? Firefly nods. "If we did that, we just be taking from you. And that isn't right." Firefly helps the council zebra off the ground.
  91. [22:56]<SpiritOfFate> The astral field of shadows has withdrawn, but all of you realize you still can see the spirits.
  92. [22:57]? Hawkeye looks back at the zebras. "Firefly's right. But it ain't my decision, Av'rice. You done a giant pile o' wrong to these folks over the years." She nods to the council. "But if they was willin' to give you a chance, Ah'd volunteer to look after y'all, try an' teach an' help ya. If y'all would be amenable to that."
  93. [22:57]<SpiritOfFate> "I'm not in conditions to bargain."
  94. [22:57]<SpiritOfFate> Says Avaritia
  95. [22:57]? Royal_Lace blinks, looking at the spirits and nudging sotho, "Ummm... am I suppose to still be able to see them?"
  96. [22:59]? Sotho looks to Royal_Lace and smiles. "Maybe they're letting you see them." He looks to Avaritia. "No, you're not." He says. "But we're offering you a chance at redemption."
  97. [22:59]<Hawkeye> "Then let's show you how kindness is better than greed," Hawkeye says. "Ladies an' gents of the Whisper Council, congrats on your victory." She bows to the zebras. "Ah suggest that instead of banishin' this spirit, y'all give it a chance to redeem itself through further actions. Ah also volunteer to keep an eye on it, be a parole officer of sorts."
  98. [22:59]<SpiritOfFate> "I shall take it." She says, not really all that satisfied with it
  99. [23:00]? Ignis sits down and seems not to care much or whenever outcome. "it isn't our choice to make, the zebras should decide on their own what to do or not with her, after all..."
  100. [23:00]<SpiritOfFate> "This is a crafty spirit, trusting it may not be wise." The bald councilzebra says, stepping closer
  101. [23:00]? Firefly flies over to Sotho, landing on his back. She smiles up at the spirit. "Just remember to apologize. The spanking may hurt a little, but you'll feel better about yourself."
  102. [23:01]? Sotho nods, looking to the crowd. "It might not be wise, but, sometimes you just need to feel and think from your heart.
  103. [23:01]? Royal_Lace blinks, still unsure about being able to see these spirits
  104. [23:02]<Hawkeye> "It is at that," Hawkeye agrees, nodding. "But its whole existence is just greed. She don't know no different. That kind of existence makes muh heart cry out, knowin' she don't know nothing else, and cain't never do so without help. Ah'm askin' for a bit of kindness. Show y'all are better than just petty revenge. As entitled as y'all are to revenge, y'all are better than that." She nods to...
  105. [23:02]<Hawkeye> ...F'zala and M'tat.
  106. [23:02]<SpiritOfFate> "Hii~" A small luminous pegazony filly waves at Royal_Lace.
  107. [23:03]? Royal_Lace lifts a hoof and offers a small smiles to the glowing pagzony filly. "Greetings"
  108. [23:03]? Firefly nods to F'zala and M'tat in agreement with Hawkeye. "Yeah. Batmare never kills anypony. She makes sure they get rehabilimitated." Words are hard.
  109. [23:05]? Hawkeye chuckles and ruffles Firefly's mane. "Your ancestors are already free, y'all saw it," she says. "This can end well, if y'all let it."
  110. [23:06]<SpiritOfFate> M'tat waves to Hawkeye and Firefly, from a crowd that's relearning to smile. F'zala nods ands trots closer. "So you really made it, I have a feeling that will be sung for a long time."
  111. [23:08]? Hawkeye reaches over and hugs F'zala. "Couldn't have done it if y'all weren't willing to try," she says. "It's your victory more than anyone else's, and now M'tat can smile an' sing as much as her little heart desires."
  112. [23:08]<SpiritOfFate> F'zala smiles.
  113. [23:09]? Firefly nods and looks around at the trees. "Does this mean the forest isn't gonna be mean anymore?"
  114. [23:10]? Sotho looks to Avaritia. "So, how do you feel about this?"
  115. [23:11]<SpiritOfFate> The councilzebras gather up and bow to you. "The tribe is greatly indebted to you."
  116. [23:12]<SpiritOfFate> F'zala frowns. "Not really. The marching forest is older than this village, and it still grows stronger, but now we can focus our efforts to keep us safe."
  117. [23:13]? Firefly nods. "Oh. Ok." Firefly looks over at the rest of the village, and starts to smile. She looks at Wintergreen and smiles. "Miss Green!" Firefly dashes over to her foalsitter. "I had another idea!"
  118. [23:13]? Hawkeye blushes and pushes her hat down over her face. "Shucks, all. Ain't no thing. If y'all hadn't believed in us enough to try, even though y'all have failed many times before, we couldn't have helped."
  119. [23:14]? Wintergreen chuckles. "I am sure it is good then. What is your idea?"
  120. [23:14]? Firefly nods to Wintergreen. "We should have a party for the zebra!"
  121. [23:14]<SpiritOfFate> Avaritia floats around Sotho. "I could use a host. Or at least earrings. I look dreadful."
  122. [23:14]? Royal_Lace smiles to the council, "We did what we did to help, and we were glad to do so. I only hope that you will do the same for us"
  123. [23:15]? Sotho thinks. "We'll find you earrings as soon as we can, but you can be without a host for right now." He says. "And you will refrain from forcing yourself onto a potential host."
  124. [23:16]? Hawkeye looks at the sad spirit. "Yeah... say, if y'all wouldn't mind," she says to the council. "Ah could use a container for this here spirit if Ah'm going to keep an eye on her. Somewhere she can be useful but not escape easy."
  125. [23:16]? Wintergreen smiles. "Great idea! But we don't have any party supplies..."
  126. [23:17]? Ignis is idly sorta apart, regarding his claws a bit...not quite too much fond of all of that spirit business, glad it was dealt with after all. "Then...what now? Will this halt the rampanant growth or...there's more to do about that?"
  127. [23:18]? Firefly frowns as Wintergreen brings up an excellent point. She thinks to herself for a moment, brow scrunching up... before her eyes light up! "Maybe we can help the zebra throw a party for the zebra?"
  128. [23:19]<SpiritOfFate> "We can reforge the seal of the Devourer's necklace" The councilzebra says. "Though we have lost the knowledge on merry events, but you are free to use what you must to celebrate our freedom."
  129. [23:20]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack is staying a bit away from the rest of the ponies, humming to herself
  130. [23:20]<Hawkeye> "Reforge the... uh..." Hawkeye scratches her head. "If Ah can still let her out an' help her learn to be better, then Ah'm all in favor of that."
  131. [23:20]? Sotho looks to Knick and smiles, waving happily
  132. [23:20]<Firefly> The councilzebra just gave a filly full access to the village's party supplies. Oh goddesses, they're doomed. "Oooh, can we Miss Green? Can we?"
  133. [23:22]? Wintergreen chuckles. "Firefly, I hereby declare you the -official- party filly. It will be -yours- to organize, unless you want help."
  134. [23:22]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Oh we must celibrate. Its been so long since we have had such a massive victory, lets party!"
  135. [23:23]? Sotho smiles and nods. "It will be a perfect time to celebrate!"
  136. [23:24]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack waves shyly. She leans to approach the group, then hesitates and stay there
  137. [23:24]? Firefly squees in delight, performing a loop-de-loop in the air. "Ok, so we are gonna need..." Firefly trails off as she starts to think. "We'll need..." Firefly's face scrunches up as she tries, desperately to think of what is needed for a party.
  138. [23:24]? Hawkeye leaves the council and walks over to Knack. "Nice singing, y'all," she says. "And thanks for your help. Got a mite hairy there, and Ah was worried until y'all chipped in."
  139. [23:26]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack nods nervously. "It was scary but it turned out okay. I meant to... uh, nevermind."
  140. [23:27]? Sotho looks to Knick Knack. "No no, go ahead. Say what you like." He smiles softly.
  141. [23:27]? Hawkeye puts a foreleg around Knack's shoulder. "Y'all meant to what, sugarcube? Run off? Ah wouldn't have blamed y'all in the least. But Ah'm glad y'stuck around." She winks at the large mare.
  142. [23:27]? Royal_Lace trots over to Knick Kanck, rubbing up next to her. "Yes, speak up Nick Nack. This is as much your victory as ours and the zebras"
  143. [23:27]? Firefly frowns as her brain fails to produce any data in the folder labeled 'Party for freed zebras'. "Miss Green? Can you help?" The filly floats down, landing at the mare's feet.
  144. [23:29]<SpiritOfFate> "I had a song,, I think, but that ghost zebra freaked me out a bit." Knick Knack says
  145. [23:29]? Wintergreen giggles. "Of course. Food is a good start, Firefly... Music, dancing, decoration." She nudges the filly. "Let's go see what supplies they have."
  146. [23:29]? Royal_Lace smiles, "Well... im sure we would all love to hear it, I know I would"
  147. [23:29]? Firefly nods to Wintergreen, and waves to M'tat. "M'tat! Want to help throw a party?"
  148. [23:29]? Hawkeye chuckles. "Well, ghosts is scary," she says. "But y'all can sing it now, or wait until the party. Y'all have a purty singin' voice, an' Ah'm sure we wouldn't mind hearin' it."
  149. [23:30]? Sotho nods. "I would love to hear it as well!"
  150. [23:30]<SpiritOfFate> She looks away shyly. "Uh, I-it was so lonely... within those walls... so tall
  151. [23:30]<SpiritOfFate> "
  152. [23:31]<SpiritOfFate> "So many p-ponies… I couldn’t reach at all / Busy, scary or way too far"
  153. [23:31]? Sotho listens happily, humming a bit
  154. [23:31]<SpiritOfFate> "‘You should stay right where you are’ / And I trusted"
  155. [23:31]<SpiritOfFate> Knick Knack closes her eyes, singing
  156. [23:32]<SpiritOfFate> "It was all wrong, and who would catch my fall? / I came along, I never felt so small
  157. [23:32]<SpiritOfFate> "
  158. [23:32]<SpiritOfFate> "I could been just left behind / But you were always so kind"
  159. [23:33]<SpiritOfFate> "Even though I am still scared / There is hope I still can find / I’m accepted / More than, uh, ever?"
  160. [23:33]? Hawkeye smiles, then gives Knack a peck on the cheek. "That was sweet, miz Knack. Would have made a great addition." She turns back to Buck. "And you, mister..." She takes her hat off and plops it on Buck's head. "Y'all chimed in real nice too. Never would have figured you as a tenor, though."
  161. [23:33]<SpiritOfFate> She blushes a bit. "It's kinda like that."
  162. [23:33]? Sotho smiles happily and claps. "That's very good!" He says happily. "It was beautiful
  163. [23:34]? Royal_Lace grins, "So lovely Nick Nack"
  164. [23:36]<SpiritOfFate> Buck smiles and nuzzles Hawkeye. "It's those things you discover. But your song was way better, do you do that much?"
  165. [23:38]? Hawkeye looks away. "Ah used to. Back before Ah lost Cal," she says. "Ain't felt like singing in a long time, nor had a reason to." She takes her hat back and leans on the unicorn stallion. "But now that Ah met these folks an' found a reason to again... Ah have been a lot. An' sometimes it even helps."
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