
Comments from Paranautical Activity devs

May 15th, 2013
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  1. What was that I heard about some fight on here with you guys?
  2. 2:05 PM
  3. we're working on our game. I just admire and hope to follow Traver (;)) and his teams foot steps
  4. 2:05 PM
  5. ahhahahahhahaha
  6. eff u jester
  7. 2:05 PM
  8. ohohohohohh
  9. 2:05 PM
  10. that was a joke travis ;P
  11. 2:05 PM
  12. LOL
  13. 2:05 PM
  14. Lunick
  15. 2:05 PM
  16. lul
  17. 2:06 PM
  18. we didnt fight
  19. 2:06 PM
  20. They had a catfight.
  21. 2:06 PM
  22. we just told someone they didnt have a clue
  23. where did you hear this?
  24. 2:06 PM
  26. 2:06 PM
  27. no wait
  28. so travis u aint no trollin us?
  29. 2:07 PM
  30. ill post a good compliment
  31. 2:07 PM
  32. hahahaha
  33. 2:07 PM
  34. omg travis and mike :O
  35. u guys are so outgoing lol
  36. first devs that dont sound like devs
  37. 2:07 PM
  38. thats funaaaa
  39. 2:07 PM
  40. Yeah, until you're locked in their basement.
  41. 2:07 PM
  42. HAHhaaHHA
  43. lol
  44. 2:07 PM
  45. that thread made my day
  46. 2:07 PM
  47. so pedof
  48. 2:08 PM
  49. omG
  50. soo ahppy
  51. hahahaha
  52. 2:08 PM
  53. pedophile
  54. bad bad
  55. 2:08 PM
  56. its too bad that wasnt the way it went
  57. 2:08 PM
  58. travis wanna hear my reaction after i saw the game trailer of ur game?
  59. 2:08 PM
  60. man, when you only get the losing side of the story, the winners gonna look like an ***
  61. 2:08 PM
  62. Jizzed myself
  63. game looks fun
  64. 2:08 PM
  65. game is fun
  66. FTFY
  67. 2:09 PM
  68. I like how that summary doesn't mention what the guy who complained said
  69. 2:09 PM
  70. good to see we're getting some hate
  71. thats always a sign of success
  72. 2:09 PM
  73. lul
  74. 2:09 PM
  75. I measure success by the amount of people who hate you
  76. just syaing
  77. 2:09 PM
  78. hatred is a sign of jealousy nuff said
  79. 2:09 PM
  80. we really arent that bad
  81. but if you talk ****
  82. we gonna spit it back at you
  83. 2:09 PM
  84. please lemme talk crap
  85. 2:09 PM
  86. I've noticed that gamers want devs to be overly humble introverts who cater directly to them
  87. 2:09 PM
  88. You can have my hate. I am an endless well of malicous hate. Hate at your disposal 27/7. I take cash and credit card
  89. 2:09 PM
  90. over 5000 on the first day. is that a record?
  91. 2:10 PM
  92. :(
  93. 2:10 PM
  94. Well I would like to see an honest response to that otherwise that hate will grow :P
  95. 2:10 PM
  96. i hate u 2 devs 24/7/365
  97. sometimes 364
  98. 2:10 PM
  99. true, and i personally dont give a ****, must be the metal singer in me
  100. 2:10 PM
  101. lunar years
  102. 2:10 PM
  103. ye, people dont understand that we are human beings
  104. 2:10 PM
  105. I(f you are cool, and real, we will treat you with respect
  106. and we are human
  107. 2:10 PM
  108. i am an alien tho
  109. 2:10 PM
  110. Because you're clearly not human.
  111. 2:10 PM
  112. we are super nice, but if you spit at us we'll shove our hand up your *** and make you our puppet
  113. 2:10 PM
  114. ahhahahahhaha
  115. 2:10 PM
  116. i'm a zombie. rawr
  117. 2:10 PM
  118. I appreciate the hate
  119. thanks
  120. 2:11 PM
  121. You are an evil AI that wants to get Walking Semen in their basement
  122. 2:11 PM
  123. I hope jonny is reading all this
  124. hahahahhahahaha
  125. 2:11 PM
  126. ill be sure to put that into your voodoo doll
  127. 2:11 PM
  128. u guys are funny :D
  129. 2:11 PM
  130. thanks man
  131. 2:11 PM
  132. :D
  133. 2:11 PM
  134. good to see there are some cool people in this chat
  135. we will probably drop in tomorrow\
  136. 2:11 PM
  137. yeah for sure
  138. that thread was amazing
  139. 2:12 PM
  140. aint nobody got time for that
  141. 2:12 PM
  142. I'm not cool, i'm hot. no air conditioner installed yet
  143. 2:12 PM
  144. im too busy to read it, but what i saw was nice
  145. 2:12 PM
  146. but i'm also old
  147. so just call me Icy Hot
  148. 2:12 PM
  149. i like how tey wanted us removed from the bundle for calling out an *******
  150. lovely
  151. 2:12 PM
  152. who wanted us to be removed?
  153. 2:12 PM
  154. ye
  155. 2:13 PM
  156. yo u guys, dont forget to come over every day
  157. 2:13 PM
  158. they also wanted to choose which devs got money when they bought the bundle
  159. they didnt want us to get their cabbage
  160. 2:13 PM
  161. hang out with us :)
  162. 2:13 PM
  163. where are you seeing this?
  164. 2:13 PM
  165. which game is yours, Mike?
  166. 2:13 PM
  167. PA
  168. 2:13 PM
  169. paranautical
  170. this was on the steam thread
  171. 2:13 PM
  172. we are code avarice
  173. 2:13 PM
  174. ah
  175. 2:13 PM
  176. these devs are badass :D
  177. 2:13 PM
  178. gamers hate Phil Fish because he acts like a gamer
  179. 2:13 PM
  180. but might change company name to Hate Machine
  181. 2:13 PM
  182. hell yeah
  183. badass of badass
  184. 2:14 PM
  185. good work on the game 2
  186. 2:14 PM
  187. ahhahahah
  188. 2:14 PM
  189. hmm
  190. 2:14 PM
  191. defended you trav, you seem like nice people
  192. 2:14 PM
  193. money should be split evenly
  194. 2:14 PM
  195. Where is the patch?
  196. 2:14 PM
  197. Voodoo machine is better
  198. 2:14 PM
  199. so tissue man had sympathizers...
  200. 2:14 PM
  201. noooooooooooo
  202. lol
  203. 2:14 PM
  204. thank you Dugger
  205. 2:14 PM
  206. Calling him tissue man is misleading.
  207. 2:15 PM
  208. cheers
  209. 2:15 PM
  210. Everyone on the net's a wanker after all
  211. 2:15 PM
  212. Im serious when i say, we are cool.. but if you dont treat us with respect, you are gonna get butt hurt
  213. 2:15 PM
  214. i'll have to try para tomorrow. the video reviews on it make it look like a trip
  215. 2:15 PM
  216. lemme check em out lol, the reviews
  217. 2:16 PM
  218. what shall i call him, that is politically correct, shall i call him the maker of tears?
  219. 2:16 PM
  220. how about clitors
  221. 2:16 PM
  222. it was just a matter of opinion. There honestly isnt a reason to post it
  223. 2:16 PM
  224. who are we naming here?
  225. 2:16 PM
  226. James.. jim squish
  227. 2:16 PM
  228. call him the man with the gaping ******
  230. WHY
  231. 2:17 PM
  232. Jim squish the holder of tissues?
  233. 2:17 PM
  234. worlds most easily offended man
  235. "man"
  236. 2:17 PM
  237. true story
  238. 2:17 PM
  239. Tower of Guns is available as an early build if you preorder
  240. 2:17 PM
  241. who was it btw
  242. who got mad
  243. i forgot his name
  244. 2:17 PM
  245. thought my keyboard was gonna get wet from his tears
  246. 2:18 PM
  247. lmfao
  248. hahaha
  249. 2:18 PM
  250. and on what page>
  251. i wanna see it lol
  252. 2:18 PM
  253. Sometimes I wonder how their computer still works in all those ***** tears
  254. 2:18 PM
  255. You're kind of going a bit overboard now, it's losing it's funniness...
  256. 2:18 PM
  257. it was in this caht
  258. 2:18 PM
  259. meow
  260. 2:18 PM
  261. I like easily offended an overly PC people. They're fun to play with
  262. 2:18 PM
  263. hm
  264. 2:18 PM
  265. chat*
  266. 2:18 PM
  267. and
  268. 2:18 PM
  269. some nerds in the chat man
  270. if u mess with em they mess with ya lol
  271. 2:19 PM
  272. yeah
  273. 2:19 PM
  274. Lunick, do you sympathise with this?
  275. 2:19 PM
  276. It's interesting that people in this steam thread can't put 2 and 2 together. It's mentioned both that we accepted others peoples criticisms nicely, and that we plan to implement teh features he wants anyway.Youd think people would realize that the reason we went off on him is because he was being a dick.
  277. i just read through it
  278. 2:20 PM
  279. yeah and dgaf right? :D
  280. 2:20 PM
  281. Im sorry your first impression of us, had to come from that, what is important is that you liek the game, i guess, you dont have to like us
  282. 2:20 PM
  283. if someone doesnt like it then whats the point of trash talking right?
  284. 2:20 PM
  285. from my experience, gamers on the internet aren't famous for their critical thinking skills
  286. 2:20 PM
  287. Well at the moment, all I have seen is that someone who is reputable on the Steam forums post their impressions of you, I asked about your opinion on it and then you went all Phil Fish about it.
  288. 2:21 PM
  289. hahahaha
  290. 2:21 PM
  291. Every idiot may speak their mind. Sad times.
  292. 2:21 PM
  293. that is the point
  294. it is irony
  295. 2:21 PM
  296. what does it mean to be reputable on the steam forums?
  297. is there a ranking system?
  298. 2:21 PM
  299. how do you know this person is reputable
  300. 2:21 PM
  301. They have posted many things in that thread and I have seen how they act.
  302. 2:22 PM
  303. some people (even professional critics - especially professional critics) tend to try to rate indie games created by small groups of 2-5 people as if it was a game created by heavily funded groups of over 100 people.
  304. 2:22 PM
  305. they think their adminship is something ya know
  306. they think we are lower class people
  307. so they talk trash
  308. 2:22 PM
  309. Are either of you devs still reading the 4chan thread? It's gotten pretty terrible
  310. 2:22 PM
  311. well, I would like to say I am sorry
  312. 2:22 PM
  313. 4chan is always terrible
  314. 2:22 PM
  315. it's the internet travis, no one lies on it
  316. jeez
  317. 2:22 PM
  318. but im really not
  319. 2:22 PM
  320. never apologize!
  321. 2:23 PM
  322. yeah
  323. why would u appologize
  324. 2:23 PM
  325. and I dont think being one sided on that thread is remotely reputable
  326. 2:23 PM
  327. i stopped reading the 4chan thread when they posted the pirated link
  328. its not worth the stress
  329. 2:23 PM
  330. I'm not being one sided, that's why I asked you...
  331. 2:23 PM
  332. IM not saying you
  333. 2:23 PM
  334. 4chan iz legend we r 1 we are many xDDDDDDxDDxDXDXDX
  335. 2:23 PM
  336. Im saying the poster
  337. theyu convienently left out the protaganists comments
  338. 2:24 PM
  339. that post was clearly one-sided, I would hardly call that reputable
  340. 2:24 PM
  341. exaclty concealed
  342. I hate to say it, but we are not like that
  343. 2:24 PM
  344. 4chan and reddit have been responsible for some legendary pranks, though. so they serve their purposes.
  345. 2:24 PM
  346. let's not focus on whose right and whose wrong. I think we can all agree that we acted like dicks
  347. 2:24 PM
  348. like #cutforbieber.
  349. 2:24 PM
  350. The posted posted what they saw in the chat from their opinion, is there something wrong with that? Anyone else is welcome (like Dugger did) to post what they saw too.
  351. 2:24 PM
  352. but the other guy definitely had it coming >_>
  353. 2:25 PM
  354. Im not gonna listen to someone make judgements of my hard work, 16 hours aday mind you, when they have not an ounce of experience in what it takes to amke a game
  355. 2:25 PM
  356. Please dont make that argument.
  357. 2:25 PM
  358. Totally agree
  359. 2:25 PM
  360. I have to fight with my wife, because i have no time for my family
  361. 2:25 PM
  362. travis, hes a dev yo
  363. but made no games
  364. he's a dev though
  365. 2:25 PM
  366. whose a dev?
  367. 2:25 PM
  368. I made a roguelike once, but I'm lazy so I never went anywhere with it
  369. 2:26 PM
  370. part of putting anything out into the public is having it judged by random packs of wild roaming retards.
  371. 2:26 PM
  372. do you honeslty think I need to take this nobody;s judgement as legit and kiss his *** for 6 bucks
  373. 2:26 PM
  374. they travel in groups
  375. herds
  376. 2:26 PM
  377. i know man lol
  378. 2:26 PM
  379. I will not
  380. 2:26 PM
  381. lul
  382. 2:26 PM
  383. even at teh risk of being a d!ck
  384. 2:26 PM
  385. I'll gladly take criticisms, but this guy was not criticizing, he was condescending.
  386. 2:27 PM
  387. some people don't know the difference. . .
  388. because they're retards
  389. 2:27 PM
  390. i agree mike
  391. 2:27 PM
  392. Well you guys haven't seemed to have taken it well for some reason even though you think he is a 'noboy'.
  393. nobody*
  394. 2:27 PM
  395. he even called himself a dev, but oddly blocked as soon as you asked what he made
  396. 2:27 PM
  397. and to be politically correct (which is the thing now), you're not supposed to call out retards for being retarded.
  398. 2:27 PM
  399. that is becaue i am speaking to you about now
  400. 2:27 PM
  401. I prefer to be condescending but not criticising, so that my words are hurtful but actually have little meaning or usefulness
  402. 2:27 PM
  403. not 5 minutes after our big argument with that guy, we talked to another guy and he was real cool in bringing up criticisms
  404. 2:28 PM
  405. eh 4chan is like that gotta have a thick skin it you get on their good side you basically got it made.
  406. 2:28 PM
  407. and we were cool to him
  408. 2:28 PM
  409. eff that dude
  410. 2:28 PM
  411. why care
  412. 2:28 PM
  413. I usually just ignore the tards.
  414. 2:28 PM
  415. he just proved himself a loser
  416. nuff said
  417. 2:28 PM
  418. Looks like me, a natural born troll, need to step in and cause a huge war here.
  419. 2:28 PM
  420. do you see the rest of the caht here sticking up for us?
  421. does that tell you that we are just D1cks?
  422. 2:29 PM
  423. lol
  424. nope
  425. 2:29 PM
  426. I was here during the ordeal and I can tell you they were not bullying
  427. 2:29 PM
  428. People in the 4chan thread are complaining about the music now
  429. 2:29 PM
  430. or being a jerk to him, just discussing
  431. 2:29 PM
  432. dont tell me about the 4chan thread
  433. 2:29 PM
  434. legitamately man, I got nothing to prove.. in reality, i made a game.. I work really really hard
  435. 2:29 PM
  436. ive got a headache from reading that **** 20 mintues ago
  437. 2:29 PM
  438. Ignore 4chan, they will take any game a part.
  439. 2:30 PM
  440. Well, I think you're going a bit too far, just calm down and let it pass. It would be a bad idea to help let this steamroll and let it get out of hand.
  441. 2:30 PM
  442. i dont even know why were still talking about it
  443. 2:30 PM
  444. fair enough
  445. 2:30 PM
  446. yeah man
  447. lets talk about ur future projects
  448. 2:30 PM
  449. because I want this person to understand our point of view, coming from a one sided forum post
  450. 2:30 PM
  451. whats up next?
  452. 2:30 PM
  453. thas all
  454. 2:31 PM
  455. They're only still ranting about it because there's only so much midget **** on the internet to watch for free.
  456. 2:31 PM
  457. Just leave it at that Travis. Some people are too obsessed with their own thoughts to listen.
  458. 2:31 PM
  459. u guys arent working on another game project?
  460. 2:31 PM
  461. nope
  462. 2:31 PM
  463. fair enough
  464. 2:31 PM
  465. we were working on Eris, but we dropped it before we started on PA
  466. 2:31 PM
  467. hm
  468. 2:31 PM
  469. How long do you plan on supporting Paranautical?
  470. 2:31 PM
  471. I have this neighbour who thinks I have fun making his live miserable based on some coincidences. There is no use talking to him...
  472. 2:31 PM
  473. whys that?
  474. 2:32 PM
  475. once i say the game is done, its done. I hope i wont have to support it
  476. once its out of beta, it should be done for good
  477. 2:32 PM
  478. O.o
  479. 2:32 PM
  480. he likes the singular
  481. 2:32 PM
  482. I swear 90% of gaming "controversies" would die if the people propagating them just said what they're posting out loud in front of a mirror first
  483. 2:33 PM
  484. after watching the gameplay, i think your game is so much better than the games out there
  485. its fps
  486. 2:33 PM
  487. You could release some sort of mod tool when your're done
  488. 2:33 PM
  489. which makes it better than half of the games out there
  490. 2:33 PM
  491. i want to have some sort of mod support
  492. but its tough, because we're using unity
  493. so all the content has to be in the game when i send it out
  494. ill have to jump through some hoops
  495. 2:33 PM
  496. unreal engine for anything but freeware is expensive.
  497. 2:34 PM
  498. unreal takes a big chunk of profits
  499. 25%
  500. i think
  501. 2:34 PM
  502. after 50 grand
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