
Grisha Guns for Hire profile

Nov 2nd, 2012
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  1. ===Grisha===
  2. {{GfH Minion
  3. |Short Descriptive Phrase= A Terrible Beauty
  4. |Player= [[User:Ironybot|Ironybot]]
  5. |Appearance= 193cm tall, inhumanly sexy- every aspect of her appearance has been tweaked to be perfect. Grey eyes, medium-length dark blonde hair.
  6. |Date of Birth= December 14th, 1983
  7. |Soul= Her soul feels playful, but determined: like life's a game for her to play, and that she will follow the rules she chose to play by. She seems to have transitioned rather well to the world of magic.
  8. |Background= Transferred from Russian Ground Forces to Russian Black Operations Army after several accidents in and out of the field.
  9. |Strengths= Physical speed and durability, social magic, positive attitude
  10. |Weaknesses= Mental instability, openly sadism, insecurity, lack of caution
  11. |Languages= Russian, English, Turkish.
  12. |Work History= <br>
  13. *Armas v. Blackbeard: Raiding Party ($0)
  14. *Triads v. Yakuza: Golden Guard ($1,250)
  15. *Mafia v. Nazis II: Electric Snafu ($5,263.16 + $3,000 bonus)
  16. *Ito's Dojo Week #0: Trial Run ($50)
  17. *Armas Assignment #2: The Dooney Hit ($3,000)
  18. *Ito's Dojo Week #1: Van Halen ($150)
  19. *Ironhead Job #1: I want it all... ($3,000)
  20. *Ironhead Job #1: ...but I guess I should share ($5,000)
  21. *Mafia v. Nazis III: Rapid Response and Rescue ($20,000)
  22. *Ito's Dojo Week #2 through #5: Training Montage ($600)
  23. *Armas Assignment #3: Into the Dragon's Den ($25,000)
  24. *Lev & Grisha Arena: Painful Adventures ($3,802,815)
  25. *Deep Arena II: Seven's A Crowd ($4,129,746)
  26. |Equipment= <br>
  27. * AN-94
  28. * 10 RGN Offensive Fragmentation Grenades
  29. * 5 RGO Defensive Fragmentation Grenades
  30. * 5 RDG-1 Floating Smoke Grenades
  31. * 5 RDG-3 Smoke Grenades
  32. * Two bandoliers, hip wrap and thigh straps
  33. * Russian military gear
  34. * Formal wear
  35. * Elegantly tailored and rifle-concealing jacket
  36. * Laptop from Andrei
  37. * Bottle of Meat/Vodka thing from Vlad
  38. * Bullet-proof Greatcoat
  39. * Cash from jobs ($40013.16 US)
  41. * Shapeshifting Mobility Boots: Boots from the Meat Circus which can shift their form into any type of footwear Grisha desires in under a second, so long as it remains some form of footwear. This can easily generate worn weapons and useful tools, including those of substantial complexity and which replicate specific materials. The boots will restore themselves automatically from any damage taken. While worn, they allow her to move ten times the distance that she normally would when running or jumping. They also allow her to effectively use any surface, including those which could never possibly support her weight or which are not oriented in a way that her feet would normally be able to grip, as an effective way to support her weight by locking the surface in place relative to the world and shifting her personal 'down' toward it.
  42. * Shapeshifting Armored Clothing: Clothing from the Meat Circus which can shift its form into whatever form Grisha desires in under a second, so long as it remains some form of clothing. This can easily generate worn weapons and useful tools, including those of substantial complexity and which replicate specific materials. The clothing will restore itself automatically from any damage taken, and will ablate kinetic energy equal to that of a point-blank fired .50 BMG round from any attack which touches any of its cloth.
  43. * Regenerative Blood Charm: A complex charm made of hydra and sceadugenga then dissolved into Grisha's blood by the Meat Circus, this can regrow a limb in fifteen minutes and restore Grisha to full health from any injury which leaves her with at least half her body mass intact.
  44. * Jewelry-Spear: A glaive from the Meat Circus which can shift its form to any length up to 150 meters or to or from any type of jewelry Grisha desires in a tenth of a second. The weapon will restore itself automatically from any damage taken.
  45. * Friction Blood Charm: A charm dissolved into Grisha's blood by the Meat Circus which renders her frictionless against any type of staining, adhesive, or clinging material unless she consciously decides otherwise.
  46. * Ashing Charm: A charm dissolved into Grisha's blood by the Meat Circus which causes any physical residue separated from her body to dissolve into ash over the course of a few seconds.
  48. |Activities= <br>
  49. * Hanging in Italy
  50. * Learning to master pain with Anguisher
  51. * Sexing up Lev
  52. * Befriending everyone she meets
  53. |Description=
  54. Traits:
  55. * ''Glorious Grenades:'' A deep and abiding fondness for handheld explosives gives Grisha a timing bonus when using grenades.
  56. * ''Gunner Girl:'' Grisha is adept with semi-automatic weapons of all sorts, and has a reduced chance of mishaps of any kind when using them.
  57. * ''Spatial Sense:'' A solid awareness of the world around her and good physical intuition help Grisha to properly judge the trajectories of moving objects, granting helping with both accuracy of thrown objects and avoiding incoming strikes.
  58. * ''Absorbingly Attractive Agony:'' Grisha's experiences in the Black Army severely twisted her response to others' pain and death; she no longer sees it as horrible but rather something amusing, and her ability to feel sympathy via emotional ties is stunted; she will laugh and move on at the death or mutilation of a friend. Encouragement of this trait since entering Armas' service has seen it grow much stronger; while her reaction to most normal social situations remains the same, the prospect of seeing someone else physically hurt- or hurting them personally- is now a compelling draw for her and she will seek it out or incorporate it into other activities as a form of recreation.
  59. * ''Tailored Torturer's Touch:'' After many disturbing conversations with Amen, Grisha has learned enough about pain response from humanoid entities that she can quickly and accurately read their reaction to any form of attack for pain response. She can then incorporate this into how she approaches combat with those and others of their kind.
  60. * ''Sanguine Suffering:'' Experience training against vampires has taught Grisha how to crush and strangle blood vessels in combat in a way that they find agonizing. A newly turned vampire will have roughly the same pain response as a human against her attacks, but her ability to affect them fades to nothing as they grow in age and power.
  61. * ''Baneful Bullets:'' A background in fabrication and efforts to fabricate her own custom ammunition have given Grisha a solid knowledge of how to make fragmenting bullets which deliver a contained toxin to their targets. Studies with Amen have given Grisha introductory knowledge of how to use blood extracted by torture to render any such toxin cursed, making it much more agonizing and deadly.
  62. Modifications:
  63. * ''Boosted Immune System:'' Work by Gianni rendered Grisha extremely resistant or immune to infections, diseases, and ailments without direct magical components. This is a mundane body modification.
  64. * ''Fertility Control:'' Further work by Gianni gave Grisha conscious control of her reproductive systems; her cycle is effectively halted and she will never become pregnant unless she wishes otherwise, failing more powerful magical effects. She can induce herself to have single or multiple births at her option, can generally sense the condition of any carried children, and can easily induce abortion with no danger to herself at any point during pregnancy. This is a spring-aligned body modification.
  65. * ''Sculpted Beauty:'' Flesh sculpting from Gianni shifted Grisha's body from seeming too big and somewhat thick-limbed into a classic tall, blond, beautiful sexpot. This was later modified by the Meat Circus to include siren and dryad components, raising Grisha's ideal of herself-as-a-beauty to inhumanly impossible levels of attractiveness and incorporating many minor appearance, hygiene, and sex related conveniences. This is a spring-aligned graft with divine components.
  66. ** ''Memetic Allure:'' Initially a flesh-based memetic ability patterned after nymphs by Gianni which urged onlookers to perceive Grisha as slightly closer to their own ideal of beauty. The Meat Circus vastly improved this with dryad components to allow for more focused, flexible, and controlled memetic effects at high blood strength and flexibility. Aside from a variety of more subtle effects, Grisha's inhumanity is entirely masked from those unable to pierce her soul guise and she can halt hostilities from those without greater than low blood rated mental defenses on nothing more than the strength of her memetic demand for submissively oriented attraction to her.
  67. ** ''Pheremone Control:'' Custom modifications incorporating some siren base components by the Meat Circus granted Grisha mind-altering pheremones rated at a high blood level. The exact effect of these can be controlled by Grisha, but always focuses on causing positive feelings and/or inducing obedience, particularly in response to issued commands.
  68. * ''Nervous System Replacement:'' Almost all of Grisha's nerves were replaced with that of a female Japanese ogre by Gianni, granting humanly impossible reaction speed and precision of movement, but also giving her low-level urges to be aggressive and establish dominance. This was later optimized by the Meat Circus to high blood level, fully replacing the rest of Grisha's nerves and parts of her brain to grant reflexes and precision that even the fastest unmodified ogre wouldn't be able to match. This is a winter-aligned graft with fae components.
  69. * ''Muscular Amplification:'' Grisha's muscles have been replaced and improved by the Meat Circus to be able to exert force with the most speed that her newly boosted nerves can handle. The resulting set of muscles are extremely oriented toward enhanced speed, giving her fantastic reaction times and the physical strength to completely redirect what her body is doing almost as fast as she can think to do so. While sheer strength is not the focus of her upgrades, she is also strong enough to run at over two hundred fifty miles per hour, throw grenades over a mile, and leap multi-story buildings on nothing but muscle strength. This is a winter-aligned body modification.
  70. * ''Durable Body:'' The Meat Circus sculpted Grisha's body to be extremely resistant to impact damage; she is capable of slamming any part of her body into a fixed object at over eight hundred miles per hour with no ill effects- even bruising. While she can still be knocked around fairly easily since she is only slightly heavier than a normal human of her size, she will take little or no damage from any sort of blunt strike unless it comes from a source vastly above her weight class. Her physical durability is much less effective against extremely focused force or non-kinetic sources of harm, but is still enough to shrug off damage which would incapacitate or kill a normal human. This is a winter-aligned body modification.
  71. * ''Footwork Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience with each of three magical movement styles. Ogre Footwork increases the effective weight of the user and all their equipment proportionately to their acceleration. Nymph Sway allows the user to draw the attention and attraction of any surrounding mortals to themselves, or a particular part of themselves if desired. Vestal Virgin Footwork allows the user to draw the attention and attraction of the experienced and greedy to themselves, although Grisha's lack of virginity limits her potential prowess with this style. Grisha has a thorough enough understanding of the styles that she can combine and rapidly switch between them with no difficulty.
  72. * ''Magical Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience with her improved body and its magical features. Using her memetic and pheremonal abilities with precision and maximum effectiveness, twisting them to creative applications, and recognizing when they aren't working or are being overcome is easy for someone of her artificial experience. She will automatically and near-unconsciously use her powers at a low level to best effect to achieve her desired results in social situations. She can accurately judge the limitations of her own magical abilities, and has an instinctive recognition for things which might do harm to her via her own magics.
  73. * ''Physical Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience with her improved body and its physical features. Feats of inhuman dexterity, strength, and durability feel natural to her, and she can accurately judge her own physical abilities and their true limitations in most circumstances. She will naturally come up with courses of action and solutions to problems which rely on her improved prowess and would never occur to someone used to thinking in a paradigm limited by human physical prowess.
  74. * ''Allure Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience with using her improved body's appearance and capabilities to attract and compel others. She can maintain herself at peak appearance with minimal work, moves with seemingly natural and seductive feminine grace at all times, will instinctively use a synergistic combination of her magical movement styles to attract attention when she wishes it, and is an effortlessly skilled dancer and lover. She will automatically use her shapeshifting equipment to assist in presenting herself to the effect she desires when it is available.
  75. * ''Spear Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience in using her shapeshifting jewelry-spear. She can be considered to be a master a custom style devoted to that weapon, and just below skill master level in the use of any other spear. She also has an excellent sense of what kind of jewelry it can shift into, and can smoothly don and remove such jewelry in a fraction of a second as she shifts it in and out of spear form.
  76. * ''Clothing Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience in using her shapeshifting armored clothes. She can easily use them to adopt any form she wishes with no significant effort, and will easily and naturally think of shifting her clothes appropriately where that would provide a simple solution to any issue. She is adept at making use of the various inbuilt melee weapons which the clothing can generate. She has a well-honed sense of what its armoring attributes can and cannot protect her from.
  77. * ''Boot Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience in using her shapeshifting boots. She can be considered to use them as easily as a normal human casually walks, shift them into whatever form she wishes including unusual and weaponized forms with no significant effort or focus needed, and it will naturally occur to her to use their ability to move on unusual surfaces where beneficial.
  78. * ''Choker Mastery:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience in using her magical grenade-storing choker. She can place and retrieve specific items from it as easily as a normal person could transfer an item to or from a table in front of them, will recognize whether any given item is grenade-like enough to be stored, and has a keen sense of what items are in the choker and how much more it can hold whenever she is wearing it. She also has an excellent sense of what clothing it looks good with.
  79. * ''Gorgeous Glaive-Grenadier Grisha Style:'' A mental graft from the Meat Circus gave Grisha the equivalent of decades of focused experience in combat when making full use of her purchased equipment and abilities. She will naturally use synergistic applications of her abilities, move to position herself advantageously for the use of her various powers, smoothly switch to use the most effective tool for the situation as she perceives it, simultaneously conduct mental and physical assaults on her opponents, and avoid any simple mistake which might be attributed to inexperience.}}
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