
Download Personality

Mar 31st, 2015
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  3. John Pavosevic – classmate
  4. I have completed my personality assessment and I was surprised by the results of the assessment. While I was counting my points for each personality I noticed a slight pattern forming.
  5. Score for I (Introversion) = 3
  6. Score for E (Extraversion) = 5
  7. Score for S (Sensing) = 5
  8. Score for N (Intuition) = 3
  9. Score for T (Thinking) = 5
  10. Score for F (Feeling) = 3
  11. Score for J (Judging) = 5
  12. Score for P (Perceiving) = 3
  13. The final result show that my dominating personality type is ESTJ and my non-dominate type is INFP. The reason I mentioned the non-dominate type is because after reading both types I now see how and I switch between the two types. When I and working on task the ESTJ type takes control of how I work and interact with others in my group. When I am not working on an important task the INFP type takes tasks that are a part of my daily responsibilities.
  14. ESTJ – Personality type is practical, realistic, and matter-of-fact. Decisive, quickly move to implement decisions. Organize projects and people to get things done, focus on getting results in the most efficient way possible. Take care of routine details. Have a clear set of logical standards, systematically follow them and want others to also. Forceful in implementing their plans.
  15. John
  16. Emmett Newton – classmate
  17. Hello,
  18. Looks like we have at least two ‘ESTJ’s’ in the group. Like John, I also landed on the ESTJ square. My Introversion vs. Extroversion was a tie, but the tiebreaker put me in the ‘Extrovert’ column. The other three sections were all six-point winners for Sensing, Thinking, and Judging.
  19. Shannon Pieczynski – mine
  20. Hey there,
  21. After completing the personality assessment, I was surprised to see how one sided my results were.
  22. Score for I (Introversion) = 4
  23. Score for E (Extraversion) = 3
  24. Score for S (Sensing) = 7
  25. Score for N (Intuition) =1
  26. Score for T (Thinking) = 2
  27. Score for F (Feeling) = 6
  28. Score for J (Judging) = 8
  29. Score for P (Perceiving) = 0
  30. After adding up my score the test determined that my dominating personality type is ISFJ. After reading the description, I must say it fits me pretty well. I tend to often be a quiet person but am committed to getting whatever project I am working on completed in a timely manner. I like things done a certain way and tend to be a “creature of habit”. Like John, I also looked at the description for my non-dominate type which is ENTP. After looking at both traits I can easily see that I am definitely more of an ISFJ type than an ENTp.
  31. ISFJ – Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Committed and steady in meeting their obligations. Thorough, pain-staking, and accurate. Loyal, considerate, notice and remember specifics about people who are important to them, concerned with how others feel. Strive to create an orderly and harmonious environment at work and at home.
  32. Do the following:
  33. Discuss and analyze the MBTI outcomes for yourself and for your teammates. Based on the MBTI insights, consider: How you might improve your working relationships with your teammates. What, if any, changes you may want to make in your team (roles, duties, responsibilities, composition, or other factors). What, if any, changes you could make in your own interactions and behaviors to increase the effectiveness of your team in its project mission. Your paper should be 3-4 pages long, follow the APA Requirements, contain concepts from the reading materials, and apply to reality-based scenarios. Be sure to incorporate your insights and analysis of the materials and your experiences in order to provide an original and thoughtful paper.
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