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Oct 25th, 2016
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  1. [10/25/2016 9:59:24 PM] Yoko: I was told you have logs.
  2. [10/25/2016 10:01:04 PM] Blaise ♛:
  11. [10/25/2016 10:01:10 PM] Blaise ♛: That's in chronological order.
  12. [10/25/2016 10:01:13 PM] Blaise ♛: Read it.
  13. [10/25/2016 10:03:37 PM] Yoko: Ok, they're the same logs I was given.
  14. [10/25/2016 10:09:13 PM] Yoko: Ok, so I have to ask something. I know you do not like Milo. But why even bother? All the three of you, I consider friends. I think the best out of yall, but you and Maggie are better than that. I know if you say something to Milo, she says something back, cause that's just she is and I've bitched at her about that. But out of the three of you, you and sushi are above that. Don't even sink to a level that's below you because of someone else.
  15. [10/25/2016 10:11:43 PM] Yoko: I'm for real struggling with this, cause I'm apparently taking sides and I'm assuning you're resenting me, cause something that happened with Tony popped up in the conversation with sushi.
  16. [10/25/2016 10:21:47 PM] Blaise ♛: I think the way you manage things have become increasingly biased and ridiculous. I see people throw fits on RPH and personally cuss people out, admitting they were never in character about the subject, and get nothing for it. But the moment I response to Miloux's snarky comments I become "lowered" to her level. It's reactionary, and I have never been the type to allow someone to get away with shit like that. I don't see how you expect me to sit there and watch her continue to talk shit and stay "above it" when I know damn well you wouldn't do the same? Or would you? Would you just log off and ignore it, the same way you ignore other people's messages about the situation? The way that several people have come to you - and I know this for a fact considering I have SEVERAL objective and not involved witnesses - and told you that she continued shit? Look at the ratio to which I spoke, and she spoke. Look at the way that this started, and the way she brought her BFF Yumster in just to talk shit with her. Which you can tell by the immediate, first message she says in main when getting online. You're going to tell me you don't play favorites, but the times I've come to you for help about something, about Fat Guy (which I know you saw because you responded to me in PM about it, and when I sent another message you typed and then stopped, yet remained active in main about it) harassing me two months ago, you've done absolutely nothing. You're too afraid of confrontation. You want everyone to hold hands and be happy, but you can't see that that isn't going to happen. You can't be friends with everyone and expect them to get along for YOUR sake, just because, what? Because you're the owner? Because, the way I see it Yoko, you only message me if it's something you can get out of me whether it's financial help or a gaming buddy. You don't message me just to chat, ever. Regardless, that's our own, separate issue - of which I've long since given up on. Struggle with it all you want. I've never once hidden my distaste for Miloux, and she hasn't hidden it for me, either. But I find it oddly hilarious that she claims she wasn't taking it seriously the entire time (which I know you know, if you've truly read all those logs I sent you) but then runs to you about it with the intent to get Sushi and I in trouble. But what has she gotten for it? Sushi got demodded, which was complete bullshit. She wasn't on her modded alt. She may dislike Miloux, but has that ever gotten in the way of her being able to do her modding properly? Has she used that position against Miloux? Threatened her with it? Kicked her? Screamed at her? Anything? I can guarantee you the answer is no. But go ahead and mod Miloux, see how fast things decline. I think this was pathetic. I was going to let the entire situation go after this, but your bud just had to run to you, hm? So now I'm not going to let it go. I'm saying this is complete bullshit. I didn't cuss, I didn't get personal and throw wild insults, I didn't spam the chat, and no one else seemed bothered by it. It was only us four involved, and virtually no one else was talking - and if they did, it wasn't related to what was going on between us four. So the fact that this has been drawn out to the point it has been is ridiculous. But go ahead. Make it an issue. Let's see how this pans out.
  17. [10/25/2016 11:01:27 PM] Yoko: Lol I give up....I tried. I honestly did. I thought I could separate being an owner and being a friend. And you know what? For awhile, it was working. I've banned friends, I've never banned someone I disliked unless they did something that was against the rules. I set guidelines for myself and for people I deemed worthy of being mods, and if they did something that wasn't befitting of a mod, I unmodded them. Hell, I literally powerwalked months of me and just one mod, because I was so determined to at least better the room. And yeah, I tried very hard to mediate things. I tried hard to be someone who can be talked to when someone had problems, but apparently I'm too intimidating because hardly comes to me about shit, but it's always my problem for not doing anything. I understand there are problems that have escaped me, I understand that I might not always be there to see what's going on. But I'm only one fucking person right? I don't make myself to be god, and I don't make myself to be a victim. I'm a human being though, I'm going to be upset and yell sometimes to my friends when I really need to get it out. When I've had enough of keeping it in, and just crying or just ranting about how frustrating it is. I get to have those moments right? But you know what's ridiculous? It's how selfish you guys are. All of you. And I know what the problem is, and it's part of what you said. I'm too fucking adverse confrontation. I'm to obsessed with seeing the smiles on your fucking faces, when I'm the only unhappy one here. But have I ever let that get in the middle of me being an owner? I haven't. And yet, I get called out like I'm a bad friend? When I asked you for 20 when I was starving, haven't I always paid you back as not to take advantage of the kindness you give me? When I invite you guys to do junk, it's because you guys are my friends and I never got the chance to do things like that when I lived with my folks with you guys. Even though as of late, you guys just blow me off. And don't say you don't cause you do. Hell, you guys wanted to watch movies and I set up a room but you guys entered for a few seconds and just left to do your own thing. Nothing was said to me. So I just sat there before just closing it up cause there was no point. I always try to start things with you. I tried to start two rooms with you twice. When Abigail died, you were the one I bawled my eyes out to. I talk to you in chat, so don't you dare say that I don't chat with you. I may not talk to you as much, cause honestly when I talk to you, you hardly talk back and I just leave you be cause you don't seem like you don't want to. The same goes for Sushi. Hell, there was a time when I was close to suicide and drifted out of reality and I tried to talk voice to voice to her and she just ignored me. It isn't all the time, but you guys do treat me like shit. I don't know if you realize, but you do. But it's whatever. If you guys resent me, and had to wear masks being friends with me without saying shit. Then i'm not sure how much you can really consider me your friend. But I'm done, not like all of this really matters. On to the point.
  18. [10/25/2016 11:03:59 PM] Yoko: Because all four of yall decided amongst yourselves to show how much you dislike each other in the room, and could not help to keep it to yourselves. 4 of you are getting bans for 3 days. Cause hey, I get it, you don't like someone, you have to say something back right? But if that's too lenient for you I can make it longer. No one was innocent in this. Usually I would have just given a warning, but I guess I should just stop doing that.
  19. [10/25/2016 11:07:17 PM] Blaise ♛: I love how you somehow managed to make all of this about you, when it never was. But anyway, woe is you right. Regardless, many of us don't plan on coming back after this anyway. You only have one mod - and he hardly ever gets on, so good luck with that. You mod based on friendships and not experience. Not the best way, but whatever. I never blamed you for not catching shit all the time when drama goes down. But considering in the past the Miloux has gotten on YOUR ACCOUNT and modded HERSELF and de-modded ME (when I was a temp) WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION, and all you did was not care about it? Yeah. I think you're hella fucking biased. I can be your friend, but I can't tolerate with the way you run shit.
  20. [10/25/2016 11:32:30 PM] Yoko: Why is it that when I try to defend myself and stress how frustrating this is, I'm a victim. But when you guys try defend yourselves, I'm in the wrong and biased? I don't see why it's perfectly ok for you to call me out on fuck ups, and say shit like I don't value the fuck out of you. I haven't called any of you victims. You act like I just hand friends hammers, when I only mod people who come to me and I consider. Aberrant isn't my friend, I asked him if he'd ran a room prior. Sushi got a hammer, cause I knew her well enough and thought she wouldn't soil the hammer. There are many people on my list to be mods, but I don't feel like a lot of them are worth of being a mod, while others I'm watching and seeing the shit that they do. And Milo wasn't on my account, it was a mod from one of my other rooms and you weren't demoded. She didn't mod you cause she didn't know she was suppose to. Though, her modding Milo, which was Milo's idea. I did yell at her and gave my details to Rei so she could fix the issue. That's how it went down. And honestly, I'm not sure if I want to be friends with you guys anymore. I don't want to be friends with people who have to hide their feelings from me, and can't say anything about me and call me a victim when I'm honestly trying my best not to break down. I only have a few friends, and you guys make up most of them. But if you dislike me that much, then I won't force you to stay by my side.
  21. [10/25/2016 11:33:39 PM] Yoko: I'm done. This isn't really going anywhere. You guys will just continue to make yourselves in the right, and I will always just be Yoko the fuck up of an owner. And I'm honestly not looking to make this worse than it already is.
  22. [10/25/2016 11:33:56 PM] Yoko: Like I said, 3 day ban. If you guys don't want to come back, I understand. Do you.
  23. [10/25/2016 11:34:26 PM] Blaise ♛: This. Was. Never. About. You. But you keep making it about you. I don't want to be friends with you either. Bye.
  24. [10/25/2016 11:34:39 PM] Yoko: When did I make this about me though
  25. [10/25/2016 11:34:41 PM] Yoko: Tell me
  26. [10/25/2016 11:35:01 PM] Blaise ♛: lmao
  27. [10/25/2016 11:35:07 PM] Blaise ♛: if you can't even re-read your own messages, not worth
  28. [10/25/2016 11:35:23 PM] Yoko: No, honestly,. Since you're calling me out, I want to hear it.
  29. [10/25/2016 11:39:07 PM] Blaise ♛: I was calling out Miloux on her shit about being two faced as fuck, and was going to let it go like a fucking adult until she decided after the event she was serious about it and got butthurt and brought it to you. The ONLY PART that had ANY RELEVANCE to YOU? YOU? Was the fact you DEMODDED Sushi WITHOUT getting all sides of the story first. That, by definition, is not objective. And you can't tell me that you didn't, because she was demodded way before you fucking messaged me on skype for my shit. You made this about YOU by saying "omg you guys are bad friends to me!" when this was NEVER ABOUT OUR FRIENDSHIP. This was about YOUR BIAS which became INCREASINGLY RELEVANT in this situation. So that fact that you have turned this whole thing into me being a shitty friend to you when all you fucking do is say how depressed you are when people DO talk to you - does that really make for great conversation? Don't you get fucking tired of it? Of being on repeat? But it's fine. Yeah I'm a shit friend for not responding to your goddamn 4 AM messages to play games or watch movies. Let's make this about that.
  30. [10/25/2016 11:54:31 PM] Yoko: Then why add stuff about me being a "terrible owner" and putting "Because, the way I see it Yoko, you only message me if it's something you can get out of me whether it's financial help or a gaming buddy. You don't message me just to chat, ever." in there? I only asked why even gave milo the time of day, and was trying to see why suddenly something that happened that popped up with tony came up into conversation with Maggie. If you didn't want me to reply about the stuff you said, You didn't need to write a long paragraph like that calling me out, if the issue was just simply just you milo sushi and yumster going at it. It had no relevance. That's the only reason I broke down, and felt like I needed to say something.
  31. [10/25/2016 11:55:37 PM] Blaise ♛: But you hardly addressed it at all. Most of that filler crap was you being taken advantage of in whatever way. Lmao. Anyway, can we be done here.
  32. [10/25/2016 11:58:08 PM] Yoko: And you two acted like I took action before anything was really said. The logs milo showed me, were the exact ones you showed me. Me unmodding sushi, isn't the same as banning you guys and letting milo stay. I was still getting info, cause the penalty for starting mess is getting banned. But whatever.
  33. [10/25/2016 11:58:21 PM] Yoko: Since I'm taking too much of your time, I will just go.
  34. [10/25/2016 11:59:00 PM] Blaise ♛: You still took action before speaking to me. But you don't get it, you haven't for a while.
  35. [10/25/2016 11:59:08 PM] Blaise ♛: Have a good night pal.
  36. [10/25/2016 11:59:36 PM] Yoko: Ok, but what does talking to you have to do with sushi being mod though?
  37. [10/25/2016 11:59:44 PM] Yoko: You know what?
  38. [10/25/2016 11:59:45 PM] Blaise ♛: shut up alread
  39. [10/25/2016 11:59:46 PM] Blaise ♛: omg
  40. [10/25/2016 11:59:56 PM] Blaise ♛: stop talking
  41. [10/25/2016 11:59:56 PM] Blaise ♛: idc
  42. [12:00:02 AM] Yoko: K
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